《Friends S02E12 The One After The Super Bowl(1)》歌词

[00:00:09] Can't get the monkey off your back? 无法摆脱工作的压力?
[00:00:12] Then put it in your mouth... 那就来一杯…
[00:00:15] ... with Monkeyshine Beer! …猴子乐啤酒吧
[00:00:17] Get it,monkey 喝一口猴子乐
[00:00:20] Get it,get it,monkey 喝一口猴子乐
[00:00:24] Monkey,monkey 猴子乐…
[00:00:26] Monkeyshine Beer. 猴子乐啤酒
[00:00:28] Because it's a jungle out there! 因为外面是一片丛林
[00:00:31] That commercial always makes me so sad. 那个广告总是让我悲从中来
[00:00:33] But then the guy opens his beer and girls run at him... 但是那个傢伙一开啤酒 女人就拥上来了…
[00:00:36] ...so everything works out okay. …所以最后一切还好的
[00:00:39] I meant because the monkey reminds me of Marcel. 我的意思是 那只猴子让我想到了马赛
[00:00:42] I can see that. 我看得出来
[00:00:43] Because they both have those big brown eyes and the little pouty chin. 它们都有棕色的大眼睛 还有鼓鼓的小下巴
[00:00:48] And the fact that they're both monkeys? 而且它们都是猴子
[00:00:52] I wonder if I did the right thing, giving him away. 有时候我怀疑我是不是做错了 不应该把它送走
[00:00:55] Ross,you had to. He was humping everything in sight. 你是不得已的啊 看到什么东西都要上
[00:00:59] My Malibu Barbie will no longer be wearing white to her wedding. 我的马里布芭比娃娃 结婚不能穿纯洁的白纱了
[00:01:08] ...and when you got it back, there'd be monkey raisins in it? …等你要回来的时候里面会有 小小的猴子“葡萄干”?
[00:01:18] Suddenly,I had this big "attitude problem." 突然就变成了我的态度不好
[00:01:21] The One With the Super Bowl,Part 1
[00:01:28] 六人行 第2季 第12集 超级杯后(第一集)
[00:02:10] Hey,check it out! Guess what I got? 你们看,猜我有什么?
[00:02:12] Rhythm? 韵律感,对不对?
[00:02:21] I love you and would do anything to have you." 我爱你,为了得到你 我可以不惜一切
[00:02:24] My gosh! "Your not-so-secret admirer,Erika Ford." “你不神秘的仰慕者 方艾丽”
[00:02:28] Oh,wait. 等一下
[00:02:30] "P.S. Enclosed,please find 14 of my eyelashes." :“附注:随函附上了 我十四根的睫毛”
[00:02:36] In Crazy World,that means you're married. 在疯子的世界里 那就表示你结婚了
[00:02:41] It's not addressed to Days Of Our Lives. This came to your apartment. 这不是寄到制作单位的 这是直接送到你家去
[00:02:46] She was in our building. 她去过我们的大楼
[00:02:48] Oh,my God. 我的天啊
[00:02:50] I got my very own stalker! 我有我自己的变态影迷了
[00:02:57] Where are you off to? 你上哪儿去了?
[00:02:58] There's a paleontology conference in L.A. 因为洛杉矶 有一个古生物学研讨会
[00:03:01] So I figured I'd go and drive down to the zoo and surprise Marcel. 我会去,然后开车到动物园 给马赛一个惊喜
[00:03:06] He will be surprised. Till he realizes he's a monkey... 我想它会很惊喜的 直到它发现它是猴子…
[00:03:11] ...and isn't capable of that emotion. …它根本就没办法有那种情绪
[00:03:15] Phoebe? That really cute guy is here again. 菲比,那个可爱的傢伙又来了
[00:03:19] Okay,so everyone... 各位…
[00:03:21] ... pretend I'm telling you a story and it's really funny. …假装我在讲故事给你们听 故事非常的好笑
[00:03:24] So everyone just laugh. Now! 所以大家要笑
[00:03:28] I know,I know! 我知道
[00:03:34] I'm Rob Donan. 我叫罗伯杜南
[00:03:35] Hi,Rob Donan. 罗伯杜南
[00:03:36] I don't know anything about music, but I think you're really great. 我对音乐一窍不通 不过我觉得你非常棒
[00:03:43] Anyway,I schedule performers for children's libraries. 我在替市里的儿童图书馆 安排艺人的演出
[00:03:47] And I was thinking,have you thought about playing your songs for kids? 我在想,你有没有想过 为小孩子演唱你的歌呢?
