《Friends S04E05 The One With Joeys New Girlfriend》歌词

[00:00:03] Joe,I don't think a four-letter word for "ship" can be "ship." 四个字的船上工作 应该不是“船上工作”
[00:00:10] I thought it was a freebie. 我以为那是故意提示
[00:00:18] Hello!
[00:00:20] What's this? 这是什么?
[00:00:22] Oh,right! It's that girl's phone number. 啊,对了,是那个女生的电话
[00:00:28] There it is. Just a phone number... 在这里,一个粉辣的女生
[00:00:31] ...a really hot girl gave me. 给我的电话
[00:00:44] 哎唷
[00:00:49] Almost lost this baby! 真是的,差点就掉了
[00:00:52] The lovely Amanda gives me her number,and I go and drop it. 可爱的亚曼达把电话给我 我却掉了
[00:01:06] Thank you. 谢谢
[00:01:09] The One with Joey's New Girlfriend 本集播出:“朋友妻不可戏”
[00:01:57] -When's your birthday? -May 5th. Why? 瑞秋,你的生日是几号? 5月5号,怎么?
[00:02:00] I'm making a list of birthdays. 我只是在记大家的生日
[00:02:02] -Mine's December -Yeah,whatever. 我是12月… 随便
[00:02:09] She's pretty! 她真漂亮
[00:02:11] Pretty,pretty girl. The pretty She's pretty. 好漂亮,真…好…真漂亮
[00:02:18] -What's the worst that could happen? -I could die. 有什么大不了的? 我搞不好会死
[00:02:22] Yeah,it's tough being single. 一个人的确很难熬
[00:02:24] That's why I'm so glad I found Amanda. 所以我很高兴我认识了亚曼达
[00:02:29] Ross,you guys went out once. 罗斯,你们只出去过一次
[00:02:31] You took your kids to Chuck E. Cheese, and you didn't even kiss her. 你们带小孩去游乐城 你连亲都没亲她
[00:02:39] I tell people secrets. 我会泄露秘密
[00:02:42] It makes them like me. 好让别人喜欢我
[00:02:46] All I'm gonna say is,finally,it's nice to be in a mature relationship. 我只是想说 总算来了一段成熟的恋情
[00:02:52] You know,the world would be such a better place... 如果你真的只想说这句话
[00:02:55] ...if that actually was all you were gonna say. 世界会更美好
[00:03:03] Phoebe. 菲比
[00:03:04] You're sick. You shouldn't play. Go home. 你生病了,别唱了 回家上床休息吧
[00:03:07] But I'm unemployed. 但是我失业了
[00:03:09] My music is all I really have now. 我只剩下音乐
[00:03:12] Well,music and making my own shoes. Pretty,huh? 音乐和自己做鞋子,漂亮吧?
[00:03:21] All right,I'm gonna do it. 好,我去
[00:03:23] I'm gonna go get shot down. 我去接受枪毙
[00:03:26] Any advice? 有什么建议?
[00:03:27] Just be yourself... 展现你的本色
[00:03:29] ...but not too much. 但是不要太过火
[00:03:33] Wish me luck. 祝我好运
[00:03:34] Good luck! 加油
[00:03:39] Wish it! 请用祝祷的
[00:03:43] I was just sitting over there and.... 你好,我坐在那里…
[00:03:47] My name's Chandler. Did I say that? 我是钱德,我有说吗?
