《Friends S10E07 The One With The Home Study》歌词

[00:00:03] Hey, you guys. Hey, what are you doing? 嗨,大家!在干什么?
[00:00:06] -Figuring out our wedding plans. -Funny. We were doing the same thing. -筹备婚礼 -有趣得很, 我们也正合计这事呢
[00:00:11] It's really crazy. The hall, the dress, the food. 疯了, 场地, 服装, 食品
[00:00:16] -I had no idea how expensive this was. -Yeah, it is really pricey. -没想到结个婚这么贵 -是很贵
[00:00:20] -I freaked when I heard the numbers. -So, what did you two do about it? -第一次算出结婚费用,我被那个数字吓呆了 -结果你们怎么做的?
[00:00:23] It was simple. I came up with some cost-cutting solutions.. 简单, 我各个项目都想出了一些省钱的方案
[00:00:26] wrote out a list, and Monica told me to go to hell. 结果莫妮卡叫我去死
[00:00:31] There's no way around it. Just accept that this is gonna cost a lot of money. 没钱好省的, 接受事实, 这的确所费不赀
[00:00:35] I heard that weddings are, like, a $40 billion-a-year industry. 听说每年花在结婚上的钱高达400亿
[00:00:39] Yeah. And I'm responsible for just, like, half of that. 这其中我贡献过半
[00:00:43] I don't know. It's a lot of money to spend on one day. 我不知道, 一天花这么多钱
[00:00:47] Hey, I've been married before, I don't need a big wedding. 嘿, 我以前结过婚 我都没有盛大的婚礼
[00:00:50] All I ask is that you don't do ecstasy and make out with my brother. 我所想知道的是你没有迷上我弟弟并和他上床
[00:00:55] But really, it does seem like this money could be put to better use. 我觉得这钱应该用在更有意义的事上
[00:00:59] Hey, you could buy a ton of Amway products. 嘿, 你可以买一吨安利的产品
[00:01:03] -Or give it all to charity. -Oh, that's great. -或者全部捐给慈善机构 -喔, 这个想法不错
[00:01:07] How am I gonna unload all those Amway products? 那些安利的东西该怎么样卸货呢?
[00:01:12] Are you serious? 当真?
[00:01:13] Yeah. How would you feel if we gave all the wedding money to charity.. 把婚礼经费捐献给慈善事业
[00:01:17] and we just got married at City Hall? 我们就到市政厅登个记?
[00:01:19] I think it would make me wanna marry you even more. 这让我越发想娶你了!
[00:01:24] I gotta say, you guys, that's an incredible gesture. 高姿态! 很好
[00:01:27] Maybe you do that next time you get married. 下次你结婚也这么干如何?
[00:01:32] No, no, no. The next time's gonna be Hawaii at sunset. 下次我要在夏威夷斜阳下结婚
[00:01:36] But maybe the time after that. 下下次吧
[00:02:28] -Hey. What's going on? -Hey. -嘿! 忙啥呢? -嘿!
[00:02:31] Our adoption social worker is coming, so we're cleaning the apartment. 领养中心有人来家访,所以我们在扫除
[00:02:35] "We"? 我们?
[00:02:37] You know you don't want me to help. You can't have it both ways. 你不想我掺和,拖你后腿!
[00:02:42] Is this the person who decides whether or not you get a baby? 这个人说了算?
[00:02:46] -She's coming to see where we live. -And it has to go perfectly. -差不多,这人来视察我们的生活环境 -我们必须表现得完美
[00:02:49] If she doesn't like us, she can keep us off every adoption list in the state. 若她有丝毫不满,我们就永远没戏
[00:02:53] Hey, maybe I should stop by. She could be a soap opera fan. 我可以过来友情协力一把 她没准爱看肥皂剧
[00:02:57] It's very impressive when the little people know a celebrity. 小人物认识演艺名流,可以蓬壁生辉呢
[00:03:01] "Little people"? 小人物?
[00:03:03] "Celebrity." 名流
[00:03:06] So I think I'm just about done here. 差不多满分了
[00:03:08] Unless you have any bad stuff hidden somewhere, like porn or cigarettes? 除非你还有什么,像色情书刊,香烟?
[00:03:13] What? 什么?
[00:03:16] -No. -Chandler. -才没有! -钱德
[00:03:21] I don't, and I'm offended by the insinuation. 你无中生有,污人清白
[00:03:25] So there's not a magazine under the couch.. 沙发下没有杂志?
[00:03:28] or cigarettes taped to the back of the toilet tank.. 厕所水箱后没有一包香烟?
