
《Paying The Cost To Be The Boss》歌词

Paying The Cost To Be The Boss

[00:00:00] Paying The Cost To Be The Boss - B.B. KING

[00:00:27] 在我对你说话的时候

[00:00:27] You act like you don't want to listen

[00:00:30] 你假装不想听

[00:00:30] When I'm talking to you

[00:00:31] 你认为你应该做,宝贝

[00:00:31] You think you outta do baby

[00:00:33] 做你想做的事

[00:00:33] Anything you wanna do

[00:00:36] 你肯定会疯掉,宝贝

[00:00:36] You must be crazy baby

[00:00:39] 你要控制你的想法

[00:00:39] You just gotta be outta your mind

[00:00:44] 既然要我付账单,女人

[00:00:44] As long as I'm payin' the bills woman

[00:00:48] 花了钱我就要当老板

[00:00:48] I'm payin' the cost to be the boss

[00:00:52] 想喝酒就喝

[00:00:52] I'll drink if I want to

[00:00:55] 玩一两把牌

[00:00:55] And play a little poker too

[00:00:57] 你什么都不会对我说吗

[00:00:57] Don't you say nothing to me

[00:00:59] 只要我照顾你

[00:00:59] As long as I'm taking care of you

[00:01:01] 只要我工作,宝贝

[00:01:01] As long as I'm workin baby

[00:01:03] 付清账单

[00:01:03] And payin' all the bills

[00:01:05] 我不希望你什么都不说

[00:01:05] I don't want no mouth from you

[00:01:08] 关于我想过的生活

[00:01:08] About the way I'm supposed to live

[00:01:11] 你肯定会疯掉,女人

[00:01:11] You must be crazy woman

[00:01:14] 你要控制你的想法

[00:01:14] Just gotta be outta your mind

[00:01:18] 既然要我付账单,女人

[00:01:18] As long as I foot the bills

[00:01:21] 花了钱我就要当老板

[00:01:21] I'm payin' the cost to be the boss

[00:01:52] 既然你已经拥有我

[00:01:52] Now that you got me

[00:01:54] 你表现得好像很羞愧

[00:01:54] You act like ashamedyou

[00:01:57] 你的表现不像我的女人

[00:01:57] You don't act like my woman

[00:01:59] 你只是利用我的名字

[00:01:59] You just usin' my name

[00:02:01] 我告诉你,我会得到所有的钱

[00:02:01] I tell you I'm gonna have all the money

[00:02:03] 我不想说话没人回应

[00:02:03] And I don't want no back-talk

[00:02:05] 如果你不喜欢我现在的生活方式

[00:02:05] Cause if you don't like the way I'm doin'

[00:02:07] 那就收拾东西走人吧

[00:02:07] Just pick up your things and walk

[00:02:11] 你会疯掉,宝贝

[00:02:11] You gotta be crazy baby

[00:02:14] 你要控制你的想法

[00:02:14] You must be outta your mind

[00:02:18] 既然要我付账单,女人

[00:02:18] As long as I'm payin' the bills woman

[00:02:23] 花了钱我就要当老板
