《Friends S02E20 The One Where Old Yeller Dies》歌词

[00:00:08] -What you guys doing? -Monica's making us watch Old Yeller. 你们在干嘛? 摩妮卡逼我们看“老黄狗”
[00:00:13] Why are you guys upset? It's Old Yeller. It's a happy movie. 那你们在伤心什么? 这是一部快乐的电影啊
[00:00:18] -What? -What are you talking about? 什么? 你在胡扯什么?
[00:00:20] Come on. Happy family gets a dog. 少来了,快乐家庭养了一只狗
[00:00:22] Frontier fun! 荒野之乐
[00:00:26] Pheebs,what about the end? 对呀,但是结局呢?
[00:00:28] When Yeller saves the family and everyone's happy? 是老黄救全家人于狼口之中 大家皆大欢喜
[00:00:31] That's not the end. 那不是结局
[00:00:38] What about when he has rabies? 那它生狂犬病的情节呢?
[00:00:40] He doesn't have rabies. He has babies. 它没有生狂犬病 它生了小宝宝
[00:00:45] That's what my mom said. 我妈说的
[00:00:47] I don't think she'd want you to see what's about to happen. 菲比,我猜你妈 不想你看接下来的剧情
[00:00:52] Why? What's about to happen? 为什么?接下来怎么样?
[00:00:54] I've never seen this part. 这部份我从没看过
[00:00:56] Hey,Travis,what you doing with that gun? 崔维,你拿枪干什么?
[00:01:01] Oh,no. 不…
[00:01:03] No,no,Travis,put down the gun. 崔维,把枪放下来
[00:01:05] No,no,he's your buddy. He's your Yeller. 不要…它是你的伙伴 是你的老黄
[00:01:08] No! The end! The end! 不…剧终…
[00:01:13] Okay,what kind of a sick doggy snuff film is this? 这算什么病态的狗电影?
[00:01:18] The One Where Old Yeller Dies
[00:01:25] 六人行 第2季 第20集 猎狗之死
[00:02:06] Have you guys eaten? Richard and l just finished,and we've got leftovers. 你们吃过了吗?我跟理查 刚吃过,我们还有剩菜
[00:02:11] Chicken and potatoes. 鸡肉跟马铃薯
[00:02:14] What am I wearing? 我穿什么?
[00:02:16] Actually,nothing but rubber gloves. 事实上,塑胶手套而已
[00:02:25] One of these times,you'll really be naked and we won't come over. 有一天你会真的一丝不挂 而我们却不会过来了
[00:02:29] I got a leg,three breasts and a wing. 我有条腿,三块胸跟一根翅膀
[00:02:31] How do you find clothes that fit? 那你怎么找得到衣服穿?
[00:02:35] Hey,Monica? We got a question. 摩妮卡,我们有问题
[00:02:38] All right,yes,I see other women in the shower at the gym. 好吧,再说一遍,对,我在 健身房浴室会看到别的女人
[00:02:41] And no,I don't look. 不,我目不斜视
[00:02:44] No,not that one. 不,不是那个
[00:02:45] We're figuring out who to bring to the Nicks game. 我们在想今晚带谁去看 尼克队赛球,我们多了一张票
[00:02:48] Ross can't go,so it's between my friend Eric Prower,who has breath issues... 对,罗斯不能去,所以要嘛 就是我朋友包艾力,他有口臭
[00:02:53] ...and Dan,with the poking. "Did you see that play?" …或是丹,他爱戳人 “你看到了吗?”
[00:02:57] "You want more beer? Is that Spike Lee?" “还要啤酒吗?” “那是史派克李吗?”
[00:03:03] Why don't you ask Richard? 为什么不问理查?
[00:03:06] Richard,if you had an extra ticket to the Nicks game... 理查,如果你有多一张 尼克队球赛的票…
[00:03:12] ...and you had to choose between a friend who smelled... …而你必须从有口臭…
[00:03:15] ...and one who bruises you, who would you pick? …跟会戳人的朋友当中选 你会选谁?
[00:03:20] Being a huge Nicks fan myself... 对一个大尼克迷来说…
[00:03:22] ... I think you should take someone who's a huge Nicks fan. …我想你们应该选一个 大尼克迷
[00:03:29] That's Eric. 那就艾力好了
[00:03:31] Glad to be of help. Matches. 乐意效劳,不客气
[00:03:35] I meant,why don't you take Richard to the game? 我是说 你们为什么不请理查去?