[00:03:49] No,you didn't. Hi,I'm Kathy. 没有,你好,我是凯西
[00:03:51] -Kathy with a K or a C? -With a K. 凯西是K还是C开头? K。
[00:03:57] Wow,you are really good at this! 你还真会搭讪
[00:04:00] I'm out on a limb here! 别这么说,我很尴尬
[00:04:02] I'm sorry. You're right. 你说得对,我道歉
[00:04:04] But I should tell you, I'm waiting for a date. 但是我跟别人有约
[00:04:07] And there he is now! 他来了
[00:04:13] I see you guys already met. 你们已经认识了
[00:04:16] I was trying to demonstrate... 是啊,我正在示范
[00:04:18] ...how I could get my very large feet... 如何把我那很大的脚
[00:04:24] Didn't I tell you? 我就说吧
[00:04:26] Always showing off. 他最爱现了
[00:04:30] Before I start, I want to say that I have a cold. 首先我要说,我感冒了
[00:04:33] So if I sneeze during a song, it's not on purpose. 要是我唱到一半打喷嚏 那不是故意的
[00:04:37] Except the last verse of "Pepper People." 除了“胡椒人”的最后一句
[00:04:44] Smelly cat,smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫
[00:04:48] What are they feeding you? 他们喂你吃什么?
[00:04:52] This chick sounds good. 这声音不赖喔
[00:04:55] Smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭…
[00:04:58] Gunther,be a good little boy and bring me a whiskey. 阿甘,乖,拿杯威士忌来
[00:05:11] At 2:30 a.m.,I didn't expect to have to fight over the remote. 想不到半夜2点半 还要抢遥控器
[00:05:15] Sorry,there's this Ernie Kovacs thing I wanted to watch. 对不起 我想看厄尼柯瓦克斯的重播
[00:05:19] That's why I got up too. 我也是要看那个
[00:05:21] You're kidding? I love him! 不会吧?我爱死他了
[00:05:23] My dad made me stay up and watch reruns with him. 我爸以前都逼我熬夜陪他看
[00:05:25] Mine too. Did your dad also make you watch the Mr. Universe contest? 我爸也是 你爸也逼你看世界小姐选拔吗
[00:05:30] -No. -Well,me neither. 没有 我爸也没有
[00:05:36] I'm sorry about this afternoon. If I had known that you two, I never would have.... 下午很抱歉 要是知道你们…我也不会…
[00:05:40] Oh,please. 道什么歉
[00:05:46] They teamed us up as partners. Joey picked three scenes for us to do. 对,我们两个一组 乔伊选了三场戏
[00:05:50] All of them had us making out. 三场都是亲热戏
[00:05:53] That's a good thing because he used to make me rehearse with him. 太好了,他原先都逼我跟他练
[00:06:00] -ls it on? -No,but this Wonder Broom is amazing! 开始了吗? 还没,但是这个伸缩扫把很棒
[00:06:07] Oh,my God! 就是它!
[00:06:10] It's on! 开始了
[00:06:18] Here we go,little fella. 小不点,过来
[00:06:22] What about the duck? 那鸭子呢?
[00:06:23] The duck can swim. 鸭子会游泳 也对
[00:06:28] My sticky shoes 烂泥巴鞋
[00:06:31] My sticky,sticky shoes 沾满烂泥巴的鞋
[00:06:35] Why you stick on me? 你为什么黏着我不放?
[00:06:38] Baby 宝贝
[00:06:42] Thanks for the lights,honey. 谢谢你的灯光
[00:06:48] Way to go! 太精彩了
[00:06:49] Your cold makes you sound great. 你的声音好有磁性
[00:06:51] It's fun. God,I love how sexy I am! 好好玩,我真是太性感了
[00:06:59] Kath,we should get going. We're going to buy hamsters. 凯西,该走了 我们要去买仓鼠
[00:07:03] I love them. 我喜欢仓鼠 仓鼠好可爱
[00:07:04] No,it's not like that. I work for a medical researcher. 不是那样的 我在替一个医疗研究员工作
[00:07:10] -Well,have fun. -Okay. 去玩吧 好
[00:07:13] It's nice that the medical community... 医学界总算也在...
[00:07:16] ...is trying to help sick hamsters. ...救助生病的仓鼠了
[00:07:20] -lsn't it? -Yeah,it's great. 是啊 太好了
[00:07:24] You know what? I like Kathy. 你知道么?我喜欢凯西
[00:07:26] Me too! She's so cool and pretty. 我也是,她好酷好漂亮
[00:07:29] She is. 是啊,她…
[00:07:31] She's smart and funny. 她既聪明又风趣
[00:07:33] We were up all last night talking. She said the funniest thing about 我们昨晚聊了一整夜 她聊到一些…
[00:07:37] What? 怎样?
