
《That’s Not Me (feat. JME) [Radio Edit Explicit]》歌词

所属专辑: That’s Not Me 歌手: Skepta 时长: 03:05
That’s Not Me (feat. JME) [Radio Edit Explicit]

[00:00:00] That's Not Me - Skepta/JME

[00:00:06] //

[00:00:06] What do you mean what do you mean

[00:00:10] 你想说什么 你想说什么

[00:00:10] Yeah skepta

[00:00:19] //

[00:00:19] One line flows yeah I got some of those

[00:00:22] 每句话都自成旋律

[00:00:22] You get me Jme easy

[00:00:27] 你懂我吗 这很容易

[00:00:27] Nah

[00:00:28] 不 那不是我

[00:00:28] Nah that's not me

[00:00:29] 像个废人一样 那不是我

[00:00:29] Act like a wasteman that's not me

[00:00:31] 与任何一个女孩放纵欢愉 不 那不是我

[00:00:31] Sex any girl nah that's not me

[00:00:32] 与任何一个女孩亲吻 不 那不是我

[00:00:32] Lips any girl nah that's not me

[00:00:34] 没错 我以前是喜欢穿着古奇

[00:00:34] Yeah I used to wear gucci

[00:00:36] 现在我把它们全部扔进垃圾桶里 因为那不是我的风格

[00:00:36] Put it all in the bin cause that's not me

[00:00:38] 实话说 我以前模仿过你

[00:00:38] True I used to look like you

[00:00:39] 不过穿得邋里邋遢 不 那不是我

[00:00:39] But dressing like a mess nah that's not me

[00:00:42] mack重新回归

[00:00:42] It's the return of the mack

[00:00:43] 但我还是像2 pac一样活着

[00:00:43] I'm still alive just like 2 pac

[00:00:45] 四周的女孩们

[00:00:45] Girls in the front row girls in the back

[00:00:46] 让她们歌唱 她们却喜欢脏话

[00:00:46] Spit one lyric everybody's like brap

[00:00:48] 过去苦熬的暗夜一一闪现

[00:00:48] Flashback to the cold nights in the trap

[00:00:50] 现在的我坐在豪车里数着大把金钱

[00:00:50] Now I'm in a new whip counting the big stack

[00:00:51] 带着镶钻的大金链

[00:00:51] Yellow-gold chains and the diamonds are black

[00:00:53] 想要抢劫 你别再痴人说梦

[00:00:53] Jack me nah you don't wanna do that

[00:00:55] 当你看到我戴着手套

[00:00:55] Anytime you see me wearing a glove

[00:00:57] 伙计 你最好知道我可不会像李连杰一样跟你肉搏

[00:00:57] Boy better know I ain't coming to fight like jet li

[00:00:59] 对你狂扫 直到弹夹打空

[00:00:59] Spray this till the clip is empty

[00:01:01] 你应该知道我的意思

[00:01:01] I know you get what I'm saying get me

[00:01:02] 我只会对我的兄弟们两肋插刀

[00:01:02] Love for the gs in the ends

[00:01:04] 我不会在女孩身上浪费时间

[00:01:04] We don't love no girls in the ends

[00:01:05] 上次我已错付真心

[00:01:05] Last time I fell in love with a sket

[00:01:07] 所以相信我 这事情再不会在我身上出现

[00:01:07] But trust me I will never do that again

[00:01:09] 不 那不是我

[00:01:09] Nah that's not me

[00:01:11] 像个废人一样 那不是我

[00:01:11] Act like a wasteman that's not me

[00:01:12] 与任何一个女孩放纵欢愉 不 那不是我

[00:01:12] Sex any girl nah that's not me

[00:01:14] 与任何一个女孩亲吻 不 那不是我

[00:01:14] Lips any girl nah that's not me

[00:01:16] 没错 我以前是喜欢穿着路易威登

[00:01:16] Yeah I used to wear lv

[00:01:17] 现在我把它们全部扔进垃圾桶里 因为那不是我的风格

[00:01:17] Put it all in the bin cause that's not me

[00:01:19] 实话说 我以前模仿过你

[00:01:19] True I used to look like you

[00:01:21] 不过穿得邋里邋遢 那不是我

[00:01:21] But dressing like a mess nah that's not me

[00:01:23] 你看 我出身贫民百姓

[00:01:23] See me I come from the roads

[00:01:24] 有些人也想要挡我的路

[00:01:24] Pricks wanna try and put skepta on hold

[00:01:26] 但是别痴心妄想了 我以前也走过歪路

[00:01:26] But no badboy I've been one of those

[00:01:28] 让你清醒 你会受到教训