[00:03:31] or a filthy video in the VCR? 录像机里没有A片?
[00:03:35] I'll admit to the cigarettes and magazine. But that tape is not mine. 香烟和杂志我认帐,但录像带 不是我的!
[00:03:38] -It isn't mine. -I guess we'll never know whose it is. -也不是我的! -永远不会知道是谁的了!
[00:03:50] May I help you? 可以帮忙吗?
[00:03:51] Yes. We're here to make a rather sizable donation to the children. 我们来捐钱给孩子
[00:03:55] Any contribution, large or small, is appreciated. 捐钱不论多少,心意都是一样重 我们都会感激
[00:03:58] I think you're gonna appreciate the crap out of this one. 数目这样大,你一定会异常感激
[00:04:01] -Well, this is very generous. -And we don't want any recognition. -你们真大方 -我们不留名.
[00:04:05] This is completely anonymous. 匿名捐助
[00:04:07] Completely anonymous. From two kind strangers. 完全匿名 两个好人
[00:04:09] Mr. X and Phoebe Buffay. X先生和菲比布费
[00:04:14] We can put your names in our newsletter. 我们可以把二位的名字登到新闻通讯里
[00:04:16] -Not necessary. -Buffay is spelled B-U-F-F-A-Y. -没必要 -布费的拼法是:Buffay
[00:04:20] And X is spelled "Mike Hannigan." X先生的写法是:麦克.哈纳根
[00:04:25] Possible headline: Attractive Couple Makes World Better. 也许标题应该写: 迷人的夫妇让世界变的更好
[00:04:30] Well, on behalf of the children, thank you both very much. 我代表孩子们多谢两位
[00:04:33] -I'm glad we did this. It feels so good. -It does. It feels really good. -感觉真棒 -是啊,非常棒。
[00:04:37] Oh, look. And we get these free T-shirts. 还有免费T恤拿
[00:04:40] Actually, that's the shirt I wore to the gym. 那是我健身穿的
[00:04:43] It's moist. 难怪是湿的
[00:04:50] -Hi. Emma will be up in a minute. -Oh, good. -艾玛会很快起床的 -哦,天啊。
[00:04:53] Hey, Ross, listen. I heard about you and Charlie. I'm really sorry. 嘿,罗斯 听说你跟查莉的事了, 替你难过
[00:04:58] That's okay. I'm sure there are tons of other beautiful paleontologists out there. 没事, 美貌的考古学家多的是!
[00:05:02] -Absolutely. -There was one. She's it. -当然! -只有一个!就是她!
[00:05:05] All the rest look like they should live under a bridge. 其他的就好象是桥洞居民一样!
[00:05:11] So, what are you gonna do today? 今天想怎么玩?
[00:05:13] I was thinking of taking Emma to the playground. 带艾玛去街心游乐场怎么样?
[00:05:15] Oh, my God. What? 什么?
[00:05:19] Like I said, I was thinking of taking Emma to the Museum of Knives and Fire. 我又没说带她去武器弹药博物馆
[00:05:26] Okay, look, Ross. I do not want Emma going to the playground. 我反对艾玛去游乐场
[00:05:35] Because..? 因为?
[00:05:37] All right, if you must know, I had a traumatic.. 好吧,如果你想知道…
[00:05:41] swing incident when I was little. 我小时候荡秋千遇险
[00:05:45] -Seriously? -Yes. I was 4 years old. -真的? -我才四岁
[00:05:47] And I was on the swing.. 我荡秋千
[00:05:49] and then all of a sudden my hair got tangled in the chain. 突然头发缠到铁链
[00:05:55] And to get me out, my mom had to cut a big chunk of my hair. 结果老妈剪掉我一大缕头发, 才救我出来
[00:06:01] And it was uneven for weeks. 结果有好几星期头发都不整齐
[00:06:10] And you made it through that? 你竟熬了过来?
