
《Scenes From An Italian Restaurant(Hd Remastered Version)》歌词

Scenes From An Italian Restaurant(Hd Remastered Version)

[00:00:00] Scenes From An Italian Restaurant - Billy Joel (比利·乔尔)

[00:00:00] //

[00:00:00] Written by:Billy Joel

[00:00:04] 一瓶白葡萄酒 一瓶红葡萄酒

[00:00:04] A bottle of white a bottle of red

[00:00:18] 如果想要 或许还有瓶粉色葡萄酒

[00:00:18] Perhaps a bottle of rose instead

[00:00:23] 我们订了靠近街边的座位

[00:00:23] We'll get a table near the street

[00:00:30] 在这个我们熟悉的老地方

[00:00:30] In our old familiar place

[00:00:33] 我和你 面对面坐着

[00:00:33] You and I face to face oooh

[00:00:39] 一瓶红葡萄酒 一瓶白葡萄酒

[00:00:39] A bottle of red a bottle of white

[00:00:46] 想喝什么全听你的

[00:00:46] It all depends on your appetite

[00:00:52] 想见我什么时候都可以

[00:00:52] I'll meet you any time you want

[00:00:57] 在这间意大利餐厅

[00:00:57] In our Italian Restaurant

[00:01:01] 我最近过的还可以

[00:01:01] Things are okay with me these days

[00:01:46] 有份不错的工作 一个不错的办公室

[00:01:46] Got a good job got a good office

[00:01:49] 有了新的妻子 开始了新的生活

[00:01:49] Got a new wife got a new life

[00:01:51] 家庭也不错

[00:01:51] And the family is fine

[00:01:52] 我们真的太久没联系了

[00:01:52] Oh we lost touch long ago

[00:01:55] 你瘦了 我没想到

[00:01:55] You lost weight I did not know

[00:01:58] 岁月竟让你变得更加动人了

[00:01:58] You could ever look so nice after so much time

[00:02:02] 你还记得匆匆那年我们在郊外约会的那些日子吗?

[00:02:02] Do you remember those days hanging out at the village green

[00:02:06] 工装靴 皮夹克 还有蓝色紧身牛仔裤

[00:02:06] Engineer boots leather jackets and tight blue jeans

[00:02:11] 你把一角硬币投进点唱机播放一首歌

[00:02:11] Oh you'd drop a dime in the box play a song

[00:02:16] 关于新奥尔良

[00:02:16] About New Orleans

[00:02:16] 冰冷的啤酒 温暖的灯光

[00:02:16] Cold beer hot lights

[00:02:21] 那些甜蜜又浪漫的少年时光

[00:02:21] My sweet romantic teenage nights

[00:02:23] 布伦达和埃迪当时很受欢迎

[00:02:23] Brenda and Eddie were the popular steadies

[00:03:13] 他们是当时的舞会王后和国王

[00:03:13] And the king and the queen at the prom

[00:03:16] 快乐的车顶都要掀翻 肆意开着车横冲直撞

[00:03:16] Riding around with the car top down

[00:03:18] 在收音机的音乐中

[00:03:18] And the radio on

[00:03:20] 在百汇餐厅没有人见过比这更美好更多的感动

[00:03:20] Nobody looked any finer or was more of a hit at the ParkwayDiner

[00:03:25] 我们对生活心满意足 并没想要别的什么

[00:03:25] We never knew we could want more than that out of life

[00:03:30] 当然 布伦达和埃迪总是知道如何继续

[00:03:30] Surely Brenda and Eddie would always know how to survive

[00:03:34] 75年的夏天布伦达和埃迪的感情仍然稳定

[00:03:34] Brenda and Eddie were still going steady in the summer of '75

[00:03:47] 这年的七月末他们决定结婚

[00:03:47] When they decided the marriage would be at the end of July

[00:03:52] 所有人都说他们太疯狂了

[00:03:52] Everyone said they were crazy

[00:03:54] 布伦达你知道的你太懒了

[00:03:54] Brenda you know you're much too lazy

[00:03:58] 还有 埃迪怕也无法负担起像样的生活

[00:03:58] And Eddie could never afford to live that kind of life

[00:04:01] 但是他们还是挥挥手送他俩远行

[00:04:01] But there we were waving Brenda and Eddie goodbye

[00:04:05] 他们搬去一套公寓 还买了长绒地毯

[00:04:05] They got an apartment with deep pile carpet

[00:04:12] 从西尔斯买来两幅高级油画

[00:04:12] And a couple of paintings from Sears

[00:04:14] 把买面包的钱拿去买了张大大的水床

[00:04:14] A big waterbed that they bought with the bread

[00:04:17] 这还是他们存了好几年的钱

[00:04:17] They had saved for a couple of years

[00:04:19] 生活变得拮据 他们开始频繁吵架

[00:04:19] But they started to fight when the money got tight

[00:04:22] 当然他们并没有指望着泪水过生活

[00:04:22] And they just didn't count on the tears

[00:04:24] 他们还是很幸福地过了一段美妙的时光

[00:04:24] Well they lived for a while in a very nice style

[00:04:57] 但是所有故事的结局都是一样的

[00:04:57] But it's always the same in the end

[00:04:59] 势所必然 他们离婚了

[00:04:59] They got a divorce as a matter of course

[00:05:01] 他们变成了最熟悉的陌生人

[00:05:01] And they parted the closest of friends

[00:05:03] 昔日的舞会王后和国王可以再回到那片葱绿的地方

[00:05:03] Then the king and the queen went back to the green

[00:05:06] 但是你再也不能回去了

[00:05:06] But you can never go back there again

[00:05:08] 曾经属于布伦达和埃迪两个人的

[00:05:08] Brenda and Eddie had had it already

[00:05:15] 那个75年的夏天

[00:05:15] By the summer of '75

[00:05:17] 无论从近到远抑或故事的终结

[00:05:17] From the high to the low to the end of the show

[00:05:20] 哪怕用尽他们的余生

[00:05:20] For the rest of their lives

[00:05:22] 都难寻曾经的美好

[00:05:22] They couldn't go back to the greasers

[00:05:24] 他们最多能捡拾那些美好的碎片

[00:05:24] The best they could do was pick up the pieces

[00:05:27] 但是我们也知道他们总能走出来

[00:05:27] But we always knew they would both find a way to get by

[00:05:31] 这就是我所知道的布伦达和埃迪的故事

[00:05:31] Oh that's all I heard about Brenda and Eddie

[00:05:34] 也无法告诉你再多 我已经完全讲完了

[00:05:34] Can't tell you more cause I told you already

[00:05:37] 现在我们也要和他俩挥手再见了

[00:05:37] And here we are waving Brenda and Eddie goodbye

[00:05:39] 一瓶红葡萄酒 一瓶白葡萄酒

[00:05:39] A bottle of red and bottle of white

[00:06:31] 今晚你的心情如何

[00:06:31] Whatever kind of mood you're in tonight

[00:06:37] 想见我什么时候都可以

[00:06:37] I'll meet you anytime you want

[00:06:42] 在这家意大利餐厅
