
《听歌说英语:渣渣&洗牙Dusk Till Dawn陪你从黄昏到黎明(下)》歌词

所属专辑: 听歌学英语 歌手: 安夏 时长: 08:42
听歌说英语:渣渣&洗牙Dusk Till Dawn陪你从黄昏到黎明(下)

[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成

[00:00:03] As we 咯

[00:00:06] 嘿嘿

[00:00:10] 欢迎收听听歌说英语

[00:00:11] 武山霞安静的安夏天的霞

[00:00:16] 今天的听歌说英语呢

[00:00:17] 继续来接着上期节目来说一说渣渣和洗牙的新单词de stu den 在我们开始分析句子的发音知识点之前呢

[00:00:29] 一定要提醒大家

[00:00:31] 记得在微信公众号安夏说英语的后台回复发音规则获取听歌说英语的学习必备资料哦

[00:00:41] 如果没有拿到资料的话呢

[00:00:42] 你会听得云里雾里千万不要在节目下方的留言板回复留言板没有资料哦

[00:00:51] 好了

[00:00:51] 我们开始学习吧

[00:00:53] We ve got like Jackie Saudi other will roll down ready to find a way can you feel when you feel it or 杀敌数

[00:01:15] We were shut like a jacket

[00:01:35] S h u fa a shut 失去爆破like a jacket like like like a jacket

[00:01:47] So your zip

[00:01:50] 这里要提一下zip 嗯

[00:01:54] 26 个字母当中

[00:01:56] 最后一个字母哈

[00:01:57] 怎么读呢

[00:01:58] 读字读Z 还是其他ZZ 要么the

[00:02:06] 在这里the shy p z z sip 你不要读sip 注意一下

[00:02:16] 就比如说动物园

[00:02:18] 不要读Xu Zhou 双排牙齿并拢K

[00:02:27] 继续往下走we would run down there rapids we would 失去爆破we would run down the rapids d o w and down down run down down down okay we would run down the rapids rapids 字母DS 组合的发音上回在

[00:02:57] 我的读书群里边还有个小伙伴

[00:03:00] 就问了一个问题

[00:03:02] 他说mid 加S

[00:03:05] 那这个是不是可以报掉就是英语的发音当中哈字母组合的发音

[00:03:13] 这个是不能随便报掉的need need needs 手hands hands

[00:03:20] JCOK

[00:03:21] 好像下一句to find a wave that feat

[00:03:26] To fight to fight To Get to find find find find the 不要读find you find find 鼻音哈

[00:03:40] 不要漏掉

[00:03:42] Find a wave fire and find its early to find that

[00:03:50] 失去爆破fits

[00:03:52] 字母组合的发音fits fit is OK

[00:03:59] Can you feel where there when does

[00:04:02] Wind 注意哦

[00:04:05] 一定要注意小林读Windows Windows

[00:04:09] Can you feel it through can you feel it through can you feel it through

[00:04:18] 失去爆破

[00:04:19] 然后要说一下

[00:04:20] 接下来提一下through through those are ru OK through through 福年初也好

[00:04:32] 之前介绍过很多方法


[00:04:34] 但我觉得最管用的是什么最管用的是用你最快的速度把这单词读完

[00:04:41] 不要拖泥带水

[00:04:42] 不要给时间里去缓冲区磨叽

[00:04:44] OK

[00:04:45] All of the Windows inside this room all of the Windows inside this room

[00:04:52] Olive olive olive de Windows all of the Windows in san it does room

[00:05:00] All of window Windows in san

[00:05:04] Windows 跟inside 也是小圆肚

[00:05:07] 然后inside 的诗句

[00:05:09] 包括all of the wind is inside this room

[00:05:15] And tells you where are you I wanna see does an r yo 合唱部分

[00:05:28] 接下来这段呢

[00:05:29] 我们在上期节目当中有详细的分析过哈

[00:05:32] 如果你还没有听的话呢

[00:05:33] 可以去听一下

[00:05:35] 包括点题的一句话

[00:05:37] I will be with you from death to Ren

[00:05:40] 我会和你一直将黄昏熬成黎明

[00:05:44] 或者说我会陪你从黄昏到黎明

[00:05:48] 所以有的时候歌词的翻译哈非常的赞

[00:05:53] I hold you when things go wrong I I I will 的缩写速度和舌尖抵住上齿龈后备鹅



[00:06:03] 鹅hold住hold住童话剧I hold you when things go wrong

[00:06:09] Sings go wrong go wrong 出错

[00:06:45] 最后呢

[00:06:46] 还是要提一下歌曲的名字does t join 不要读大四课to down

[00:06:54] De stu den de stu den 读的时候一定要干脆利落

[00:06:58] 不要拖泥带水

[00:07:00] 以上就是今天的听歌说英语和你一起来学习到渣渣和洗牙的新单曲de stu den 的后半部分其实剩下的这部分的歌词也不算是太长

[00:07:14] 也不算是太难

[00:07:15] 所以说你学习之后呢

[00:07:17] 一定要开口读开口说去练习

[00:07:21] 这样才会有用哦

[00:07:23] 如果你也想在节目当中跟大家一起来分享并学习你喜欢的歌曲

[00:07:27] 可以在微信公众号安夏说英语的后台里面翻拍歌曲哦

[00:07:33] 还有就是发音规则

[00:07:34] 那份干货

[00:07:35] 你可以在后台回复发音规则获取

[00:07:38] 同时要提醒大家

[00:07:40] 那份干货一定要手抄一份手写一份理解消化

[00:07:47] 记住

[00:07:48] 只有这样你在听节目的时候才不会云里雾里哦

[00:07:53] 那我们就下期节目不见不散咯

[00:07:56] 拜拜

[00:07:58] Can you feel the wind a can you feel it through all of the window 扔下的书cause I wanna touch baby I want to fill to I wanna see de sunrise and your sins in u ry 的咯

[00:08:31] 每天都风雨吹
