

所属专辑: 淘漉音乐 歌手: 淘漉音乐 时长: 38:17

[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成

[00:00:14] 千淘万漉虽辛苦

[00:00:16] 吹尽狂沙始到金

[00:00:18] 我们不提供网络神曲

[00:00:20] 我们只分享最经典的音乐

[00:00:23] 这里是桃鹿电台

[00:00:25] 我是主播夜生

[00:00:26] 我们准备了好音乐

[00:00:28] 你准备好小耳朵了吗

[00:00:59] 在一部电影中

[00:01:00] 音乐往往成为最容易烘托情绪的部分

[00:01:04] 看完一部电影

[00:01:05] 时间久了

[00:01:06] 我们可能会忘记其中的故事情节

[00:01:08] 记不清里面的画面

[00:01:10] 但只要那一段熟悉的旋律想起

[00:01:13] 一幕幕的场景便立刻浮现脑海

[00:01:16] 是否有一部电影让你爱上一首歌

[00:01:21] He do the cards as a meditation

[00:01:26] Lucy plays never suspect

[00:01:32] He doesnt play for money he wins

[00:01:38] I dont play for respect

[00:01:42] 这个杀手不太冷

[00:01:43] 是1994年

[00:01:44] 法国导演吕克贝松执导

[00:01:46] 让雷诺娜塔莉波特曼主演的一部电影谁主题歌

[00:01:50] superman 哈尔是由英国著名歌星

[00:01:53] 也曾是一位出色的摇滚乐手斯汀演唱

[00:01:56] 哈尔特一词一语双关

[00:01:59] 反映了杀手孤独的内心

[00:02:01] 配合上

[00:02:02] 斯丁略带沙哑的嗓音被演绎的天衣无缝

[00:02:06] 两把大提琴

[00:02:07] 一个拨弦

[00:02:08] 弹奏一个和音空间触碰触

[00:02:11] 缓缓倒着

[00:02:12] 惊人的意志忧伤哟

[00:02:17] I moved I mi mi for Di SAR thats na de shape of my Hart

[00:02:29] You may played a Jack of comes

[00:02:35] You mail a queen of space

[00:02:42] Kingsley stand

[00:02:46] Our memory our faces

[00:02:52] Well that does speed are sort of a soldier

[00:02:57] I move that do clubs weapons on the wall

[00:03:04] Times mor SAR s natural shape a mile

[00:03:14] Thats

[00:03:15] 哪怕谁

[00:03:19] 斜坡嘛吼

[00:03:51] If I told you that I love you

[00:03:56] Maybe think ers and the role

[00:04:02] Mei Mei tu my faces

[00:04:08] Master where one

[00:04:14] Hello speak no nothing

[00:04:19] Finite their cars

[00:04:24] Re mothers love threw many process

[00:04:31] Those were Phil ly

[00:04:36] Luck at the space and saw the soldier

[00:04:42] No that 的club that happen the whole

[00:04:48] Mums returning for Di SAR s na de shape of my Hart

[00:04:58] That natural shape of mile

[00:05:04] Thats my book

[00:05:05] 谁谁吗

[00:05:40] Makes you by surprise

[00:05:43] 的en re lies

[00:05:46] Reality 是法国电影初吻的主题曲

[00:05:49] 由理查德桑德森演唱

[00:05:51] 曾是15 个国家的冠军歌曲

[00:05:54] 扑面而来的青春不止

[00:05:56] 初吻不可磨灭

[00:05:57] 深入人心

[00:05:58] 历久经年的爱情也一样美好动人

[00:06:04] 初吻这部电影也是苏菲玛索的成名作

[00:06:06] 很经典的电影

[00:06:08] 配上经典的歌曲

[00:06:09] 前奏一响起

[00:06:11] 甜蜜温暖的感觉就让人沉醉

[00:06:14] 每一个音符都充满了恋爱的味道

[00:06:17] 仿佛回到了初恋的时候

[00:06:21] 虽然与我们没有隔着世界的光阴

[00:06:23] 却也成为了我们心中不变的回忆

[00:06:27] 影片中的幕幕经典一直在脑海中回放

[00:06:30] 一遍遍的给我们感动

[00:06:32] 无关祖辈

[00:06:34] 也无关时间

[00:06:37] The defend ga ti mid and te

[00:06:44] I dream of love in Du ly

[00:06:49] I love being seen so although its only fina nc

[00:07:12] If you do X s

[00:07:15] Honey dogs she says

[00:07:19] Show me a new way

[00:07:22] Laughing

[00:07:25] Tell me let its true