[00:06:14] I wonder who's gonna play you in the movie. 简直可以拍成电影
[00:06:18] Okay, fine, you can make fun of me. I do not want Emma going there. 你尽管拿我取笑, 反正我就是不想艾玛去
[00:06:22] And I was thinking Claire Danes. 而且我在想克莱尔·丹妮丝
[00:06:26] Look, I'm sorry to hear about your tragedy. 你的悲剧令我同情
[00:06:29] But the swings are perfectly safe. And besides, Emma loves them. 不过秋千很安全 而且艾玛喜欢荡秋千
[00:06:33] -You should come, and you'll see. -Those things go, like,40 miles an hour. -我们同去, 你就知道了 -秋千速度40英里/小时
[00:06:38] And there's that moment when you're at the top.. 荡到高处
[00:06:40] when you just don't know if you're gonna return back to Earth. 鬼才知道会不会返回地球
[00:06:46] Space is filled with orbiting children. 宇宙充满小孩子绕轨道运行
[00:06:52] Look, please, just come on. 来嘛
[00:06:54] When you see the look on Emma's face, I swear, you won't regret it. 你若看见艾玛的表情, 决不会后悔
[00:07:00] -All right. -Good. -好吧 -太好了。
[00:07:02] You don't wanna be a mom who passes her irrational fears to her children. 你不会像有的妈妈那样 把自己愚昧的恐惧遗传给小孩吧
[00:07:07] "Irrational, " huh? 愚昧?
[00:07:09] I'll remember that next time you freak out about a spider in your apartment. 下次你被家里的蜘蛛吓到 我们再谈这个话题
[00:07:12] That's the same. I'm sure there are 30 different species of poisonous swings. 这两个可以相提并论吗! 秋千上有30种毒液?
[00:07:21] Oh, my God. The adoption lady is early. 哦,天,领养中心的来早了
[00:07:23] Okay. Okay. Here we go. Here we go. 好的好的.镇静镇静!!!
[00:07:27] Stand up straight. 站直咯
[00:07:28] Big smile. 微笑
[00:07:33] Hello. Is this the Creepy residence? 你好, 请问这是"毛骨悚然"家吗?
[00:07:36] We're waiting for the adoption lady. But I'm glad you're here. 还以为是领养中心的来了 你来得正好
[00:07:39] I was cleaning this morning and I found this. 今早打扫时发现的, 不知道你用不用得上
[00:07:42] I don't know if you wanna use it, but.. 我不知道你是不是想用, 但是.........
[00:07:45] Oh, this is so sweet of you. 你真好
[00:07:48] But I won't be needing a veil. I actually won't be wearing a dress at all. 不过我不需要头纱, 我根本不需要服装
[00:07:52] I told you, I am not coming to a naked wedding! 裸体婚礼, 我不会参加的!
[00:07:56] No. We're not having a big reception. 我们不会开招待会
[00:07:58] We took the wedding money and donated it to a children's charity. 我们把婚礼经费捐给儿童慈善事业了
[00:08:02] That's crazy! 你疯啦?
[00:08:06] -Generous. -Crazy generous. -慷慨啊! -你疯啦?
[00:08:11] I'm sorry. I can't imagine giving up my one wedding day like that. 抱歉, 只是无法想象. 一生只有一次啊
[00:08:15] Well, we're different. I don't care about having a huge party. 我们不一样! 我不在乎什么盛大婚礼
[00:08:19] This is really nice for you, but.. 头纱是很美, 但是
[00:08:21] Oh, please. I put this on and I just look like.. 你看我戴上, 简直就--
[00:08:25] Well, radiant. 美极
[00:08:29] All right, but who cares? I don't need a pretty veil and a fancy dress. 管它!我不需要头纱婚纱这些玩意
[00:08:33] That's right. You're making a commitment. 对! 你们是互许终身
[00:08:36] You know, that's the same whether you do it at the Plaza or.. 不管在广场举行还是别的什么地方都是一样
[00:08:39] -Where you gonna do it? -City Hall. -你选了啥地方? -市政厅
[00:08:43] Oh, that sounds nice. 好地方
[00:08:46] I was just there for jury duty. They've really spruced that place up. 市政厅的人该忙不过来了
[00:08:50] Okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. I've made my decision. 没关系, 这是我自己的决定
[00:08:55] What I really want is a great big wedding. 但我真正想要的, 只是一个盛大的婚礼
[00:09:00] -But you gave all the money to charity. -Well, I'll just ask for it back. -但钱已经捐啦 -可以要回来
[00:09:06] -I don't think you can do that. -Why not? -不行吧 -怎么不行?
[00:09:08] This is her wedding day. That's way more important than some stupid kids. 她结婚!这可比什么 愚蠢的小孩子重要多了!