[00:07:40] You love her. 你爱她
[00:07:43] No,I don't. 我没有
[00:07:44] Yes,you do. Chandler loves Kathy. 你有,钱德爱凯西
[00:07:48] -Come on,just lay off him. -Thank you. 菲比,饶了他吧 谢了
[00:07:52] He's a little sensitive right now because he's so in love! 他现在有点敏感 因为他恋爱了
[00:07:57] All right.
[00:08:02] Kathy,I love you! 凯西,我爱你
[00:08:14] I need to write some depressing stuff to go with my new bluesy voice. 我得写一些悲情的歌 来配合我的新哭腔
[00:08:18] But nothing that sad has ever really happened to me. 但是我没有悲惨的遭遇
[00:08:21] How about your mom dying? 你妈自杀的事呢?
[00:08:23] Or having to live on the streets when you were 14? 或是你14岁时流落街头?
[00:08:29] I could write about the time my hair did that whoo-hoo thing. 我可以写头发翘起来那次
[00:08:38] I'm going over to Amanda's tonight. 我晚上要去亚曼达家
[00:08:40] Rachel's not here. 瑞秋不在
[00:08:45] How's it going with her? 你跟她进展如何?
[00:08:47] Great,actually. I'm thinking tonight may be the night. 很棒,搞不好今晚就有机会
[00:08:51] The kids are gonna play together, and then when they're asleep... 两个孩子会一起玩 等他们睡了
[00:08:55] ...I'm thinking Amanda and I break open a bottle of wine... 亚曼达和我再开一瓶酒
[00:08:58] ...do a little playing ourselves. 我们自己来玩
[00:09:04] Hi,guys! This is Josh. 嗨,这是贾许
[00:09:06] Josh,these are my friends. 贾许,她们是我的朋友
[00:09:08] And that's Ross. 那是罗斯
[00:09:13] Dudes. 贾许 你好
[00:09:15] You played in college? 你打过校队?
[00:09:16] I still do. Next year,I hope to make varsity. 现在还是,明年我想进大学
[00:09:21] Didn't you play soccer in high school? 罗斯,你高中不是踢过足球?
[00:09:24] No,wait. You just organized their game schedules on your Commodore 64. 不对 你只是用电脑帮他们排赛程表
[00:09:39] I'll miss you. 我会想你的
[00:09:41] Dope! 爽!
[00:09:47] Wow! Cute one. 很可爱嘛
[00:09:49] -Very cute. -I know. Isn't he great? 非常可爱 我知道,他很棒吧?
[00:09:51] So nice to finally be in a fun relationship,you know? 总算来了一段有趣的恋情
[00:09:56] There's nothing boring about him. 他一点也不无聊
[00:09:58] I bet he's never set foot in a museum. 我敢赌他一定没进过博物馆
[00:10:01] Maybe he'll get to go soon. 也许他快要有机会了
[00:10:03] Like on a class trip or something. 像校外教学什么的
[00:10:07] You know what else is great about him? 你们知道他还有哪里好?
[00:10:10] What is the word for an adult... 该怎么形容
[00:10:12] ...who doesn't have dinosaur toys in their bedroom? 房间里没有恐龙玩具的男人?
[00:10:21] What was that? 什么意思?
