


[00:00:04] "Pumpkin, put some music on, I feel like dancin'."

[00:00:08] "Hold on, suga, I'm fixin' to right now 3,6,4 awright, now come over here,

[00:00:16] Woman, let's get this shindig started, woo! C'mon, everybody!

[00:00:26] Now what in the hell is wrong with this juke machine?"

[00:00:34] "Be warned, my children six will visit followed by the crumbling of time

[00:00:40] Itself. Before the coming of Shangra La, a dark Carnival will sweep across

[00:00:47] The land, as a shadow, plagued with destruction. A parade of freaks,

[00:00:55] Jugglers, and death. This wretched nightmare is led by six faces. Three have

[00:01:03] Come three have gone. The fourth emerges now. He walks among

[00:01:12] Us as a shadow, void of light, powered by your own darkness, strengthened by

[00:01:19] Your own wickedry. A horrid reflection of your very own deep desires cast

[00:01:27] And reflected back upon yourself. Brothers and Sisters! The time has come

[00:01:36] For the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival

[00:01:44] Of The Great Milenko Milenko Milenko "

[00:01:54] "This damn thing! Maryanne, what in the hell is wrong with this music box?"

[00:01:57] "Don't mind that old thing, honey, it does that all the time."