[00:07:28] Show me what to do

[00:07:32] I feel something special about you

[00:07:38] Dreams are my reality

[00:07:43] You ni Kai Di ang ora te

[00:07:50] Baby 卖foolish his guests are made in our lost

[00:07:58] I see helping

[00:08:01] 愿你

[00:08:05] Dreams are my reality

[00:08:09] Worse when I re be

[00:08:16] I dream of holding your man

[00:08:21] And holding your sings Wright

[00:08:24] Perhaps thats my reality

[00:08:54] Let you by surprise

[00:08:57] 的any re si

[00:09:00] About my life for change

[00:09:04] Forever

[00:09:07] Tell me that its true

[00:09:10] Feelings that on you I feel something special about you

[00:09:20] Dreams are my reality

[00:09:25] I wonder sweat when I re be

[00:09:32] Here you Shun the SAR until I try to live in dreams although it so lis te

[00:09:47] Dreams my reality

[00:09:51] I liked the dream of you closed toe 咪

[00:09:58] I dream of love in the night I love ing you seem tri I hate that my reality the demon

[00:10:36] 泰坦尼克号绝对是爱情电影中经典的经典

[00:10:39] 无论看过多少遍

[00:10:41] 时隔多少年

[00:10:42] 每当影片开始不久内恢弘的音乐响起

[00:10:46] 眼眶就不由得湿润

[00:10:48] 不知不觉

[00:10:49] 离1997年的泰坦尼克号已经整整20年了

[00:10:53] 一部电影

[00:10:54] 一场爱情的诠释

[00:10:56] 让我们懂得了爱情与真挚的美好

[00:10:59] Jack 和Rose 这两个本无交集的人

[00:11:02] 却因泰坦尼克号相识相爱又相离

[00:11:06] 这首我心永恒是影片的主题曲

[00:11:09] 也是Rose 对Jack 不朽的爱

[00:11:12] 歌曲的旋律从最初的平缓到激昂

[00:11:15] 再到缠绵悱恻的高潮

[00:11:18] 一直到最后荡气回肠的悲剧尾声

[00:11:21] 短短四分钟的歌曲

[00:11:23] 实际上是整部影片的浓缩的空么么you laugh until here in my Hart my Hart well going



[00:12:02] Love sauce one time and last ori lifetime and polite gou tier when you

[00:12:22] Love is where I love you one true time I hold you in my life wil lo Vs 勾我

[00:12:41] Mi fa Lu BRI u rn I breathe the ego 啊

[00:13:01] 么么well sir and you hear my heartbeat heartbeat willie and 我的

[00:13:40] Hari ri Lu te red the har 啊哥

[00:13:59] Ill c lad u c hari har you gou

[00:14:29] 啊啊啊


[00:15:00] Listening to read the microphone and rain challenges what a Fuller life here

[00:15:08] 有人说

[00:15:09] 阿甘正传讲述了一个凄美地近乎天堂般的爱情故事

[00:15:14] 也有人说他给我们描述了一段感人至深的亲情

[00:15:18] 更有人说他讽刺了政治的印度与人们的无奈

[00:15:22] 还有人说这是一部笨鸟入林获得成功的奋斗史

[00:15:27] 我不敢自己做出结论

[00:15:29] 因为我认为即使我翻来覆去再看100遍

[00:15:32] 我也无法领会导演的深意

[00:15:34] 也不能企及阿甘美好的品质之万一

[00:15:38] 毫无疑问的是

[00:15:39] 它是它是一部伟大的永恒的经典

[00:15:43] rhythm of the rain 是20 世纪60 年代五重唱组合瀑布合唱团的歌曲

[00:15:50] 这首歌是他们最为畅销的一首歌

[00:15:52] 翻唱的人不计其数

[00:15:55] 也是电影阿甘正传的主题曲流行音乐史上最令人难忘的经典之一

[00:16:02] Along with Mei Hart

[00:16:23] Re walk you tell us that I love it so ho ist the sunset 哈UK rain Ian a harmon started ro

[00:16:40] Recent reform in telling me just what a fu lie pin I wish that it would go and let me cry baby let me be alone again