[00:10:23] Monica knows. 摩妮卡知道
[00:10:24] It's this dumb thing that Ross made up to try to fool our parents. 那是罗斯发明来唬爸妈的
[00:10:28] It's a way of giving the finger without actually having to give it. 其实就是比中指的意思
[00:10:34] I cried the night you made that up. 你发明这个手势让我哭了
[00:10:36] It was the first time I realized I was cooler than my big brother. 我第一次明白我比我哥酷
[00:10:41] I'm going to go get ready... 我要去准备…
[00:10:49] ...for my date tonight... 赴今晚的约了
[00:10:52] ...so I'll just "head." 先来闪了
[00:10:56] I should go too. I'm playing in one hour. 我也该走了,1小时后要上台
[00:11:03] You guys should come hear me. 你们应该来听
[00:11:05] Hear me. 来听
[00:11:07] My sticky shoes 烂泥巴鞋…
[00:11:13] I lost my sexy phlegm! 我的性感破锣嗓没了
[00:11:23] -You look great! -Thanks. 你好性感 谢谢
[00:11:27] Hey,Tommy! 汤米
[00:11:29] I am so glad that you could come over tonight. 我好高兴你今晚能来
[00:11:31] Oh,no. It's my pleasure. 不,这是我的荣幸
[00:11:35] My cell phone number is here on the counter. 我的手机号码在餐台上
[00:11:38] Please,help yourself to anything in the fridge. 冰箱里的东西自己拿
[00:11:40] I appreciate this so much. I have been trying to go out with... 真的很谢谢你
[00:11:43] ...this guy for a month. 我想约这个男的想了好久
[00:11:47] I'd really appreciate it if you'd wait and drink your wine... 我能不能请你...
[00:11:50] ...after the kids are asleep. ...等孩子睡了再喝酒
[00:11:57] I blocked the adult channels for the other babysitters,but the code is four,three 成人频道锁码了 密码是4…
[00:12:02] I'm fine. 不用了
[00:12:05] Thanks for this. I hope I can do the same for you sometime. 谢谢你,希望改天我也能帮你
[00:12:15] Who wants to make some long-distance calls? 谁想打长途电话?
[00:12:28] Kathy! Kathy! Hi! 凯西,凯西,喂
[00:12:31] Kathy! Kathy! 凯西,凯西
[00:12:42] Kathy! 凯西
[00:12:48] Fetch! Fetch it! 让开,让开
[00:12:53] Kathy! Kathy! 凯西,凯西,凯西
[00:12:55] Kathy! 凯西
[00:13:02] Kathy! 凯西
[00:13:08] Kathy! 凯西
[00:13:10] Chandler,what are you doing here? 钱德,你怎么在这里?
[00:13:14] I just wanted to say,"Hey!" 我只是来打个招呼
[00:13:17] Hey. 好
[00:13:19] Okay.
[00:13:28] You're making it sound worse than it was. 你说得太严重了吧
[00:13:31] Her date tipped me $10! 她的男伴给了我10块钱
[00:13:38] What are you doing? 菲比,你干什么?
[00:13:40] I want to be sexy again, so I'm trying to catch a cold. 我想恢复性感,所以我想感冒
[00:13:43] Should be easy. They're pretty common. 应该很容易,感冒很常见
[00:13:46] You'll catch pneumonia! 你会得肺炎
[00:13:51] Okay,you were right. I'm in love with Joey's girlfriend. 你们说得对 我爱上了乔伊的女朋友
[00:13:55] -What? -Are you serious? 什么? 真的吗?
[00:13:59] I don't know. I just 我不晓得,我就是…
[00:14:01] I can't get her out of my head. 我就是无法忘掉她
[00:14:07] I'm a horrible person. 我是个烂人
[00:14:11] "No,you're not. We still love you,Chandler!" “才不是呢,我们还是爱你”
[00:14:18] Phoebe,I think I caught your cold. 菲比,我染上你的感冒了
[00:14:20] You mean you stole it! 是偷走才对
[00:14:24] Don't cover your mouth when you do that! 打喷嚏不要捂嘴巴
[00:14:31] We were just talking about you. 我们正在说你
[00:14:34] Really? 真的?
[00:14:36] The time you got drunk and fell asleep... 对,就是你喝醉
[00:14:39] ...with your head in the toilet. 头泡在马桶里睡着那次
[00:14:42] Right in there! 泡得刚刚好
[00:14:45] -What movie did you get? -I got what I always get. 你们借什么? 还是一样
[00:14:48] Die Hard. “终极警探”
[00:14:50] That's what I like about Joey. Any other guy would have been: 我就是喜欢乔伊这一点 其他人都会说...
