《Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos》歌词

[00:00:14] What the hell is that?! 谁在鬼叫?
[00:00:19] What the hell is that? Is that you? 谁在鬼叫?是你吗?
[00:00:29] -You're really not a morning person. -Just back off! 你清晨的火气还真大 滚远一点
[00:00:35] Get up! Get up! Get up! 起来!…
[00:00:42] What is that noise? 那是什么声音?
[00:00:44] You! 是你的敲门声!
[00:00:48] It's the chick. 是小鸡啦
[00:00:50] She's going through some changes. 它正历经过度时期
[00:00:54] What kind of changes? 什么过度时期?
[00:00:55] The vet seems to think... 兽医认为…
[00:00:58] ...she's becoming a rooster. 咱们的小母鸡要长大成公鸡了
[00:01:03] We're getting a second opinion. 我们打算再问问别的兽医
[00:01:07] The One With the Embryos 本集播出:公寓大搬风
[00:01:56] Why are you shopping at 8 in the morning? 你干嘛清晨八点去血拼?
[00:01:58] I've been up since 6... 我六点钟就起床了
[00:02:00] ...thanks to somebody's dumb-ass rooster. 都是被某人的笨公鸡害的
[00:02:04] You should get rid of those animals. They shouldn't be in an apartment. 你们应该把它们处理掉 它们不应该窝在公寓里
[00:02:08] Especially not with these knives and cookbooks around. 是啊,特别是这里 又有那么多刀和食谱
[00:02:14] I'm going to the doctor and see if I'm ready... 我要去看妇产科医生
[00:02:17] ...to have Frank and Alice's embryo transferred into my uterus. 看看能不能把法兰克和艾莉丝的胚胎 移植到我的子宫里去
[00:02:22] How will they know? 他们怎么知道你准备好了没?
[00:02:24] They'll just see if my endometrial layer is thick. 他们要看看我的子宫内膜 是不是已经增厚了
[00:02:28] I can check that for you. 我帮你看就好了
[00:02:31] Okay,think "thick." 各位,帮我的子宫内膜加油吧
[00:02:33] Good luck! 祝你好运
[00:02:36] Wish me luck. 快祝我幸运
[00:02:37] Good luck. 祝你好运
[00:02:39] -I'm still right. -That is so not true. 我说得没错啦 鬼扯
[00:02:42] What?
[00:02:44] I know it's her laundry day... 她不爽是因为我知道 她今天要洗衣服
[00:02:46] ...and that means she's wearing her old-lady underpants. 所以现在穿的是老奶奶大内裤
[00:02:51] I can check that for you. 要不要我检查一下?
[00:02:55] You two think you know me and Rachel... 你们凭什么认为 比瑞秋和我...
[00:02:57] ...better than we know you. ...更了解我们?
[00:03:00] Well,we do. 本来就是
[00:03:03] You can only eat Tic Tacs in even numbers. 你吃薄荷糖时一定要吃偶数
[00:03:06] What's that about? 你有什么毛病啊?
[00:03:08] And you! Ross,if you check Rachel's bag... 而你嘛… 罗斯,你去搜搜瑞秋的购物袋
[00:03:12] ...you'll find a half-eaten box of cookies in there. 里面一定有一盒 吃了一半的饼干
[00:03:18] You're good. 高明
[00:03:22] These are not. 这包饼干就不怎么高明了
[00:03:24] I'm so not impressed. Everybody snacks when they shop. 有什么了不起 哪有人买东西时不吃零嘴?
[00:03:27] Ross,how many items left in that bag? 是吗?罗斯,购物袋里 还有几样东西?
