
《Bullet The Blue Sky》歌词

所属专辑: The Joshua Tree (Deluxe Edition) 歌手: U2 时长: 04:30
Bullet The Blue Sky

[00:00:00] Bullet The Blue Sky (子弹布满蓝天) - U2

[00:00:22] //

[00:00:22] Written by:The Edge/Adam Clayton/Larry Mullen/Bono

[00:00:44] 呼啸的风声 令人感到刺痛的雨滴

[00:00:44] In the howling wind comes a stinging rain

[00:00:51] 如铁钉一般

[00:00:51] See it driving nails

[00:00:53] 钉入痛苦之树的灵魂

[00:00:53] Into the souls on the tree of pain

[00:00:57] 从萤火虫橘红色的光亮中

[00:00:57] From the firefly a red orange glow

[00:01:03] 看到了那惊恐的面容

[00:01:03] See the face of fear

[00:01:05] 在壕沟里瑟瑟发抖

[00:01:05] Running scared in the valley below

[00:01:15] 子弹布满了蓝色的天空

[00:01:15] Bullet the blue sky

[00:01:18] 子弹布满了蓝色的天空

[00:01:18] Bullet the blue sky

[00:01:21] 子弹布满了

[00:01:21] Bullet the blue

[00:01:24] 布满了蓝色的天空

[00:01:24] Bullet the blue

[00:01:32] 在蝗灾般嗡嗡的风中

[00:01:32] In the locust wind comes a rattle and hum

[00:01:38] 雅各布和天使在搏斗

[00:01:38] Jacob wrestled the angel

[00:01:40] 天使不敌落败

[00:01:40] And the angel was overcome

[00:01:44] 你种下魔种

[00:01:44] You plant a demon seed

[00:01:47] 培育了一支燃烧的花朵

[00:01:47] You raise a flower of fire

[00:01:50] 看着它们在十字架上燃烧

[00:01:50] See them burning crosses

[00:01:53] 烈焰越来越旺

[00:01:53] See the flames higher and higher

[00:02:02] 子弹布满了蓝色的天空

[00:02:02] Bullet the blue sky

[00:02:05] 子弹布满了蓝色的天空

[00:02:05] Bullet the blue sky

[00:02:08] 子弹布满了

[00:02:08] Bullet the blue

[00:02:11] 布满了蓝色的天空

[00:02:11] Bullet the blue

[00:02:28] 一个人出现在我的面前

[00:02:28] This guy comes up to me

[00:02:30] 他的脸像荆棘丛中的玫瑰一样红

[00:02:30] His face red like a rose in a thorn bush

[00:02:34] 闪耀着胜利的喜悦

[00:02:34] Like all the colors of a royal flush

[00:02:36] 他开始洒下那些美元账单

[00:02:36] And he's peeling off those dollar bills

[00:02:39] 账单飞泻而下

[00:02:39] Slapping them down

[00:02:41] 一百 两百

[00:02:41] One hundred two hundred

[00:02:44] 我看见那些呼啸而过的战斗机

[00:02:44] And I can see those fighter planes

[00:02:47] 我看见那些呼啸而过的战斗机

[00:02:47] And I can see those fighter planes

[00:02:50] 掠过孩子们居住的难民营

[00:02:50] Across the mud huts where the children sleep

[00:02:54] 穿过城市宁静的街区小巷

[00:02:54] Through the alleys of a quiet city street

[00:02:57] 你顺着楼梯来到一楼

[00:02:57] You take the staircase to the first floor

[00:03:00] 慢慢旋转钥匙锁上了门

[00:03:00] Turn the key and slowly unlock the door

[00:03:03] 这时有个男人吹奏着萨克斯风

[00:03:03] As a man breathes into a saxophone

[00:03:06] 透过砖墙你听见了城市发出的呻吟

[00:03:06] And through the walls you hear the city groan

[00:03:09] 外面就是美国

[00:03:09] Outside is America

[00:03:13] 外面就是美国

[00:03:13] Outside is America America

[00:04:13] 穿过原野看着被撕裂的天空

[00:04:13] Across the field you see the sky ripped open

[00:04:17] 暴雨洒向布满弹痕的伤口

[00:04:17] See the rain through a gaping wound

[00:04:21] 洒向正在奔向美军怀抱的老弱妇孺

[00:04:21] Pounding on the women and children

[00:04:24] 他们

[00:04:24] Who run

[00:04:26] 正在奔向

[00:04:26] Into the arms

[00:04:31] 美国的怀抱