[00:14:53] "Yeah,The English Patient is my favorite movie too." “我也最喜欢‘英伦情人’”
[00:14:57] But Joey goes,"No way. Let's get Die Hard. 但乔伊就会说 “才不要,借‘终极警探’”
[00:15:01] I'm not watching that English crap." “我才不看那个英国病人”
[00:15:04] Yeah,he's dreamy. 是啊,他最棒了
[00:15:09] I gotta go. I gotta go meet some friends. 我先走了,我跟朋友有约
[00:15:16] He has other friends? 他有别的朋友?
[00:15:22] Ninety-nine... 99…
[00:15:24] ...a hundred. Ready or not,here I come! ...100 我来捉你们了
[00:15:30] Let's go over the concept one more time. 我再解释一次规则
[00:15:35] You want to get some dinner with me and Kathy tonight? 小傢伙们 晚上要不要跟我们吃饭?
[00:15:40] You know what? I already ate. 我已经吃饱了
[00:15:44] It's 4:30. 才4点半
[00:15:45] I had a big meal on Monday. 我星期一吃得很饱
[00:15:48] So that'll get me straight through the week. 可以撑一整个礼拜
[00:15:51] I see what's going on here. 好,我知道是怎么回事
[00:15:56] -You do? -Yeah. 你知道? 对
[00:15:58] You don't like Kathy. 你不喜欢凯西
[00:16:00] You got me. 被你猜对了
[00:16:03] You've been avoiding her ever since we started going out. 我们交往至今,你一直在躲她
[00:16:06] I made an effort to like Janice. 我曾经努力去喜欢珍妮丝
[00:16:08] Now I think it's your turn to make an effort to like Kathy by going out with us. Right? 现在该你试着去喜欢凯西 陪我们去吃饭了,对吧?
[00:16:13] -Yeah,right. -Good. And hey,my treat. 对,没错 很好,而且我请客
[00:16:17] -Only because you're not eating,right? -Right. 不过你不吃,对吧? 对
[00:16:29] Sorry,Grandma. 奶奶,对不起
[00:16:35] Ross isn't here. 罗斯不在
[00:16:38] Stop it! 放手
[00:16:42] I'll see you at the party? 那我们派对上见
[00:16:44] Beer's fear,man! Twenty-four,seven! 啤酒免费喝到饱!
[00:16:53] I am so gonna marry that guy. 我一定会嫁给他
[00:16:59] What? 怎么了?
[00:17:00] -I think he's stealing from me. -Why? 我觉得他偷我的钱 为什么?
[00:17:03] Because he's stealing from me! 因为他真的偷我的钱
[00:17:07] Hi,it's me... 是我
[00:17:09] ...and soup. 还有热汤
[00:17:10] I just saw Josh. He looked so yummy in your leather jacket. 贾许穿你的皮衣看起来好帅
[00:17:18] I don't eat chicken, so it's just noodle soup. 来,我不吃鸡,所以只有汤
[00:17:22] There's no chicken in the broth, so it's really just noodle water. 熬汤时又没放鸡,跟水没两样
[00:17:29] -Thank you so much. -Sure. 谢谢你
[00:17:33] What are you doing? 你拿那个干嘛?
[00:17:34] I need your germs. I want my cold back. 我要你的细菌,我想再感冒
[00:17:39] I miss my sexy voice. 我怀念我的性感嗓音
[00:17:41] Sorry,Phoebe. 对不起
[00:17:43] It's okay. 没关系
[00:17:45] How's the soup? 汤好喝吗?
[00:18:03] Check it out! You can see that girl's underwear. 那个女生的内衣都露出来了
[00:18:07] Is she great,or what? 她很棒吧?
[00:18:09] What do you think? 你觉得她如何?
