《RED LIGHT(Explicit)》歌词

[00:00:00] RED LIGHT (Explicit) - Future (未来小子)
[00:00:01] 哥们 这玩意儿真的厉害
[00:00:01] Yeah n**ga this sh*t real out here
[00:00:03] //
[00:00:03] Oh
[00:00:04] //
[00:00:04] Oh
[00:00:06] //
[00:00:06] Oh
[00:00:07] //
[00:00:07] Oh
[00:00:09] //
[00:00:09] Oh
[00:00:11] //
[00:00:11] Oh
[00:00:13] 闯过红灯 看着后视镜
[00:00:13] Runnin' through the red light lookin' through your rearview
[00:00:16] 可能有人从后面溜上来
[00:00:16] N**ga might just sneak up on the car
[00:00:18] 想要射杀你
[00:00:18] And try to spray you
[00:00:19] 射杀你
[00:00:19] Spray you
[00:00:22] 努力奋斗 要在这城市立足
[00:00:22] Playin' for keeps out here in the A
[00:00:24] 已经好长时间了
[00:00:24] It's been a long time comin'
[00:00:26] 他们觉得我挣不到钱
[00:00:26] Aw they ain't think I'm gettin' my bag ayy
[00:00:28] 挣不到钱
[00:00:28] Gettin' my bag ay
[00:00:30] 身无分文 一脸忧伤看着他们
[00:00:30] Ran it up and gave 'em a sad face
[00:00:32] 一脸忧伤
[00:00:32] Sad face
[00:00:32] 世上没有哪里
[00:00:32] Now anywhere around the globe
[00:00:33] 你代表着匪帮 你要排名
[00:00:33] You rep the gang and you got rank yeah
[00:00:36] 必须和经理谈谈
[00:00:36] Gotta converse with the manager
[00:00:37] 当我走进银行
[00:00:37] When I walk inside the bank yeah
[00:00:39] 谁能想到他们会怀疑我
[00:00:39] Who would ever think they was sleepin' on me
[00:00:41] 怀疑我
[00:00:41] On me
[00:00:42] 我拖着装了五十万的戈雅皮箱
[00:00:42] Goyard with a half a million on me
[00:00:45] 都是我的
[00:00:45] On me
[00:00:45] R&D's 好像我被人占有了
[00:00:45] R D's it's like I'm possessed
[00:00:47] 被占有
[00:00:47] Possessed
[00:00:48] 我胸口的钻石
[00:00:48] All these diamonds on my chest
[00:00:50] 我胸口
[00:00:50] On my chest
[00:00:52] 睡在地上让我的心好凉
[00:00:52] Sleepin' on the floor had made my heart colder
[00:00:55] 他们想阻碍我前行 我从来不退缩
[00:00:55] They try to make it hard for me I never falter
[00:00:58] 我从来不退缩
[00:00:58] I never falter
[00:00:58] 不得不说我真棒 我在ESPY上出场了
[00:00:58] Gotta say I'm good I'm on the espy's
[00:01:01] ESPY
[00:01:01] Espy's
[00:01:01] 如今我已经挣了无数钱 看看我胸前的钻石吧
[00:01:01] I made millions by the day check my chest piece
[00:01:03] 看看我胸前的钻石吧
[00:01:03] Check my chest piece
[00:01:04] 想要照顾我的家人 尽最大的努力
[00:01:04] Try to take care of my family the best I know how
[00:01:08] 现在我给自己买了座豪宅
[00:01:08] Bought myself a mansion now
[00:01:09] 我要给每个人都买一座房子
[00:01:09] I gotta buy everybody a house
[00:01:11] 好好照顾那些女人 仿佛她们是我孩子的母亲
[00:01:11] Takin' care of my b**ches like the mother of my child
[00:01:14] 上帝知道我的兄弟犯下了什么罪 我必须阻止这场审判
[00:01:14] God know all my brothers sin I gotta blow this trial
[00:01:17] 在这贫民窟 从来没有指导书 不能带领你走出困境
[00:01:17] You don't get no guidance out the trenches to make it out
[00:01:21] 上帝知道我决不会放弃你 绝对不会
[00:01:21] God knows I'll never give up on you never will
[00:01:24] 越来越忙 忙着为那些人卖命
[00:01:24] Sh*t gettin' hectic with the n**gas that ya kill for
[00:01:27] 钞票让我迟疑不决 我到底为什么而活
[00:01:27] Money got me hesitant what I got to live for