[00:03:39] What? 怎么样?
[00:03:42] -I don't know. -Come on! 我不知道 少来了
[00:03:44] He keeps his fingers to himself, and he's always minty fresh. 他从来不会乱指乱戳 口气永远芳香自然
[00:03:52] Plus,he's old 加上他又老…
[00:03:56] er than some people. …对某些人来说
[00:03:59] But younger than some buildings. 但他比某些建筑要年轻一点
[00:04:04] So what,he's a little older. Big deal. 他老一点又怎么样?
[00:04:07] He's important to me. 他对我而言是很重要的
[00:04:08] If you ask him, he might take you in his Jag. 你们问他的话 他或许会开积架车去哦
[00:04:16] How do we say yes... 我们要怎么说…
[00:04:18] ...and make it seem like it's not just to ride in the cool car? …才不会听起来像 为了要搭他的酷车才邀请他去
[00:04:22] Okay,this could be tough. 这有点棘手
[00:04:27] We'll bring him, but only if he takes the Jaguar. 他如果开积架车来 我们才会带他去
[00:04:33] You almost had it. 你差点办到了
[00:04:41] No,no,you're fine. You're fine. 不…你没问题…
[00:04:46] Hi,honey. 亲爱的
[00:04:48] You are not gonna believe what happened! 你们一定不会相信 发生了什么事
[00:04:50] We were playing on the floor, and he grabs the table... 我们坐在那边地板上玩 他抓住了桌子…
[00:04:54] ...and he pulls himself up! …把自己拉起来了
[00:04:57] He pulled himself up! 他把自己拉起来了
[00:05:00] Standing man! 他会站
[00:05:02] I'm sorry you missed it, but I did tape it if you wanna see it. 很遗撼你们错过,但我 录下来了,你们要看的话…
[00:05:07] We know. He already did it last week. 我们知道,他上个礼拜就会了
[00:05:09] You can watch our tape if you want. 你可以看我们的带子
[00:05:12] See,I don't believe this. I missed the first time of everything. 我真不敢相信 我错过每个第一次了
[00:05:16] The first time he rolled over, the first time he crawled. 我错过他第一次翻身 他第一次爬
[00:05:20] What else? Has he spoken? Is he driving? 我还错过了什么? 他说话了吗?会开车了吗?
[00:05:22] Does he have a favorite liqueur? 他有偏好的甜酒吗?
[00:05:25] He is getting closer on the talking thing. 他好像也快要会说话了
[00:05:28] He can't quite say "mama" yet, but once he said "Yemen." 他还不会说妈妈 可是有一次他说“叶门”
[00:05:31] See,I don't know. I'm so sick of missing stuff. 我受不了老是错过
[00:05:35] I want him for more than a day. I want him for a whole weekend. 我不要只照顾他一天而已 我要他一整个周末
[00:05:39] Listen. I feel 你听着,我是说我觉得…
[00:05:40] That would be great. 没问题
[00:05:45] Really? I had a whole speech prepared. 真的?我正准备要大发议论
[00:05:48] Oh,shoot,that would've been fun. 讨厌,那会很好玩的
[00:05:54] Did you see? He just waved! He just waved! 他刚刚挥手…
[00:05:57] He's never waved before! 他从来没有挥过手
[00:06:00] Yes,he has. Very good. 他挥过?好极了
[00:06:05] What you got there? 菲菲,那是什么?
[00:06:07] Love Story,Brian's Song and Terms of Endearment. “爱的故事”“布莱恩之歌” 还有“亲密关系”
[00:06:12] All you need now is The Killing Fields and guacamole,and you got a party! 现在只缺“杀戳战场” 跟一些鹗季酱你就可以狂欢了
[00:06:18] I talked to my grandma about the Old Yeller incident... 对呀,我跟我奶奶讲了 那个“老黄狗”那件事…
[00:06:21] ...and she said my mom used to not show us the ends of sad movies... …她说我妈总是不让我们看 那种悲伤电影的结局…
[00:06:25] ...to shield us from the pain and sadness. …好让我们不用痛苦伤心
[00:06:28] You know,before she killed herself. 在她自杀之前
[00:06:35] Where's Richard? Did you ditch him? 他人呢?理查呢? 你们甩了他吗?