[00:01:28] Wake up call you will get one of those

[00:01:29] 给你的眼睛鼻子各来一拳

[00:01:29] One to the eyeball one to the nose

[00:01:31] 我真的不会给你赔偿 对你的邮编不感兴趣

[00:01:31] I don't really care about your postcode

[00:01:33] 与你的女孩相伴 不花一分钱

[00:01:33] Take your girl no dinner no rose

[00:01:34] 只需要两分钟 我们就在卧室里享受欢愉

[00:01:34] Two minutes in my bedroom no clothes

[00:01:36] 所有在夜店里的女孩们

[00:01:36] Girls everywhere girls in the club

[00:01:38] 眼光热辣 想让我害羞

[00:01:38] Looking at me tryna make a black man blush

[00:01:40] 商业街上的 公交车上的女孩们

[00:01:40] Girls on the high street girls on the bus

[00:01:41] 竟然连男人也被我吸引 这可真糟

[00:01:41] But these niggas wanna hang around us that's sus

[00:01:43] 我不想再见到那个穿潮牌的人了

[00:01:43] I don't wanna see a stone island cuz

[00:01:45] 流言蜚语 我一笑而过

[00:01:45] Man talk sh*t I just smile and flush

[00:01:47] 我正在寻找一个与众不同的女孩

[00:01:47] I'm looking for a girl with an x factor

[00:01:48] 但我可不像西蒙一样去判断好坏

[00:01:48] But I don't judge like simon does

[00:01:54] 从一开始我就是认真的

[00:01:54] From day one I said I was serious

[00:01:55] 而我因为认真 专辑大获全胜

[00:01:55] Then serious hit the jackpot

[00:01:57] 人们都问我我玩什么音乐

[00:01:57] People ask what music I make

[00:01:59] 调大点声 这就是我玩的音乐

[00:01:59] Turn the volume up cuz that's what

[00:02:00] 我不要奢侈品加身

[00:02:00] I don't wear no bait designer brands

[00:02:02] 我身着普通

[00:02:02] I spit deep bars in my black top

[00:02:04] 你将永远不会看到我手拿烟草

[00:02:04] You'll never see me smoking a cigarette

[00:02:06] 因为烟鬼可不是我的风格

[00:02:06] Cah cigarette smoker that's not me

[00:02:08] 不 那不是我

[00:02:08] Nah that's not me

[00:02:10] 不 那不是

[00:02:10] Nah that's not

[00:02:11] 当我手拿麦克 尽情咆哮

[00:02:11] When I'm on the mic in a rave

[00:02:12] 所有人都跟我一起狂欢

[00:02:12] I got the whole crowd bubbling like a crack pot

[00:02:14] 我将出现在和skepta的MV中 伴随着怀旧的旋律

[00:02:14] See me and skepta in a video with a nostalgic backdrop

[00:02:18] 我永远不会放弃热爱音乐

[00:02:18] There'll never be a day when I don't make music

[00:02:19] 因为我不会沉默安静 那不是我

[00:02:19] Cause silent nah that's not me

[00:02:22] 不 那不是我

[00:02:22] Nah that's not me

[00:02:23] 像个废人一样 那不是我

[00:02:23] Act like a wasteman that's not me

[00:02:25] 与任何一个女孩放纵欢愉 那不是我

[00:02:25] Sex any girl nah that's not me

[00:02:26] 与任何一个女孩亲吻 那不是我

[00:02:26] Lips any girl nah that's not me

[00:02:28] 没错 我以前是喜欢穿着古奇

[00:02:28] Yeah I used to wear gucci

[00:02:30] 现在我把它们全部扔进垃圾桶里 因为那不是我的风格

[00:02:30] Put it all in the bin cause that's not me

[00:02:32] 实话说 我以前模仿过你

[00:02:32] True I used to look like you

[00:02:33] 不过穿得邋里邋遢 那不是我

[00:02:33] But dressing like a mess nah

[00:02:35] 不 那不是我

[00:02:35] Nah

[00:02:36] 像个废人一样 那不是我

[00:02:36] Nah that's not me

[00:02:37] 与任何一个女孩放纵欢愉 那不是我

[00:02:37] Act like a wasteman that's not me

[00:02:39] 与任何一个女孩亲吻 那不是我

[00:02:39] Sex any girl nah that's not me

[00:02:40] 没错 我以前是喜欢穿着古奇

[00:02:40] Lips any girl nah that's not me

[00:02:42] 现在我把它们全部扔进垃圾桶里 因为那不是我的风格

[00:02:42] Yeah I used to wear gucci

[00:02:44] 实话说 我以前模仿过你

[00:02:44] Put it all in the bin cause that's not me

[00:02:49] 不过穿得邋里邋遢 那不是我