[00:18:13] She's not really my type. 她不是我的型
[00:18:15] Not your type? She's gorgeous. 不是你的型?大美女耶
[00:18:18] You know what it is? The fishnet stockings. 因为她穿网袜
[00:18:21] Whenever I see a girl in fishnet stockings,it reminds me of... 看到女生穿网袜,我就想到…
[00:18:25] ...my father in fishnet stockings. 我爸穿网袜的样子
[00:18:28] Understanding a little more of why you're single. 好吧 我有点了解你为何单身了
[00:18:32] I have a friend you'd like. She's really pretty. And then we could double date. 我有个很漂亮的朋友 我们可以一起约会
[00:18:36] No,thanks. 不必了
[00:18:38] I've got some ugly friends, and they're all available too. 好 我也有几个丑朋友没有对象
[00:18:44] I'm gonna grab a beer. 我去叫酒
[00:18:47] I'll be right back. 我马上回来
[00:18:54] -What was that? -What? 你什么意思? 什么?
[00:18:57] Kathy's being really nice and you just walked away. 凯西在示好,你却掉头就走
[00:19:00] What do you want from me? 你要我怎样?
[00:19:02] I want you to like her. 我要你喜欢她
[00:19:04] If that's too damn difficult for you, then the least you could do is pretend. 要是太难了 你起码可以装一下
[00:19:08] -I am pretending. -Then do it better. 我正在装啊 那就再像一点
[00:19:12] What do you say I go over there and tell her how much I like her? 好,不如我去说我很喜欢她
[00:19:16] I can tell her how much I've been thinking of her. 我可以说我一直在想她
[00:19:18] I haven't stopped thinking about her since we met. 认识之后我就一直想着她
[00:19:21] I'm so over the top, want-to-slit-my-own-throat... 我无可救药 简直想掐死自己的爱着她
[00:19:24] ...in love with her that for every minute... 每一天的每一分每一秒
[00:19:27] ...I can't believe my own damn bad luck that you met her first! 我都在怨恨为何是你先认识她
[00:19:32] That's pretty good. 很不错
[00:19:36] But you might want to tone it down a little. 但是别那么夸张
[00:19:43] I still have a fever? Are you sure that thing's working right? 我还在发烧? 你确定温度计没坏?
[00:19:47] Well,we could take it the other way. 我们可以量你的肛温
[00:19:54] So Amanda just dropped me off. 是亚曼达载我来的
[00:19:57] That's one of the things I love about her. 我就喜欢她这一点
[00:20:00] She's old enough to drive. 成年人可以开车
[00:20:04] You're not going to Mom and Dad's tonight? 你晚上不去找爸妈了?
[00:20:09] Where's Amanda? 亚曼达呢?
[00:20:11] Could you get me some cough drops? 瑞秋,帮我拿咳嗽药水
[00:20:13] I'm thinking you could bring her... 我在想 你可以带她...
[00:20:15] ...and you guys could go up to your old room and not make out. ..去你的旧房间 然后不上床
[00:20:20] Cough drop,please? 罗斯,咳嗽药水
[00:20:21] At least she's not going out with me... 至少她跟我出去
[00:20:24] ...to get into R-rated movies. 不是为了看限制级电影
[00:20:30] Wait,you can't! I forgot. She's not a lesbian. 我忘了,你不行 她不是同性恋
[00:20:36] -Amanda and I have a -You have nothing! 亚曼达和我… 什么都不是
[00:20:40] You're not even going out! You're her babysitter. 你们根本没在约会 你是她的保姆
[00:20:44] You have a 12-year-old girl's job! 你在做小女生做的事
[00:20:54] That is so sad. 真可悲啊
[00:20:58] And what are you laughing at, Miss My-keg-sucking-boyfriend... 你笑什么 你男朋友还不是..
[00:21:02] ...-is-stealing-from-me? ..爱喝酒又偷钱
[00:21:06] So he stole a couple bucks from me. Big deal! 他偷了几块钱又怎样
[00:21:09] At least he got me something with it. 他有买东西给我
[00:21:11] That's mine! 那是我的
[00:21:24] -Fine. -Sorry. 好 对不起
[00:21:26] Here. 拿去
[00:21:27] Thank you.
