《Friends S09E13 The One Where Monica Sings》歌词

[00:00:02] - Hey. - Yeah. Yeah, okay. Sure. -嘿 -嗯、嗯、好啦,当然
[00:00:05] Look, can we talk about what happened here last night? 听着,我们可以谈谈 昨晚这里发生的事吗?
[00:00:08] Sure. Just give me a second to get all huffy and weird like you. 当然,给我几秒钟让我变得跟你一样 怒气冲天、怪里怪气的
[00:00:12] You believe that whoever did something last night did what they did or didn't do? 你敢相信某某人昨天晚上 做了某某事吗?
[00:00:18] Okay, you really don't know what I'm talking about? 你真的不知道我在说什么吗?
[00:00:21] - No. - Okay. Last night, after the party.. -不知道 -好的,昨天晚上,在派对过后…
[00:00:24] I saw Rachel kissing that jerk from her office out on your balcony. 我看到瑞秋在你家的阳台上 亲她办公室的那个混蛋
[00:00:27] Our balcony? Seriously? 在我家阳台?真的吗?
[00:00:29] That's so funny. I told Monica we should put lights on our balcony.. 真是好玩,我告诉摩妮卡我们应该 在阳台上加个灯的
[00:00:33] and she said, "No, no. It's too cold. Nobody will go out there." And I said: 可是她说“不不,外面太冷了 没有人会站到外面去的”,然后我说…
[00:00:36] "Maybe if we put some lights out there they will." “如果我们加个灯 或许就会有人了”
[00:00:41] Right, that's what I came over to talk about. I saw Rachel kissing some guy.. 对,那就是我要谈的事 我看到瑞秋亲吻一个男的…
[00:00:45] on your balcony, even though there were no lights! 就在你家阳台上 即使那里一片漆黑!
[00:00:50] So are you gonna talk to her? 那你要跟她谈谈吗?
[00:00:53] Why? Why should I? I mean, if she wants to move on, that's fine. 为什么?为什么我要? 如果她要找寻新生活,没关系
[00:00:57] You know when "that's fine" sounds true? When someone yells it and spits. 你知道“没关系”要怎样说才有 说服力吗?喷着口水用力吼
[00:01:01] No, I'm serious. I mean, if she wants to date people, fine. I don't care. 不,我是说真的,如果她想要跟 别人约会,没关系,我不在乎
[00:01:06] But at least she could have told me. 但是至少她要跟我说啊
[00:01:09] You know, I've been putting my life on hold and concentrating on Emma. 你知道的,我的生活都已经停摆 注意力完全集中在艾犸身上
[00:01:12] But if she wants to go out there kissing guys she barely knows, then so will I. 但是如果她要去亲那些不是 很熟的男人,我也要那样做
[00:01:21] Very funny! Ross is gay! 很好笑!罗斯是同志!
[00:01:25] No, no. Good, so you're moving on. 不,很好,所以你也要有新的生活了
[00:01:27] Do you have any idea where you're moving on to? 你知道你要怎么样过新生活吗?
[00:01:29] I've got plenty of opportunities. 我是有很多机会的
[00:01:31] Just now, there was some woman at the coffeehouse smiled at me. 刚刚在咖啡厅就有个女人对我笑
[00:01:36] And then the other day on the subway, a woman "accidentally" sat on my hand. 还有一天在地铁,有个女人 “不小心”坐到我的手
[00:01:42] Dude, don't rub my face in your crazy single life. 老兄,别再跟我说你疯狂的单身生活了
[00:01:47] And there's an anthropologist at school.. 还有,在学校有个人类学家
[00:01:50] who totally came on to me during the interdepartmental potluck dinner. 在跨部门餐会的时候 不停在勾搭我
[00:01:54] Why did I get married? 我为什么要结婚呢?
[00:01:58] The One Where Monica Sings
[00:02:47] Hey, let me ask you guys something. 嘿,让我问你们一个问题
[00:02:49] I'm having new headshots taken tomorrow. 我明天要拍新的大头照
[00:02:51] The photographer said she thinks I should have my eyebrows waxed. 摄影师说,她觉得我应该要修眉毛
[00:02:55] Is that weird for a guy? 男生那样做是不是很怪呢?
[00:02:58] - Well, it depends. - On? -嗯,那要看情况 -什么情况?
[00:03:00] On how far along he is in the sex-change process. 看他是在变性过程中的什么阶段啰
[00:03:04] No, I totally disagree. I think it's fine for a guy to do something like that. 不,我完全不同意 我觉得男生那样做没有什么
[00:03:09] Especially an actor. 尤其是演员
[00:03:10] I mean, not that you need to. Your eyebrows are.. 我不是说你有那个必要,你的眉毛…
[00:03:17] Stop it, you guys. Stop staring, you're freaking me out. 你们别这样,别盯着我看 要吓死我了
[00:03:21] Your knuckles are kind of hairy too. 你的手指上也有毛
[00:03:24] Oh, man, now I have to get those done too? 天啊,现在我也要除这些毛吗?
[00:03:27] - Wow, talk about high maintenance. - You dye your hair. -哇,你要做的改造可不少啊 -你也染发啊
[00:03:31] - I'm a woman. - Double standards! -我是女人啊 -双重标准!
[00:03:35] Before I forget, are you coming to Mike's piano bar tonight? 差点忘记 你今晚会去麦克的钢琴酒吧吗?
