《听歌说英语:千呼万唤的戳爷 for him》歌词
[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成
[00:00:00] We are running we
[00:00:07] 欢迎收听
[00:00:08] 听歌说英语
[00:00:09] 我是安下安静的安夏天的霞微信上搜索公众号安夏说英语可以找到我口语是说出来的不是听出来的
[00:00:19] 也不是看出来的
[00:00:20] 更不是想象出来的
[00:00:23] 所以呢
[00:00:23] 听歌说英语主要是教大家如何开口说英语如何说一口流利的英语
[00:00:30] 不是解释单词也不是解释短语分析
[00:00:34] 语法句子成份等等的
[00:00:37] 如果你想说好英语
[00:00:39] 欢迎加入我们的行列哦
[00:00:46] 今天要学习的歌曲
[00:00:47] 来自千呼万唤始出来的
[00:00:49] 戳爷终于等到了戳爷在不出戳爷的歌曲
[00:00:54] 我相信公众号的后台和各大平台的留言板都会被刷爆
[00:01:03] 在处于众多翻拍的歌曲当中呢
[00:01:04] 我选了一首呼声比较高的for him
[00:01:10] 关于另外一首use 有好多小伙伴翻拍
[00:01:15] 但是今天呢
[00:01:15] 我们就先来学习一下for him
[00:01:19] 在开始学习之前一定要确保你的手里有拿到我们的学习必备资料就是发音规则的详细内容
[00:01:28] 如果说你还没有拿到的话呢
[00:01:31] 默默的去关注微信公众号安夏说英语添加关注之后在后台回复发音规则获取相对应的学习资料
[00:01:41] 这样的话呢
[00:01:42] 听起来才不会云里雾里OK 好了
[00:01:47] 我们就开始学习吧
[00:01:48] We army eyes we are well I slide
[00:02:02] Si NY every thi this crazy man she
[00:02:11] We are running so fast and we never look back and whatever I like you make up we make really good team and there not everyone sees
[00:02:26] We got this crazy chemistry between us
[00:02:30] 行色匆匆
[00:02:32] 从不回望我所有的缺憾都由你补充你我合作的紧密无缺诗人
[00:02:40] 虽未见得你我之间有狂热的化学吸引力
[00:02:47] 我们一句一句看一下里面的一些语言点
[00:02:52] We are running so fast we are running so fast were 缩毒跟弱读
[00:03:02] So fast so fast so fast
[00:03:07] 其实我们在之前节目当中也讲到过如果说一个句子当中
[00:03:10] 最后一个单词的最后一个因素是一个爆破音
[00:03:16] 那么就可以把它默默地爆掉
[00:03:18] 其实我们在听歌的时候也可以听得出来
[00:03:21] 嗯
[00:03:22] 像fast 这个
[00:03:25] 所以没有唱出来we never look back and we never look back
[00:03:32] And 等等
[00:03:33] 失去爆破
[00:03:35] Look back look 的也是去爆破
[00:03:39] 然后back 也是巨爆破and we never look back never never VI 和上排牙齿碰下唇
[00:03:49] 如果说你是用呢了
[00:03:50] 不分的话呢
[00:03:51] 不要读lever 呢
[00:04:00] 怎么感觉像是小学生学习英语的那个小光碟呢
[00:04:05] 爸爸
[00:04:06] 爸爸发的发的吗吗吗吗吗吗吗
[00:04:10] 这种感觉好来继续看下一句and whatever I like you make up
[00:04:18] End 的失去爆破black 也可以把它报掉you makeup makeup 小连读
[00:04:28] And whatever I like you make up
[00:04:33] We make a really good team make maker maker we make a really good team good team good 失去爆破
[00:04:45] 至于为什么哈一定要去拿着那个发音规则的资料
[00:04:49] 对上好怎么就爆掉了呢
[00:04:51] 奇怪了对吧
[00:04:53] And though not everyone sees end 失去包括not everyone knows everyone
[00:05:00] 这里可以稍微让小玲读
[00:05:04] We got this crazy chemistry between us we got this crazy chemistry between us 失去爆破
[00:05:13] 然后呢
[00:05:14] Chemistry chemistry 化学between us between us 小林读好your card please here you 可以shave 继续来看
[00:05:35] 下一段歌词jump starting your car with these city the ball
