《Friends S01E06》歌词

[00:00:05] Oh,look! There's Joey's picture! 你们看,是乔伊的照片
[00:00:09] You can spot someone who's never seen his plays. 你总是能看见 从未在自己作品中出现的某人
[00:00:12] Notice,no fear. No sense of impending doom. 注意力强,无畏无惧
[00:00:17] "The role of man number three will not be played by Vic Shapiro. " "三号男演员不能让维克.夏皮罗演"
[00:00:22] We came on the wrong night. 看来我们来错时间了啊.
[00:00:26] I can't believe I forgot a magazine. 不敢相信我居然把杂志忘了
[00:00:28] -Come on,this might be good. -I don't know. -这样也许更好一些 -我不知道
[00:00:31] The exclamation point scares me. It's not just Freud,it's Freud! 标题上的惊叹号让我害怕 这不只是佛洛依德,而是佛洛依德!
[00:00:37] Magic is about to happen! 奇迹就要出现
[00:00:40] Well,Eva... 伊娃
[00:00:43] ...we've done some excellent work here. 你今天的表现不错
[00:00:47] And I would have to say... 我得说……
[00:00:49] ...your problem is quite clear. ……你的问题相当清楚
[00:00:55] All you want is a dinkle All you want is a dinkle
[00:00:58] What you envy's a schwang What you envy's a schwang
[00:01:05] To play with or simply let hang To play with or simply let hang
[00:02:22] I feel violated. 我感觉自己受到冒犯了
[00:02:25] Did anybody else feel like peeling their skin off... 还有其他人感觉只想剥自己的皮
[00:02:29] ...to have something else to do? 如果他们还有其他事可做?
[00:02:31] Ross,1 0:00. 罗斯,十点钟
[00:02:36] -No,1 0:00! -What? -不,十点钟 -什么?
[00:02:39] There's a beautiful woman at 8,9,1 0:00! 一位美女在8,9,10点钟方向
[00:02:45] Hello! 你!
[00:02:47] She's amazing! She makes the women l dream about look like fat,bald men. 她简直就是仙女下凡 她让我的梦中情人变得有如矮胖的秃子
[00:02:53] Go over. She's not with anyone. 过去啊,她旁边没人
[00:02:55] And what would my opening line be? Excuse me.... 对,我该用什么开场白? 对不起,啦啦啦啦之类的
[00:03:01] Come on,she's a person. You can do it. 拜托,她只是个人,你罩得住
[00:03:03] Could she be more out of my league? Back me up. 请告诉我,我配得上她吗? 罗斯,帮我壮壮胆
[00:03:07] He couldn't get a woman like that in a million years. 他这副德行一辈子都别想把到这种美女
[00:03:12] You always see these beautiful women with "nothing" guys. 但这种美女,身边总是跟着蹩脚货
[00:03:16] You could be one of those guys. 你也可以成为其中之一
[00:03:21] Absolutely! 是的.
[00:03:22] I can't believe I'm considering this. 没想到我竟有这种念头
[00:03:25] -l' m very aware of my tongue. -Come on. -我一向谨言慎行 -快去
[00:03:28] Here goes. 我上了
[00:03:30] Stand back,everyone. Incoming ego shrapnel. 退后,伙计.炮火来袭.
[00:03:33] All right,I can do this. 好的,我能做到的
[00:03:39] -Yes? -Hi. -怎么? -嗨.
[00:03:43] Okay,next word would be... 下个字是…
[00:03:45] ... Chandler. …钱德
[00:03:47] Chandler is my name and.... 我叫钱德
[00:03:50] Hi! Hi!
[00:03:55] Yes! Yes,I did. But what I didn't say.... 对,我说过 但我没说我想说...
[00:03:58] What I wanted to say was... 我想说的是……
[00:04:01] ...would you like to go out with me? Thank you. Good night. ……愿意与我约会吗? 谢谢,晚安
[00:04:05] Chandler? 钱德
[00:04:09] -I didn't know you could dance! -You were in a play! -想不到你会跳舞 -你演戏了
[00:04:13] What'd you think? 感觉如何?