[00:03:38] - Only if I don't have to get up and sing. - But everybody sings. It's so fun. -只要我不需要上台唱歌 -但是大家都要唱歌啊,会很好玩的
[00:03:42] Last time, this adorable old man got up there, forgot all the words, flipped out.. 上次有个可爱的老先生上台 忘了所有的台词 糗呆了
[00:03:47] and everyone booed him off the stage. It was so funny. 然后大家就嘘他下台,真是好玩
[00:03:52] Look, I'm not good at singing. 听着,我唱歌不行的
[00:03:55] Oh, what's the matter? You scared? You afraid I'm a better singer? 喔,怎样?你怕了吗? 怕我唱的比你好吗?
[00:03:59] You afraid I'm gonna beat you at singing? 怕我会用唱歌打败你吗?
[00:04:04] Nope. Nope. It's not working on me. 不,这招对我没用
[00:04:07] Wow, I must be growing up. 哇,我一定是长大了
[00:04:12] Okay, fine. Just please come and support Mike. You don't have to sing. 好吧,就过来支持麦克就好了 你不需要唱歌
[00:04:17] So I don't have to sing, and I can just sit there and pass judgment on others? 所以我不用唱歌,而且还可以坐在那里 讨论、批评其他人?
[00:04:21] - While drinking. - I'm there. -还可以一边喝酒 -我要去
[00:04:26] Hi, you guys. Listen, I really need your help. 嘿,你们好 我需要你们的帮忙
[00:04:29] I think I did something really stupid. 我想我做了一件很蠢的事
[00:04:31] Well, yes, Rachel, but you got something so beautiful out of it. 嗯,是的,瑞秋,但是至少它很漂亮
[00:04:38] No, not that. I kissed Gavin last night. 不,不是那件事 我昨晚亲了盖文
[00:04:41] - My God. - You kissed him? -我的天 -你亲了他?
[00:04:42] Yeah, it was after the party, we were on the balcony.. 是啊,就在派对结束之后 我们在阳台上…
[00:04:45] Wait, wait, wait. I was at home the whole time. How did I miss that? 等等,我一直都在家,为什么没看到?
[00:04:48] Well, it was the end of the party. You were probably ironing wrapping paper. 派对才刚结束 你可能正忙着烫平包装纸
[00:04:53] Oh, yeah. 喔,是啊
[00:04:57] So how did you end up kissing? 那你们怎么会亲起来的呢?
[00:04:59] We were all alone and he was being really nice.. 我们单独在一起,然后他又很体贴
[00:05:02] - and he gave me this scarf. - I thought you hated him. -然后又送我这条围巾 -我以为你讨厌他
[00:05:05] Well, there is a thin line between love and hate.. 爱与恨之间只有一线之隔
[00:05:08] and it turns out that line is a scarf. 而结果,那条线就是这围巾
[00:05:15] Are you thinking of starting something up with this guy? 你在想要跟这男的交往吗?
[00:05:17] I don't know. It's so complicated. I work with this guy. 我不知道,真是太复杂了 这男的是我同事耶
[00:05:21] I have the baby, and I have Ross. I don't know what to do. 我已经有小孩,有罗斯 我不知道该怎么办
[00:05:24] And I have to be at the office and see Gavin in 10 minutes. 而我再十分钟就要进办公室见到盖文了
[00:05:28] Sounds like you need to think about what you want and talk to Gavin. 听起来你应该想想 要怎么跟盖文说了
[00:05:32] - And you definitely should talk to Ross. - Or.. -而且你一定得要跟罗斯说 -或者…
[00:05:36] I could call in sick and not deal with it at all. 我可以打电话请病假,那就不用管了
[00:05:40] Wow! Five months maternity leave, you're back for four days.. 哇!请了五个月的产假 才回去上班四天…
[00:05:43] kiss a co-worker and call in sick. They are lucky to have you. 亲了一个同事就请病假 他们有你这个员工真幸运
[00:05:56] - Hi. - Hi. -嗨 -嗨
[00:05:57] - I'm here for my eyebrow appointment. - Name? -我有预约修眉毛 -什么姓名?
[00:06:02] Chandler Bing. 钱德宾
[00:06:06] Okay, very good. 好的,很好
[00:06:08] Have a seat right here, Mr. Bing, and Sonya will be right with you. 请先坐一下,宾先生 桑妮亚很快就出来了
[00:06:11] Okay. Thanks. 好的,谢谢
[00:06:59] I touched the stuff. 我碰了那东西
[00:07:02] I'll take care of it. 让我来处理
[00:07:09] Thanks. 谢谢
[00:07:10] So do you..? Do you get a lot of guys in here? 那你们… 你们这里有很多男生会来吗?
[00:07:14] - Oh, absolutely. - Oh, good. -喔,当然 -喔,很好
[00:07:17] - You looking to meet somebody? - All right, let's just do this. -你想要认识他们吗? -好了,我们开始吧
[00:07:21] Okay, we'll get to the wax in a minute. 好的,我们等一下再上热蜡
[00:07:24] First, I want to tweeze some of the strays, okay? 首先我要先拔一些杂毛,好吗?
[00:07:27] - Now, this may sting just a little bit. - I have an extremely high threshold.. -这可能会有点痛 -我很可以忍痛…
[00:07:31] Holy Mother of God! Oh, my face! My face! 妈妈咪啊! 喔,我的脸!我的脸!
[00:07:41] I'm all right. I'm all right. I'm all right. 我没事,我没事,我没事
[00:07:44] It's just a bit of shock, that's all. 只是有点吓到,没什么
[00:07:47] - But I'll be fine. You can go again. - Okay. -但是我没事,你可以继续了 -好的
[00:07:55] Sorry. 抱歉
[00:08:02] Damn it, woman! 可恶,你这女人!