[00:05:41] Buying e cigarette a convenience stores making you click is on our own little tour lets ride
[00:05:54] 跳入你车里发动引擎
[00:05:57] 这城市实在是无聊
[00:06:00] 便利店里买下几支电子香烟
[00:06:04] 这次双人的短途旅行
[00:06:06] 陈词滥调
[00:06:08] 也未残颜一起飞驰吧
[00:06:13] John starting your car with these cities for jump 失去爆破
[00:06:20] 然后呢
[00:06:21] Starting 这里面哦
[00:06:23] 除划线相似的同类的有student straight straight 等等
[00:06:31] 可是does city sub or
[00:06:34] Cities 跟呃
[00:06:35] 小林读citizen citizen citizen ball
[00:06:41] Ban e cigarette at the convenience store buying buy 加上in g 哈外加惹小林读buying buying 不要读buying
[00:06:55] 奇怪了哈buying
[00:06:57] 同理
[00:06:58] 还有什么seeing 还有flying
[00:07:03] 这些哈嗯
[00:07:04] 在我的音标自主学习课程还有呃
[00:07:09] 音标的精品课程当中都会遇到这些
[00:07:14] 然后下一个是convenience store convenience stores 电位点Stuart 哈
[00:07:21] 这里有一个呃
[00:07:22] 浊化的现象
[00:07:23] 其实stores 哈在嗯粤语哈
[00:07:27] 在广东地区
[00:07:28] 其实很多一些商店
[00:07:30] 它会直接翻译过来store 是多点呢
[00:07:34] 其实就是便利点C 到的
[00:07:38] 比如说按下开了个小店哈就可以直接用安下加上这个是读安下是读点non healthy body 好继续来看
[00:07:50] 下面的歌词
[00:07:52] Making new click is on our own way to tour
[00:08:11] M edi 会前有听过小伙伴读成呃
[00:08:16] Red
[00:08:17] 因为很多小伙伴就是在发音上啊
[00:08:20] 双元音I 跟梅花音弄得有点混乱
[00:08:29] 谁拉谁爱啊
[00:08:35] 心烦啊
[00:08:41] 给谁啊
[00:08:47] 有谁来看你爱你发Li you
[00:08:56] 啊啊
[00:09:13] Forget or the shooting stars and ordered a silver moons we ve been making shades of purple out of red and blue second lease we like honey
[00:09:27] Dont need money or I need you or I need show
[00:09:34] 你不必靠说我爱你来表达我爱你送天上流星飞驰银月悬挂我们也都忘掉你我一起就可筑起逃离男童二色的紫色庇荫追感情甜的像蜜金钱也可抛除了你我什么也不要
[00:09:58] 啊啊哦
[00:10:03] 我们来分析一下you dont have to say I love you to say I love you you dont have you dont have dont 失去保护哈
[00:10:12] 然后I love you love you love you love you love you love you 最基本的领土forget all the shooting stars and ordered a super moon forget all the shooting stars and ordered a silver moons
[00:10:29] 其实forget 跟哦哈K 5 连或者是不连没关系
[00:10:34] 然后嗯store he 系
[00:10:37] 里面的竹画讲过了end or 哈
[00:10:40] 也是连不连都没关系
[00:10:44] We ve been making sheets of feather out of red and blue
[00:10:50] 这里面嗯shapes 哈
[00:10:53] 字母DS 组合的发音注意一下
[00:10:55] 然后呢
[00:10:56] End of a dove 小林图red and blue red blue 也是轻轻的领一下就好了
[00:11:05] 然后下面这个单词有点长
[00:11:06] Signal signal 加上oi signal signal signal is weak like honey signal is weak like honey sweet 失去爆破like 这里面的其实你也可以报掉
[00:11:25] 要不然击穿连读donate money dont need money dont need he 这俩都有爆破的现象
[00:11:33] Where I need you where I need is you need 跟S 小林读
[00:11:39] 然后呢
[00:11:40] S 根据这里面有一个童话的现象
[00:11:43] Where I need you