[00:04:15] -I didn't know you could dance! -You were in a play! -想不到你会跳舞 -你演戏了
[00:04:19] It wasn't that bad. I was the lead. 拜托,没那么糟吧 我是主角
[00:04:21] It was better than the troll thing. At least you got to see my head. 这次我在轮唱中出现 至少你们可以看见我的头
[00:04:26] -You're right. -We saw your head. -对没错 -我们有看见你的头
[00:04:29] How about that accent? 这德国口音怎么样?
[00:04:31] Yeah. All of your W's were V's. 不错,你的W全变成V了
[00:04:37] She said yes! 她答应了…
[00:04:40] Awful play,man! 好烂的戏
[00:04:44] Her name's Aurora. She's ltalian and she pronounces my name " Chandler. " 她叫亚萝拉,来自意大利 她叫我”Chandlerrrrrrr”
[00:04:50] I like that better. 我喜欢她这样称呼我
[00:04:52] The usher gave me this. 领座员要我把它交给你
[00:04:54] -What is it? -The Estelle Leonard T alent Agency. -这是什么? -Estelle Leonard经纪公司
[00:04:57] An agency left its card. They wanna sign me! 经纪公司拿名片给我 或许他们想和我签约
[00:05:00] Based on this play? 因为这场戏?
[00:05:04] Based on this play! 因为这一场戏
[00:05:06] Look! There's a note on the back. 瞧!背面有字
[00:05:14] She was obviously very moved! 显然她非常的动人
[00:05:17] You should call her fairly quickly. 你应该马上打电话给她
[00:05:19] Yeah! As soon as possible! 越快越好
[00:05:25] Come in! 请进
[00:05:28] Hi. I'm here to see Estelle Leonard. Hi.我来找Estelle.Leonard的.
[00:05:30] Just a moment,let me see if she's in. 等等,让我看看如果她进来……
[00:05:35] Hello. 你好.
[00:05:38] -You' re Estelle? -I know... -你是Estelle? -我知道……
[00:05:40] ...you weren't expecting someone so fantastically beautiful. ……你在等 一位如此美丽动人的小姐.
[00:05:47] Love lump. T ake a load off already, darling. Sit already. 笨小伙.放下负担 亲爱的,坐下来
[00:05:53] I can't tell you how excited I am to be here. 我无法用语言表述 到这里来我有多么兴奋
[00:05:56] Why not? 为什么?
[00:05:59] -What I meant was -You don't mind if I eat,do you? -我的意思是说 -你不介意我边吃边听吧
[00:06:10] ...sweetheart,let me ask you a question. ……让我问你一个问题
[00:06:13] Did you ever see the movie Sleepless in Seattle? 你看过"西雅图未眠夜"这部电影吗?
[00:06:17] -Wow! Do you represent those actors? -No. -没. -喔!你要我扮演那些演员 -不是这样的.
[00:06:21] But you know the end, where they' re happy? 你知道结尾的,最后他们快乐的在一起
[00:06:24] That's gonna be you and me. 那将是你和我
[00:06:28] You mean you wanna sign me? 你是说你准备和我签约
[00:06:30] No,I wanna go to the top of the Empire State Building and make out. 不,我要到帝国大厦顶搂去说明.
[00:06:36] Of course I wanna sign you! 我当然是要签你啊!
[00:06:39] -Miss Leonard,I'm so -Oh,boy. 小姐,我实在是 -Oh,小伙子
[00:06:42] -Ride them,cowboy. -l' m sorry! -坐在那里,牛仔. -对不起!
[00:06:55] I don't see it! 我看不到
[00:06:59] -T ry to look through it. -Unfocus your eyes. -试着看这里 -让你的眼睛离焦.
[00:07:03] Focus? There's nothing to focus on. 集中?没有什么东西可以集中眼力
[00:07:06] -It's the Statue of Liberty! -Right! -是自由女神 -对啦
[00:07:10] -Where's the Statue of Liberty? -There. -自由女神在哪里? -那里.
[00:07:13] I can't not see it now. 现在我看不到了
[00:07:18] Come here. Do you see anything here? 到这里来.你在这里看到什么了吗?