[00:08:18] It's the most eligible man in New York. How's the moving on going? 全纽约最有身价的单身汉来了 新生活进行得如何呢?
[00:08:23] Not well. I went on the subway again and someone did sit on my hand.. 不太好,在地铁上 又有个人坐到我的手
[00:08:27] but that person was neither female nor wearing pants. 但是,这个人既不是女性 也没有穿内裤
[00:08:33] Maybe you're going about this the wrong way. I mean, think about it: 或许你完全错估情势了 我是说,你想想看
[00:08:37] Single white male, divorced three times, two illegitimate children. 单身白种男性,离婚三次 有两个非婚生子女
[00:08:44] The personal ad writes itself. 你应该要自己心里有数的
[00:08:47] You know, that's funny. Yeah. So do you think you'll ever work again? 真是好笑,是啊 那你觉得你这辈子会找到工作吗?
[00:08:53] What are you doing? You know I can only dish it out. 你在干嘛? 你知道我们会斗个没完的
[00:08:57] I can't believe Rachel just moved on and didn't say anything to me. 我不敢相信,瑞秋就这样抛下 我们的过去,而且没有跟我说
[00:09:02] Maybe she didn't move on. 或许她并没有抛下
[00:09:03] Maybe that kiss was just an impulsive, one-time birthday thing. 或许那只是冲动之下吻的 过生日才发生一次的那种
[00:09:07] No, a month ago, she gave her number to some guy in a bar. 不,一个月以前,她还把电话号码 留给一个在酒吧认识的男的
[00:09:10] - Did she go out with him? - No. When he called.. -她有跟他出去吗? -没有,当他打电话来时…
[00:09:13] I threw the message away. 我把留言丢了
[00:09:16] The high road. 真是厉害啊
[00:09:19] All right, you know what? Enough. Enough talking. I have to get moving. 你知道吗?够了 说够了,我要展开新生活了
[00:09:24] Hey, check out those two blonds over there. Hey, come with me. 嘿,瞧瞧那两个金发美眉 嘿,跟我一起过去
[00:09:29] Are you trying to get everybody divorced? 你要害每个人都离婚吗?
[00:09:32] You don't have to do anything. It'll just be easier if it's two of us. 你不用做什么 但是我们两个一起过去会比较好
[00:09:35] Like college, remember? First, you break the ice with some kind of a joke.. 就像大学一样,记得吗? 你先过去说笑话热场面
[00:09:40] so they know you're the funny one. I swoop in with interesting conversation.. 让她们知道你是好玩的人 然后我再插入有趣的话题
[00:09:44] so they'll see that I'm the brilliant, brooding, sexy one. 让她们才知道我既聪明 有教养又性感
[00:09:52] I thought I got to make the jokes. 我还以为说笑话是我的专利
[00:09:56] - Don't you have to be at work? - Oh, come on. -你不用上班吗? -拜托,走吧
[00:10:02] Hello. Hi, my name's Chandler. This is my friend Ross right here. 哈啰,我叫钱德 这是我朋友罗斯
[00:10:07] We were wondering.. 我们在想…
[00:10:08] if you're up for it, we only need six more people for a human pyramid. 如果你们有兴趣的话 我们还需要六个人来完成人体金字塔
[00:10:15] Swoop. Swoop. 接手,接手
[00:10:20] Hey, I notice you're reading the paper. 嘿,我注意到你在看报纸
[00:10:24] Another flood in Europe, huh? 欧洲又有水灾了,对吗?
[00:10:29] Here's a question: 问题来了
[00:10:32] Would you rather drown or be burned alive? 你宁愿被淹死还是被活活烧死?
[00:10:39] - I'm sorry, we're just leaving. - Okay. -很抱歉,我们要走了 -好的
[00:10:46] We still got it. 我们还是宝刀未老
[00:10:57] - Who is it? - Gavin. I brought you some soup. -是谁? -盖文,我带一些汤来给你
[00:11:01] - Why? - I heard you were sick. -为什么? -我听说你生病了
[00:11:04] Oh, right! Hold on, let me just clean up in here a little bit. 喔,对!等一下 让我先整理一下
[00:11:19] Hello, Gavin. 哈啰,盖文
[00:11:22] I missed you at work. How you feeling? 今天上班我好想你,你还好吗?
[00:11:24] I'm not gonna lie to you, I'm pretty sick. 我不想对你说谎,我病得很重
[00:11:28] Oh, good. Because I was having a totally paranoid moment.. 喔,好,因为我还担心…
[00:11:31] where I thought you called in sick to avoid me. 你是在装病逃避我
[00:11:34] Oh, no, no, no. 喔,不、不、不
[00:11:39] So I had fun last night. 我昨晚很愉快
[00:11:42] So did I. 我也是
[00:11:47] Exactly how contagious is this thing you have? 你的病到底传染性有多高呢?
[00:11:49] Is it a cold from standing on the balcony, or did a monkey bite you? 是因为站在阳台上受凉了 还是被猴子咬呢??
[00:11:55] - It's just a cold. - Do you have a fever? -只是单纯的感冒 -有发烧吗?
[00:11:58] Let me see. 让我看看
[00:12:06] What? What is it? What's the matter? 怎么?怎么了?怎么回事?
[00:12:08] What's Ross doing to you in that picture? 在那张照片中 罗斯在对你做什么?
