
《Days and Days》歌词

Days and Days

[00:00:00] You leave your heart for days and days

[00:00:08] 一天天你如行尸走肉一般

[00:00:08] Yeah

[00:00:10] 金钱不是垃圾,坏女人也不可怕

[00:00:10] Money ain't sh*t b**ches ain't neither

[00:00:13] 你知道我在这甜蜜之处

[00:00:13] You know I'm on that grass

[00:00:15] 不要随意打断

[00:00:15] Don't cut on the sprinklers

[00:00:17] 宝贝在我心中

[00:00:17] P**sy on my mind

[00:00:18] 在我呼吸里,在我手指间

[00:00:18] On my breath and on my fingers

[00:00:20] 那家伙想与我温存

[00:00:20] Niggas try to bite my style

[00:00:21] 但我却不予理睬

[00:00:21] But my style a jalapeno

[00:00:23] 我有一条紧身牛仔裤

[00:00:23] I got skinny a** jeans

[00:00:25] 口袋中的小玩意

[00:00:25] Trucks on the pocket

[00:00:27] 金钱是万能的,家伙

[00:00:27] Money talks ni**a

[00:00:28] 我陷入了这种流言中

[00:00:28] I'm caught up in that gossip

[00:00:30] 你知道我所有的情妇

[00:00:30] You know all my b**ches badder

[00:00:32] 我所有的情郎

[00:00:32] And all my swishas fatter

[00:00:33] 我不断从他们身上汲取

[00:00:33] I milk this sh*t like cattle

[00:00:35] 我的语言像拼凑的一样

[00:00:35] That's my word like Scrabble

[00:00:36] 你的那个女孩让人眼前一亮

[00:00:36] And yo main girl is a ho

[00:00:38] 在她的尖叫中,我进入了Wayne的世界

[00:00:38] I go Wayne's World in her throat

[00:00:40] 她与太多的人有交集,你周围的人

[00:00:40] She swallow so many nuts you f**k around

[00:00:42] 她在此方面很厉害

[00:00:42] Find a squirrel in her throat

[00:00:43] 我与那女孩温存

[00:00:43] I go tape worm in that ho

[00:00:45] 在她的身上扭动

[00:00:45] Let my snake squirm in that ho

[00:00:47] 家伙,我们轮流吧

[00:00:47] Ni**a we take turns in that ho

[00:00:48] 这些家伙太激动了

[00:00:48] These niggas so green they glow

[00:00:50] 我是最棒的

[00:00:50] I am the best thing since wet p**sy

[00:00:52] 我与我的主厨温存时

[00:00:52] On my private jet with my chef cookin'

[00:00:54] 我很费力

[00:00:54] So big headed my neck crooked

[00:00:55] 那些家伙很不可靠

[00:00:55] My niggas foul when the ref's lookin'