[00:06:37] After we stole his lunch money and gave him a wedgie. 对,在抢了他的午餐钱 还有拉了他内裤之后
[00:06:42] What's the matter? He's parking the car. 你这人怎么搞的?他在停车
[00:06:45] -Did you guys have fun? -Your boyfriend is so cool. 那你们玩得开心吗? 你的男朋友真的好酷
[00:06:49] He let us drive his Jaguar. Joey for 12 blocks. Me for 15. 对,他让我们开他的车 乔伊12条街,我15条街
[00:06:55] He must like you best. 他一定最喜欢你
[00:06:57] What about when he tipped the guy who showed us to our seats? 还有他给那个 帮我们带位的人小费那件事
[00:07:00] You never even saw the money. 他连多少都没看,就像这样
[00:07:03] Hey,Chandler,thanks for showing us to our seats. 钱德,谢谢你帮我们带位 不用客气
[00:07:06] You're welcome. Hey,Joey, thanks for parking the car. 乔伊,谢谢你帮我停车
[00:07:10] No problem. 没问题
[00:07:13] -Hey,Chandler -I think they get it. 钱德… 我想她们懂了
[00:07:18] There's the man! 他来了
[00:07:21] Hey,you're getting better. 你越来越行了
[00:07:23] I'm gonna keep this. 对了,我要留着这个
[00:07:27] He kept my dollar. 他留下我的钱
[00:07:34] Your first weekend without Ben. What are you doing? 第一个没有班的周末 你们两个要做什么?
[00:07:37] We're going to colonial Williamsburg. 我们要南下去威廉斯堡玩
[00:07:39] A woman I went to college with is the first female blacksmith there. 对,我大学一个女同学 刚成为那里第一个女铁匠
[00:07:44] They're a little behind the times in colonial Williamsburg. 威廉斯堡那边是有点落伍了
[00:07:48] Look,I better go before Mommy starts weeping. 好吧 我们最好在掉眼泪之前走了
[00:07:52] -We love you. -Bye,Mommy. 我们爱你 再见,妈咪
[00:07:54] Have a good time. 好好玩
[00:08:00] Look. 看
[00:08:08] Joey,do you know we can see you from here? 乔伊 你知道我们看得到你吗?
[00:08:12] How come Richard looks cooler with one of these? 为什么理查抽起这个 比我酷那么多?
[00:08:15] You may wanna light it and lose the spatula. 首先,你或许要先点燃 还有放下那支锅铲
[00:08:20] It's cute,you trying to be more like Richard. 你想模仿理查,我觉得很可爱
[00:08:23] Not like him,per se. 也不是这样
[00:08:25] Just not unlike him. 只是不要不像他
[00:08:37] It's the artist formerly known as Chandler. 看,是以前 叫钱德的那个艺术家
[00:08:41] I'm just trying something here, you know? 我不过是想试试看
[00:08:44] Why didn't you grow a mustache? 乔伊,你为什么不留胡子?
[00:08:46] We flipped for it. 我们丢铜板
[00:08:47] I got the cigar, he got the mustache. 我丢到抽雪茄,他丢到留胡子
[00:08:51] If we both grew them, we'd look like dorks. 我想我们都留的话会有点驴啦
[00:08:54] You really sidestepped that land mine. 是呀,你们真的躲过那一劫了
[00:08:58] I promised Richard we'd meet him downstairs. 我们得走了 我答应理查在楼下见
[00:09:00] You're meeting Richard? 你们要见理查?
[00:09:02] -Ranger game. -Didn't he tell you? 对,我们要去看曲棍球赛 对,他没告诉你吗?
[00:09:04] He said he was going out with the guys. I didn't know that was you. 他告诉我他跟男人出去 我只是不知道男人是你们
[00:09:07] You hear that? 你听到了吗?
[00:09:09] We're the guys! 我们是男人
[00:09:12] With that mustache, he reminds me of Aunt Sylvia. 钱德留那胡子 像不像西维亚姑妈?