[00:07:20] -lt looks like a boat. -A boat. -看起来像一只船 -一只船.
[00:07:24] Right in front of the Statue of Liberty. 正好在自由女神前面
[00:07:29] It's been seven seconds,and you haven't asked me how my date went. 我坐在这儿都七秒钟了 竟没人问我的约会如何?
[00:07:33] How was your date,Chandler? 你的约会如何,钱德?
[00:07:36] It was unbelievable! 真是令人难以置信
[00:07:37] I've never met anyone like her. She's had an amazing life! 我没见过像她那样的人 她的生活真是太令人称羡了
[00:07:41] She was in the Israeli army. 她穿过以色列阵地
[00:07:43] None of the bullets hit the engine, so we made it to the border. 幸好子弹没打中引擎 我们才能越过边界
[00:07:48] But just barely,and l.... 真是有惊无险
[00:07:51] I've been talking about myself all night long. I'm sorry. 我整晚都在谈我自己,抱歉
[00:07:55] What about you? T ell me a story. 你呢?说来听听嘛
[00:07:58] All right,once... 有一回...
[00:08:00] ... I got on the subway. 我搭地铁
[00:08:02] And it was at night... 是在晚上
[00:08:04] ...and I rode it all the way to Brooklyn. ...那晚我搭地铁到布鲁克林区
[00:08:08] Just for the hell of it. 然后活著回来
[00:08:14] More or less. 可以这么说
[00:08:15] Suddenly,we realized we were in Yemen. 突然我们发现自己身在也门
[00:08:18] I' m sorry,so "we" is...? 我们,我们是谁?
[00:08:21] "We" is me and Rick. 我和瑞克
[00:08:22] Who's Rick? 瑞克是谁?
[00:08:23] Who's Rick? 瑞克是谁?
[00:08:26] My husband. 我丈夫
[00:08:30] -Oh,so you' re divorced? -No. -这么说你们已经离婚 -没有
[00:08:33] I' m sorry. So you' re widowed? Hopefully? 对不起,这么说你是寡妇? 希望如此
[00:08:37] No,l' m still married. 不,我们还是夫妻
[00:08:40] So,how would your husband feel about you sitting here with me... 告诉我你丈夫做何感想? 你坐在我身旁...
[00:08:45] ...sliding your foot so far up my leg you can count the change in my pocket? ...脚伸到我大腿 足以数我口袋里的零钱?
[00:08:52] Don't worry. 别担心,
[00:08:53] He'd be okay with you because he's okay with Ethan. 我想他会接受的 因为他也接受伊森这么做
[00:08:58] Ethan? There's an Ethan? 伊森?有伊森这号人物?
[00:09:01] Ethan is my boyfriend. 伊森是我的男友
[00:09:05] What? 什么?
[00:09:08] What kind of relationship do you imagine us having... 告诉我你期待我们之间会有什么关系...
[00:09:12] ...if you have a husband and a boyfriend? 既然你已有丈夫和男友
[00:09:15] I suppose,mainly sexual. 大概是性关系吧
[00:09:21] Sorry it didn't work out. 真是遗憾,你们吹了
[00:09:23] What,not work out? I'm seeing her again on Thursday. 什么,吹了? 周四我还要和她约会
[00:09:26] Didn't you listen to the story? 难道你没听懂?
[00:09:30] Didn't you listen? It's twisted! 难道你没听懂?这太离谱了
[00:09:33] How could you get involved with her? 你怎能和这种女人交往?
[00:09:35] I had trouble with it at first. But I get the good stuff. 开始我也无法接受 但后来我想此事百益而无一害
[00:09:40] All the fun,all the talking, all the sex... 只有谈天说笑和做爱...
[00:09:43] ...and none of the responsibility. 不用负任何责任
[00:09:46] -This is every guy's fantasy! -That's not true! -这是每个男人的梦想 -是吗?未必吧
[00:09:49] -Ross,is this your fantasy? -No,of course not. -罗斯,这是你的梦想吗? -当然不是
[00:09:55] Yeah. Yeah,it is. 没错,是
[00:09:57] You'd go out with someone going out with someone else? 你们男生不介意 和已有对象的女人交往?