[00:03:52] I would love to have kids... 我好想要小孩哦…
[00:03:58] ...hear me play the songs that I will write for them. 听我…听我演唱 我为他们写的歌
[00:04:04] What do we do for dinner? 你今天晚饭做什么?
[00:04:06] We could cook for ourselves. 我们可以留在家里吃自己啊
[00:04:15] It's Erika. 我是艾丽
[00:04:16] My God. The stalker! 变态影迷
[00:04:18] Never mind. It's open. 没关系,门没关
[00:04:22] Hitting her with a frying pan is a good idea. 对,用平底锅打她是个好主意
[00:04:24] But we want a backup plan, just in case she isn't a cartoon! 不过,我们应该想点别的 以防她不是卡通人物
[00:04:29] Let's get out of here! 离开这里
[00:04:34] The one time they're not home! 偏挑这个时候不在
[00:04:38] We'll leave. When we pass her... 我们走时 在楼梯上碰到的时候…
[00:04:40] ...she won't know me, because we never met! …她不会知道是我 因为我们没有见过啊
[00:04:44] That's how radio stars escape stalkers! 那是收音机明星的方法
[00:04:48] She's coming! 她来了
[00:04:56] It's me. 是我
[00:04:58] This is it. This is how we're gonna die. 就这样了,我们就这样死的
[00:05:02] You ready? 预备好了?
[00:05:03] Wait,wait,wait! 等等…
[00:05:13] Erika! 艾丽
[00:05:25] -Mr. Geller? -Yes,hi. 盖勒先生? 是,嗨
[00:05:27] Dean Lipson,zoo administrator. 黎迪恩,我是这里的行政组长
[00:05:29] You had a question? 听说你有个问题,是不是?
[00:05:32] I can't find the monkey I donated last year. He's a capuchin... 我似乎找不到我去年捐的猴子 它是一只戴帽猿…
[00:05:36] ...answers to the name Marcel? …它的名字叫做马赛?
[00:05:39] I'm afraid I have some bad news. 我恐怕有个坏消息要告诉你
[00:05:42] Marcel has passed on. 马赛它已经过世了
[00:05:46] Oh,my God. What happened? 天哪,怎么会呢?
[00:05:49] He got sick, and then he got sicker... 它生病了,然后它病得很重…
[00:05:52] ...and then he got a little better. …然后它突然好了一点
[00:05:54] But then he died. 然后就死了
[00:05:58] I can't believe this! 我真不敢相信
[00:06:00] I'm sorry,Mr. Geller. But you know,there's an old saying: 很抱歉,盖勒先生 你也知道嘛,俗话说:
[00:06:05] "Sometimes monkeys die." “猴子难免一死”
[00:06:09] It's not a great saying... 不是很好的俗语…
[00:06:13] ... but it certainly is fitting today. …用在今天却很帖切
[00:06:15] -Someone should've called me. -I'm sorry. 那应该有人通知我才对呀 对不起
[00:06:18] Look,I know this can't bring him back... 我知道这不能够让它复活…
[00:06:21] ... but here,it's just a gesture. …这是我一点心意,请收下
[00:06:25] Zoo dollars? 动物园礼券?