[00:12:10] Oh, he's dusting me with a fossil brush. 喔,他在用化石刷子帮我除尘
[00:12:15] He thought it would be funny. 他觉得那样很好玩
[00:12:18] - Right. Right. - Yeah. -是啊 -是的
[00:12:20] - Ross. - Yeah. -罗斯 -是啊
[00:12:23] What's the deal with you guys? I don't wanna get in the middle of anything. 你们之间有什么吗? 我不想要当第三者
[00:12:27] You're not getting in the middle of anything. Don't worry about Ross. 你不是第三者,别担心罗斯
[00:12:32] Hide! That's Ross! Hide! 快躲!是罗斯!躲起来!
[00:12:35] - Hide! Hide! - Yeah, but you said not to worry.. -躲起来!躲起来! -但是你说不用担心…
[00:12:37] I lied and I'm not sick either! Just stay behind the curtain! 我说谎,而且我也没有生病! 躲到窗帘后面!
[00:12:44] - Hi. - Oh, Molly. You're not Ross. -嗨 -喔,莫莉,不是罗斯
[00:12:47] No. I'm here to take Emma to your mother's, remember? 不是,我是来接艾犸到你妈家的 记得吗?
[00:12:50] Right. Yes, yes. 对,是的,是的
[00:12:53] - Don't panic. - What? -别紧张 -怎么了?
[00:12:55] There is a man behind your curtain. 有个男人躲在窗帘后面
[00:12:58] - I have Mace in my purse. - No, that's okay! No, no, no. -我皮包里有防狼喷雾 -不,没关系!不、不、不
[00:13:01] This is my business associate Gavin being silly. Come out from behind there. 那是我同事盖文在发神经 出来吧!
[00:13:08] Hi. Gavin. Pleased to meet you. 嗨,我叫盖文,很高兴认识你
[00:13:12] It was my idea to stand there. 是我要站在那里的
[00:13:14] - Hello. I'll just go get Emma. - Okay. -哈啰,我去带艾犸 -好的
[00:13:21] So.. 那么…
[00:13:23] - why did I have to hide? - I thought it was Ross. -为什么我要躲呢? -我以为那是罗斯
[00:13:27] I thought there was nothing going on between you. 我以为你们之间已经没有什么了
[00:13:30] There isn't. There totally isn't. 是没有,完全没有
[00:13:32] You hear keys in the hall and you jump like a bronco coming out of the chute. 你听到钥匙转动的声音 就像野牛一样跳了起来
[00:13:39] I used to be a rodeo clown. 我做过斗牛士
[00:13:44] All right, look, Gavin.. 好的,听着,盖文
[00:13:50] I guess I felt guilty that you were here.. 我想,你在这里 让我觉得有罪恶感
[00:13:54] which I shouldn't. 我这样想是不对的
[00:13:56] You know, Ross and l are not in a relationship.. 你知道的,罗斯跟我并没有在交往
[00:14:00] but he is the father of my child. And, you know.. 他是我孩子的父亲,而且…
[00:14:04] we do live together. And plus, there's just so much history, you know? 我们还住在一起,还有 我们有太多过去了,你知道吗?
[00:14:08] It's just.. I don't know. 只是…我不知道
[00:14:10] - I'm sorry. I'm just all over the place. - It's okay. -我很抱歉,我头脑很不清楚了 -没关系
[00:14:15] It's probably not my place, but can I give you a piece of advice? 这或许不关我的事 但是我可以给你一个建议吗?
[00:14:19] - Yes. - You should talk to Ross about all this. -好的 -你应该跟罗斯谈这件事
[00:14:23] People keep saying that. 大家都这样说
[00:14:28] I'm sorry, Gavin. 我很抱歉,盖文
[00:14:30] Don't be. 别抱歉
[00:14:32] It's just bad timing. 只是现在不是好时机
[00:14:36] So seriously, rodeo clown? 讲真的吗?斗牛士?
[00:14:39] One of the best, ma'am. One of the best. 技术最棒的,小姐 技术最棒的
[00:14:44] (钢琴酒吧与夜总会)
[00:15:10] Oh, she's my girlfriend. That's not just how we do it here. 喔,她是我女朋友 不只是在台上而已
[00:15:14] I'm gonna take a little break, and when we come back.. 我要休息一下,当我们回来时
[00:15:17] we've got Kenneth singing "I Touch Myself." 肯尼将要演唱“我自摸”
[00:15:21] I'm not here to judge. 我不是来当评审的
[00:15:27] - You have got to sing. - No, I told you I can't. -你一定要上台唱 -不,我告诉过你我不行
[00:15:30] But you would have so much fun. And you have a really nice voice. 但是你会很喜欢的 而且你的声音很好啊
[00:15:34] - When have you heard me sing? - All the time, when you're cooking. -你是何时听到我唱歌的? -常常,当你在煮饭的时候
[00:15:38] - What? - Yeah, you're always singing: -什么? -是啊,你总是一边唱着…
[00:15:39] Yummy, yummy, yummy I've got love in my tummy 好吃,好吃,好吃 我肚肚里有爱爱
[00:15:43] Yeah, I do rock that one. 是啊,我那倒是唱得不错
[00:15:47] Isn't there just a little part of you that wants to get up there? 你难道一点都不想要上去唱吗?