[00:21:31] At least I made $10 in my relationship. 至少我还赚了10块钱
[00:21:36] You know...? 你…
[00:21:44] Parading goats are parading 游行的山羊在游行
[00:21:47] Parading down the street 在大街上游行
[00:21:50] Parading goats are parading 游行的山羊在游行
[00:21:56] Does it even work without my sexy voice? 用这种声音唱还能听吗?
[00:21:59] I like it. 我喜欢
[00:22:02] -Gunther,kiss me. -What? 阿甘,亲我
[00:22:12] Do it,deputy! Do something! 副警长,快想办法
[00:22:27] We aren't exactly sleeping in here, but do you mind? 我们没有要睡,但是小声点
[00:22:39] Can I sleep on your couch? 我可以睡你的沙发吗?
[00:22:53] And I'm still waiting 我还在等
[00:22:56] For my papier-mache man 我的纸黏土人
[00:23:01] Thank you,my babies. 谢谢各位
[00:23:06] Rachel? 瑞秋 怎样?
[00:23:09] Did you hear what happened between me and Phoebe? 我不知道你有没有听说 我和菲比的事
[00:23:15] We kissed. I didn't initiate it, but I also didn't stop it. 我们接吻了 不是我主动的 但我也没阻止
[00:23:20] I've been feeling guilty. 我一直觉得很内疚
[00:23:25] Okay. 好
[00:23:26] So... 所以…
[00:23:29] ...are we cool? 我们没事吧?
[00:23:34] Okay. 好
[00:23:36] I knew you would understand. 我就知道你会谅解
- Friends S01E08
- Friends S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
- Friends S04E14 The One With Joeys Dirty Day
- Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos
- Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus
- Friends S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
- Friends S04E09 The One Where They’re Going To Party
- Friends S01E07
- Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
- Friends S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
- 楼台会之(一) [琅嬛书童]
- 昨夜的你 [李茂山]
- 记忆拼图 [言承旭]
- 第397集_顾独行,决定性的一战? [我影随风]
- I Am Waking up Today [Bowling For Soup]
- Take Me To Church [Straight No Chaser]
- (I’m Gonna) Cry Myself Blind [Primal Scream]
- Wake Up [Slapshock]
- Sweet Little Sixteen [Chuck Berry]
- Deep River Blues [Hall&Oates]
- ダメ!ダメ! [ポヤッチオ]
- Little Deuce Coupe [The Beach Boys]
- 找爸爸 [儿童歌曲]
- Love Looks Good On You [David Houston]
- Signora mia [Sandro Giacobbe]
- Notte prima degli esami(Live) [Antonello Venditti]
- Don’t Get Around Much Anymore [Mel Tormé]
- I Can Change [Summer Hit Superstars]
- Vanocni [Argema]
- Reservoir Park [the dutchess & the duke]
- Dance With Me Tonight (Originally Performed By Olly Murs)(Tribute Version) [New Tribute Kings]
- Encourage Yourself(Live) [The Tri-City Singers]
- Run Rudolph Run [Chuck Berry]
- Card Cracker(Skit)(Skit) [Vic Mensa]
- Running Scared [Roy Orbison]
- In The Valley [Marty Robbins]
- 一人我两袖清风 [MC李梓轩]
- The Alphabet Song [Josh Levine]
- 情不自禁 [婳诗诗]
- 后来 [杨静]
- 往事随风 撒拉小伙 [马阿俊]
- Happy Birthday [Happy Birthday]
- Sailor’s Life [Judy Collins]
- 卖豆腐花 [刘贵贤]
- Gone [Troy Shondell]
- Footprints(StadiumX Remix) [Frank Walker&Callum Stewa]
- Baba Baila(Radio Edit) [Juan Martinez]
- Limbo [Extra Latino]
- Se Tarde, Me Perdoa [Joao Gilberto]
- Worried Life Blues(Live) [Eric Clapton]
- 还没遇见你 [稣寒]
- Floating [Anette Olzon]