
《The Lord’s Prayer》歌词

The Lord’s Prayer

[00:00:01] The Lord's Prayer - Elvis Presley

[00:00:34] Our Father

[00:00:36] Who Art in Heaven

[00:00:43] Hallowed beThy Name

[00:00:53] Thy Kingdom come

[00:00:56] Thy will be Done

[00:01:02] On earth as it is in Heaven

[00:01:22] Give us this day our daily bread

[00:01:34] And forgive us our debts

[00:01:42] As we forgive our debtors

[00:01:49] And lead us not into temptation

[00:01:54] But deliver us from evil

[00:01:59] For Thine is the Kingdom

[00:02:07] And the Power

[00:02:10] And the Glory forever

[00:02:20] Amen