[00:10:04] When l' m with a woman, I need to know... 和女人交往时,我必须确定...
[00:10:10] Once,I went out with a guy who just got divorced. 一次我和一个刚离婚的家伙出去
[00:10:14] It was hard. His kids liked me better than him. 这很麻烦.相比之下 他的孩子更喜欢我一些
[00:10:17] What does this have to do with Chandler? 钱德必须作些什么呢?
[00:10:21] Nothing. 什么也不用.
[00:10:23] I didn't have anything on that topic. 关于这个话题我什么都不想说
[00:10:26] So I went another way. 好吧,我换一种方法
[00:10:29] You know,monogamy can be a tricky concept. 你知道,一夫一妻值得商榷
[00:10:33] I mean,anthropologically speaking 就人类学的观点而言…
[00:10:37] Fine. Now you'll never know. 行…这是你们的损失
[00:10:40] We' re kidding. T ell us. 逗你的,告诉我们吧
[00:10:41] -We wanna know. -Come on! -我们想知道 -快说,
[00:10:43] All right. There's a theory put forth by Richard Leakey 好吧理查李奇提出这样的理论…
[00:10:58] Are we greeting each other this way now? I like it. 现在都这样打招呼吗?我喜欢
[00:11:03] Look! I cleaned! 瞧,我大扫除了
[00:11:05] I did the windows. I did the floors. 我擦窗户,拖地板
[00:11:07] I used all the vacuum attachments but the round one. What's it for? 我甚至还用了吸尘器上的所有装置 圆形有鬃毛那个除外,我不知道怎么用?
[00:11:16] What do you think? 你们感觉怎样?
[00:11:17] -It's very clean. -Really,it looks great! -很干净 -真的看起来不错
[00:11:25] I see you moved the green ottoman. 你移动了绿色的垫椅
[00:11:31] How did that happen? 怎么会呢?
[00:11:34] I don't know. It looked better there. 我不知道,我以为摆那儿会更好看
[00:11:37] And it's an extra seat around the table. 咖啡桌旁就多了一个座位
[00:11:41] Yeah,it's interesting. 这倒有意思
[00:11:44] But you know what? Just for fun... 这样好了,只是好玩...
[00:11:47] ...Iet's see what it looked like in the old spot. ...我们看它在原来位置的感觉如何
[00:11:51] Just to compare. 只是做个比较
[00:11:53] Let's see. 让我看看
[00:11:55] Well,it looks good there too. 放那儿也不错
[00:11:57] Let's leave it there for a while. 就摆那儿一阵子吧
[00:12:00] I can't believe you moved the green ottoman. 我无法相信你竟敢搬动了绿色垫椅
[00:12:04] Be glad you didn't fan the magazines. She'll scratch your eyes out. 幸好你没摊开杂志 否则她铁定会挖出你的眼睛
[00:12:09] -You guys,I am not that bad! -Yeah,you are. -各位,我没那么凶吧 -你就那么凶
[00:12:13] Remember,I lived with you? You were a little.... 记得我们住在一起时吗? 你就像个…
[00:12:21] That is so unfair! 这太不公平了
[00:12:22] When we were kids,yours was the only Raggedy Ann doll that wasn't raggedy. 拜托,我们小时候 你的“破娃娃”是唯一不破的
[00:12:29] Okay,so I'm responsible. I'm organized. 我有责任感有组织性
[00:12:32] But hey,I can be a kook! 可是我也能很懒散
[00:12:36] All right,you madcap gal! 好吧,懒女人,
[00:12:40] Imagine this. 想像这个情况
[00:12:41] The phone bill arrives, but you don't pay it right away. 电话单来 但你不立刻去交钱
[00:12:45] -Why not? -Because you're a kook! -为什么? -因为你是个大懒人
[00:12:50] You wait until they send a notice. 直拖到他们寄催缴通知单来
[00:12:54] I could do that. 我可以办到
[00:12:55] Okay,then you let me go grocery shopping 你让我去买日常用品
[00:12:59] -No problem. -I'm not done yet. -没问题 -我还没说完
[00:13:03] And I buy detergent,but it's not the one with the easy-pour spout. 我买了洗衣粉, 但是是不容易弄出来那种.