[00:01:31] 这些名气越来越烦人
[00:01:31] All this fame gettin' terrible
[00:01:33] 烦人
[00:01:33] Terrible
[00:01:34] 这些戒指和车子
[00:01:34] All these rings and berettas
[00:01:36] 车子
[00:01:36] Berettas
[00:01:37] 毫无瑕疵的胜利 改变了天气
[00:01:37] Flawless victory change the weather
[00:01:39] 天气
[00:01:39] Weather
[00:01:40] 飓风 自然灾害
[00:01:40] Hurricane natural disaster
[00:01:42] 灾害
[00:01:42] Disaster
[00:01:43] 为这些混蛋准备着货物
[00:01:43] Pour the lean for the bastards
[00:01:45] 混蛋
[00:01:45] Basdars
[00:01:46] 混蛋
[00:01:46] Basdars
[00:01:47] 坐着飞机飞遍全世界
[00:01:47] Take the jet across the atlas
[00:01:48] 全世界
[00:01:48] Atlas
[00:01:49] 全世界
[00:01:49] Atlas
[00:01:50] 上帝 我祈祷 我忘记了我的爸爸
[00:01:50] God I pray I forget my dada
[00:01:52] 爸爸
[00:01:52] Dada
[00:01:53] 因为我长大后没能变成一个普通人
[00:01:53] 'Cause I didn't grow up to be average
[00:01:55] 普通人
[00:01:55] Average
[00:01:56] 一直以来他都骗我
[00:01:56] All the times he lied to me ya
[00:01:57] 要我放弃挣扎
[00:01:57] Gave up on my arteries
[00:01:59] 我是个多忧虑的孩子啊
[00:01:59] I was such a worried child
[00:02:00] 只想让你成为我的一部分
[00:02:00] Just wanted you to be a part of me
[00:02:02] 那生意让我成为了顶天立地的男人
[00:02:02] Fishscale projects made a man out me
[00:02:05] 顶天立地的男人
[00:02:05] Man out me
[00:02:05] 外界不断的指责让我成为了顶天立地的男人
[00:02:05] Sleepin' on the carpet made a man out me
[00:02:08] 顶天立地的男人
[00:02:08] Man out me
[00:02:09] 全是药物 我不会改变的
[00:02:09] Full of medication I wouldn't change it
[00:02:11] 改变
[00:02:11] Change it
[00:02:12] 我曾爆发过 但从不埋怨
[00:02:12] I was once broke but no complainin'
[00:02:14] 埋怨
[00:02:14] Complainin'
[00:02:15] 我终于开始接受自己出名的事实
[00:02:15] I finally start to embrace that I'm famous
[00:02:17] 出名
[00:02:17] Famous
[00:02:18] 我很难抹掉自己是个无名小卒的日子
[00:02:18] It's hard for me to erase when I was nameless
[00:02:20] 无名小卒
[00:02:20] Nameless
[00:02:21] 他们觉得我挣不到钱
[00:02:21] Aw they ain't think I'm gettin' my bag ayy
[00:02:24] 挣不到钱
[00:02:24] Gettin' my bag ayy
[00:02:25] 身无分文 一脸忧伤看着他们
[00:02:25] Ran it up and gave 'em a sad face
[00:02:27] 一脸忧伤
[00:02:27] Sad face
[00:02:28] 世上没有哪里
[00:02:28] Now anywhere around the globe
[00:02:29] 你代表着匪帮 你要排名
[00:02:29] You rep the gang and you got rank yeah
[00:02:31] 必须和经理谈谈
[00:02:31] Gotta converse with the manager
[00:02:32] 当我走进银行
[00:02:32] When I walk inside the bank yeah
[00:02:34] 谁能想到他们会怀疑我
[00:02:34] Who would ever think they was sleepin' on me
[00:02:37] 怀疑我
[00:02:37] On me
[00:02:37] 我拖着装了五十万的戈雅皮箱
[00:02:37] Goyard with a half a million on me
[00:02:40] 都是我的
[00:02:40] On me
[00:02:41] R&D's 好像我被人占有了
[00:02:41] R D's it's like I'm possessed
[00:02:43] 这些
[00:02:43] All these
[00:02:44] 我胸口的钻石
[00:02:44] All these diamonds on my chest
[00:02:46] 我胸口的钻石
[00:02:46] All these diamonds on my chest
[00:02:47] //
[00:02:47] Awww oh oh
[00:02:50] //
[00:02:50] Awww oh oh
[00:02:54] //