[00:06:27] Yes,and come see the bird show at 4. The macaws wear hats. 对,四点请过来看一看鸟秀 金刚鹦鹉戴帽子
[00:06:33] It's a lot cuter if your monkey hasn't just died. 你的猴子没死的话会可爱多了
[00:06:43] I know. 我知道
[00:06:46] I can't believe Joey's having lunch with his stalker! 真不敢相信 乔伊去跟他的变态影迷吃饭
[00:06:49] What is she like? 她长得怎么样?
[00:06:51] You remember Kathy Bates in Misery? 你还记得“战栗游戏” 里面的凯西贝兹?
[00:06:53] Well,she looks the exact opposite of that. 她长得跟她完全相反
[00:07:00] Oh,no,no. She's a total whack-job. 不,她的完全秀斗了
[00:07:02] She thinks that Joey is actually Dr. Drake Ramoray. 她以为乔伊真的是雷崔克医生
[00:07:07] Oh,my God! 我的天哪
[00:07:09] And he's going out with her? 然后他还要去跟她约会?
[00:07:10] He cannot pursue this. 他不能这么做的
[00:07:12] Just because this woman sees Joey through the magical box... 就因为这个女人以为她可以 在她的客厅黑盒里面看乔伊…
[00:07:16] ...in her living room doesn't mean she's not a person. …并不表示她就不是人啊
[00:07:19] Does she not deserve happiness? Does she not deserve love? 我是说,她应该得到快乐 也应该得到爱呀
[00:07:24] Why are you looking at me? He's the one who wants to boff the maniac! 你们看我干什么? 想上那个疯子的是乔伊耶
[00:07:29] Are you okay? 你还好吧?
[00:07:30] No. I'm just nervous. 不,我只是很紧张
[00:07:32] Maybe if I just picture them all in their underwear.... 如果我幻想他们只穿内衣…
[00:07:36] That's not a good idea. That's the reason the last guy got fired. 不,那个主意不好 上个傢伙就是那样被开除的
[00:07:44] I'm used to playing for grownups. 我只是…我习惯为大人演唱
[00:07:47] Grownups drink their coffee and do their grownup thing. 大人只是… 边喝咖啡边做他们大人做的事
[00:07:50] And kids... 小孩呢…
[00:07:52] ...Iisten. …会专心听
[00:07:54] It's just a huge responsibility. 我觉得这个责任好重大
[00:07:57] What? 怎么了?
[00:07:58] Are you gonna kiss me? 你要亲我吗?
[00:08:01] I was thinking about it. 我正在考虑
[00:08:08] Alrighty! Let's play some tunes! 那好,好耶,咱们来些音乐
[00:08:13] -Hi,everybody. I'm Phoebe. -Hi,Phoebe! 各位,我是菲比 菲比
[00:08:20] I'm gonna play some songs about grandparents,okay? 现在我要唱一首 关于祖父母的歌
[00:08:26] Now Grandma's a person Who everyone likes 奶奶走到哪里都大受欢迎
[00:08:30] She bought you a train And a bright shiny bike 她送你火车跟一辆簇新单车
[00:08:33] But lately she hasn't Been coming to dinner 但最近她不再来共进晚餐
[00:08:36] And last time you saw her She looked so much thinner 上回你看到她时 她看起来瘦多了
[00:08:41] Now your mom and your dad said She moved to Peru 你妈跟你爸说她搬去秘鲁
[00:08:44] But the truth is she died And someday you will too 事实上她死了,有一天你也会
[00:08:59] -Oh,Drake,isn't it amazing? -Yeah,it is. 崔克,这真是太好了 是啊,没错
[00:09:04] What? 怎么了?
[00:09:06] Well,here we sit,devil-may-care... 现在我们轻松地坐在这儿…
[00:09:09] ...and a while ago you were reattaching Simone's spinal cord. …但不久前 你还在重注西蒙的脊髓
[00:09:13] That was a tricky one. 是啊,那实在不简单
[00:09:16] In reality... 事实上…
[00:09:18] ...that operation takes 10 hours. But they only showed it for 2 minutes. …那个手术要花上十几个钟头 可是他们只播了两分钟而已
[00:09:23] Who's "they"? “他们”是谁?