[00:09:14] That's sweet, honey, but save something for the adoption lady. 说得好, 省着点, 等领养中心的人来了 再表演不好吗
[00:09:24] -All right, okay. Be careful. -Okay. -好,准备就绪 -好
[00:09:27] Careful. Watch her hair. Watch her hair! 小心, 小心她头发
[00:09:31] -Rach, she's got, like, three hairs. -I know. I know. -她才三根毛! -我知道,我知道
[00:09:34] But they're just so beautiful. Oh, my God, I just pulled one out. 但是很漂亮 糟糕, 扯掉一根
[00:09:40] I promise you she's safe. Watch how much she loves this. 我保证,她很安全, 你看她多喜欢玩秋千
[00:09:44] -Okay. Okay. -Are you ready, sweetie? Here we go. -好吧好吧 -你准备好了吗, 亲爱的? 开始喽
[00:09:48] Okay, careful. Okay. 小心
[00:09:55] She's smiling. 她笑了
[00:09:58] Look at that, she does like it. 她真的很喜欢
[00:10:00] See, I told you. 看, 我告诉过你的吧
[00:10:07] Oh, my God. Look at her, she's a little daredevil. 哦, 天啊, 看看她, 真有不怕死的精神.
[00:10:11] -Oh, God. Let me push. Can I push? -Oh, absolutely. -让我推好不好? -哦,当然。
[00:10:15] Oh, God. Okay, get the camera. It's in the diaper bag. 你拿相机, 在尿布包里
[00:10:19] Okay. 好。
[00:10:21] See? Scared of the swings. I bet you feel pretty silly. 还怕秋千, 真够傻吧?
[00:10:30] -We're asking for the money back? -It's for our wedding day. -我们真要把钱要回来? -结婚要用!
[00:10:34] Now, is this guy gay or straight? Because one of us has to start flirting. 这小子喜欢男的女的? 我们非得出美人计
[00:10:39] You here to make another donation the same day? 同一天捐两次钱
[00:10:42] I don't think that's ever happened before. 前所未有呢
[00:10:44] Gay. Go. 是个同性恋, 你上
[00:10:49] Oh, my God, I love your shirt. 你衣裳真帅
[00:10:53] The donation we made earlier? Well, we want it back. 今天捐的钱, 我们想要回
[00:10:59] Excuse me? 啊?
[00:11:00] Okay, that money was for a big wedding we thought we didn't want. 那是办婚礼的钱, 我们本想从简
[00:11:04] But it turns out we do. 但现在我们改变了主意
[00:11:05] So you're asking us to refund your donation to the children? 要我们退还你们捐给孩子们的钱?
[00:11:09] Yeah. 对!
[00:11:12] This feels really good. 听来不错
[00:11:17] I'm sorry. I am. But this wedding's just really important to me. 对不起, 但婚礼对我相当重要
[00:11:21] Hey, it's none of my business. Besides, this is probably a good thing. 关我啥事 这也许是好事
[00:11:25] We've really been spoiling the children, what with all the food and warm clothing. 别把孩子惯坏了 让他们吃饱穿暖怎么行
[00:11:31] That's not fair. A person's wedding is important. 这么说不公平, 结婚是大事
[00:11:34] And especially to me. 尤其对我!
[00:11:36] I didn't have a graduation party. And I didn't go to prom. 我没参加过毕业典礼, 没有毕业舞会
[00:11:40] And I spent my sweet 16 being chased around a tire yard.. 在我的甜蜜16岁,
[00:11:44] by an escaped mental patient who, in his own words, wanted to: 我被精神病人狂追 他还说
[00:11:47] "Kill me, or whatever." "杀了我什么的"
[00:11:51] So I deserve a real celebration. 我应当有个隆重的婚礼!
[00:11:54] And I'm not gonna let some sweaty little man make me feel badly about it. 你个流汗男, 别想让我内疚!
[00:12:03] She could've been talking about either one of us. 她可能在说我们中的一个
[00:12:11] Okay. Here we go. 好的, 来吧
[00:12:16] Good luck. 祝好运
[00:12:19] Tongue, really? 舌吻?
[00:12:24] Hi, I'm Laura. I'm here for your adoption interview. 我叫劳拉, 我来做领养家访
[00:12:27] Hi, I'm Monica. And this is Chandler. 我叫莫妮卡, 这是钱德
[00:12:30] -Please come in. -Thank you. -请进! -谢谢
[00:12:32] -Would you like something to drink? -Water would be fine. -请进.喝点什么? -喝水可以了
[00:12:36] We're so glad that you're here. 很高兴你终于来了
[00:12:38] We're excited about getting this process started. 我们好兴奋,要开始领养小孩了
[00:12:41] Because we love kids. Love them to death. 我们爱小孩, 爱得要死
[00:12:44] Well, not actually to death. That's just a figure of speech. 不是要孩子"死", 只是修辞手法
[00:12:47] We love kids the appropriate amount.. 我们爱孩子, 不多不少
[00:12:51] as allowed by law. 符合法律法规
[00:12:55] -Your place is just lovely. -Thank you. -你们家好可爱 -谢谢
[00:12:58] Yes, this building does have a wholesome, family feel to it. 这栋楼有很多家住户
[00:13:02] I feel like I've been here before. Any other couples in the building adopting? 我好象来过, 这里还有谁申请领养?