[00:15:51] Just a little. But, God, it's so scary. 一点而已,但是老天,好可怕喔
[00:15:55] I don't even know what I would sing. 我根本不知道要唱什么
[00:15:57] - Well, I've got a book around.. - "Delta Dawn." -嗯,我有一本歌本在… -“破晓时分”
[00:16:03] (中央咖啡厅)
[00:16:08] Hi. I couldn't help but notice, but that's an unusual necklace. 嗨,我不得不注意到 你特别的项链
[00:16:14] You already hit on me an hour ago. 你一个小时前就来搭讪过了
[00:16:19] Right. So that's a firm no? 没错,所以确定不要吗?
[00:16:28] I don't believe this. I just keep striking out. 我不敢相信,我一直被判出局
[00:16:31] I don't get it either. 我也不敢相信
[00:16:34] I mean, you're obviously desperate. 我是说,很明显地你是很饥渴了
[00:16:37] You're asking women how they wanna be killed. 你问女人她们想要如何死法
[00:16:41] This is great. Rachel's gonna keep kissing guys.. 太棒了,瑞秋继续去亲男人…
[00:16:44] until she finds the one she wants, and I'm gonna die alone. 直到她找到她想要的男人 而我将孤单地死去
[00:16:48] By drowning or..? 是淹死还是…
[00:16:53] - Why would he break up with me? - I don't know, sweetie. -他为什么要跟我分手呢? -我不知道,亲爱的
[00:16:57] All I ever wanted was to just love him and have him love me back. 我要的只不过是爱他,希望他也爱我
[00:17:01] I mean, am I so unlovable? 我是说,我有这么不值得爱吗?
[00:17:05] - Wow. - I know. -哇 -对了
[00:17:17] All right. That was Kenneth with his.. 好了,以上是肯尼所带来的…
[00:17:20] much too literal rendition of "I Touch Myself." 即兴表演“我自摸”
[00:17:24] Coming up next, we've got Monica singing "Delta Dawn." 接下来是摩妮卡演唱“破晓时分”
[00:17:28] Wait. I can't sing in front of all these people. 等等,我不能在这些人面前唱
[00:17:31] Just pretend they're not even here. It's okay. 假装他们不在,没关系的
[00:17:34] Once that spotlight hits you, it's so bright, you won't see anyone anyway. 一旦聚光灯照到你,会很亮的 反正你也看不到任何人
[00:17:41] Hi, I'm Monica. And I'm going to be singing "Delta Dawn." 嗨,我是摩妮卡 我要唱的是“破晓时分”
[00:18:10] - Can you totally see through her shirt? - Like an x-ray. -你可以看穿她的上衣吗? -像X光一样
[00:18:15] Bad day not to wear a bra. 今天不是不穿内衣的好日子
[00:18:35] I'm calling about the advertising job. 我打来询问广告工作的
[00:18:38] Yes, I realize it would be entry level. 是的,我了解这是基层职务
[00:18:42] Oh, so would I actually have to wear the chicken suit? 喔,所以我真的要穿小鸡装吗?
[00:18:47] I need your help. 我需要你的帮忙
[00:18:52] Wow, it seems serious. 哇,看起来很严重
[00:18:55] What seems to be the problem, Ashley Judd? 是怎么了呢?艾希莉贾德?
[00:18:58] I'm getting new headshots taken. So I went to get my eyebrows shaped. 我要照新的大头照 所以我去修了眉毛
[00:19:02] I'm sorry. Moment to make fun of that, please. 很抱歉,让我笑一下吧
[00:19:06] I may be a sissy, but I'll still pound you into the ground. 我看起来可能娘娘腔的 但是我还是可以海扁你的
[00:19:10] Look, it hurt so bad, I could only let her do one eyebrow, and now.. 听着,好痛喔,我只能让她做一边 所以就…
[00:19:14] they don't match! 两边不对称了!
[00:19:30] It's like a baby caterpillar chasing its mama. 就像是毛毛虫宝宝在追妈妈一样
[00:19:33] You got to help me out, okay? Look, I have a magic marker. 你得要帮我,好吗? 看,我有麦克笔
[00:19:37] Fill in the skinny one so I don't look stupid for my pictures. 帮我把细的这边划粗 照起相来才不会很蠢
[00:19:40] Okay, first of all, this is green. 好的,但是,首先这是绿色的
[00:19:43] - What the hell am I supposed to do?! - I will help you out.. -我他妈的该怎么办呢? -我会帮你的
[00:19:46] but you have to promise you won't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. 但是你要答应我 不会把我要告诉你的事说出去
[00:19:51] What? What? 什么事?什么事?
[00:19:54] Okay. 好了
[00:19:55] You know how most kids get their allowance from mowing the lawn.. 你知道大部分的小孩都是利用除草 或是倒垃圾什么的…
[00:19:58] or taking out the garbage? Well, I earned mine.. 来赚取零用钱 而我赚零用钱的方式…
[00:20:03] by plucking the eyebrows of my father and his "business partners." 就是帮我父亲 还有他的“合伙人”拔眉毛
[00:20:14] Oh, my God. 喔,我的天
[00:20:16] Yeah, well, I guess you don't need my help, Victor-Victoria. 好的,我猜你不需要我的帮忙了 乔伊美眉
[00:20:20] No, no, no. I do. I do. I need your help. 不、不、不,我要,我要 我需要你的帮忙
[00:20:23] But, Chandler, I don't know if I can take any more plucking. It hurt so bad. 但是钱德,我不知道能不能 再忍受拔毛,真的好痛
[00:20:27] Not with my combination of ice cubes, aloe vera and my gentle.. 安啦,有我的冰块跟芦荟配方 加上…
[00:20:32] self-loathing touch. 连自己也厌恶的温柔接触
[00:20:51] I'm sorry, the song's over. 我很抱歉,歌唱完了
[00:20:56] - Did you see me up there? - Every little bit of you. -你有看到我在上面吗? -全身上下看透透
[00:21:00] I can't believe I sang in front of people and they liked me. 我不敢相信我在大家面前唱歌 而且他们喜欢我
[00:21:04] Did you hear that guy shouting, "Look at those tips"? 你们有听到还有人大喊 “瞧瞧那些小费(意同乳头)”吗?