[00:13:08] Why would someone do that? 有人会那样做吗?
[00:13:12] One might wonder. 有人会想…
[00:13:15] But I would be fine with that. 我就没有问题
[00:13:19] A glass is on the table with no coaster. A cold drink. A hot day. 有人在咖啡桌上留下杯子 没有垫子,天气很热,一杯冷饮
[00:13:24] Beads of condensation are inching closer to the wood.... 小水珠逐渐逼近桌面…
[00:13:29] Stop it! 够了
[00:13:34] Oh,my God! 天啊,
[00:13:35] It's true. Who am l? 没错,我到是谁?
[00:13:38] Monica,you' re Mom. 摩妮卡,你是妈妈那样的.
[00:13:48] Oh,my God! 天啊,
[00:13:52] Okay,I'll be there. 好,我会去的
[00:13:56] That was my agent. 我的经纪人打来的
[00:13:59] My agent has just gotten me a job in the new Al Pacino movie! 他安排我在艾尔帕西诺的新片中演出
[00:14:06] -That's great! -What's the part? -太棒了… -演什么角色?
[00:14:09] Can you believe it? Pacino! This guy's why I became an actor! 你们能相信吗?是艾尔帕西诺 我就是喜欢他才立志要当演员
[00:14:13] " Out of order? You' re out of order! This whole courtroom's out of order! " "我失控,你也失控" 这整个法庭都失控了
[00:14:19] Seriously,what's the part? 言归正传,什么角色?
[00:14:21] "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in! " 当我认为已出局时 他们却又将我拉回
[00:14:25] Come on. Seriously,Joey, what's the part? 快老实说,什么角色?
[00:14:30] You' re.... What? 你是…什么?
[00:14:34] I' m his butt double,okay? 我是他臀部的替身
[00:14:41] I play Al Pacino's butt. 我演艾尔帕西诺的臀部
[00:14:46] All right? He goes into the shower, and then... 他走进浴室,然后...
[00:14:50] ... I' m his butt. ...我就是他的屁股
[00:14:52] Oh,my God! 天那
[00:14:53] Come on,you guys. 别这样
[00:14:55] It's a real Pacino movie and that's big! 这是一部艾尔帕西诺主演大制作的电影
[00:14:58] It's terrific. You deserve this. 别误会,这真是太棒了 这是你应得的
[00:15:01] After years of struggling you've cracked your way into show business. 这是你多年努力的成果 你终于能登上大银幕
[00:15:09] Fine. Make jokes,I don't care. 行,笑吧,我不在乎
[00:15:11] -This is a big break for me! -You' re right. It is. -这是我千载难逢的机会 -没错,
[00:15:16] So,will you invite us to the big opening? 你准备邀请我们参加你的首映会吗?
[00:15:29] -I need some moisturizer. -For what? -我得向你借些保湿乳液 -干什么呢?
[00:15:32] T oday's the big day! 今天可是我的大日子
[00:15:37] You got any tweezers? I think I have a rogue hair. 你有镊子吗?我得毛发太乱啦
[00:15:41] God. Go in the bathroom. Use whatever you want. 好吧,进浴室要用什么自己拿
[00:15:44] Don't ever tell me what you did in there. 只是别告诉我你在里面干什么
[00:15:47] Thank you. 谢谢
[00:15:50] -Joey's mom's on the phone. -ln the bathroom. -乔伊在哪儿?他妈打电话来 -他在浴室里,
[00:15:53] -You don't wanna go in there! -Come on,we' re roommates. -你最好别进去 -拜托,我们是室友
[00:15:58] My eyes! My eyes! 我的眼睛!我的眼睛!
[00:16:03] I warned you. 我警告过你
[00:16:05] Who is being loud? 谁在大吼大叫
[00:16:07] Oh,that would be Monica. 一定是摩妮卡
[00:16:09] Can I borrow stuff? I wanna make Aurora breakfast. 我能借点东西吗? 我想为她做早点
[00:16:13] You got the whole night? 她陪你一夜?