[00:13:07] Is that that couple on the first floor? We should get a baby before them. 一楼那家? 我们应该比他们先要孩子
[00:13:11] That guy tried to sell me drugs. 他还想卖毒品给我
[00:13:15] But other than that, wholesome, wholesome building. 其他都是好人
[00:13:21] -What? -I realized why I remember this place. -怎么? -我想起来了, 难怪来过
[00:13:24] -Really? What is it? -Oh, it's nothing. -怎么? -哦,没什么!
[00:13:27] I went on a date with a guy who lived in this building. It didn't end very well. 我和一个男人约会, 结果无疾而终
[00:13:31] That wouldn't, by any chance, be Joey Tribbiani? 那人该不是叫乔伊崔比阿尼吧?
[00:13:34] -Yes! -Of course it was. -就是他! -当然是他
[00:13:38] We had a great night. In the morning, he promised he'd call and he didn't. 良宵过后, 他说他再打电话给我 结果再没联络!
[00:13:42] Rat bastard! 这混球!
[00:13:46] -So you're not friends with him? -Oh, God, no. -你们该不是他朋友? -当然不是!不!
[00:13:49] -No, no, no. -No. Nope. -当然不是!不! -当然不是!
[00:13:59] Well, I'm sorry I brought it up. 抱歉提这事
[00:14:01] So are either one of you planning on staying at home? 那么你们当中有人打算待在家里吗?
[00:14:05] Hello? Anybody in there order a celebrity? 有人吗? 名人驾到
[00:14:13] What was that? 什么人?
[00:14:14] That's just some crazy guy who roams the halls here. 过道上的疯子
[00:14:18] He's great with kids, though. 不过他对小孩很慈祥
[00:14:26] -Ross. Oh, my God, are you okay? -Son of a bitch! -罗斯,噢,天啊, 你还好? -他娘的!
[00:14:34] Oh, relax. I didn't say the F-word. 别紧张,我又没说F打头那个字!
[00:14:39] Ross, see, I told you! Those swings are evil! 罗斯,看, 早告诉你了, 秋千危险
[00:14:42] That's the last time Emma is getting on one of those things for her entire life. 算了, 这辈子再也不许艾玛接近它
[00:14:47] No, no, no. Okay, it wasn't the swing's fault. It was my fault. 别这样, 不是秋千的错, 是我错
[00:14:51] And kind of that kid's fault. 还有他的错
[00:14:54] Who is still laughing. Nice. 他还笑, 算你恨
[00:14:57] Come on. Can we just get out of here before somebody else gets hurt? 在再有人受伤之前,我们走吧
[00:15:01] No. Wait. I have an idea. I want you to get on the swing.. 这样吧, 你去荡秋千, 你就会…
[00:15:04] and you'll see that there's nothing to be afraid of. 发现那有多安全
[00:15:10] I know what this is all about. 我明白了
[00:15:13] You've always been jealous of my hair. 你一贯嫉妒我头发
[00:15:17] I just think you're an adult, okay? And you should get over your silly fears. 这才是成年人的做法 克服愚蠢的恐惧
[00:15:21] -All right, fine. I'll do it. -Good. -好!谁怕谁 -好!
[00:15:24] -If you hold a spider. -Where?! Where?! -如果你敢抓蜘蛛 -在哪儿?
[00:15:27] If you hold a spider. 我说"如果"你敢抓蜘蛛
[00:15:30] I know. 听见了
[00:15:39] Guys, is everything okay? It's me, Joey. 没事吧? 是我, 乔伊--
[00:15:44] Adoption! 领养!
[00:15:48] What's going on? 到底什么事?
[00:15:49] Oh, it's just like I said, that crazy.. 就是那个疯子...
[00:15:52] Bert, roaming the halls. 叫bert的 在过道上跑
[00:15:56] -Guys? -Keep on roaming, Bert! -嗨! -bert, 接着跑
[00:15:59] We don't want any crazy today! 今天我们不看你疯了
[00:16:03] Is he all right out there by himself? 他独自一个在外面,不会出事吧?