[00:03:31] Five. 五样
[00:03:32] Okay,10 bucks says we can name every item in that bag. 赌十块,我们能说出 那五样东西是什么
[00:03:37] -How many guesses? -Six. 你们能猜几次? 六次
[00:03:40] Challenge extended. 男生队下战书
[00:03:44] -Deal! -Challenge accepted. 赌就赌 女生队接受挑战
[00:03:48] All right,we'll start with... 第一样是…
[00:03:51] ...apples. ...苹果
[00:03:52] We'll be starting with apples. 我们就从苹果开始
[00:03:57] Stop that now. 拜托你住嘴
[00:04:01] Yes. 有苹果
[00:04:02] Okay. Tortilla chips. 玉米片
[00:04:05] -Yogurt. -Diet soda. 优格 健怡汽水
[00:04:07] 对…
[00:04:11] -Orange juice. -There's no orange juice! We win! 柳橙汁 我没买柳橙汁,我们赢了!
[00:04:15] They have another guess. 等等,他们还能再猜一次
[00:04:18] Well,we won that one. 但是那题我们赢了
[00:04:21] Okay. The last thing is 最后一样东西是…
[00:04:27] Not for another two weeks. 不是…还要等两周
[00:04:33] I got it. 我知道了
[00:04:34] Scotch... 胶…
[00:04:36] ...tape. 带
[00:04:42] How did you know she would buy Scotch tape? 你怎么知道她会买胶带?
[00:04:45] We used up theirs last night making scary faces. 我们昨晚玩扮鬼脸时 把她们的胶带用光了
[00:04:50] Oh,man! 讨厌
[00:04:51] All right! Ten bucks. Fork it over. 十块钱,愿赌服输
[00:04:54] Cough it up. Pay the piper. 甘愿点
[00:04:58] Give me it! 拿钱来
[00:05:00] You don't know us better. I want a rematch. 这没什么了不起 我要再比一次
[00:05:03] And no stupid grocery questions. Real,personal questions. 猜杂货没挑战性 这次要问切身问题
[00:05:06] And the winner gets $100. 赌一百块
[00:05:09] -Serious? -Are you scared? 你当真? 怕了?
[00:05:14] No. 才怪
[00:05:17] Who makes up the questions? 谁出考题?
[00:05:19] Ross will do it. 罗斯
[00:05:22] Sure,Ross will do it. 是啊,找罗斯
[00:05:24] It's not like he has a job or a child or a life of his own. 反正他没工作,没儿子 生活又无聊
[00:05:28] -Fine. We'll ask Phoebe. -No,I want to play. 好嘛,那找菲比好了 不要,人家想玩嘛
[00:05:37] Looks like your uterus is ready for implantation. 你的子宫可以做胚胎移植了
[00:05:40] I knew it! I felt really thick this morning. 我就知道 我今天早上就觉得厚厚的
[00:05:44] Okay,so what's now? Go get the eggs. Put them in there. 现在怎么办? 快去把卵子放进去
[00:05:48] It'll take a little while to prepare the embryos. 我要花点时间准备那些胚胎
[00:05:52] -Embryos? As in more than one? -Five,actually. 那些胚胎?不只一个? 事实上,一共有五个
[00:05:56] Where am I giving birth... 五个?
[00:05:58] ...in a hospital or a big box under the stairs? 你把我当母猪啊?
[00:06:01] Doing five gives you a 25% chance that at least one will attach. 植入五个胚胎 表示着床机率大概是25%
[00:06:06] That's it? 25%? 25%?这么少?
[00:06:08] That means that it's,like, 75% chance of no baby at all? 这表示我生不出小孩的机率 是75%?
[00:06:12] I was thinking, what are the odds... 那如果两百个胚胎进去
[00:06:15] ...if you stuff 200 of them in there? 机率会不会高一点?
[00:06:19] Sweetie,now... 亲爱的,
[00:06:20] ...she's a woman, not a gumball machine. 她是个女人 不是卖泡泡糖的机器
[00:06:26] Don't worry. I'll do this as many times as it takes to get it right. 别担心 我会一直做到成功为止
[00:06:31] The thing is,we kind of only have one shot. 但是我们只有一次机会
[00:06:35] It costs $16,000 each time you do this. 做一次移植要花一万六千块
[00:06:39] Sixteen thousand dollars?! 一万六千块?