[00:21:07] I mean, did I really help you get a lot of tips? 我是说,我有帮你多赚小费吗?
[00:21:11] Sure. 当然有
[00:21:14] - Mon, not that you didn't sound good.. - Good? -摩妮卡,不是说你唱的不好… -不好?
[00:21:17] Didn't you hear them? I was great! 你没有听到他们的叫声吗? 我棒透了!
[00:21:21] Thank you so much for making me do this. That is the best gift ever. 谢谢你逼我这样做 这是我有过最好的礼物了
[00:21:26] Also a good gift: underwear. 内衣也会是好礼物
[00:21:32] Thank you so much for letting me do this. 谢谢你让我过来
[00:21:35] Public bathrooms freak me out. I can't even pee, let alone do anything else. 公共厕所让我觉得很恶 我根本没有办法上厕所,更别说其他的
[00:21:40] But what's great is you don't mind talking about it. 但是更棒的是,你根本不介意说出来
[00:21:44] It is so amazing that I met you on the same day that Eric broke up with me.. 这真是太神奇了,在我跟艾瑞克分手的这一天,我就遇见了你
[00:21:48] because it's like, you lose a boyfriend, and you get a boyfriend. 这就是,失去一个男朋友 又得到一个男朋友
[00:21:55] No, don't worry. This is not some rebound thing. I am totally over Eric. 你不用担心,这不是补货疗伤法 我已经完全不爱艾瑞克了
[00:22:07] Good choice, Ross. 挑的真好,罗斯
[00:22:11] Hey. Hi. There you are. 嘿,嗨,你在家
[00:22:13] - I've been looking for you everywhere. - Hello. Well, here I am. -我到处在找你 -哈啰,我在家
[00:22:17] My mom is not bringing the baby back until 9:00. 我妈到九点才会把孩子带过来
[00:22:20] So I was hoping you and I could have a chance to kind of.. 所以我希望,我们可以有机会来…
[00:22:27] - Somebody here? - Oh, yeah. That's Michelle. -有人在这里吗? -是的,是蜜雪儿
[00:22:30] - Who? - Oh, just this woman I've been seeing. -谁? -喔,是我最近在约会的女生
[00:22:35] - You've been seeing someone? - Yeah, didn't I mention that? -你有在约会? -是啊,我没有提过吗?
[00:22:38] I mean, we haven't been going out too long.. 我是说,我们并没有约会很久
[00:22:42] but there's this amazing connection between us. 但是我们之间有很奇妙的感情
[00:22:46] I mean, in fact just before you came in, she called me her boyfriend. 而且就在你进来之前 她才说我是她男朋友
[00:22:50] I thought it was a little too soon, but also, it felt kind of nice. 我是觉得有点太快,但是觉得也不错
[00:22:56] What are you taking amoxicillin for? 你为什么要用青霉素呢?
[00:23:05] How great is this? You're already comfortable enough.. 真是太棒了,你已经可以自在的…
[00:23:08] to look through my stuff. 偷看我的东西了
[00:23:11] I'm sorry, Michelle, this is my roommate, Rachel. 很抱歉,蜜雪儿 这位是我室友,瑞秋
[00:23:14] And I'm also Emma's mother. 而且我也是艾犸的母亲
[00:23:17] - Who's Emma? - I told you about my daughter. -艾犸是谁呢? -我跟你说过,是我的女儿
[00:23:20] This is your daughter? 这位是你女儿?
[00:23:24] I could be your new mommy. 我可以当你的新妈妈喔
[00:23:34] And done. 好了
[00:23:36] Oh, my God. 我的天
[00:23:39] I didn't feel a thing. Hey, are you still looking for a job? 我根本都没感觉 嘿,你还在找工作吗?
[00:23:42] Because you could tweeze circles around that sadistic bitch at the salon. 你比那个沙龙的臭娘们会拔多了
[00:23:47] - Thanks. Wanna see what it looks like? - Yeah. -谢谢,想要看看吗? -好啊
[00:23:52] They totally match. They look great. 对称了,很好看耶
[00:23:55] They look great. How you doing? 看起来真棒,你怎么做的?
[00:24:00] Yeah, I think it looks pretty good. I was a little worried I was.. 是啊,我觉得看起来挺不错的 我本来有点担心会…
[00:24:03] uncovering a birthmark right about there.. 让这上面的胎记露出来
[00:24:06] but it turned out to be a little piece of chocolate. 但原来那只是一点巧克力渣
[00:24:09] - Chandler, thank you so much. - No problem. -钱德,真是感谢你 -不用客气
[00:24:12] Listen, that was a pretty girlie hour we just spent. 听着,我们刚花了一小时做娘们的事
[00:24:16] We should do something manly to make up for it. 我们应该做一些男人的事来弥补
[00:24:18] Yeah. 是啊
[00:24:24] - Curl my eyelashes. - Yeah! -把睫毛夹卷 -好啊!