[00:09:14] Thank you! 谢谢
[00:09:21] 中央公园
[00:09:25] Hi. We're visiting. 我们来拜访
[00:09:27] It's Ben and his dada. 是小班跟他爹爹
[00:09:33] Can you say "dada"? 爹爹,你会说“爹爹”吗?
[00:09:36] I'm telling your mommies you said it, so you might as well. 你妈咪们说你说了,你试试啊
[00:09:39] No luck,huh? 运气不好?
[00:09:41] A while ago, I got a "seh" out of him... 不好,不久以前 他发了一个“二”的音
[00:09:44] ...which I thought might turn into "seh-condary caregiver," but.... 我想那也可以勉强说 是二褓姆的意思…
[00:09:51] Would you hold him for a sec? I gotta take this off. 帮我抱一下,好吗? 我得把这个拿下来
[00:09:55] Sure. Okay. 好的
[00:10:03] What are you doing? 你在干什么?
[00:10:04] I'm holding Ben. 我在抱班啊
[00:10:09] He's a baby,not a bomb. 对,他是个婴儿,不是炸弹
[00:10:15] This is how I would hold a football. 我就是这样抱足球的
[00:10:20] Sorry,I'm not very good with babies. I haven't been around them. 对不起,我不太会带孩子 我是说,我没接触过他们
[00:10:27] -It's all right. No big deal. -Really? 没关系,没什么大不了的 真的?
[00:10:30] I'm sure you'll feel different when it's our baby. 我相信如果他是我们的宝宝 会让你完全改观
[00:10:33] -What? -What? 什么? 什么?
[00:10:38] Yeah. I mean.... 对,我是说…
[00:10:41] Actually,I kind of think that we'll have two babies. 事实上,我想我们会有 有两个宝宝
[00:10:46] Two babies? 两个宝宝?
[00:10:49] You know,a boy and a girl. 对,一男一女
[00:10:51] Hopefully,the girl will come first, so Ben won't feel competitive. 我希望先生女的,所以小班 不会觉得有太大的竞争
[00:10:57] Then what's gonna happen? 那接下来呢?
[00:10:59] We won't wanna raise kids in the city, so we'll move to Scarsdale. 我们不希望孩子在城市里长大 所以我们或许会搬到史卡戴
[00:11:05] We'll be far enough from our parents so we don't have to see them... 我们会住得离我们的父母够远 所以不用常常看到他们…
[00:11:09] ... but close enough that they can baby-sit. …但又不会太远 所以随时可以请他们来带小孩
[00:11:12] And yes,I know the taxes are a little higher than Nassau County... 没错,我知道那里的税 是比那梭郡要高一点…
[00:11:16] ... but the school system's great. …但学校制度据说非常非常棒
[00:11:21] Wow,that's great! Great! 太棒了…
[00:11:24] Okay,wow! You know what? 你知道吗?
[00:11:27] I'm off my break now. 我休息完了
[00:11:30] Here. You take this. 所以你拿着
[00:11:34] I'm gonna go pour these very nice people some coffee. 我要去帮这些好人倒咖啡了
[00:11:38] Look at that. I don't have a pot. 你瞧瞧,我没有咖啡壶
[00:11:43] Or in Scarsdale. Hey,is that a door? 或是史卡戴,那是门吗?
[00:11:52] Hey,Pheebs. What's happening? 菲菲,怎么了?
[00:11:54] Murder,cancer,soccer teams eating each other in the Andes. 谋杀,癌症 足球队在安地斯山脉吃来吃去
[00:12:00] So you watched the movies? 你看了电影了?
[00:12:02] What is happening to the world? 这个世界到底怎么了?
[00:12:05] I mean.... No,no,because E.T. Ieaves... 我是说,因为ET走了…
[00:12:08] ...and Rocky loses. Charlotte dies. …洛基输了,夏绿蒂死了
[00:12:11] Charlotte who? 哪个夏绿蒂?
[00:12:14] She dies. She has babies and dies. 它死了,它生了宝宝后就死了
[00:12:16] It's like,"Welcome home from the hospital." Thud! 那就像…“欢迎从医院回来”
[00:12:21] You wanna feel better? 想不想舒服一点?
