
《Idiot Wind(Remaster)》歌词

Idiot Wind(Remaster)

[00:00:00] Idiot Wind - Bob Dylan (鲍勃·迪伦)

[00:00:00] //

[00:00:00] Someone's got it in for me

[00:00:03] 有人盯上我了

[00:00:03] They're planting stories in the press

[00:00:09] 他们在舆论上给我编故事

[00:00:09] Whoever it is I wish they'd cut it out quick

[00:00:12] 我多希望他们能够收手

[00:00:12] But when they will I can only guess

[00:00:18] 但也只能想想罢了

[00:00:18] They say I shot a man named Gray and took his wife

[00:00:23] 他们说我杀了一个叫格雷的人 带着他的老婆

[00:00:23] To Italy

[00:00:24] 跑去了意大利

[00:00:24] She inherited a million bucks and when she died it came

[00:00:29] 这个女人继承了一百万财产 她死后这些钱

[00:00:29] To me

[00:00:30] 全会归我

[00:00:30] I can't help it if I'm lucky

[00:00:36] 我还真好运气啊

[00:00:36] People see me all the time and

[00:00:38] 那些一直盯着我的人

[00:00:38] They just can't remember how to act

[00:00:45] 他们已经迷失了举止

[00:00:45] Their minds are filled with big ideas images and distorted facts

[00:00:54] 谎言 无知和偏见充满了他们的脑子

[00:00:54] Even you yesterday you had to ask me where it was at

[00:01:00] 就连你 昨天还在问我这到底怎么回事

[00:01:00] I couldn't believe after all these years

[00:01:03] 我不敢相信这么多年了

[00:01:03] You didn't know even me better than that

[00:01:06] 你对我的了解还是不过如此

[00:01:06] Sweet lady

[00:01:10] 亲爱的女士

[00:01:10] Idiot wind blowing every time your move your mouth

[00:01:20] 愚蠢的风 在你打算张嘴时开始刮起

[00:01:20] Blowing down the backroads heading south

[00:01:26] 顺着后街一直往南吹

[00:01:26] Idiot wind blowing every time you move your teeth

[00:01:35] 愚蠢的风 在你打算启齿时开始刮起

[00:01:35] You're an idiot babe

[00:01:38] 你真是个傻瓜 宝贝

[00:01:38] It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe

[00:01:47] 你竟然还知道如何呼吸 真是个奇迹

[00:01:47] I ran into the fortune-teller who said beware of lightning

[00:01:53] 我跑去问算命的人 他叫我留心

[00:01:53] That might strike

[00:01:56] 突来的闪电

[00:01:56] I haven't known peace and quit for so long

[00:02:01] 安宁早已走远了

[00:02:01] I can't remember what it's like

[00:02:05] 这种感觉我已经想不起

[00:02:05] There's a lone soldier on the cross smoke pouring out of a boxcar

[00:02:10] 孤独的士兵悬在十字架上 货车里涌出浓浓的

[00:02:10] Door

[00:02:11] 你不知道 也搞不清

[00:02:11] You didn't know it you didn't think it could be done

[00:02:15] 他还是赢得了这场战争

[00:02:15] In the final end he won the wars

[00:02:17] 尽管输掉了每一场战役

[00:02:17] After losing every battle

[00:02:22] 醒来时我躺在路边 追忆起过去的

[00:02:22] I woke up on the roadside daydreaming about the way things sometimes

[00:02:28] 事情

[00:02:28] Are

[00:02:31] 你骑着那匹栗色的马越过我的脑际

[00:02:31] Visions of your chestnut mare shoot through my head and are making

[00:02:36] 让我晕眩的不行

[00:02:36] Me see stars

[00:02:40] 你伤害了我最爱的人

[00:02:40] You hurt the ones that I love best and cover up the

[00:02:45] 还用谎言掩盖真相

[00:02:45] Truth with lies

[00:02:46] 总有一天你会跌入沟渠 苍蝇叮咬着你的眼睛

[00:02:46] One day you'll be in the ditch flies buzzing around your eyes

[00:02:52] 马鞍上血迹斑斑

[00:02:52] Blood on your saddle

[00:02:57] 愚蠢的风 吹过你坟墓上的野花

[00:02:57] Idiot wind blowing through the flowers on your tomb

[00:03:06] 吹过你屋内的窗帘

[00:03:06] Blowing through the curtains in your room

[00:03:11] 愚蠢的风 在你打算启齿时开始刮起

[00:03:11] Idiot wind blowing every time you move your teeth

[00:03:21] 你真是个傻瓜 宝贝

[00:03:21] You're an idiot babe

[00:03:24] 你竟然还知道如何呼吸 真是个奇迹