[00:00:57] 我最大的兄弟是Mack Maine

[00:00:57] My big bro is Mack Maine

[00:00:59] 我有许多情人

[00:00:59] So much w**d I got grass stains

[00:01:01] 这些宝贝呀,那些女郎都在争抢

[00:01:01] These nuts that's baggage claim

[00:01:02] 我像Candy Canes一样处境艰难

[00:01:02] I'm on them trees like Candy Canes

[00:01:04] Lil Tunechi

[00:01:04] Lil Tunechi

[00:01:09] Tunechi, 我会去表演

[00:01:09] Tunechi I might book me for a show

[00:01:14] 我收费低廉

[00:01:14] Charge my a** the low

[00:01:15] 会赚取很多钱

[00:01:15] And pick up the whole dough

[00:01:18] 这就是挣钱的捷径

[00:01:18] That's hustlenomics

[00:01:19] 班级的合影上,我个子很高

[00:01:19] I was high in my class pictures

[00:01:21] 我喜欢数学,我所做的就是增加情人

[00:01:21] I like math all I did was add b**ches

[00:01:25] 大摇大摆,快让你的女孩趴下

[00:01:25] Swagger galore got your girl on all fours

[00:01:28] 这不是小狗式,我将其称为蛙式

[00:01:28] It's not doggystyle I call it froggystyle

[00:01:31] 你将她打扮得很花哨,我告诉她快来

[00:01:31] You dog her out I tell her hop in

[00:01:35] 2 Chainz, 我的第一次是和一对双胞胎

[00:01:35] 2 Chainz my first chain had a twin

[00:01:38] 怪我直言不讳,那时在看ESPN

[00:01:38] Gas in my blunt watching ESPN

[00:01:41] 如果那个女人很好

[00:01:41] And if that p**sy good

[00:01:42] 我想再见到她

[00:01:42] I wanna see her again

[00:01:44] 耶,我来自College Park

[00:01:44] Yeah I'm from College Park

[00:01:46] 我说话口音浓重

[00:01:46] And I got ya broad with me

[00:01:48] 这是咸水池

[00:01:48] Salt water pool

[00:01:49] 我可以在里面养条鲨鱼

[00:01:49] I can put a shark in it

[00:01:51] 一切都是真实的

[00:01:51] Everything authentic

[00:01:53] 配上我命名的手枪

[00:01:53] Plus I named my pistols

[00:01:54] 姓是F**k

[00:01:54] Last name F**k

[00:01:56] 没有起名

[00:01:56] First name I Don't Give A

[00:01:58] 口袋鼓囊囊的

[00:01:58] Pockets look pregnant

[00:02:00] 他们需要转移

[00:02:00] They 'bout to deliver

[00:02:01] 当我开始找寻目标时

[00:02:01] So when I start pimpin'

[00:02:03] 你知道步骤

[00:02:03] You know the procedure

[00:02:05] 你越来越违背心意,就这样吧

[00:02:05] You leave your heart for days and days (all right)

[00:02:15] 我和所有的成员们

[00:02:15] All my niggas gangstas

[00:02:17] 所有的情人都很激动

[00:02:17] All my b**ches freaks

[00:02:18] 我安抚她

[00:02:18] I tickle her p**sy

[00:02:20] 让她很兴奋

[00:02:20] Got that p**sy tickle pink

[00:02:21] 我是街区的中心

[00:02:21] I'm the heart of the streets

[00:02:23] 我跳过了一拍

[00:02:23] And I just skipped a beat

[00:02:25] 如果这个女人很好

[00:02:25] And if that p**sy sweet

[00:02:26] 我就想要,不招待就使坏

[00:02:26] I want that candy trick or treat

[00:02:28] 我的牙齿中镶有钻石

[00:02:28] I got diamonds in my teeth

[00:02:30] 所以我的话语很珍贵

[00:02:30] So all my words are precious

[00:02:31] 我很兴奋,嘶嘶嘶嘶

[00:02:31] I'm so f**kin' hot I sssssss

[00:02:33] 我想要更多情人

[00:02:33] I'ma need some more S's

[00:02:35] 我与其他一些人

[00:02:35] Man I'm on some other sh*t

[00:02:37] 我想要另一个女郎

[00:02:37] I want another b**ch

[00:02:38] 要另一个女郎

[00:02:38] That want another b**ch

[00:02:40] 我不怜惜坏女人

[00:02:40] And I don't cuddle b**ch

[00:02:41] 我讨厌她侍候别人

[00:02:41] I hit her with that shovel dick

[00:02:43] 我们共赴云雨

[00:02:43] I got in that p**sy and dug a ditch

[00:02:45] 一些人上班要插卡

[00:02:45] Some people gotta punch the clock

[00:02:47] 而我却不以为然

[00:02:47] Man I rather punch a brick

[00:02:48] 因为我是那个家伙

[00:02:48] Cause I'm that ni**a

[00:02:50] 由于太冷我一直发颤

[00:02:50] And I'm so cold I just shivered

[00:02:52] 那些家伙以为他们足够雄壮

[00:02:52] These niggas think they hard

[00:02:54] 这些家伙只知道温存

[00:02:54] These niggas just nipples

[00:02:55] 我朝那家伙开枪

[00:02:55] I pop a ni**a like a sicle

[00:02:57] 让那家伙迅速跌倒

[00:02:57] Drop a ni**a like a missile

[00:02:59] 没钱没商量

[00:02:59] Mo' money mo' issues

[00:03:00] 我会好好和你温存

[00:03:00] I'll size you up and fit you

[00:03:02] Tunechi

[00:03:02] Tunechi

[00:03:07] 你越来越违背心意