[00:12:26] Here. Watch this. 来,看这个
[00:12:28] It's a Wonderful Life. I've heard of this. “人生真美妙”这个我听说过
[00:12:31] So you can't lose. It's there in the title. 所以没问题,片名说明了一切
[00:12:34] Wonderfulness is baked right in. 包你美妙得不得了
[00:12:36] I fell for that with Pride of the Yankees. 拜托,我差点就被 “北方佬的骄傲”给骗了
[00:12:39] I thought I'd see a film about Yankee pride. 我以为我要看的是 关于“北方佬的骄傲”
[00:12:41] And boom! The guy gets Lou Gehrig's disease. 然后… 那个傢伙得了路葛瑞症
[00:12:46] The guy was Lou Gehrig. Didn't you kind of see it coming? 那个傢伙叫路葛瑞 你没预感吗?
[00:12:52] Watch that. It'll restore all your faith in humanity. 你看就是了,我保证能 让你恢复对人类的信心
[00:12:56] Hey,big guy. Game time. 大个儿,球赛时间到了
[00:12:58] -Hey! Be right there! -There's a game? 好,马上来 有球赛
[00:13:01] I just got my Pik-Up Stiks back from the shop. 对,我刚从店里 拿了棍子玩具回来
[00:13:05] Bring your nerves of steel. 带着你的铁胆来
[00:13:09] It's the basketball playoffs. 是篮球决赛
[00:13:12] I appreciate this,but you don't have to hang out with them for me. 亲爱的,我不喜欢你这样 但是你不用为了我跟他们混
[00:13:16] They have each other. 反正他们两个可以做伴
[00:13:18] Oh,no,honey. I mean,don't worry. 不,亲爱的,别担心
[00:13:20] I like hanging out with them. They're different than my other friends. 我很喜欢跟他们混,很好玩 他们跟我别的朋友不同
[00:13:30] All right,that's great. Then just go. 好吧,那就去吧
[00:13:33] Go Nicks! 加油,尼克队
[00:13:36] -Then,go Vassar! -They're not in it. 加油,瓦萨 他们没比
[00:13:39] Okay,then just go. 那加油吧
[00:13:43] Why does this bother me so much? 我为什么要那么在意呢?
[00:13:45] I'm not one of those people who wants to spend 24 hours a day together. 我并不想当那种要男友 24小时都跟她们在一起的人
[00:13:50] Sure. 对呀
[00:13:52] He just doesn't have much free time. What do I do? 只是他空闲的时间不多 我不知道,我到底该怎么办?
[00:13:55] Does it matter? You'll just die or divorce or blow your pet's head off. 有关系吗?你始终都会死 或离婚,或枪杀你的宠物
[00:14:03] Me too! 我也是
[00:14:04] Rachel,I got a question. Richard made plans again with the guys 瑞秋,我有个问题 理查又跟他们做计划了…
[00:14:08] Ross made plans for the century. 对,罗斯刚计划了整个世纪
[00:14:10] I'm gonna go read Cosmo. Maybe there's something helpful in it. 我想我要回房去看杂志了 或许会读到什么有用的
[00:14:14] If not,I can learn how to do a bikini wax with leftover Christmas candles. 不然至少可以学会 怎样用圣诞树剩下的蜡烛除毛
[00:14:22] What happened back there? 你刚刚是怎么回事?
[00:14:24] I don't know. You tell me. 不知道,你告诉我吧
[00:14:26] One minute I'm holding Ben, then I've got two kids... 我刚刚还像抱足球一样抱着班 接下来我就有两个孩子…
[00:14:29] ... I'm living in Scarsdale complaining about taxes! …住在史卡戴,抱怨着税太高
[00:14:32] Well,I'm sorry. I think about stuff. 那抱歉,我就是爱东想西想
[00:14:35] You're at work,you're assembling bones, your mind wanders. 我是说,工作的时候 一边弄骨头就会一边乱想嘛
[00:14:39] You've planned out the next 20 years. We've dated for six weeks! 你计划了我们往后二十年生活 我们才在一起六周
[00:14:43] You never think about our future? 你从不想未来的事吗?
[00:14:45] I think about whose apartment we'll sleep at tomorrow... 想,但我想的是 我们明晚住谁那边好…
[00:14:48] ...and where we'll have dinner next Saturday! …下个礼拜六晚上 我们去哪里吃晚饭
[00:14:51] I do not think about our children's names! 我不会去想 我们的孩子会叫什么名字
[00:14:58] No,I mean,you know. I read a book, and there was a girl named Emily. 不…我…我是说我看到一本书 里头有个女孩叫蜜莉
[00:15:03] And I thought that might be good. 我觉得…我觉得还不错
[00:15:07] What book? 哪一本书?