[00:24:29] For my next song, I think I'll sing something a little more upbeat, all right? 下一首歌我想唱比较轻快的,好吗?
[00:24:34] How about the Pointer Sisters' "I'm So Excited"? 唱Pointer姐妹的“脱掉”怎样呢?
[00:24:38] And make it bouncy. 弹得活泼一点哦
[00:24:41] Well, you can probably take care of that on your end. 嗯,你自己就可以办得到了
[00:24:45] I'm sorry I'm late. You'll understand when you see Joey. 很抱歉我迟到了,等一下你看到乔伊 就知道为什么了
[00:24:49] Honey, you're just in time. I'm about to sing another song. 亲爱的,你正好赶上 我正要唱另一首歌
[00:24:53] - Really? In front of all these people? - And they love me. -真的?在所有人面前吗? -而且他们很喜欢我
[00:24:56] - Oh, my God. - She gives the people what they want. -我的天 -她给的正是他们想要的
[00:25:00] All right, watch. 好的,看着
[00:25:20] Are those my wife's nipples? 那是我老婆的乳头吗?
[00:25:23] Isn't that funny? I didn't see that before. I wouldn't have let her go up again. 真是好玩,我之前怎么没有注意到? 要不然我不会让她上去的
[00:25:27] I've gotta stop this. 我必须要制止她
[00:25:43] Who cares? They still love me. 管他的,他们还是爱我
[00:25:49] You, touching yourself! Out! 你,在自摸!出去!
[00:25:59] Wow! She does that a lot. 哇!她这么常上厕所
[00:26:02] Ross, you didn't tell me you were a doctor. 罗斯,你没有告诉我你是博士
[00:26:06] Wait a minute. You haven't even told her you are a doctor yet? 等一下,你还没有告诉她 你是博士?
[00:26:09] How long have you known her, like an hour? 你认识她多久呢?一个小时吗?
[00:26:12] Actually, about an hour and a half. 事实上是一个小时半
[00:26:15] I told you it wasn't long, but there's an amazing connection between us. 我告诉过你不久,但是我们之间有 很奇妙的感觉
[00:26:20] You feel that too? 你也有感觉到吗?
[00:26:22] - I thought that that was just me. - Are you kidding? -我以为只是我单方面而已 -你开玩笑吗?
[00:26:27] - Do you wanna go away this weekend? - We'll see. -你想要这周末一起去度假吗? -再说
[00:26:32] Ross, what's going on here? 罗斯,这是怎么回事呢?
[00:26:34] Are we just bringing strange women back to the apartment now? 我们现在是可以带陌生女人回家了吗?
[00:26:37] I don't know. Are we just kissing guys on balconies? 我不知道,我们现在是可以 在阳台上亲吻男人了吗?
[00:26:40] - How do you know about that? - Through the magic of sight. -你怎么会知道呢? -我有千里眼
[00:26:47] - I was here, putting our child to sleep.. - Emma. -我在这里,把我们的女儿哄睡 -艾犸
[00:26:53] When I looked through the window and saw you kissing a guy.. 当我从窗户看过去 就看到你在亲一个男的
[00:26:56] you've known for what, a week? 一个你认识有多久的男生,一星期吗?
[00:26:58] God, is that what this is all about? You bring her up here to get back at me? 天啊,这就是原因吗? 你带她回来报复我吗?
[00:27:02] No, actually, see, I had to pee because I can't use public bathrooms.. 不,事实上是我要上厕所 而我又不能上公共厕所
[00:27:06] - because of the doody parasites. - Okay, Michelle, it's time to go. -因为有寄生虫 -好了,蜜雪儿,你该走了
[00:27:11] - Well, call me. - Okay. -那,打电话给我 -好的
[00:27:14] Wait, you don't have my phone number. 等等,你没有我的电话
[00:27:16] You know what? If it's meant to be, I'll guess it. 你知道吗?如果是命中注定 我会猜到的
[00:27:20] Bye-bye. 再见
[00:27:23] Score. 高招
[00:27:25] Did you not like her? Because I was hoping we could come.. 你不喜欢她吗? 我还希望我们可以…
[00:27:28] to your kissing parties on the balcony. 去参加你的阳台亲吻派对
[00:27:31] I can't believe you are making a big deal about this. It was one kiss! 我不敢相信你竟然小题大作 只不过是一个吻!
[00:27:34] - One guy. One time! - Oh, really? -跟一个人,一次而已! -喔,真的吗?
[00:27:37] - Yeah. - Oh, really? -是啊 -喔,真的?
[00:27:41] Oh, yeah. 喔,真的
[00:27:43] - What about the guy from the bar? - Who? -那个酒吧认识的男的呢? -谁?
[00:27:46] The guy you gave your number to. 你给他电话号码的那一个
[00:27:50] - How do you know about that? - Because he called here looking for you. -你是怎么知道的? -因为他打来找你
[00:27:54] So don't tell me kissing this guy from work is a one-time thing. 所以别跟我说,你亲这个男同事 只是一次而已
[00:27:59] Because you've been out there in bars and on balconies.. 因为你又在酒吧,又在阳台上…
[00:28:02] for over a month now. And you don't even have the courtesy to tell me. 已经一个多月了 而你根本就没有礼貌性地告诉我
[00:28:07] - Why didn't I get that message? - What? -为什么我没有拿到留言? -什么?
[00:28:10] From the guy in the bar? Why didn't I get that message? 那个酒吧的男的留言? 为什么我没有拿到留言?