[00:16:57] I listen to the men who listen to the falling rain har

[00:17:12] 文艺片总是会让你看完思绪万千

[00:17:15] 却又不知从何说起

[00:17:17] 放牛班的春天

[00:17:18] 也是教育、亲情、师生情

[00:17:22] 有太多的东西涌入你的脑海

[00:17:25] 不过最触动人心的还是歌声触动无数人内心最柔软的地方

[00:17:31] 用音乐治愈内心

[00:17:34] 最耳熟能详的就是电影的主题曲

[00:17:37] 眺望你的路途

[00:17:39] 每次听到

[00:17:40] 都会有满满的感动

[00:17:41] 暖心动人的音乐赋予了特有的宗教情感

[00:17:46] 有着近乎赞美诗般的柔美与庄严

[00:17:48] 把世间所有的灰尘全部扫除的巨人


[00:18:40] 我是中学吗

[00:18:42] 那么苏别离得那么脆脆

[00:19:13] Bill

[00:19:28] 1940年上映的美国电影魂断蓝桥

[00:19:32] 被誉为电影史上三大凄美不朽的爱情电影之一

[00:19:36] 是一部荡气回肠的爱情经典之作

[00:19:40] 这是一部悲剧的爱情

[00:19:42] 他们爱得轰轰烈烈

[00:19:43] 却又分得急急忙忙

[00:19:46] 影片告诉我们

[00:19:47] 真正的爱情不是用言语去表达的

[00:19:51] 行动才是最好的证明

[00:19:53] all 这首友谊地久天长是18 世纪苏格兰诗人罗伯特彭斯根据当地一位老人的吟唱记录下了歌词

[00:20:05] 在许多的西方国家

[00:20:07] 这首歌通常是在平安夜时演唱的

[00:20:09] 象征送走旧的一年

[00:20:11] 迎接新的一年

[00:20:13] 而这首歌在亚洲地区则会经常出现在学校的毕业典礼或是葬礼上

[00:20:19] 象征告别或结束时的悲伤

[00:20:22] 无奈之情啊里啊

[00:20:29] Sil a couple times here 哦

[00:20:37] 拎赛

[00:20:52] Should all rain chance be regard and tried to Mei Sha tri ate his be regard lo Li Lei

[00:21:16] 发re morse reading will take a couple are here are Li k


[00:22:14] 记得

[00:22:18] Rose

[00:22:31] She appeared all the queen chance be forgotten and tried tu my shots on a Sen si bi Lan Li cy