[00:15:09] The Big Book of Children's Names. “儿童命名大观”
[00:15:14] Okay,listen. 你听着
[00:15:15] What we have is amazing. 我们在一起很棒
[00:15:17] But I do not want everything decided for me! 但我不要别人为我决定好一切
[00:15:20] I spent my whole life like that. 我那样过一辈子了
[00:15:22] It's what I had with Barry. That's a reason I left. 我跟贝利就是那样 那是我离开的原因之一
[00:15:24] I like not knowing right now. 我喜欢有未知
[00:15:27] Sorry if that scares you,but if you wanna be with me,deal with that! 如果那样吓着了你,那很抱歉 但若你要跟我在一起就接受吧
[00:15:31] -Okay,fine! -Thank you! 好,很好 谢谢
[00:15:33] -We're not done! -I didn't know that. 还没完呢 那我不知道
[00:15:36] You're with a guy who won't stop planning his future with you. 跟你在一起的人 不会停止去计划他跟你的未来
[00:15:40] He knows we'll end up together. 因为他知道我们最后会在一起
[00:15:42] If that scares you,tough! You'll have to deal with that. 如果你害怕了,很不幸 因为你必须学会接受
[00:15:45] -I will! -Good,because I love you! 很好,我会的 好,因为我爱你
[00:15:49] -That's the first time we've said that! -Yes,it is! 我们第一次互相说我爱你 没错
[00:15:52] -I'm gonna kiss you! -You better! 那我就要亲你了 最好是这样
[00:16:02] Thanks for the great movie tip. 谢谢你给我的建议
[00:16:04] -Did you like it? -Oh,yeah. 你喜欢吗? 喜欢
[00:16:06] I don't know if I was happier when George Bailey destroyed the business... 我不知道我是该在 贝乔治毁了家庭事业之后…
[00:16:10] ...or Donna Reed cried or when the pharmacist made his ear bleed. …还是在李唐娜哭是在药剂师 害他耳朵流血时会比较快乐
[00:16:19] I didn't watch it. I was too depressed. 结局我根本就没看 我太沮丧了
[00:16:21] It kept getting worse! It should've been called: 剧情越来越叫人家失望 这片子应该叫:
[00:16:23] "It's a Sucky Life,And Just When You Think It Can't Suck Anymore,It Does!" “人生真衰就在你觉得 无法更衰时,它更衰”
[00:16:30] IKick,save! And... 我踢球…
[00:16:32] ...denied! …接住
[00:16:34] He gets it back. Pass to the middle,lines it up.... 但他抢回来,传到中间 然后准备踢,碰…
[00:16:38] Yes! 太棒了!
[00:16:39] Could that shot be any prettier? 那球还可以踢得更漂亮吗?
[00:16:43] Man,you are incredible. 老兄,你真厉害
[00:16:45] We had a table in college. 我们大学时也有这玩意儿
[00:16:47] Really? I didn't know they had foosball in the 1800s. 我不晓得 1800年也有桌上足球
[00:16:51] Nice mustache. At puberty, that thing will really kick in. 对了,你的胡子不错 青春期一到就会茂盛起来
[00:16:59] Not to sound too Florence Henderson, but dinner's on the table. 我也不想太像个好太太 但晚餐做好了
[00:17:03] One more point. 再玩一下
[00:17:07] Score! 得分
[00:17:10] Now can we go? 可以走了吗?
[00:17:12] That's why we don't let her play. 看吧,所以我们才不让她玩
[00:17:17] Is everything all right? 一切都还好吧?
[00:17:21] Don't be mad at him. It's our fault. 听我说,别跟他生气 是我们的错
[00:17:23] I'm sorry we've been hogging his time. 我们占了他太多时间了
[00:17:25] He's just really great to hang out with. 是呀,跟他真的是很棒
[00:17:28] -Well.... -No,seriously. 这个嘛… 不…说真的
[00:17:29] We just talked about this. He is so much cooler than our dads. 我跟钱德刚才还在说 他比我们的爸爸酷多了
[00:17:36] Our dads are okay and all, but Richard is just 我是说我们爸爸是还好啦 可是理查好…
[00:17:39] What are you kicking me for? 你踢我干什么?