[00:06:42] Well,it's 20 in California. 我们已经比加州便宜了
[00:06:47] We're kind of using all the money we have to do it this one time. 我们为了这一次 已经花光所有的积蓄
[00:06:54] Okay,that's a lot of pressure on me and my uterus. 天啊,这让我和我的子宫 压力超大
[00:06:59] Maybe there's something I can do to make sure I get pregnant. 也许我能做些什么事 来提高怀孕的机率
[00:07:04] No,I'm sorry. 没有
[00:07:06] Wow,you guys really don't know anything. 你们真是啥都不懂
[00:07:10] Why don't you get drunk? It worked for a bunch of girls in my high school. 那她喝个烂醉如何? 我很多高中同学 都是这样搞大肚子的
[00:07:22] -So how's the test coming? -Hey,you're touching the game board. 问题准备得如何? 别乱动
[00:07:26] Sorry. 抱歉啦
[00:07:28] You freak. 怪胎
[00:07:34] Do you realize that any minute now... 你们知道菲比现在
[00:07:36] ...Phoebe could be pregnant? 随时可能会怀孕吗?
[00:07:38] I know,I know. 我知道…
[00:07:41] It's such a huge, life-altering thing. 这件事真是非同小可 是啊
[00:07:45] The test is ready. 考题准备好了
[00:07:51] Okay. Each team will answer 10 questions. 每一队都要回答十个问题
[00:07:54] The first team to answer the most questions wins. 答对最多的那一队就赢
[00:07:58] The categories are "Fears and Pet Peeves"... 考题项目如下… “恐惧和怪癖”
[00:08:02] ..."Ancient History"... “陈年往事”
[00:08:04] ..."Literature"... “文学”
[00:08:06] ...and "It's all Relative." 和“日常琐事”
[00:08:10] Now...
[00:08:11] ...the coin toss, to see who goes first. 我们丢硬币来决定哪一队先攻
[00:08:22] Okay.
[00:08:23] Somebody call it this time. 拜托你们先猜哪一面
[00:08:27] Tails! 字
[00:08:29] It's heads. 是人头
[00:08:32] Gentlemen,pick your category. 男生队,请挑项目
[00:08:35] "Fears and Pet Peeves." “恐惧和怪癖”
[00:08:38] "What is Monica's biggest pet peeve?" 摩妮卡最受不了什么?
[00:08:41] -Animals dressed as humans. -Correct. 动物穿衣服 答对了
[00:08:46] -Ladies? -Same category. 女生队? 同一个项目
[00:08:50] "According to Chandler,what phenomenon scares the bejesus out of him?" 钱德最怕什么东西?
[00:08:56] Michael Flatley,Lord of the Dance! 踢踏舞之王麦克费特利
[00:09:00] That is correct. 答对了
[00:09:04] The lrish jig guy? 那个跳舞的爱尔兰人?
[00:09:06] His legs flail about as if independent from his body! 他那双脚跳舞时 好像跟身体分离了一样
[00:09:12] Gentlemen,your pick. 男生队,轮到你们了
[00:09:14] "It's all Relative." “日常琐事”
[00:09:16] "Monica and I had a grandmother who died. 摩妮卡和我的祖母过世时
[00:09:19] You both went to her funeral. 两位都参加了她的葬礼
[00:09:21] Name that grandmother." 我们祖母叫什么名字?
[00:09:26] -Nana? -She has a real name. 姥姥? 她有个真正的名字吧
[00:09:30] Althea! 艾席雅
[00:09:31] -What? -I took a shot! 什么? 试试看嘛
[00:09:33] With Althea? 那干嘛猜艾席雅?
[00:09:34] -Althea is correct. -Nice shooting! 答对了 猜得好
[00:09:40] "Literature." “文学”
[00:09:42] "Every week the TV Guide comes to Chandler and Joey's apartment. 乔伊和钱德 每周都会收到“电视周刊”
[00:09:47] What name appears on the address label?" 请问收件人的姓名为何?