[00:22:58] Hello darkness miles

[00:23:01] 要说毕业生这部电影

[00:23:03] 那就要先说它的主题曲寂静之声

[00:23:06] 我一直觉得这首歌的名字比毕业生本身还要大

[00:23:10] 因为这首歌写的实在是太与众不同了

[00:23:14] 这部电影是六十七十年代

[00:23:16] 美国年轻人最喜欢看的电影之一

[00:23:19] 影片通过描写大学毕业生本恩的爱情经历

[00:23:22] 体现了青年人的成长以及对成年人社会的奋起反抗

[00:23:28] 然而

[00:23:29] 一部青春爱情喜剧电影在经过40 多年之后

[00:23:33] 还能成为美国观众心中的经典作品

[00:23:36] 想必就是因为他捕捉到了时代的脉搏

[00:23:39] 记录下了这个群体的岁月记忆

[00:23:43] Based reporter


[00:23:46] 只卖colour cola game

[00:23:51] When my eyes to stand the slide show in d owned lines

[00:23:57] She 的man

[00:24:01] I song silent

[00:24:08] Taking a lite song people maybe more

[00:24:16] People talking without mea cham

[00:24:20] People during without any swinging

[00:24:25] You were writing song laboratory

[00:24:32] No one there

[00:24:36] Thank you sight

[00:24:42] 如此爱并感动

[00:24:46] Silence I can sur ro

[00:24:51] Here are my words are my p q

[00:24:55] Take my arms that time I reach you

[00:25:00] But were re side re mi grants mel

[00:25:09] 海口哟

[00:25:13] 好吓人

[00:25:17] People dar a 美a az an ally cat it is morning were that were scoring

[00:25:34] The sign says were the problem is rd num us away walls tel



[00:25:46] 山无

[00:25:50] Oz I lun

[00:26:08] 狮子王是一部可以伴随着我们成长的电影

[00:26:11] 他给我们带来的感动和回味是深刻而长久的

[00:26:16] Can you feel love tonight 是动画电影狮子王的插曲

[00:26:20] 由英国歌手埃尔顿约翰演唱

[00:26:23] 收录在电影狮子王的原声带中

[00:26:25] 曲是一首情歌

[00:26:27] 电影是一部动画

[00:26:28] 在人们的印象中

[00:26:30] 情歌和动画原本是分处成人和儿童的世界

[00:26:34] 但却因为狮子王和迪斯尼走到了一起

[00:26:38] 甚至配合的相当完美

[00:26:40] 成为英文情歌中永恒的经典

[00:26:49] 催吴玉瑶

[00:26:57] I love that we re aware that shot will

[00:27:11] Cal Lu Lu Hao lebron

[00:27:27] The na making the ball 纷飞


[00:27:56] There is a time for everyone

[00:28:00] If they only learned

[00:28:05] The twist ing classes go move the sol ut ter

[00:28:13] The rhyme and reason to do while daft porn

[00:28:20] When a har de starts voyage ur be sometime video

[00:28:30] And Phil Lu Wei you

[00:28:46] The love that is why I ion than we gotta does fall

[00:29:00] And love re len ce ro

[00:29:16] 夜色

[00:29:16] Love

[00:29:18] The making them like a ball liver

[00:29:31] Its narrow the making the back up on liv 呗

[00:29:50] 这首歌是电影飞越苏联的片尾曲

[00:29:53] 讲述了一位原苏联芭蕾舞演员和一位美国黑人踢踏舞演员策划出逃时结下的友谊

[00:30:00] 相比电影本身的默默无闻

[00:30:02] 作为片尾曲的COC 密却享誉世界

[00:30:06] 在这首歌中

[00:30:07] 莱昂纳尔里奇融入了强烈的美国乡村歌曲风格

[00:30:12] 再简单明快的节奏中穿插了欢乐奔放的摇滚

[00:30:16] 使整首歌张扬着蓬勃向上的生命力量

[00:30:20] 让欣赏者仿佛看到了一股照亮生命的曙光

[00:30:26] Li

[00:30:32] I had a dream I had often dream

[00:30:38] There 的pa the game in de dao

[00:30:47] And watch a play for there are gray

[00:30:53] From behind a wall 刀

[00:30:57] The boys was crying ao 啊

[00:31:05] C u fe Li

[00:31:11] C a way

[00:31:15] The way To Be

[00:31:20] C u c mi

[00:31:25] 谁也别怕

[00:31:30] Actually

[00:31:35] S we go Lang life on some highway

[00:31:41] Syn the hardest thing to you 的found you

[00:31:51] Helping hand someone understand

[00:31:57] Sil I love the way you get someone here had sho yo 谁优谁迷

[00:32:14] C for away


[00:32:19] Thats the way baby

[00:32:24] C u c mi

[00:32:29] See here together


[00:32:37] You know where

[00:32:39] 嗷呜喔呜喔儿的的u rs you are shining

[00:33:02] C u c mi

[00:33:08] Save all way


[00:33:12] The way To Be

[00:33:17] 谁谁离

[00:33:23] 岁月的盆

[00:33:27] H Li

[00:33:31] C u an Li

[00:33:56] 谁旋律优美、意韵悠长的金曲卡萨布兰卡

[00:34:01] 相信很多人都听过

[00:34:04] 尽管这首歌并非是电影卡萨布兰卡的主题曲

[00:34:07] 但希金斯创作这首歌确实因为被这首歌所感动

[00:34:12] 这一点从歌词里就能看出来

[00:34:15] 希金斯和一个女孩儿在观影的时候坠入了爱河

[00:34:19] 在创作中似乎将自己所有的情愫都与主人公的情愫完美地融合在一起

[00:34:25] 使得这首歌和电影卡萨布兰卡一样

[00:34:28] 成了感动几代人的不朽之作

[00:34:34] Holding hands in de pen friends in risk an Li ri

[00:34:41] Hiding 的shadows from there are unlike in your eyes thinking magic movies my ocean

[00:34:56] Cooking the steel 离开

[00:35:03] The case is na kiss you love you song

[00:35:15] La

[00:35:19] I love you more and more each day is time go start

[00:36:00] The many broken hearts in casablanca call

[00:36:08] You know I never really been so I dont know

[00:36:15] I guess I love story will never be si

[00:36:20] And a big white silk screen just bad when I had to do what you love

[00:36:30] 我全世界

[00:36:33] 淘漉音乐喷泉金曲喜欢我们的节目

[00:36:37] 欢迎关注微信公众账号套路

[00:36:39] 音乐以及淘漉音乐腾讯音乐天琴实验室专栏

[00:36:42] 我们会分享更多精彩的内容给大家

[00:36:45] 感谢您的收听

[00:36:47] 好了

[00:36:47] 今天的音乐就先分享到这里

[00:36:49] 我们下期节目再见喽

[00:36:50] 我是叶笙

[00:36:51] 拜拜

[00:36:53] Reform is time go start

[00:37:00] Work a silk is pas si 被扣

[00:37:08] The case is na kis wants you said

[00:37:15] 你曾把你确实美了

[00:37:23] I love you all know each day is tai lo

[00:37:30] Le mortgage de

[00:37:35] Its time to love