[00:09:26] No one. 没有啦
[00:09:29] Drake,you are so talented. Let me see those hands. 崔克,你真有才华 让我看看那双手
[00:09:34] Oh,these hands, these beautiful hands. 这双美丽的手
[00:09:37] I could just eat them. 真想吃掉它们
[00:09:39] But I won't. 但我不会
[00:09:42] Otherwise my watch would fall off. 不然我的手表一定会掉下来
[00:09:50] No,seriously. 不,说真的,这双手…
[00:09:54] ...these miracle,magical, life-giving hands. …救人无数,创造奇迹的手
[00:10:02] All right. Just one. 好吧,一只就好了
[00:10:17] Oh,my God! Someone! He's choking! 天哪,来人哪,他噎住了
[00:10:19] Is anyone here a doctor? 这里有没有医生?
[00:10:23] Yes,the best doctor in Salem! 沙仑市最好的医生就在这儿
[00:10:25] Dr. Drake Ramoray! 雷崔克医生
[00:10:42] Meet me in the nocturnal house in 15 minutes. 你十五分钟之后到夜行馆等我
[00:10:49] Hey,look. I don't really enjoy being with other men that way. 少来了 我不喜欢跟别的男人那样
[00:10:55] But,zoo dollars? 要动物园礼券吗?
[00:10:58] It's about your monkey! 我要告诉你有关你猴子的事
[00:11:01] It's alive. 它还没死
[00:11:07] I don't understand. Why didn't you help that man? 我不懂,你为什么不救他?
[00:11:11] Because I'm a neurosurgeon... 因为我是神经外科医生…
[00:11:14] ...and that was clearly a case of... …他显然是患了…
[00:11:18] ... "foodal chokage." …“食道阻塞症”
[00:11:24] I gotta tell you something 好吧,听着 我要坦白一件事…
[00:11:27] You don't have to tell me anything. 你什么都不用告诉我
[00:11:29] You don't have to explain yourself to me. 你不用向我解释什么
[00:11:32] Who am I to question the great Dr. Drake Ramoray? 我算老几啊 竟然敢怀疑伟大的雷医生
[00:11:35] I should be happy to be near you. 能接近你,我就该满足了
[00:11:37] Hey,l 嘿,我…
[00:11:42] Hey what? 嘿什么?
[00:11:44] That's it. Just hey! 就那样,只是嘿
[00:11:47] Like at the end of a dance. Hey! 像结束了一首舞那样,嘿!
[00:11:57] There'll be times when you get older 有一天你们会长大
[00:11:59] When you'll want to sleep with people 你们会想跟别人上床
[00:12:01] Just to make them like you But don't! 只为搏得他们欢心 但不要这么做
[00:12:07] ... that's another thing... …那是另一件…
[00:12:09] ... that you don't wanna do Everybody! …你不要做的事 一起来
[00:12:11] That's another thing That you don't wanna do 那是另一件你不要做的事
[00:12:18] -Excellent! -Very informative! 太棒了 很有教育性
[00:12:20] Not at all inappropriate! 一点也不会不恰当
[00:12:23] Thank you for coming,everybody! There are cookies in the back. 谢谢各位光临 后面有饼干要送给你们
[00:12:28] That was great. 真是棒透了
[00:12:30] The kids loved you. 孩子们爱死你了
[00:12:32] Yea! I rock! 对呀,我酷毙了
[00:12:35] And you know why? Because you told the truth. 你知道为什么吗? 因为你说实话
[00:12:38] Nobody ever tells kids the truth. 从来没有人对小孩子说实话
[00:12:41] You were incredible! 你真是了得
[00:12:45] -How'd you know there was a "but"? -I sense these things. 你怎么知道还有“但…”? 这种事情逃不过我的
[00:12:53] The thing is,I think some of the parents... 我想问题是有些父母…
[00:12:55] ...they were hoping that... …会希望你多唱一点…
[00:12:57] ...you'd play more songs about barnyard animals. …农场动物那类的歌曲
[00:13:00] I can do that. 这个我办得到啊
[00:13:02] Really? 真的?