[00:16:15] Well,I only have 20 minutes until Ethan,so.... 没错,我们只剩20分钟 直到伊森…
[00:16:18] Do I sense resentment? 难道我感到怨恨?
[00:16:20] No. No resentment. Believe me... 不,没有怨恨,相信我……
[00:16:23] ...it's worth it,okay? ……绝对值得
[00:16:26] In a relationship,you have moments you'll remember the rest of your life. 在你交往的过程中 有多少重要的时刻 会让你怀念一辈子?
[00:16:31] Every single second is like that with Aurora. 与萝拉相处的每一秒都是
[00:16:34] I've just wasted 35 of them talking to you. 而我已浪费35秒和你们说话
[00:16:37] So,Monica,can you help me with the door? 摩妮卡请帮我开门
[00:16:42] The old Monica would remind you... 钱德,老摩妮卡会提醒你
[00:16:44] ...to scrub that T eflon pan with a plastic brush. ……用塑胶刷刷特弗龙锅
[00:16:49] But l' m not gonna do that. 但我不会那么做的
[00:16:58] Excuse me? Can they warm it up? I' m concerned about goose bumps. 不好意思?他们热身的怎么样了? 我都起鸡皮疙瘩了
[00:17:03] Everybody ready? 大家准备好没?
[00:17:06] I wanna thank you for this opportunity. 我只是想感谢你给我这个机会
[00:17:09] I mean,I know this is just a first step,but I hope that someday 我是说,我知道这只是第一步 但是我期待有一天
[00:17:14] Lose the robe. 解开浴袍
[00:17:16] Right. Okay. Losing the robe! 好,我正解开浴袍
[00:17:20] Okay,and the robe is lost. 浴袍已解开
[00:17:23] I would like to get this in one take. 各位,我想一次解决
[00:17:26] Let's roll it. 来吧,
[00:17:27] Water's working. 放水
[00:17:30] And action! 开始!
[00:17:33] And cut! 停!
[00:17:36] Butt guy,what are you doing? 屁股男,你在干什么?
[00:17:39] I'm showering. 我在洗澡
[00:17:40] No,that was clenching. 不,你在挤屁股
[00:17:43] The way I see it, the guy's upset here,you know? 我认为他很沮丧
[00:17:47] His wife's dead, his brother's missing. 他的太太死了,弟弟失踪了
[00:17:49] I think his butt would be angry here. 我想他的屁股一定很愤怒
[00:17:53] I think his butt would like to get the shot before lunch. 我想他的屁股会想在午餐前杀青
[00:18:00] And action! 开始
[00:18:04] And cut! What was that? 停!你又在干什么?
[00:18:07] I was going for quiet desperation. 我要表现出绝望
[00:18:11] But if you have to ask.... 但如果你想问
[00:18:21] God,I love these fingers. 天啊,我爱这些手指
[00:18:23] Thank you. 谢谢
[00:18:24] No,actually,I meant my fingers. 不,我是指我的手指
[00:18:28] Look at them. Look at how happy they are. 你瞧它们多开心
[00:18:32] -Oh,my God,l' m late! -Oh,no! -天啊,我来不及了 -天啊, 不
[00:18:35] -Don't go. -Okay. -不要走 -好不好
[00:18:39] -I have to. -Look,she's leaving. -我得走了 -看,她走了
[00:18:42] I' m sorry. He'll be waiting for me. 抱歉,他在等我了
[00:18:45] -I thought you talked to Rick. -It's not Rick. -我以为你瑞克谈过 -不是瑞克
[00:18:49] Ethan? He gets the whole day! 是伊森?他要陪你一整天
[00:18:51] No,it's Andrew. 不是他,是安德鲁
[00:18:58] I know there'll be moments... 我知道……
[00:19:00] ...when I'll regret asking the following question,but.... ……我会后悔问你这个问题,但是……
[00:19:05] -And Andrew is? -He's... -这个安德鲁 -他是……
[00:19:08] ... new. ……新欢
[00:19:10] So you' re not completely fulfilled by Rick,Ethan and myself? 你是说瑞克,伊森和我 三人还不能满足你?