[00:28:14] Because I folded it up and put it in my pants pocket. 因为我折起来放到裤子口袋里了
[00:28:17] Do you not look there? 你没有去找过吗?
[00:28:23] Ross. 罗斯
[00:28:27] I never gave it to you. 我没有拿给你
[00:28:29] Why? 为什么?
[00:28:33] - I don't know. - Oh, God, you know what? I don't.. -我不知道 -天啊,你知道吗?我不…
[00:28:36] Who do you think you are? Who are you to decide.. 你以为你是谁呢?谁让你有权决定…
[00:28:39] what messages I should or should not get?! 什么留言我该收或是不该?
[00:28:42] Who am I? I'm the guy who's taking care of our baby.. 我是谁?我是那个照顾我们孩子的人
[00:28:45] - while you're at bars meeting guys! - I cannot believe you. -而你却在酒吧跟男人混! -我真不敢相信
[00:28:48] I actually came in here hoping to have a mature conversation with you about us. 我回来希望能够 跟你成熟的谈谈我们之间
[00:28:53] But I can't do that with someone who hides my messages.. 但是我不能跟会藏我留言 还会带疯女人…
[00:28:55] and brings crazy women back to my apartment! 回我公寓的人谈!
[00:28:58] Hey, none of the sane ones wanted to come back with me! 嘿,正常的人没有一个要跟我回来!
[00:29:05] That's not the point, okay? The point is.. 这不是重点好吗?重点是…
[00:29:09] you are the one who moved on and didn't tell anyone. 是你抛下我们的过去,而你却没有说
[00:29:13] Oh, God, Ross, this is just so messed up. 天啊,罗斯,这真是糟透了
[00:29:17] What is wrong with us? When people hear about our situation, they ask: 我们是怎么了? 当大家知道我们的情况都会问…
[00:29:22] "You live together, but you're not a couple, yet you have a baby? 你们住在一起,不是一对 但是你们又有小孩?…
[00:29:25] Isn't that weird?" And I say, "No. It's not, because it works for us." 不是很奇怪吗?“我会说 ”不会,我们都没问题
[00:29:29] But you know what? This doesn't work. 但是你知道吗?是有问题的
[00:29:31] - In fact, this is the opposite of working. - Clearly. -事实上,还正好相反咧 -的确如此
[00:29:37] And you know.. 你也知道
[00:29:39] we said that we would live together as long as this makes sense.. 我们有说过只要一切没问题 我们就会一直住在一起
[00:29:43] and maybe this just doesn't make sense anymore. 然而,或许一切不再是没问题了
[00:29:49] Yeah, maybe not. 是啊,或许不再是了
[00:29:52] So, what do you wanna do? 那你想要怎样呢?
[00:29:59] Hi. 嗨
[00:30:01] Can Emma and I live here for a while? 我跟艾犸可以过来住一阵子吗?
[00:30:05] God. 天啊
[00:30:08] - Of course. - Thank you. -当然可以 -谢谢你
[00:30:16] Your eyebrows look weird. 你的眉毛很奇怪
[00:30:44] So you'll just touch yourself for anything, then? 所以不管怎样,你都会自摸啦
- Friends S01E08
- Friends S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
- Friends S04E14 The One With Joeys Dirty Day
- Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos
- Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus
- Friends S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
- Friends S04E09 The One Where They’re Going To Party
- Friends S01E07
- Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
- Friends S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
- 一级棒 [刀&许嘉凌&张力仁&宫平峻]
- Cercami cercami [Enrico Ruggeri]
- 493章乔装 [沈清朝]
- Don’t It Make You Want To Dance [Chris Ledoux]
- In The City [Kid Frost]
- The Eyes of Deception [Autumn Tears]
- 爱了一辈子 [庞龙]
- 大哥改编版 [柯受良]
- 怒放 [老五]
- 第四部 第126章 至情至性的好男人! [曲衡]
- You Mean Ev’Rything To Me [Helen Shapiro]
- Troubles Of my Own [Fats Domino]
- 我亲爱的贝比多/三月的温柔 /像雾又像花/我爱上一个人/雨蒙蒙/今夜不一样 [李玲玉]
- 我们的队伍向太阳 [阎维文]
- Blazin’ Mics [T-Bone]
- Follow The Drinkin’ Gourd [The Brothers Four]
- Le Grand Jeu [Adamo]
- Me Deixa Louca [Vingadora]
- A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes [Dream A Little Dream]
- Jingo [Santana]
- Honestly I Do [Johnny Burnette&The Johnn]
- Don’t It Make You Feel Good [The Shadows]
- Your Love [The Outfield]
- (Re-Recording) [Tweenny]
- Noche de Ronda [Elvira Ríos]
- Easy to Love [Ella Fitzgerald&The Orche]
- HEY! YOU [李承哲]
- 绣金匾 [阿宝]
- 乱世枭雄0029 [单田芳]
- 古都惊雷 [蔡妙甜]
- 5. Maria [José Carreras&Leonard Ber]
- 你给我的甜蜜蜜 [音乐走廊]
- Que No Quede Huella [Magia Grupera]
- Good Mourning [Macbeth]
- 化妆舞会 [郭富城]
- 爱说笑的人 [吴宗宪]
- 我爱你心肝宝贝 [滴嗒&阿坚]
- Sad Sad Day(Remastered) [James Cotton&Tom Holland]
- 领悟(Live) [辛晓琪]
- Más Que Imaginación(Album Version) [Celeste Carballo]
- 是你的诺言让我相信明天 [六哲]
- Groupies(Explicit) [Future]