[00:13:03] Because that would be fantastic! 因为那样子会非常棒
[00:13:07] What? You wanna kiss me? 怎么?你要亲我吗?
[00:13:14] The bat. 蝙蝠
[00:13:16] Ambassador of darkness. 黑暗世界的大使
[00:13:18] Flitting out of his cave like a winged messenger. 像一只插翅的信差 冲出了巢穴
[00:13:22] Sightless specter of the macabre. 死神之舞的盲目幽灵
[00:13:27] Buddy,my monkey? 兄弟,我的猴子呢?
[00:13:29] Oh,yeah,right. 对了…
[00:13:32] There was a break-in... 在几个月前…
[00:13:34] ...a few months back. Inside job. …这里被洗劫,内贼干的
[00:13:38] The zoo told me that my monkey was dead! 我的天哪 可是动物园说我的猴子死了
[00:13:41] The zoo! 动物园
[00:13:43] You believe everything the zoo tells you? 你相信 动物园说的每一件事吗?
[00:13:48] That's the only thing the zoo's ever told me. 动物园只是告诉过我这件事
[00:13:52] Of course they'll say that! They don't want the bad publicity. 他们当然会说它死了 他们害怕消息传出去会不好看
[00:13:55] It's all a great big cover-up. 他们掩饰得密不透风
[00:13:57] Do you have any idea how high up this thing goes? 你知道这件事情 牵涉到多高层吗?
[00:14:01] That guy Lipson? 那个黎先生?
[00:14:03] Lipson knows? 黎先生知道?
[00:14:06] Lipson knows,huh? 黎先生知道,是吗?
[00:14:09] Hello,Mr. Possum. 哈罗,负子鼠先生
[00:14:11] Enigma of the trees, upside-down denizen of the night. 树上的谜团 上下颠倒的夜之民
[00:14:15] -Taunting gravity -Buddy,my monkey. My monkey? 正在嘲弄着地心引力… 兄弟,我的猴子呢?
[00:14:20] Word on the street 道上的传闻…
[00:14:22] When I say "street," I mean those pretend streets here at the zoo. 当我说“道上”的时候 我指的是园里的游园道路
[00:14:26] Of course. 当然了
[00:14:30] Your monkey found a new career... 你的猴子有了新职业了…
[00:14:32] ...in the entertainment field. That's all I know. …往娱乐界发展去了 我只知道这一些
[00:14:37] This is unbelievable! 真是令人难以置信
[00:14:39] So what is this information worth to you,my friend? 好了,这个消息 对你值多少钱啊,朋友?
[00:14:44] Are you trying to get me to bribe you? 你是暗示我要贿赂你吗?
[00:14:47] Maybe. 或许吧
[00:14:50] But you already told me everything. 可是你都已经告诉我了
[00:15:00] Check it out. 你们看
[00:15:02] He actually is the Monkeyshine monkey! 马赛就是 啤酒乐广告里的那只猴子
[00:15:05] What'll you do? 那你打算怎么办?