[00:09:50] Chandler gets it! It's Chandler Bing! 钱德订的,当然是钱德宾罗
[00:09:54] I'm afraid the TV Guide comes to "Chanandler Bong." 不是啦 “电视周刊”收件人的姓名 是“钱尼德勒邦”
[00:10:01] I knew that! 我知道正确答案
[00:10:03] Rachel,use your head! 瑞秋,用用脑子行不行?
[00:10:06] Actually,it's Ms. Chanandler Bong. 事实上 应该是“钱尼德勒邦小姐”
[00:10:17] Hello,teeny embryos. 嗨,各位小胚胎
[00:10:20] I'm Phoebe Buffay. Hi! 我是菲比
[00:10:24] I'm hoping to be your uterus for the next nine months. 我的子宫 就是各位未来九个月的家
[00:10:29] We're doing this for Frank and Alice... 我们这么做 都是为了法兰克和艾莉丝
[00:10:31] ...who you know. You've been there. 你们跟他们应该很熟
[00:10:37] They want you so much. 他们真的很希望能有个小宝宝
[00:10:39] So when you guys get in there, really grab on. 你们进去之后好好抓紧
[00:10:43] And I promise that I'll keep you safe and warm... 我保证会让你们 住得又舒服又安全
[00:10:47] ...until you're ready to have them take you home. 直到你们准备好 让他们带你们回家为止
[00:10:55] Next time you see me, if I'm screaming,don't worry. 咱们下次见面时 我应该会鸡猫子喊叫
[00:10:59] That's what's supposed to happen. 请别担心,这是很正常的
[00:11:03] Ready? 准备好了吗?
[00:11:06] Good luck! 祝好运
[00:11:09] The score is nine to eight in favor of the guys. 目前比数是九比八 男生队领先
[00:11:13] Ladies,if you miss this, the game is theirs. Pick a category. 女生队若答错这题 男生队就赢了 选一个项目吧
[00:11:17] "It's all Relative"! “日常琐事”
[00:11:20] -You don't have to shout everything. -I'm sorry! 犯不着拉直嗓子吼 对不起!
[00:11:27] "What is the name of Chandler's father's... 钱德父亲在赌城的男子歌舞秀
[00:11:30] ...Las Vegas all-male burlesque?" 叫做什么名字?
[00:11:34] Viva Las Gaygas! “同志万岁”
[00:11:38] Unfortunately,that is correct. 很不幸的…你答对了
[00:11:42] All right. We have a tie. 目前双方平手
[00:11:45] Luckily,I've prepared for such an event. 不过我早有准备了
[00:11:51] The lightning round! 抢答
[00:11:56] Thirty seconds. All the questions you can answer. 双方各有30秒抢答
[00:12:00] You guys are dead! 你们输定了
[00:12:02] I am so good at lightning rounds! 我超会抢答
[00:12:06] I majored in lightning rounds, all right? 我大学是主修抢答的
[00:12:09] We'll destroy you. 你们才输定了
[00:12:10] Want to bet? 敢不敢赌?
[00:12:12] I'm so confused as to what we've been doing so far. 怪了,我们这不正是在赌吗?
[00:12:16] How about we play for more money? Say 150? 把赌注提高到… 150块如何?
[00:12:20] One hundred and fifty dollars. 150块
[00:12:24] Say 200? 200块如何?