[00:02:54] Awww oh oh oh
[00:02:57] //
[00:02:57] Awww
[00:02:59] //
[00:02:59] Oh
[00:03:00] //
[00:03:00] Awww oh oh oh
[00:03:03] //
[00:03:03] Awww oh
[00:03:06] //
[00:03:06] Awww
[00:03:12] 闯过红灯 看着
[00:03:12] Runnin' through the red light red peekin'
[00:03:14] 后视镜
[00:03:14] Through the rearview
[00:03:15] 可能有人跳进车里
[00:03:15] N**gas might just run up on the car
[00:03:17] 想要射杀你
[00:03:17] And try to spray you
[00:03:18] 想要射杀你
[00:03:18] Try to spray you
[00:03:20] //
[00:03:20] Eh
[00:03:21] //
[00:03:21] Ay
[00:03:23] //
[00:03:23] Ah
[00:03:25] 他们觉得我挣不到钱
[00:03:25] Aw they ain't think I'm gettin' my bag ayy
[00:03:28] 挣不到钱
[00:03:28] Gettin' my bag ayy
[00:03:29] 身无分文 一脸忧伤看着他们
[00:03:29] Ran it up and gave 'em a sad face
[00:03:31] 一脸忧伤
[00:03:31] Sad face
[00:03:32] 谁能想到他们会怀疑我
[00:03:32] Who would ever think they'd ever sleep on me
[00:03:34] 怀疑我
[00:03:34] On me
[00:03:35] 谁能想到
[00:03:35] Who would ever
[00:03:39] 谁能想到他们会突然Diss我
[00:03:39] Who would ever think they'd sneak diss me
[00:03:41] Diss我
[00:03:41] Diss me
[00:03:42] 谁能想到
[00:03:42] Who would ever
[00:03:44] //
[00:03:44] Oh yeah
[00:03:44] 这些女人被吸引了
[00:03:44] Ah these b**ches are possessed
[00:03:47] 被吸引了
[00:03:47] Possessed
[00:03:47] 被我胸口的漂亮钻石吸引了
[00:03:47] By these V V S glarin' off my chest
[00:03:50] 我胸口
[00:03:50] On my chest
[00:03:51] //
[00:03:51] Awww
[00:03:55] //
[00:03:55] Awww
[00:04:00] //
- MJ V Intro [Montell Jordan]
- 潜龙勿用 [谢霆锋]
- Angels, from the Realms of Glory [The Everly Brothers]
- All the Way [Etta Jones]
- Street Hop(Album Version) [Erick Sermon&Redman&Tre]
- 青春舞曲 [儿童歌曲]
- 之间 [Aev]
- 砂に還りしキミ走る [MEJIBRAY]
- The Titanic Disaster [Pete Seeger]
- Rock Around the Clock [Chubby Checker]
- Le Petit Monsieur Triste [Edith Piaf]
- Er Geh?Rt Zu Mir [Franziska]
- Declaration Of Rights Dub [The Aggrovators]
- Julie la rousse [Franky]
- Don’t You Know [Dusty Springfield]
- Comme une sur(Remaster) [Georges Brassens]
- Mehbooba Mehbooba(From ”Sholay”) [Rahul Dev Burman]
- 似水流年 [张国荣]
- Free Chilly(feat. Sarah Green & GemStones)(Interlude) [Lupe Fiasco&Gemstones&Sar]
- Prologue(A Voice Unheard)(A Voice Unheard) [Darko]
- La fille avec toi [Franoise Hardy]
- Equinoxia(Mix III|Explicit) [Die Form]
- Reviens Vite, Mon Amour [Richard Anthony]
- Delirious [Static Infusion]
- Let’s Live For Today [The Grass Roots]
- Vieni Su [Dean Martin]
- When I Fall In Love [Sam Cooke]
- Run So Far [George Harrison]
- Baby [Brandy]
- Bailando [Estdio Paradiso]
- 铃儿响叮当 [华语群星]
- If This Isn’t Love [Sarah Vaughan]
- Ela uma Bomba [Iran Costa]
- Te Voy A Comprar [Lorenzo de Monteclaro]
- Daylight In Your Eyes [DJ In the Night]
- Blues Before Sunrise [Ray Charles]
- 流行(新年歌曲联唱 Disco 啊荣 Remix) [DJ舞曲]
- 冰河时代中文版 [群星]
- Ghost Town(Steven Redant Remix)(Remix) [Adam Lambert]
- Going To A Go-Go [The Miracles]
- 假期 [陈慧丽]