[00:03:24] It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe

[00:03:33] 天意让我们在一起 命运却将

[00:03:33] It was gravity which pulled us down and destiny which broke

[00:03:38] 我们分离

[00:03:38] Us apart

[00:03:42] 你驯服了我笼里的狮子 但这不足以

[00:03:42] You tamed the lion in my cage but it just wasn't enough

[00:03:47] 让我回心

[00:03:47] To change my heart

[00:03:51] 一切渐渐变得混乱

[00:03:51] Now everything's a little upside down as a matter of fact

[00:03:55] 车轮也彻底停了

[00:03:55] The wheels have stopped

[00:03:57] 好坏不分 善恶莫辨

[00:03:57] What's good is bad what's bad is good

[00:04:00] 你将会发现你自以为到了山顶

[00:04:00] You'll find out when you reach the top

[00:04:03] 其实正在谷底

[00:04:03] You're on the bottom

[00:04:08] 典礼上我总算注意到 你的失态早已

[00:04:08] I noticed at the ceremony your corrupt ways had finally made

[00:04:13] 让你迷失

[00:04:13] You blind

[00:04:17] 你的脸变了

[00:04:17] I can't remember your face anymore

[00:04:20] 你的话变了 你甚至不敢直视

[00:04:20] Your mouth has changed your eyes don't look

[00:04:23] 我的双眼

[00:04:23] Into mine

[00:04:26] 第七天牧师穿上黑衣 漠视着

[00:04:26] The priest wore black on the seventh day and sat stone faced

[00:04:30] 高楼被大火烧毁

[00:04:30] While the building burned

[00:04:32] 一丛柏树旁边 我在车上等你

[00:04:32] I waited for you on the running boards near the cypress trees

[00:04:36] 直到春天

[00:04:36] While the springtime turned

[00:04:38] 慢慢变成秋季

[00:04:38] Slowly into autumn

[00:04:42] 愚蠢的风 绕着我的脑袋转圈

[00:04:42] Idiot wind blowing like a circle around my skull

[00:04:52] 从深谷大坝刮过国会大厦

[00:04:52] From the Grand Coulee Dam to Capitol

[00:04:58] 愚蠢的风 在你打算启齿时开始刮起

[00:04:58] Idiot wind blowing every time you move you teeth

[00:05:07] 你真是个傻瓜 宝贝

[00:05:07] You're an idiot babe

[00:05:10] 你竟然还知道如何呼吸 真是个奇迹

[00:05:10] It's a wonder that you still know how to breathe

[00:05:19] 我再也不会抚摸你了

[00:05:19] I can't feel you anymore

[00:05:22] 你的书我也不会再碰

[00:05:22] I can't even touch the books you've read

[00:05:28] 每次踱过你的门前

[00:05:28] Every time I crawl past your door

[00:05:31] 我多希望那个人不是我

[00:05:31] I been wishing I was somebody else instead

[00:05:37] 沿着大道 顺着小径 去往极乐

[00:05:37] Down the highway down the tracks down the road to ecstasy

[00:05:43] 满天星斗下 我追寻着你 侵扰我的是你的记忆

[00:05:43] I followed you beneath the stars hounded by your memory

[00:05:49] 和你疯狂的美丽

[00:05:49] And all you raging glory

[00:05:54] 这是我最后一次被骗

[00:05:54] I been double-crossed now for the very last time and now

[00:05:59] 而后我将得到自由

[00:05:59] I'm finally free

[00:06:03] 横亘在我们之间的那只猛兽

[00:06:03] I kissed goodbye the howling beast on the borderline

[00:06:07] 我在向他吻别

[00:06:07] Which separated you from me

[00:06:12] 你永远不会懂我受的伤

[00:06:12] You'll never know the hurt I suffered not the pain I raise

[00:06:17] 和我承受的痛

[00:06:17] Above

[00:06:18] 而我也永远不会懂你 你的圣洁

[00:06:18] And I'll never know the same about you your holiness

[00:06:22] 和你所谓的爱

[00:06:22] Or your kind of love

[00:06:24] 这真让我抱歉

[00:06:24] And it makes me feel so sorry

[00:06:28] 愚蠢的风 吹过我们外套的衣扣

[00:06:28] Idiot wind blowing through the buttons of our coats

[00:06:37] 吹过我们来旺的信笺

[00:06:37] Blowing through the letters that we wrote

[00:06:43] 愚蠢的风 吹过衣架上的尘土

[00:06:43] Idiot wind blowing through the dust upon our shelves

[00:06:52] 我们真是傻瓜

[00:06:52] We're idiots babe

[00:06:57] 宝贝 我真不明白我们竟然没有饿死