[00:12:26] Two hundred dollars! 200块
[00:12:29] You're doing it again. 你又来了
[00:12:30] Excuse me. 不好意思
[00:12:33] -I don't want to lose $200. -We won't. 我不想输200块 我们不会输的
[00:12:36] Three hundred? 300块如何? 摩妮卡
[00:12:39] I'm spicing it up! 我只是想让比赛更香辣有劲
[00:12:40] So play for some pepper! Stop spending my money. 赌辣椒行不行? 别再乱花我的钱了
[00:12:45] I got it! 我有了
[00:12:46] If we win,they have to get rid of the rooster. 我们赢的话 他们就得处理掉那只公鸡
[00:12:50] That's interesting! 有意思
[00:12:52] -No way! That rooster's family. -The duck too! 不行,公鸡和我们是一家人 还有那只鸭
[00:12:55] The duck doesn't make noise! 干嘛扯上那只鸭?它又不乱叫
[00:12:58] He gets the other one all riled up! 那只鸡被它搞得心浮气躁
[00:13:00] -We are not -All right,hold on! 听着,我们绝不… 等等
[00:13:05] If you win... 你们赢的话
[00:13:07] ...we give up the bird. 我们就处理掉那只公鸡
[00:13:11] But if we win... 我们赢的话…
[00:13:13] ...we get your apartment. 就把你们的公寓让给我们
[00:13:19] -Deal! -What? 成交 什么?
[00:13:23] That's crazy. There's no way we are betting the apartment. 这太扯了,我绝不拿公寓来赌
[00:13:31] All right,I'm in. Because either he goes,or I'm buying a coyote. 好,我赌了! 那只鸡不走我就要买只狼
[00:13:47] Betting the apartment? I don't know about this. 拿公寓来赌好像不太稳当
[00:13:50] I have not missed one question the whole game. I own this game! 瑞秋,我从头到尾 一题都没答错 我会赢的!
[00:13:54] -Look at my hand. -You have the answers written there? 看我的手 你手上有写小抄吗?
[00:13:59] No. Steady as a rock. Now,are you with me? 不是啦,我的手稳得很 你还不放心吗?
[00:14:03] All right,let's do it! 咱们上阵吧 这样才对
[00:14:06] All right. Gentlemen,you're up first. 男生队先攻
[00:14:09] You have 30 seconds. 限时抢答30秒
[00:14:13] The lightning round begins 抢答阶段要开始了…
[00:14:15] Stop it! 不准跳
[00:14:19] "Monica's nickname when she was a hockey goalie?" 摩妮卡当曲棍球队 守门员的外号为何?
[00:14:22] -Big Fat Goalie. -Correct! 胖球门 正确
[00:14:26] "Rachel claims it's her favorite movie." 瑞秋宣称 她最喜欢的电影为何?
[00:14:29] Dangerous Liaisons. “危险关系”
[00:14:31] -"Her actual favorite is...?" -Weekend at Bernie's. 她真正喜欢的电影是哪一部? “玩死老弟”
[00:14:36] "In what part of her body did Monica get a pencil stuck at age 14?" 摩妮卡14岁时 身上哪个部位卡了一枝铅笔?
[00:14:44] No! 恶…
[00:14:48] Her ear! 是她的耳朵
[00:14:52] "Monica categorizes her towels. How many categories are there?" 摩妮卡的毛巾都分门别类 一共分为几类?
[00:14:56] -Everyday use. -Fancy. 日常用毛巾 高级毛巾
[00:14:58] -Guest. -Fancy guest. 客用毛巾 高级客用毛巾
[00:14:59] -Two seconds. -Eleven? 还剩两秒钟 11类?
[00:15:02] Unbelievable! Eleven is correct! 不可思议,答对了
[00:15:09] All right. 太好了…
[00:15:10] That's four for the guys. Ladies,you're up! 男生队答对四题 现在轮女生队抢答
[00:15:18] Thirty seconds on the clock. 限时抢答30秒
[00:15:20] Five correct questions wins the game. 答对五题你们就赢了
[00:15:23] The lightning round begins now. "Joey's favorite food?" 抢答开始 乔伊最喜欢的食物为何?
[00:15:27] -Sandwiches! -Correct. 三明治 正确
[00:15:28] "Chandler was how old when he first touched a girl's breast?" 钱德第一次 摸女生胸部是几岁?