[00:17:42] I'm trying to talk here. 我正在讲话,你…
[00:17:47] You guys see me as a dad? 你们觉得我是父字辈的?
[00:17:49] -Oh,yeah! -No! 对呀 不
[00:17:55] You're just clearly not familiar with our young persons' vernacular. 你很显然不了解 我们年轻人的用语
[00:17:59] When we say "dad," we mean "buddy." 我们“爸爸”的意思是指兄弟
[00:18:03] We mean "pal." 是“伙伴”的意思
[00:18:05] No,seriously. Joey's my dad. 我说真的,乔伊他是我爸
[00:18:11] Monica's my dad. 摩妮卡也是我爸
[00:18:13] I've even got some dads down at work. 我们公司里还有一些我爸爸
[00:18:16] That's fine. 没问题
[00:18:17] Well,your other dad and I are gonna go have a romantic evening. 你们的另外一个爸爸跟我 要去有一个浪漫的夜晚了
[00:18:22] I'll just see you kids around. 孩子们,我们改天见了
[00:18:24] Nighty-night. 晚安了
[00:18:26] You're not a dad! 你不是一个爸
[00:18:29] I can't believe you got us into trouble. 真不敢相信你干的好事
[00:18:37] So are you okay? 你还好吗?
[00:18:41] Just... 很好…
[00:18:42] ... I feel like I'm about a hundred. …我只是觉得自己好老
[00:18:45] I thought I was just one of the guys. 我还以为我跟他们一样
[00:18:48] Come here. 过来
[00:18:50] I'll make you feel like one of the guys. 我会让你觉得 你跟他们一样
[00:18:58] For a really cool guy, you suck at foosball. 对一个很酷的人来说 你的足球烂透了
[00:19:02] I was killing them. 我痛宰了他们
[00:19:04] Yeah,well they suck too. 他们也很烂
[00:19:10] You take the poopy diaper and put it in the poopy diaper pail. 对,然后你把有便便的尿布 丢到便便尿布桶里去
[00:19:14] Calling it a "poopy diaper" doesn't make this process any cuter. 美其名为便便尿布 并不会让这个过程更可爱
[00:19:22] -It's us. -Come on up. 是我们 上来吧
[00:19:24] I'll get his stuff together. 我去准备他其他的东西
[00:19:26] Okay,we can do this now, can't we,Ben? 我们做得到的,是不是,班?
[00:19:29] Yes,we can. 对,我们可以
[00:19:31] Yes,we can. 对,我们可以
[00:19:34] There! I did it! 好了
[00:19:37] I did it! 我换好了
[00:19:40] Look at that! 你瞧瞧
[00:19:42] It stays on and everything. 紧紧的包在屁屁上
[00:19:51] I'm sorry. What did you just say? Did you just say "hi"? 对不起,你刚刚说什么? 你刚刚说“嗨”啊?
[00:19:55] Oh,my God! Ross? Ben just said hi! 天啊,罗斯… 班刚说“嗨”耶
[00:19:58] -What? -Ben just said hi! 什么? 班刚说“嗨”
[00:20:00] What,the word "hi"? 什么?嗨那个字?
[00:20:01] No,my Uncle Hi. 不,我的嗨舅舅
[00:20:04] Great! And I missed that too. I miss everything! 棒透了,我也错过了 我错过一切了
[00:20:07] Oh,I'm sorry. I guess I just bring it out in him. 我猜我太有魅力了
[00:20:12] -Where is he? -We missed you. 他在哪里? 我们想你
[00:20:14] We missed you so much! Come here,Ben. 我们好想你 过来,班
[00:20:18] Guess what? Ben just said his first word. 你们猜,班刚说了哪个字?
[00:20:23] Something about hi. 什么嗨不嗨的
[00:20:26] That's so exciting! Mommy's so proud of you! 真是令人兴奋 妈咪好骄傲哦
[00:20:39] This could go on for a while. 这可能要玩很久
[00:20:41] You're right. We've got a cab waiting. 计程车还在楼下等我们呢
[00:20:43] Well,this was fun. 这真好玩 好的
[00:20:45] We should do it again sometime,Ben. What do you say? 我们改天一定还要这样子 班,你说怎么样呢?