[00:11:45] Staying up we most time wage the we know our faith e z
[00:11:56] 为谁叫谁吃饭商厦lance harsh ly q har Le
[00:12:06] 哎呀
[00:12:07] 哎呀好来看一下下一段歌词大意we try staying up late we try staying up late that we both are light way
[00:12:18] Yeah we get off our faces ti e z and we take jokes way too far and sometimes living things too hard
[00:12:30] We are like to have some one Hart
[00:12:33] 我们学着彻夜不睡呢
[00:12:36] 我只是无足轻重之人
[00:12:39] 但却撕开面具对彼此坦诚以路漫漫你我以开玩笑相伴也有欢声笑语
[00:12:49] 就算时有生活不易
[00:12:51] 你我也是占据彼此心中的一半
[00:12:56] 其实歌词听上去嗯
[00:12:59] 还是有那么一点点感动的好
[00:13:02] 我们来分析一下we try staying up late staying staying 哈
[00:13:09] 说的也是外加一个刚刚那个buying flying thin ice de up late 熬夜dont stay up late
[00:13:23] 别熬夜哦
[00:13:25] 之前在中文励志节目当中有做过一期节目
[00:13:28] 年纪轻轻没事儿
[00:13:30] 别熬夜
[00:13:31] 好多人都好像给熬夜找了很多理由年轻人怎么可能不熬夜呢
[00:13:36] 我都说了吗
[00:13:37] 年纪轻轻没事儿
[00:13:39] 别熬夜
[00:13:40] 没事儿还熬夜
[00:13:42] 那不是有病
[00:13:44] 那就是脑子坏了呗
[00:13:46] OK just kidding 开个玩笑
[00:13:48] 接着看下一句but we both are lightweight but we but we gen er 字母TW 组合的发音but way that way in a bus to 舌头的小圆圈一横lightweight 字母或者反应yes we get our faces ti e z
[00:14:18] Get off get off get off get off 小林读然后呢
[00:14:24] A flower face get a flower face get a flower to flower to flower face
[00:14:32] 三个词和小圆读
[00:14:35] And we take jokes way too far
[00:14:38] And we take jokes way too far and 失去爆破take drives take drives take 失去爆破注意下Jacques 很多人都Jacques 噢跟哦不应该混淆啊
[00:14:56] 对吧
[00:15:01] And sometimes living too hard and 的数据
[00:15:05] 包括sometimes sometimes
[00:15:10] We all like to help some one heart
[00:15:14] We like to have one heart
[00:15:17] Where where 缩毒like 失去爆破hats hats hats 跟小玲读helps us helps of will like to help some one heart
[00:15:33] Love 只是爱
[00:15:37] 以上就是今天听歌收益的所有节目内容
[00:15:39] 感谢你的耐心聆听以及学习
[00:15:43] 如果你也希望自己喜欢的歌曲能够被翻拍录成节目
[00:15:47] 可以在微信公众号安夏说英语的后台留言翻牌歌曲哦
[00:15:53] 如果你想在节目之后跟大家一起来开口读英语
[00:15:57] 可以添加我的个人微信按下的拼音
[00:16:01] 加上数字1102 了解一下具体的参与方式噢
[00:16:07] 那我们就下期节目不见不散咯
[00:16:38] 13
[00:16:43] 愿你谁在喊啊
[00:16:49] 因为你来看你们啊
[00:16:53] Li 呦
[00:16:58] 爱你哟啊
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- Toy Soldiers [Alftan, Milla]
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- Boog It [The Mills Brothers]
- Easy Street [Vocal By James ”Trummy” Y]
- Mercy [M&E]
- One Kiss Led To Another [Stoller&Coasters&Leiber]
- Waiting For Charlie (To Come Home)(Single Version) [Etta James]
- Close Your Eyes [Juicy Lotta]
- Le chaland qui passe [Lys Gauty]
- 最安静的回忆 [木易]
- We Love To Entertain You(Album) [Preluders]