[00:16:06] Oh, yeah. He has a caretaker. His older brother.. 没事, 他哥照顾他
[00:16:09] Ernie. 叫ernie
[00:16:13] -Bert and Ernie? -You can't make this stuff up. -Bert 和 Ernie? (芝麻街的动画角色)? -无巧不成书
[00:16:19] -What's going on? -We'll talk later! Everything's fine! -怎么了? -我们等会再说,一切都好!
[00:16:24] Everything doesn't sound fine. 听起来一切都不好!
[00:16:35] Bert and Ernie have a big yellow bird. Bert 和 Ernie 有一只大黄鸟!
[00:16:41] You never told me about that guy and your sweet 16. 你没说过你16岁时被男人追杀的故事
[00:16:45] -I'm sorry about that. -Oh, it ended okay. -真可怜 -结局还算好
[00:16:47] One of my friends shot him. 我朋友毙了他
[00:16:51] At least you'll get a proper wedding. You really deserve that. 至少你会有个体面婚礼, 你该得的
[00:16:55] Yeah, I really do. You know, I had nothing growing up. 没错, 我这辈子还没风光过
[00:17:01] Just like the kids I took the money from. 就像被我剥夺金钱的那些孩子一样
[00:17:04] No. No, no. I see where this is going. Don't make me go back there. 看出你苗头了, 别又想让我退回去
[00:17:09] I'm sorry, but I want to regive the money to the children. 抱歉, 但我又想把钱给孩子们了
[00:17:12] But we can't. I mean, you called that guy a sweaty little man. 但是我们不能, 我是说 你管那男人叫流汗男
[00:17:16] Unless you were talking about me. We never really cleared that up. 除非你在说我 我们从没真正弄干净过
[00:17:20] Look, I can't have a wedding with this money now. It's tainted. 我不能用这钱办婚事, 这不道德
[00:17:25] Fine, we'll give the money back. 好吧, 退回去作数
[00:17:27] If that guy at the charity gives us a hard time.. 如果慈善捐助处那家伙又叫咱们难看
[00:17:29] my friend hasn't shot anyone in a really long time. 我朋友的老枪好久没见过血了
[00:17:34] I must say this seems like a lovely environment to raise a child in. 我想说, 这个家庭培养小孩似乎很理想
[00:17:38] You are welcome to look under any of the furniture.. 你尽可以在各种家具下面搜查
[00:17:41] because, believe me, you won't find any porn or cigarettes under there. 绝无色情书刊和香烟什么的!
[00:17:46] Before we look around, let me make sure I have everything I need up to here. 在到处看看之前, 要问你们一些问题
[00:17:56] Why don't I show you the baby's room. 带你看看婴儿房
[00:18:03] -What are you doing? -You wouldn't let me in. -你干啥? -你不让我进来
[00:18:06] -I thought you were in trouble. -Well, we're not. -我以为你们出事了 -才没有!
[00:18:08] But you called me "Bert." 但你叫我"bert",
[00:18:11] That's our code word for danger. 那是"危险"的暗号
[00:18:14] -We don't have a code word. -We don't? -我们没约定过什么暗号 -是吗?
[00:18:18] We really should. 应该约一个
[00:18:20] From now on, "Bert" will be our code word for danger. 从今往后,"bert"就用来作为 遇到危险的暗号
[00:18:24] So that was the baby's room. 参观完婴儿房
[00:18:29] -What room should we see next? -Any room that isn't behind this couch. -下面参观哪里? -除了沙发下面都可以参观!
[00:18:35] Some people don't get him, but I think he's really funny. 有些人不懂他的笑话 但我觉得他真幽默
[00:18:46] I did not care for that. 我不在乎被你粗暴对待
[00:18:49] You have to leave. 你得回避
[00:18:50] You slept with our social worker and never called her back. 你和这个社工睡过,再没联络她
[00:18:53] She is still pissed, so she can't see you. 她还在生你的气,不能让她见你
[00:18:56] Okay, okay. 好,好,好!我躲起来
[00:19:00] -What? -I forgot my bat. -怎么了? -忘了拿球棒
[00:19:06] Oh, my God. 天!
[00:19:08] And for the last time, we do not want to be friends with you! 最后警告,我们不想和你做朋友!
[00:19:15] And we don't wanna buy your bat! 也不想买你的球棒!
[00:19:19] What are you doing here? 你在这儿干什么?
[00:19:21] Bert. Bert. Bert. Bert. Bert. Bert. Bert. Bert.
