
《The Sentinel》歌词

所属专辑: Metalogy 歌手: Judas Priest 时长: 05:01
The Sentinel

[00:00:06] The Sentinel

[00:00:11] 沿着荒僻小径

[00:00:11] Judas Priest

[00:00:40] 慢慢提升精力

[00:00:40] Along deserted avenues

[00:00:42] 达到最佳状态

[00:00:42] Steam begins to rise

[00:00:45] 应对任何状况

[00:00:45] The figures primed and ready

[00:00:48] 时刻保持警惕

[00:00:48] Prepared for quick surprise

[00:00:50] 此事关乎性命

[00:00:50] He's watching for a sign

[00:00:55] 复仇之火

[00:00:55] His life is on the line

[00:01:00] 直入地狱

[00:01:00] Sworn to avenge

[00:01:04] 愤怒刀锋

[00:01:04] Condemn to Hell

[00:01:06] 恐怖哨兵

[00:01:06] Tempt not the blade

[00:01:08] 狗儿悲嗥

[00:01:08] All fear the Sentinel

[00:01:11] 硝烟弥漫

[00:01:11] Dogs whine in the alleys

[00:01:13] 茫然无助

[00:01:13] Smoke is on the wind

[00:01:16] 钟声鸣响

[00:01:16] From deep inside its empty shell

[00:01:18] 幽幽回荡

[00:01:18] A cathedral bell begins

[00:01:21] 风暴将至

[00:01:21] Ringing out its toll

[00:01:26] 复仇之火

[00:01:26] A storm begins to grow

[00:01:31] 直入地狱

[00:01:31] Sworn to avenge

[00:01:33] 愤怒刀锋

[00:01:33] Condemn to Hell

[00:01:36] 恐怖哨兵

[00:01:36] Tempt not the blade

[00:01:38] 围着焚毁的汽车

[00:01:38] All fear the Sentinel

[00:01:44] 挑战者们在等待

[00:01:44] Amidst the upturned burned-out cars

[00:01:46] 手中紧握铁棒

[00:01:46] The challengers await

[00:01:49] 他坦然面对宿命

[00:01:49] And in their fists clutch iron bars

[00:01:51] 带着决死战斗的信念

[00:01:51] With which to seal his fate

[00:01:54] 飞刀如雨

[00:01:54] Across his chest is scabbards rest

[00:01:56] 技艺超群

[00:01:56] The rows of throwing knives

[00:01:59] 结果了无数性命

[00:01:59] Whose razor points in challenged tests

[00:02:02] 人群蜂拥而上

[00:02:02] Have finished many lives

[00:03:11] 看似永无止境

[00:03:11] Now facing one another

[00:03:14] 静默骤然降临

[00:03:14] The stand-off eats at time

[00:03:16] 钟声停止鸣响

[00:03:16] Then all at once a silence falls

[00:03:19] 挑战者们发起进攻

[00:03:19] As the bell ceases its chime

[00:03:22] 尖声喊叫向前冲锋

[00:03:22] Upon this sign the challengers

[00:03:24] 飞刀犹如子弹

[00:03:24] With shrieks and cries rush forth

[00:03:27] 捎带死亡气息

[00:03:27] The knives fly out like bullets

[00:03:30] 痛苦与挣扎的叫喊

[00:03:30] Upon their deadly course

[00:03:32] 打破寂静

[00:03:32] Screams of pain and agony

[00:03:35] 环绕着将死的躯壳

[00:03:35] Rent the silent air

[00:03:38] 血液流淌成河

[00:03:38] Amidst the dying bodies

[00:03:40] 哨兵面无表情地站立

[00:03:40] Blood runs everywhere

[00:03:43] 冷静与孤独

[00:03:43] The figure stands expressionless

[00:03:45] 胜利带不来丝毫触动

[00:03:45] Impassive and alone

[00:03:48] 他撒下死亡的种子

[00:03:48] Unmoved by this victory

[00:03:51] 复仇之火

[00:03:51] And the seeds of death he's sown

[00:03:56] 直入地狱

[00:03:56] Sworn to avenge

[00:03:58] 愤怒刀锋

[00:03:58] Condemn to Hell

[00:04:02] 恐怖哨兵

[00:04:02] Tempt not the blade

[00:04:05] 复仇之火

[00:04:05] All fear the Sentinel

[00:04:06] 直入地狱

[00:04:06] Sworn to avenge

[00:04:09] 愤怒刀锋

[00:04:09] Condemn to Hell

[00:04:12] 恐怖哨兵

[00:04:12] Tempt not the blade

[00:04:14] 复仇之火

[00:04:14] All fear the Sentinel

[00:04:16] 直入地狱

[00:04:16] Sworn to avenge

[00:04:19] 愤怒刀锋

[00:04:19] Condemn to Hell

[00:04:22] 恐怖哨兵

[00:04:22] Tempt not the blade

[00:04:24] 复仇之火

[00:04:24] All fear the Sentinel

[00:04:26] 直入地狱

[00:04:26] Sworn to avenge

[00:04:29] 愤怒刀锋

[00:04:29] Condemn to Hell

[00:04:34] 恐怖哨兵