[00:15:31] -14? -No,19. 14岁? 不,19
[00:15:33] Thanks,man. 谢了,老哥
[00:15:35] "Joey had an imaginary childhood friend. 乔伊小时有个幻想中的朋友
[00:15:37] -His name was...?" -Maurice! 他的名字叫… 莫瑞斯
[00:15:39] -"His profession was...?" -Space cowboy! 正确,他的职业是… 太空牛仔
[00:15:43] "What is Chandler Bing's job?" 钱德宾的工作为何?
[00:15:49] It has something to do with numbers! 跟数字有关
[00:15:52] -And processing! -He carries a briefcase. 还有处理 他上班带公事包
[00:15:54] Ten seconds. You need this or you lose. 剩10秒钟,答错就输了
[00:15:57] Something to do with transponding. 跟答询有关
[00:15:59] He's a transponster! 他是答询员
[00:16:04] That's not even a word! 哪有这种字?
[00:16:07] I can get this! I can get this! 我知道…
[00:16:11] 不… 爽…
[00:16:27] -I call Monica's room. -You can't just call Monica's room. 我要摩妮卡的房间 这哪是你说要就要的
[00:16:31] Sure I can. Standard shotgun rules. 哪不是,先下手为强
[00:16:33] I'm in sight of the room and I called it. 谁叫你不先要
[00:16:37] Damn! (可恶)
[00:16:39] I feel like I'm coming down with something. 我好像要生病了
[00:16:43] Guess the color of my tonsils. I bet the apartment! 要不要猜猜我的扁桃腺 是什么颜色? 用公寓来赌
[00:16:47] I would never bet this place. It's too nice. 我才不会拿 这么棒的公寓来赌呢
[00:16:53] Are they in there? 菲比,你肚子里有东西了吗?
[00:16:54] Yeah,I'm implanted. 对,胚胎放进去了
[00:16:56] -How do you feel? -Well,freaked. 你觉得怎么样? 担心死了
[00:17:01] It turns out the odds are really sucky. 成功的机率不高
[00:17:04] And this is Frank and Alice's only shot. 但法兰克和艾莉丝 只有这次机会
[00:17:07] They are literally putting all their eggs in my basket. 他们把所有的蛋 都放在我的篮子里
[00:17:12] But I bet it works. 我相信你一定会成功
[00:17:14] Really? How much? 是吗?你要赌多少?
[00:17:18] I'm going to take a pregnancy test now. 我现在就去验孕
[00:17:21] Wow! You can tell this soon? 这么快?
[00:17:23] The doctor says it takes a few days. 医生说要等两天
[00:17:25] But my body's always been a little faster than Western medicine. 但是我的身体 一向比西方医学快一点
[00:17:33] I can't believe you guys think you're moving in here. 天啊 你们真以为能搬进来?
[00:17:37] Well,believe it,baby! 面对现实吧,宝贝
[00:17:41] -Well,I'm not moving. -What? 我不走 什么?
[00:17:44] No. It was a stupid bet. We were just playing a game. 那不过是场愚蠢的赌局 玩玩罢了
[00:17:48] You can't ignore the bet. It's a bet! 赌就赌了,哪能不算
[00:17:50] Bet on a bet and if you lose,you lose the bet. 赌输就是输了
[00:17:54] We have to move. 我们非搬不可
[00:17:56] We would have made them get rid of the birds. 若我们赢了 也会逼他们把鸡鸭处理掉
[00:18:00] 才怪
[00:18:03] I hate this as much as you, but if it makes you feel better... 我也不想这样 但说句安慰你的话…
[00:18:07] ...this is all your fault. 这全都是你的错
[00:18:11] What? 什么?
[00:18:12] Chanandler Bong! We steal that TV Guide every week! 我们每周都偷他们的电视周刊 你怎么会不知道收件人是谁?