[00:19:27] -Are you friends with him? -I can explain. -你们是朋友? -我来解释
[00:19:31] Joey? 乔伊你说
[00:19:34] All right. Okay. 好吧!
[00:19:40] You have got some nerve coming back here. 你还敢回来
[00:19:45] -I can't believe you never called me. -Excuse me? -你竟不打电话给我 -啊?
[00:19:48] You probably don't even remember my name. It's Joey, by the way. 你连我名字也忘了,我叫乔伊
[00:19:52] And don't bother telling me yours, because I totally remember it, lady. 不必说你的名字,我记得,女士
[00:19:59] I waited weeks for you to call me. 我一直等你电话
[00:20:01] I gave you my number. You never called me. 我给你电话号码,你没联络我
[00:20:03] Don't try to turn this around on me. 还想栽赃给我
[00:20:05] I am not some kind of social work.. 我可不是让你
[00:20:10] that you can just.. 为所欲为的
[00:20:11] do. "社工"
[00:20:16] -I'm pretty sure I gave you my number. -Really? Think about it. Come on. -我确信给过你电话 -真的?你想想看
[00:20:20] You're a beautiful woman. Smart, funny. 你漂亮,聪明,有趣
[00:20:24] We had a really good time. 咱们春风一度
[00:20:28] If I had your number, why wouldn't I call you? 如果我有你电话,怎么可能不打给你?
[00:20:31] I don't know. 我就是不知道呀
[00:20:35] Well, maybe I'm wrong. I'm sorry. 可能我搞错了,对不起
[00:20:37] Hey, too late for apologies. Okay? You broke my heart. 现在道歉太晚啦 你伤了我的心
[00:20:42] You know how many women I had to sleep with to get over you? 就为了忘掉你,我睡了多少女人啊!
[00:20:48] -Joey, wait.. -No! -乔伊,等等 -不!
[00:20:51] I waited a long time! I can't wait anymore. 我等得够久,不可能再等了
[00:20:57] I'm sorry that you had to see that. I'm so embarrassed. 抱歉让你们笑话了,真尴尬
[00:21:00] -Oh, that's really okay. -Yeah. We totally understand. -没事, -我们理解
[00:21:04] -Dating is hard. -Boy, you people are nice. -约会可够人受的 -你们真是好人
[00:21:09] And I've got to say.. 我得说…
[00:21:11] I think you're going to make excellent parents. 你们一定会是很棒的父母
[00:21:18] Laura! 劳拉!
[00:21:27] We're back. 我们回来啦
[00:21:30] Are you here to take more money? 还想要钱
[00:21:32] Because I think what you're looking for is an ATM. 你们应该找提款机
[00:21:35] No, no, we're here to give the money back. 不不, 我们把钱退给你们
[00:21:38] Yeah. Because you know what? It's all about the children. 为了孩子
[00:21:42] Although it's also about the wedding. 至于我们的婚礼
[00:21:46] All right, here. No. Oh, God. 好吧, 给.不要!喔天啊!
[00:21:49] If I haven't said so already, sir, congratulations. 好象忘了道喜,恭喜你们
[00:21:53] Oh, wait. Wait. 哦, 等等
[00:21:55] What if we give half to the charity and we keep half? 如果我们捐一半留一半呢?
[00:21:58] Or, no, like,75 percent for us and 25 percent for.. Or, no, like,90-10. 或者, 就象我们留75%, 而另外25%... 或者, 就象9--1分帐....
[00:22:02] Okay, you know what? Enough, all right? 好啦!你知道吗?已经够了, 好吗?
[00:22:05] I'm stepping in and putting my foot down. 我要插手, 而且做决定
[00:22:07] As your future husband, I'm gonna make this decision for us. 作为你的 未来老公,我要说了算
[00:22:12] What do you think we should do? 你说咋办?
[00:22:15] -It's not your decision anymore. -What? -不是你们说了算了 -什么?
[00:22:18] On behalf of the children of New York, I reject your money. 代表纽约儿童,我拒收你们的捐款
[00:22:22] -But we're giving you this. -And I'm giving it back to you. -但是我们在给你钱啊 -退给你们
[00:22:25] Come on. Consider it a contribution. 当作礼金好了
[00:22:30] Well, this is very generous. 你真大方
[00:22:32] Take the check. Have a great wedding and a wonderful life together. 支票拿走,祝婚礼成功,幸福甜蜜
[00:22:37] Sounds good to me. We can save up, come back in a few years.. 听来不错,我们以后存了钱
[00:22:40] and make an even bigger donation. 过两年捐更多
[00:22:42] And when you do, ask for Brian. 好得很,下次记得找布莱恩捐
[00:22:44] -Oh, is that you? -No. -布莱恩是你? -不!