[00:19:14] No,that's not exactly what I was 我以前不是这种人
[00:19:17] Most women would kill... 不知道多少女人……
[00:19:19] ...for three guys like us. ……被我们三人迷倒
[00:19:23] -So,what do you want? -You. -你想要什么? -你
[00:19:26] -You have me. -No. Just you. -你已拥有我 -不,只是你
[00:19:29] -What do you mean? -Lose the other guys. -什么意思? -甩掉其他人
[00:19:33] Like,all of them? 他们全部?
[00:19:37] Come on,we' re great together. Why not? 我们这样不是很快乐吗?为什么不行?
[00:19:40] Can't we have what we have now? 我们为何不能及时行乐?
[00:19:42] Why can't we talk and make love... 为何不能只是聊天,做爱……
[00:19:45] ...without feeling obligated to each other? ……彼此没有任何负担?
[00:19:48] Up until tonight,I thought that's what you wanted too. 今晚之前,我以为这也是你想要的
[00:19:53] Well,part of me wants that... 部分的我想要
[00:20:04] The guy who wells up when the Grinch's heart grows... 他每回都挺身而出……
[00:20:07] ...and breaks that measuring device. ……仗义直言
[00:20:10] He's saying,you know, "This is too hard. Get out! " 他说“这太丑陋了,快脱身”
[00:20:15] So,which one of the guys will you listen to? 你听哪一个的话?
[00:20:19] I have to listen to both. They don't let each other finish. 两人的话我得都听 他们争执不休
[00:20:24] Which one? 哪一个?
[00:20:29] The second guy. 第二个
[00:20:32] I see. 好吧,
[00:20:38] Call me if you change your mind. 改变主意后再打电话给我吧
[00:20:49] Sorry,the first guy runs the lips. 抱歉,第一个动的口
[00:21:05] Look at it this way. You dumped her! 这样想吧,你把她甩了
[00:21:09] Right? I mean,this woman was unbelievably sexy... 真的?我是说,这女人性感……
[00:21:14] ...and beautiful,intelligent, unattainable. ……美丽聪明而且遥不可及
[00:21:19] T ell me why you did this again? 再告诉我一次,你为何这么做
[00:21:24] Movie star! 电影明星他回来了
[00:21:25] Wait! Aren't you the guy who plays the butt in the new Pacino movie? 等等,你不是在艾尔帕西诺新片中 演屁股的那个?
[00:21:31] Nope. 不是
[00:21:35] Big guy? 大个儿?
[00:21:39] It felt like a "big guy" moment. 感觉就像“大个儿”时刻
[00:21:42] I got fired! 我被开除了
[00:21:44] They said I acted too much with it. 没错,他们说我太投入了
[00:21:49] I told everybody about this! 我到处宣扬
[00:21:51] -Everybody's expecting to see me. -lKnow what? -现在大家都想到戏院看我演… -我知道?
[00:21:54] -No one will be able to tell. -My mom will. -乔伊,没人会认出来的 -我妈就认得出来
[00:22:00] There's something so sweet and disturbing about that. 真是令人感动又恶心
[00:22:05] I've done crappy plays for six years... 六年来我除了演些烂角色一事无成
[00:22:08] ...and I finally get my shot, and I blow it! 如今机会来了我竟将它搞砸
[00:22:12] Maybe this wasn't it. 等等,或许这不是你的机会
[00:22:14] I think when it's your shot, you know it's your shot. 机会是否来临自己最清楚
[00:22:19] Did it feel like your shot? 你感觉这是你的机会吗?
[00:22:23] Hard to tell. I was naked. 很难分辨,我当时全身赤裸
[00:22:26] I don't think this was it. I don't think you just get one. 我不认为这是你唯一的机会 你的机会不会只有一个
[00:22:30] I believe things are gonna happen for you. I do. 我相信大好机会就降临到你身上
[00:22:34] You've got to think about the day some kid will go: 你必须想著 将来有个小伙子跑到朋友面前说
[00:22:38] "l got the part! I'm gonna be Joey T ribbiani's ass! " 我被录取了… 我要演乔伊的屁股
[00:22:45] You think? That's so nice. 你真好
[00:22:53] I' m sorry,Joey. I' m gonna go to bed,guys. 真遗憾,乔伊 各位,我要去睡了
[00:22:57] -Good night. -Good night. -晚安 -晚安
[00:22:59] You' re gonna leave your shoes out here? 你要把鞋子留在这儿?