[00:20:50] -All right,so I've got him...? -Tuesday. 好吧,下一次是… 礼拜二
[00:20:53] Bye,you guys. 再见了
[00:20:54] -Take care. -Bye,Ben. 保重 拜,班
[00:21:00] Did he just say "bye"? 他刚刚…他…他刚刚说拜吗?
[00:21:02] He said bye! 他说拜…
[00:21:04] You said bye! He said bye to me! 你对我说拜,他对我说拜
[00:21:06] Yes,he did! 没错
[00:21:08] Suddenly I'm seeing him go off to college! 我已经可以幻想他去上大学了
[00:21:12] We've gotta go. We've got that cab downstairs. 我们得走了,计程车在楼下等
[00:21:16] See you later. 拜拜…
[00:21:35] Look at this nice deep hole I dug. Hey,Bert... 我看挖的这个洞好深 柏特…
[00:21:38] ...isn't this a nice hole here? …这洞是不是挖得很好?
[00:21:41] Ben,this is the part where Ernie buries Bert in the sand and can't find him. 班,这是在演厄尼把柏特 埋在沙里头,然后找不到他
[00:21:46] Now,I've looked ahead on the tape, and he does find him again. 现在,我已经先看过了 他后来有找到他
[00:21:52] But before that happens, there's some rough going for a while. 可是,在那之前呢 会先有一些让人很难受的
[00:21:56] But I think we can handle it. 可是我想我们挺得住
[00:21:59] And there's just the alphabet, but we know that ends well,so.... 这些只是…只是字母而已 可是我知道结局会很好的…
[00:22:04] Here we go. 好,继续了
[00:22:05] Bert? Bert? 柏特?… 他刚刚还在这里
[00:22:09] What happened to my friend Bert? He was here just a moment ago. 我的朋友柏特怎么了?
[00:22:15] I'm so glad you're here. 我真高兴你在这里
[00:22:19] Bye-bye,baby. 拜拜,宝贝
- 下坠 [曾一鸣]
- Faust [The Human Abstract]
- The Joker [Steve Miller Band]
- gift [FIELD OF VIEW]
- Your Little Body’s Slowly Breaking Down [Madonna&Jonathan Pryce]
- Santa Claus Is Coming To Town [Human Nature]
- (Now and Then There’s) A Fool Such As I [Elvis Presley]
- It’s Dreamtime(Remaster) [Mel Tormé]
- Can’t Buy Me Love [The Supremes]
- Bolero Falaz [pastora]
- Loving You Beats All I Ever Seen [Johnny Paycheck]
- Alcoholic [Fishbone]
- Coisa Doida [Joanna]
- Te Agradezco [Ivan]
- Ghost Song [The Doors]
- El Tiempo a Solas(Directo Argentina) [La Oreja De Van Gogh]
- I’m Glad There Is You [Chris Connor]
- I Can’t Help Myself(Sugar Pie Honey Bunch)(Acapella Version) [Great ”O” Music]
- 想哭就到我怀里哭 [庾澄庆]
- Matchbox [Carl Perkins]
- Fly Me To The Moon [Peggy Lee]
- Frown [Mike Kills]
- 萍水相逢 [刘罡&李慧瑜]
- A E I O U [草蜢]
- Tutto per una ragione(SDJM Remix) [Benji & Fede&Annalisa]
- Guess Who? [B.B. King]
- 时间都去哪儿了 唯美钢琴版 [薛佳piano]
- 一错再错 [猪猪]
- 烟花泪 [张力庭]
- 不能回头看吗(2017) [陈珠]
- 人生在世你做决定(Remix) [9馨]
- Under Paris Skies [The Ray Conniff Singers]
- Straight Skirt [Johnny Devlin]
- 街灯 [小背包]
- Animal [Old Skool Rock Masters&P.]
- Cold Waves [Sons Of Aeon]
- 第2439集_百炼成仙 [祁桑]
- Entre La Fe y La Razón(Album Version) [Carajo]
- Ah Yeah!! [スキマスイッチ]
- I’m Gonna Be Warm This Winter [Kylie Minogue]