[00:18:16] I knew it! 我就知道
[00:18:19] I don't care. I'm not going anywhere. 我不管,我不走
[00:18:21] Cool! Girl roommate. 酷啊,跟女生做室友
[00:18:27] Well? 怎么样?
[00:18:29] Nope,not knocked up yet. 我的肚子还没被搞大
[00:18:32] It's only been a couple hours. 才过两个小时耶,耐心点
[00:18:34] Meanwhile,I'll do whatever I can to help this. 我也要为这件事尽一份力
[00:18:38] I'm just going to,you know, lie in your chair,okay? 让我躺在你们的椅子上
[00:18:44] Good. I'm going to let gravity do its job. 让地心引力发挥作用
[00:18:48] I won't get in the way. 我不会碍事的
[00:18:49] It'll be just like that time I tried to count all the bumps on your ceiling. 就像我那次躺在这里 数天花板上的虫子一样
[00:18:55] You know,Pheebs,if you sit there long enough,you'll be sitting in our apartment. 菲比,你若坐得够久 这里就会变成我们的公寓
[00:19:00] I can't believe this. 我真不敢相信
[00:19:02] Oh,Rach,FYl: Your new apartment hasn't had hot water since Christmas. 瑞秋,有件事忘了告诉你 你那间新公寓 自圣诞节后就没热水了
[00:19:10] Can you give me a hand? 瑞秋,过来帮我搬这个箱子
[00:19:13] Put that box down! We are not going anywhere! 不,把箱子放下来 我们哪儿都不去
[00:19:18] This is my apartment and I like it! 这是我的公寓,我喜欢它
[00:19:21] This is a girl's apartment! 这是女生的公寓
[00:19:23] That is a boy's apartment! It's dirty and it smells! 那里才是又脏又臭的男生公寓
[00:19:28] This is pretty! It's so pretty! 这里漂亮死了…
[00:19:31] And look,it's purple! 看,墙壁是紫的
[00:19:33] I tell you,you with your steady hand,I am not moving. 稳若磐石小姐,我不搬
[00:19:37] And now I have got the steady hand. 看,我的手也稳若磐石
[00:19:42] Okay,okay. 好…
[00:19:47] -I'll take care of it. -That's right. 我去搞定 这才乖
[00:19:49] You do what the hand says! 照我手的话去做
[00:20:03] -How'd it go? -I lost our mattresses. 情况如何? 我把床垫输掉了
[00:20:11] Are you in there,little fetus? In nine months will you come greet us? 小胎儿,你在里面吗? 九个月后是否就能够相见?
[00:20:17] I will buy you some Adidas 我会帮你买阿迪达斯
[00:20:28] We were just at the drugstore so we got you a little present. 我们刚刚去过药妆店 帮你买了个小礼物
[00:20:33] That's where all my blood was. 天啊,脑充血
[00:20:36] It's a lollipop and a home pregnancy test. 棒棒糖和验孕棒
[00:20:41] Don't mix those up. You could really ruin that lollipop. 别搞混了,棒棒糖沾尿很恶心
[00:20:49] You feel like taking a test? There's only one question. 想不想验一下?一次定生死
[00:20:55] All right. I will. 我验就是了
[00:20:57] Remember that it's still really early. 别忘了,现在还早
[00:21:00] If it says I'm not pregnant,that doesn't mean I won't get pregnant. 若结果是阴性 不表示我不会怀孕
[00:21:05] Just so I don't go completely nuts... 拜托你们别寄望太高
[00:21:08] ...try not to put all your hopes on this. 否则会把我逼疯的
[00:21:12] 好
[00:21:15] Great. 好极了
[00:21:25] You are mean boys who are just being mean! 你们真是坏到骨子里去了
[00:21:29] Don't get mad! No one forced you to raise the stakes. 别把气出在我们身上 没人逼你们把公寓拿来赌
[00:21:32] That is not true! She forced me! 乱讲,她有逼我
[00:21:35] You got the question wrong. 答错的人是你啊
[00:21:38] It was a stupid,unfair question! 那个问题太不公平了
[00:21:40] Don't blame the questions! 别怪我出的问题
[00:21:42] Stop yelling in our apartment! You are ruining moving day for us. 别在我们家大吵大闹 扫了我们的搬家兴
[00:21:47] -Stop calling it your apartment! -lt is! 别说这里是你们家 本来就是
[00:21:52] You're going to have a baby. They're going to have a baby! 你们要有宝宝了 他们要有宝宝了
[00:22:02] My sister's going to have my baby! 我姐姐要帮我生小孩了
[00:22:14] Okay,but this can't be good for the baby. 别抱了,这对宝宝不好
[00:22:29] I can't find garbage bags. 我找不到垃圾袋
[00:22:31] I think I saw some in here. 这里面好像有
[00:22:38] What is it? 什么东西?