[00:15:07] I'm gonna call the beer company and try to find him. 我要打电话给那家啤酒厂 问他们它在哪里啊
[00:15:10] That's what I did when I lost my Clydesdales. 我丢了马儿时就是这么做的
[00:15:14] Okay,hi again! 你们好
[00:15:16] Hi,Phoebe! 菲比好
[00:15:19] Today,we're gonna start with some songs about barnyard animals. 今天我们要先唱一些 关于农场动物的歌曲
[00:15:25] Oh,the cow in the meadow goes "moo" 草地上的牛说哞
[00:15:27] Oh,the cow in the meadow goes "moo" 草地上的牛说哞
[00:15:30] Then the farmer hits him And grinds him up 农夫在敲它的头 把它绞成肉酱
[00:15:32] And that's how we get hamburgers 汉堡就是这样来的
[00:15:37] Now chickens! 现在…鸡
[00:15:42] Only you who can save her,Drake! 崔克,你是唯一救得了她的人
[00:15:44] Damn it! I'm a doctor. I'm not God! 该死,我是医生,我不是神
[00:15:47] There goes my whole belief system. 我的信仰就是这样被推翻了的
[00:15:52] It's Erika. 是艾丽
[00:15:53] Quick! Shut off the TV. 老天,快,关掉电视
[00:15:55] I wanna see what happens! 不,我要看结果
[00:15:57] I get Leslie out of the coma then we make out. 我救丝莉脱离昏迷状态 然后我们亲热
[00:15:59] How can that be? You were kissing Sabrina! 怎么可能?你刚才亲了莎宾娜
[00:16:02] Rachel,it's a world where Joey is a neurosurgeon. 瑞秋,那只是乔伊 是神经外科医生的世界
[00:16:09] Hey,Erika. Come in. 艾丽,请进
[00:16:11] How did you get here so fast? I just saw you in Salem. 你怎么这么快就到了? 我刚刚还在沙仑看到你
[00:16:14] Right,they choppered me in. 对,他们用…直升机送我
[00:16:18] What's up? 什么事?
[00:16:19] You're having a little party too! 还有一场小派对
[00:16:21] -ls she here? -Who? 她在吗? 谁啊?
[00:16:24] Sabrina. I know about you two! 莎宾娜,你们的事我全知道了
[00:16:26] I saw you today,kissing in the doctor's lounge. 我看到你们两个 在医生休息室里接吻
[00:16:31] It's not what you think 不是你想的那样子啦,那是…
[00:16:33] You told me I was the only one! 你说你心里只有我
[00:16:39] All right,look. That's it. 好,听着,够了
[00:16:41] We shouldn't see each other anymore. 我想我们不该再见面了
[00:16:43] I should have told you a long time ago... 我知道我很久以前 就应该告诉你了…
[00:16:46] ... but I am not Drake Ramoray. …我并不是雷崔克医生
[00:16:48] I'm not even a doctor. I'm an actor. I just pretend to be a doctor. 我连医生都不是,我是个演员 我只是假装我是医生而已
[00:16:52] Oh,my God! Do the people at the hospital know? 天哪,那医院的人 知道这件事情吗?
[00:16:59] Somebody wanna help me out here? 你们谁来帮帮忙,好不好?
[00:17:01] Oh,I know! I know! 我知道…
[00:17:04] Where am I? 我在哪里?
[00:17:06] University Hospital... 大学的附设医院…
[00:17:07] ... where you've been for the last 18 years. …你已经在这里度过十八年了
[00:17:11] How can you be here and there? 你怎么会在两个地方?
[00:17:14] Because it's a TV show! 因为那是电视节目
[00:17:16] What are you getting at? 崔克,你到底要说什么?
[00:17:20] I'm not Drake! 我不是崔克
[00:17:22] That's right! He's not Drake. He's... 没错 他不是崔克,他是…
[00:17:26] ... Hans Ramoray,Drake's evil twin! …雷汉斯,崔克邪恶的双胞胎
[00:17:33] Is this true? 真的吗?
[00:17:36] Yes! Yes,it is true! 是真的
[00:17:38] And I know this... 我知道因为…
[00:17:40] ... because he pretended to be Drake to sleep with me! …他假装他是崔克 来…来骗我上床
[00:17:50] And then he told me he would run away with me! 然后他告诉我他要带我私奔
[00:17:53] And he didn't! 他骗我
[00:17:56] And you left the toilet seat up, you bastard! 然后你马桶盖没有放下来 你这个浑蛋
[00:18:05] Is all this true? 这些都是真的吗?