[00:23:05] Really? Just casually strewn about... 真的?就这样乱丢?
[00:23:09] ...in that reckless,haphazard manner? ...就这样轻率的,随意的乱扔?
[00:23:13] It doesn't matter. I'll get them tomorrow. Or not! 无所谓 我明天再拿,或者算了
[00:23:18] Whenever. 随便
[00:23:22] She is a kook. 她真懒散
[00:23:37] If it bothers you that much, just go out and get the shoes. 既然这么困扰,就快去拿吧
[00:23:43] No,don 't do this! 不,千万别去,
[00:23:46] This is stupid! 太愚蠢了
[00:23:47] I don 't have to prove anything. I'm gonna get them. 我无须证明什么,我要去拿
[00:23:51] But then everyone will know. 但如此一来他们都会知道
[00:23:55] Unless I get them,then wake up really early and put them back. 除非我去拿然后早起放回去
[00:23:59] I need help! 谁来帮我一把!
[00:24:05] -All you want is a dinkle -Not that song! 不要唱这首歌
[00:24:09] -All you envy's a schwang -Come on,you guys. 伙计们,不要这样
[00:24:14] A thing through which you can tinkle
[00:24:22] All you want is a dinkle
[00:24:26] What you envy's a schwang
[00:24:29] A thing through which you can tinkle
[00:24:33] Or play with or simply let hang
- Friends S01E08
- Friends S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
- Friends S04E14 The One With Joeys Dirty Day
- Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos
- Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus
- Friends S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
- Friends S04E09 The One Where They’re Going To Party
- Friends S01E07
- Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
- Friends S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
- 假如是我 [电视原声&电影原声]
- Beautiful Day [ORANGE RANGE]
- On Bended Knee [Boyz II Men]
- My Memory Ain’t What It Used to Be [Jason Aldean]
- Clean [Incubus]
- 其实很想提起 [卷子]
- House Of The Rising Sun [Mikael Rickfors&The Boppe]
- We Just Couldn’t Say Goodbye [Frankie Laine]
- I’ll String Along With You [Cliff Richard]
- Blue Holiday [Aretha Franklin]
- Wonderful! Wonderful! [Milos Vujovic]
- You’re Mine You [Sarah Vaughan]
- Into Silence Embrace [Old Man’s Child]
- Let Down And Alone [Death By Stereo]
- Don’t Say You’re Sorry Again [Aretha Franklin]
- I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday [Abbey Road Xmas Ensemble]
- Autumn Leaves [Benny Golson]
- Babs And Bads [Daryl Hall]
- Woke up This Morning [B.B. King]
- 抽身 [米雅&冷漠]
- Quelqu’un M’a Dit(Live) [Carla Bruni]
- The Way You Look Tonight [Coleman Hawkins All-Stars]
- Little White Bull [Tommy Steele]
- My Juanita [Jim Reeves]
- 喂好我的大黄牛 [小蓓蕾组合]
- 上帝是妈妈 [刘建东]
- Drink the Blood of Spacely Sprocket [The Scorseses]
- 抛掉这些机器 [极光旅客]
- Paddi-Wack Song [Ritchie Valens]
- Schn Ist Es Auf Der Welt Zu Sein [peter wackel]
- Cara Italia(Explicit) [Ghali]
- Catch My Breath [Juniper Lane]
- There for You [Maximum House 2016]
- Genie in a Bottle-3 [Edited Length 2: 00 (In the Style of Christina Aguilera) [Karaoke Version With Backup Vocals]] [Musical Creations Studio ]
- Touch Your Skin [The Plastic Noise Experie]
- Fiz da Noite a Minha Alma (Balada António dos Santos) [Jose Manuel Barreto]
- Treat You Right [Bob Marley]
- Tic, Tic, Tic [Doris Day]
- Robbie Williams - Angels 官方版 [Robbie Williams]
- 催眠(DJ版) [舞曲]
- 我的同学(Radio Edit) [逍遥香香]