[00:22:51] Hello? 喂?
[00:22:54] Oh, hi. 哦,嗨!
[00:22:56] Oh, my God, really? I can't wait to tell Chandler. 喂,天啊,真的,等不及要告诉钱德
[00:23:01] Okay. Goodbye. 好,再见!
[00:23:03] -Wrong number? -That was Laura. -打错电话的? -是劳拉
[00:23:06] She gave us a great report and we're officially on the waiting list. 她替我们大大美言 我们正式上了领养排队名单
[00:23:10] -That's great. -Now we just wait for a call.. -太好了! -下个电话
[00:23:13] and someone tells us there's a baby waiting for us. 就会有人说有BB等我们去领养了
[00:23:28] Hello? 喂?
[00:23:30] Have you seen Joey's bat? 看见乔伊的球棒吗?
[00:23:38] Okay. I got a spider. 好了, 我捉到了蜘蛛!
[00:23:41] There were two, I picked the bigger one. 有两只,我挑了大的一只。
[00:23:44] -Okay. -Okay. -好的 -好的
[00:23:50] This feels perfectly normal. 感觉一切正常。
[00:23:54] Okay, get on the swing. 好了,你上秋千去
[00:23:58] Okay. 好啊
[00:24:00] Okay. 好
[00:24:08] Okay. 好啊!
[00:24:18] -See? -All right. I can do this. -看到了吗? -啊,没事了,我可以玩秋千了。
[00:24:20] There you go. Good for you. 是啊。干得好!
[00:24:22] You know what? I'm getting used to this little guy. 知道吗? 我习惯小蜘蛛啦。
[00:24:25] -I don't even feel him in here anymore. -That's because he's on your neck. -完全没有异样的感觉。 -因为它爬上你脖子啦
- Friends S01E08
- Friends S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
- Friends S04E14 The One With Joeys Dirty Day
- Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos
- Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus
- Friends S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
- Friends S04E09 The One Where They’re Going To Party
- Friends S01E07
- Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
- Friends S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
- Nobody In His Right Mind Would’ve Left Her [George Strait]
- One Kiss [金在中]
- Still Figuring Out(Acoustic) [Elliot Minor]
- Alone [Jeffrey Gaines]
- 何处不飞花 [邓妙华]
- 冬梅 [张明敏]
- Never Been In Love [Cobra Starship&Icona Pop]
- Truck Driving Man [Glen Campbell]
- Colours [Roosevelt]
- The Hustle is On [T-Bone Walker]
- That’s The Way Love Is [Bobby Bland]
- Still Awake [Plastic Plastic]
- 阳光正好 微风不燥 [MC李子墨]
- 12时のベル [cossami]
- Three Minute Hero [The Selecter]
- One Step Beyond [Sylvan]
- See The Light(Album Version) [RIDDLIN’ KIDS]
- Happy [Speedogang]
- Delta Dawn [The Miracles&B.J. Thomas]
- Making Your Mind Up [Union Of Sound]
- Everyday I Have The Blues [Memphis Slim]
- Sexy And I Know It [Ibiza DJ Rockerz&E.Beck G]
- Ek Tara Jogi Aaya [Various Artists]
- 0043 [Wanda]
- Peppermint Man [Dick Dale&His Del-Tones]
- Easy Living(2005 Digital Remaster) [June Christy]
- 某某 [东京塔子]
- Skin [DreamcAtcher]
- Just a Gigolo / I Ain’t Got Nobody [Lounge Crew]
- The Way You Look Tonight [Stan Getz Quintet]
- Destroyer Of Senses [Shadows Fall]
- You’re Driving Me Crazy [Kay Starr&D.R]
- Broken Hearts Are For Assholes (as made famous by Frank Zappa) [The Rock Heroes]
- Soy Un Gnomo [Nios Del Mundo]
- Newsong [Anime Project]
- Something New (In the Style of Girls Aloud)(Karaoke Version) [Singer’s Edge Karaoke]
- Fammi crescere i denti davanti [Artisti Vari]
- Black Dog [Papercut (GR)&Jennie Kapa]
- All I Can Do (Originally Performed by Jump5)(Vocal Version) [Singer’s Edge Karaoke]
- Twilight On The Trail [Sam Cooke]
- Mir geht’s gut [Heinz Rühmann&Herta Feile]
- 桃花不见 [奇然]