[00:18:11] Yes,I'm afraid it is. 是,恐怕是真的了
[00:18:13] You deserve much better than me. 我根本配不上你,艾丽
[00:18:16] You deserve to be with the real Drake. He's the one you fell in love with. 你应该跟真正的崔克在一起 你爱上的人是他
[00:18:20] Go to Salem. Find him! 去沙仑吧,去找他
[00:18:23] He's the guy for you! 他才是你的王子
[00:18:25] Oh,Hans! 汉斯
[00:18:31] Hans! 汉斯!
[00:18:33] Yo,evil twin! 邪恶的双胞胎
[00:18:36] Right. Goodbye,Erika. 对,再见,艾丽
[00:18:40] Good luck in Salem. 一切顺利
[00:18:43] Take care. 保重了
[00:18:45] I'll never forget you,Hans. 我永远不会忘记你的
[00:18:52] All right. The people who threw the water! 刚才是谁向我泼水!
[00:18:54] Helping you out! 我们只是想帮你
[00:18:56] Fired? 开除?
[00:18:57] Why? 为什么?
[00:18:59] The library board got a lot of complaints from parents... 有很多父母向图书馆的 董事会投诉…
[00:19:04] I can't believe it! 我真不敢相信
[00:19:06] Did you tell your board that the kids want to hear the truth? 难道说你没有告诉你的董事会 孩子们多么想听实话吗?
[00:19:16] Maybe if you just played some regular kiddy songs? 或许如果你只是唱一些 一般的儿歌
[00:19:21] What do you want me to be? Like some... 不,你要…我当什么呢?
[00:19:23] ...stupid,big, like,purple dinosaur? …当一只愚蠢的 紫色大恐龙吗?
[00:19:28] You don't have to be Barney. 我又没说你必须当巴尼
[00:19:30] Who's Barney? 巴尼是谁啊?
[00:19:37] I tracked down Marcel and get this. He's healthy,he's happy... 我是追查马赛追查到这个的 现在它很健康也很快乐…
[00:19:40] ...and he's in New York filming Outbreak 2: The Virus Takes Manhattan. …它在纽约拍“危机总动员二 病毒肆虐曼哈顿”
[00:19:45] You're kidding! 你骗人
[00:19:46] -This is amazing! -I know. 简直妙绝 我知道
[00:19:48] I finally get a part on TV, and the monkey's making movies. 我才终于混上电视 这猴子开始拍电影了
[00:19:54] Rachel,I'm ready. 瑞秋,我好了
[00:19:59] Excuse me. Is this where the singing lady is,who tells the truth? 抱歉,这是那个 说实话的唱歌小姐吗?
[00:20:05] I guess that's me. 对呀,我猜那就是我
[00:20:08] She's here! 她在这里
[00:20:18] Sometimes men love women 有时男人爱女人
[00:20:20] Sometimes men love men 有时男人爱男人
[00:20:23] Then there are bisexuals 然后还有双性恋
[00:20:26] Though some just say They're kidding themselves 虽然有些说他们在骗自己
[00:20:39] This is exciting! I haven't seen my monkey in a year. 真是令人兴奋 我都快一年没见到我的猴子了
[00:20:42] What,you never look down in the shower? 你洗澡从来不往下看吗?
[00:20:45] I'm not allowed to make one joke in the "monkey is penis" genre? 我连说个“猴子等于 命根子”的笑话都不可以吗?
[00:20:50] Back up,please. 好了,好了
[00:20:51] Back up. Come on. 各位,往后退
[00:20:53] Excuse me. Where can we find the monkey? 打扰了 那只猴子在什么地方?
