

所属专辑: 说唱诗人 歌手: 曹宇擎 时长: 04:38

[00:00:00] 说唱诗人 - 曹宇擎

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[00:00:09] 词:曹宇擎

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[00:00:19] 曲:曹宇擎

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[00:00:29] One life is more than money

[00:00:33] 生命不只在于金钱

[00:00:33] One love is more than honey

[00:00:38] 爱情不只在于甜蜜和美艳

[00:00:38] Hip hop is more than music

[00:00:42] 说唱歌曲不只是音乐形式

[00:00:42] Deep poetry I recite them with huge beat

[00:00:57] 深不见底的诗歌 我伴随着厚重的鼓点来诵读

[00:00:57] My rap poetry could be the tough defence

[00:00:59] 我的说唱诗歌可以成为一种强悍的防御

[00:00:59] Up against whoever is much intend to ruin the lyrical fabular truth

[00:01:02] 来抵御那些想要毁灭诗意的寓言式真理杰作的恶徒

[00:01:02] My fight is above intense

[00:01:03] 我的战斗比激烈更高一个层次

[00:01:03] Getting stronger is my maze map

[00:01:04] 变的更强是我在迷宫中的地图

[00:01:04] I slay trash level up to great max

[00:01:06] 我清除掉无用的废品 将等级提升到伟大的巅峰

[00:01:06] Like in a formula one race I left them behind eight laps

[00:01:09] 就像在一级方程式赛车中将对手甩出八圈

[00:01:09] When the door open up for the victorious plot

[00:01:11] 当那扇门为胜利的剧本而敞开

[00:01:11] I'll making sure the warriors squad illumine the glorious spot

[00:01:14] 我要确保斗士们组成的战队将光辉的舞台照亮

[00:01:14] This game got so many victim only a few breakthrough to the top

[00:01:17] 这场游戏有太多的牺牲者只有少数人能冲破障碍到达顶峰

[00:01:17] My miraculous shot is ready to pop when time is come

[00:01:20] 我奇迹般的一击正蓄势待发 当时机来临我就让它震惊世界

[00:01:20] I'll let it shock

[00:01:21] 安静的醒来 耐心的等待 当爆发时却势如破竹

[00:01:21] Silently waking patiently waiting when explode is devastating

[00:01:23] 让一个野蛮暴徒在心痛中被文明化

[00:01:23] Civilize a savage when his heart is aching

[00:01:26] 我的巅峰同美妙的押韵与智慧超前的思想一同浮现

[00:01:26] My prime is emerging with scrumptious rhyme plus precocious mind

[00:01:29] 早晚你会看到我在我的时代中伫立

[00:01:29] And sooner or later you will see me at my time

[00:01:32] 当技艺起飞 那些只追逐金钱利益的势力者找不到触碰的方法

[00:01:32] When skill taking off a cash chasing snob can't find a way to touch

[00:01:35] 我从他们头顶飞过 像一记惊天的上旋高球

[00:01:35] I'll passing over their heads like amazing lob

[00:01:37] 他们为金币而伸手 我为这场战役而活着

[00:01:37] They running for coins I live for the game

[00:01:39] 我将坚持到最后 不管那痛苦冰冷的多么令人颤栗

[00:01:39] I'll be holding it on no matter how chilling the pain

[00:01:41] 只要侠义豪情的温热血液依然在我的脉络中流淌

[00:01:41] As long as the blood is chivalrously hot in my vein

[00:01:43] 没有必要对虚假的明星与账户留意

[00:01:43] Their is no need to play around with fake stars and fake account

[00:01:46] 那些人不是艺术家 谁的作品更加高深

[00:01:46] They aren't no artist

[00:01:48] 随着理解感知力的提升 表面现象会更少被关注

[00:01:48] Who's work is more profound

[00:01:49] 你也会明了谁是技艺顶尖的选手 谁又是误导听众的演讲者

[00:01:49] As perception gets greater less focus on the top layer

[00:01:52] 卓绝的节奏韵脚是我每天的作业 带着那难以被复制的风格

[00:01:52] You can tell who are the top players

[00:01:54] 像疯狂的宝贝一样微笑 当我恰到好处的掌控着每一个节拍出现的时间

[00:01:54] And who is a misleading lector

[00:01:55] 精彩酷炫的段落我从不会缺少 像是那一盒卡片中的王牌 咔嗒

[00:01:55] Remarkable flow I've done daily with style not easy to copy

[00:01:58] 来夺取那顶王冠了所以敌人们请撤退吧

[00:01:58] Smile like crazy baby when I time it brightly

[00:02:01] 生命不只在于金钱

[00:02:01] Phat track I've never been lacking like an ACE in a pack click clack

[00:02:04] 爱情不只在于甜蜜和美艳

[00:02:04] Come to take that crown so back down

[00:02:07] 说唱歌曲不只是音乐形式

[00:02:07] One life is more than money

[00:02:13] 深不见底的诗歌 我伴随着厚重的鼓点来诵读

[00:02:13] One love is more than honey

[00:02:19] //

[00:02:19] Hip hop is more than music

[00:02:25] //

[00:02:25] Deep poetry I recite them with huge beat

[00:02:34] //

[00:02:34] 我用高山的气力 高攀的技艺

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[00:02:37] 灵魂中的绿地

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[00:02:39] 让这片高亢的诗屹立

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[00:02:40] 在艺术的草原上

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[00:02:41] 我的说唱 在金字塔尖上

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[00:02:43] 需要时间理解

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[00:02:44] 它为何这么闪光 又这么奔放

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[00:02:46] 我的文笔太犀利

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[00:02:48] 要战胜我你需要作弊

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[00:02:49] 但即使那样我依然不会在意

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[00:02:51] 还会再去

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[00:02:52] 继续前进我要代表天使的微笑

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[00:02:54] 即使命运不让我到天堂

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[00:02:56] 我在地狱闪耀

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[00:02:57] 直至照出天堂

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[00:02:58] 不用咆哮 让真理将我拥抱

[00:03:00] //

[00:03:00] 我不会让虚伪的风将我滋扰

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[00:03:03] 但我不说笑 在烧香的破庙

[00:03:06] //

[00:03:06] 指引他们把多余的伪装都剥掉

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[00:03:08] 像文艺复兴的翻开

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[00:03:10] 那些障碍我搬开

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[00:03:12] 并不天籁

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[00:03:12] 但精神力量能战胜天灾

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[00:03:15] 打破偏见的晦气

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[00:03:16] 领略这流派的魅力

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[00:03:18] 我的说唱诗歌太锐利

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[00:03:19] 对手难免畏惧

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[00:03:21] 就是要敌方

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[00:03:22] 被我的押韵绣的那双永久不朽

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[00:03:24] 不锈的钢铸造的剑擦伤 拯救

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[00:03:26] 那已经被世俗弯曲的画不再优秀

[00:03:28] //

[00:03:28] 它需要

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[00:03:29] 真正的艺术家去画

[00:03:31] //

[00:03:31] 而不虚假的作秀

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[00:03:32] 节奏绚丽的彻底

[00:03:33] //

[00:03:33] 主题不限于个体

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[00:03:35] 但要让世人长久铭记

[00:03:36] //

[00:03:36] 必须要先打动自己

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[00:03:38] 我不走前人的旧道

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[00:03:39] 说唱诗人曹宇擎构造

[00:03:41] //

[00:03:41] Hip hop的浮雕与惊叹号

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