[00:22:40] I don't know. But maybe if we keep that drawer shut,it'll die. 不知道,要是把抽屉关上 它也许会死
[00:22:46] I can't believe we're living here! 真不敢相信我们得住在这里
[00:22:54] What is it? 什么事?
[00:22:56] Did you see the size of the closets? 你知道衣橱有多大吗?
[00:23:00] I can't believe we live here! 不敢相信咱们可以住在这里
- Friends S01E08
- Friends S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
- Friends S04E14 The One With Joeys Dirty Day
- Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos
- Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus
- Friends S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
- Friends S04E09 The One Where They’re Going To Party
- Friends S01E07
- Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
- Friends S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
- 守望你 [Citybeat]
- 我们的合唱歌 [2R]
- Intermission [Scissor Sisters]
- 傲慢 [梅艳芳]
- Alan In The River With Flowers(2003 Digital Remaster) [Lindisfarne]
- Breakin’ Down(LP版) [Skid Row]
- 伸出你的手 [小臭臭]
- Photograph [Chihiro]
- 回家的路 [赵小乙]
- クラリネットを こわしちゃった [儿童歌曲]
- A Simple Design(Jesse Rose Remix) [The Juan Maclean]
- Love Bomb [AC/DC]
- She Talks To Rainbows [The Ramones]
- When You Got a Good Friend (Alt. Version Take 2) [Robert Johnson]
- Te Quiero Mucho Mucho [Rocio Durcal]
- That’s My Desire(Live At Symphony Hall, Boston, MA/With Applause/1947) [Louis Armstrong And The A]
- Let Me Go the Right Way [The Supremes]
- Serenata Do Adeus [Elizeth Cardoso]
- Ev’ry Time We Say Goodbye(1997 Remaster) [Sarah Vaughan]
- Port Of Lonely Hearts [Johnny Cash]
- Moon Is A Harsh Mistress [贵族乐团]
- Talking World War III Blues [Bob Dylan]
- 安祖拉北鼻 [喜话乐队]
- Danny Boy [康威-特威提]
- Silent Emotion [CAGNET]
- Goodbye Sam Hello Samantha(1998 Remaster) [Cliff Richard]
- Still a Fool [Muddy Waters&D.R]
- Mary’s Boy Child [Harry Belafonte]
- 中国诡实录之敲门 [哀家]
- Popkornipulla [Hevisaurus]
- Stand By Me [朱秀平]
- Los Peces en el Río [La Banda Navidea]
- Miss Brown to You [Billie Holiday]
- One Last Night(120 BPM) [Pump Up Hits]
- Show Me What You Got-2(In the Style of Jay-Z (Karaoke Version With Backup Vocals)) [ProTracks Karaoke]
- Shake It Out(Remix) [DJ ReMix Factory]
- Crime [Mayer Hawthorne&Kendrick ]
- The Heart Never Learns(Album Version) [Diane Schuur]
- 等你在草原(吉特巴 格莱鹏措 草原歌曲) [阿桑]
- 相思渡口 - 慢四 [祁隆]
- One Last Cry [Stevie Hoang]
- Time Between [Bear In Heaven]