[00:20:56] I'm sorry. It's a closed set. 抱歉,各位 这场戏不对外开放
[00:20:57] I'm sorry,you don't understand. I'm a friend of his. 对不起,你不了解 我…我是它的朋友
[00:21:01] We used to live together. 我们…我们以前住在一起的
[00:21:03] And I have a time share in the Poconos with Flipper. 是啊,我跟海豚飞宝 还在波可若分租公寓过呢
[00:21:09] There he is! 罗斯,它在那里
[00:21:11] Hey! Buddy! 兄弟
[00:21:13] Marcel! Marcel! 马赛…
[00:21:22] In the jungle 在丛林里
[00:21:24] The mighty jungle 偌大的丛林
[00:21:26] The lion sleeps tonight 今夜狮子睡着了
[00:21:31] In the jungle The mighty jungle 在丛林里,偌大的丛林
[00:21:35] The lion sleeps tonight 今夜狮子睡着了
[00:22:06] They won't take you to the vet 他们不带你去看兽医
[00:22:09] You're obviously not Their favorite pet 你显然不是最受宠的宠物
[00:22:13] Smelly cat Smelly cat 臭臭猫,臭臭猫
[00:22:17] It's not your fault 那不是你的错
[00:22:25] -What? -I'm sorry. 怎么了? 对不起
[00:22:27] What's wrong with that? 那有什么不对吗?
[00:22:29] You might want to pick a more masculine note. 我想你应该选择一个 男性化一点的调子比较好
- Friends S01E08
- Friends S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
- Friends S04E14 The One With Joeys Dirty Day
- Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos
- Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus
- Friends S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
- Friends S04E09 The One Where They’re Going To Party
- Friends S01E07
- Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
- Friends S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
- Real Thing [Jamie Lawson]
- F**king Perfect(P!nk Cover) [Ahmir]
- Hobarth’s Inn [Scythia]
- Undone [Casey James]
- Dirty Words [The Departure]
- Don’t Explain [Inger Marie Gundersen]
- The Sick [Nothingface]
- 比率A+(Beautiful) [KIXS&San E]
- すてきなメゾン Feat. 玉城ティナ-Tofubeats Remix [Tofubeats&玉城ティナ]
- Magnetised(Acoustic) [Tom Odell]
- Diamond Ring (1997 - Remaster (Stereo Version)) [Adam Faith]
- My True Love [Jack Scott]
- When Love Comes Along [MATT MONRO&The Chorus Gir]
- Supernovas [Jil is Lucky]
- Quand Mon 6.35 Me Fait Les Yeux Doux [Serge Gainsbourg]
- Secret Love [Gary Private]
- I’m Not Ashamed [Bobby Bland]
- He’ll Only Hurt you [Dion]
- There But For Fortune [Joan Baez]
- Where Have All The Flowers Gone [The Four Seasons]
- That’s Amore [Dean Martin]
- The Shape of My Heart [So Lonely]
- Fun, Fun, Fun [The Beach Boys]
- Noturno (Corao Alado)(Ao Vivo) [Fagner&Zé Ramalho]
- I’ll Be Home for Christmas [Edie Adams]
- Whithout You(Original Mix) [Guenter Haas]
- Transistor Sister [Freddy Cannon]
- A Fine Romance [Billie Holiday]
- Say a Prayer For Me [RFS DU SOL]
- Long Ago [Jo Stafford]
- 曾国藩 第131集 [单田芳]
- Easy Living [Billie Holiday]
- Downtown [DJ Battle&Lexy Panterra]
- 笑着说再见 [齐育]
- 双雁影 [凤飞飞]
- Gitme Dedim [Arman]
- He’s so Fine(Karaoke Version) [Mega Tracks Karaoke Band]
- Have I Told You Lately That I Love You [Elvis Presley]
- La petite tonkinoise [Josephine Baker]
- School Bus [Vybz Kartel]
- ボクキミポケット [井上苑子&柴山慧]