

所属专辑: 另一角落 歌手: 灵伟 时长: 26:13

[00:00:00] 本字幕由天琴实验室独家AI技术生成

[00:00:00] 欢迎收听

[00:00:00] 请按分

[00:00:06] 另外买房

[00:00:12] 每年每年违规

[00:00:15] 每年违规

[00:00:28] 啊喽

[00:00:42] Warehouse always been making likes

[00:00:48] 莫非孬逼under my skin when your mind a da nan you

[00:01:06] Do you think your times worse more than iam still wait a m a z u

[00:01:20] 祖国祖国everywhere the post o be

[00:01:40] For when all well I see you

[00:01:44] 哦watching a bet you are a a fil

[00:01:54] When your mind re la ting and you think your time workforce re ams a ams a m u 当中的月光y el a

[00:02:54] You re you re you brought brought away

[00:03:41] 歌手就是主板的

[00:03:42] 这里只列举的商榷的一边的距离

[00:03:52] 百分之著名

[00:03:55] Jack c Hou sew

[00:04:10] Hao Mei Jennifer anis ton


[00:07:36] 约定好执着

[00:07:39] 讨论请假

[00:07:40] 抹了抹个电影

[00:07:47] 不该知道的电影原声唱片听汇报的

[00:07:54] 我们看人家云生这种media

[00:07:59] 你在做微商吗

[00:08:01] D

[00:08:03] Parents plan to

[00:08:07] 真爱户哪个会催着我手

[00:08:22] Jacky


[00:09:23] 无法

[00:09:28] In a grave or sad liv


[00:09:38] Wallace

[00:09:41] Hello

[00:09:45] No more sad

[00:09:49] 可惜呀


[00:10:17] 哼啊


[00:10:33] 人呢



[00:11:48] 玉洁奏

[00:11:52] Bye bye love

[00:12:01] 爱我别走I l em

[00:12:23] 放一首作品

[00:12:24] 因为实在太好听了

[00:12:27] 别人的歌词好笑咯

[00:12:30] 最后才会出现I missyou so much

[00:12:37] 关于新馆

[00:12:44] 希望大家可以啊

[00:12:53] Re ise your mi

[00:12:57] I know that when you are Li mi I mean a mood for love happiness in gul lite

[00:13:09] It starts with and are always at any one time in the mood for love I start to think I have a dream 卖飞

[00:13:28] Warehouse together now won a the clouds and rain well Li na ter gear and allowed



[00:14:02] Love 啊

[00:14:19] Mod 拨啦噜

[00:14:22] I started in ever

[00:15:07] 一首歌却没有快I never use any I love I love you too I choose whole and

[00:15:32] 姐妹们快来在当中给哈uh huh uh the night when you re not



[00:18:23] Music

[00:18:29] Robot is a Sam

[00:18:36] Musical android

[00:18:43] Robot is a sampling

[00:18:53] 来之前我听过照片了

[00:18:55] 一级Eric Lau

[00:18:58] Har Mo nix

[00:19:02] 听过首歌叫领命

[00:19:06] Poet a

[00:19:12] Everything we do is music

[00:19:44] Music a lawyer Roy

[00:19:51] Ro ma de Sam Lee

[00:19:57] 你是狗

[00:20:04] Ro ma is a sampling




[00:21:15] 妲己

[00:21:22] Everybody

[00:21:29] Everything you

[00:21:35] Every new c u c u ra

[00:21:42] Everybody

[00:21:51] Everything goes out

[00:22:02] 听那首歌了

[00:22:03] 听人当中这个年吧

[00:22:05] 部分呢

[00:22:06] 因为这个世界变了好多机器人呢

[00:22:20] 不但自己会

[00:22:24] 我运行我都不怎么工作之余呢

[00:22:27] 其实慢慢都会有的

[00:22:28] 部分的这些人呢

[00:22:29] 还会发展出人类的感情

[00:22:34] 人类的智能电视可以变了

[00:22:39] 其实另外问道好多级

[00:22:41] 共鸣之余

[00:22:42] 你对偶好多觉得非常之难得的一个片段

[00:22:48] 同美的想法一遍出现

[00:22:52] 百度哥们

[00:22:53] 怎么个最后

[00:22:55] 因为hello 30 几年了

[00:22:59] 在一起唱

[00:23:01] 一起卖萌

[00:23:06] It

[00:23:09] And in my dreams I ve kissed your lips a thousand times I sometimes e u Penn said my 舵

[00:23:24] Hello

[00:23:28] Me you looking wall

[00:23:32] I can tc re

[00:23:36] I can see it in your smile

[00:23:40] You re all ly aware and a rope y

[00:23:48] But you know just what you c

[00:23:51] And you know just what to do

[00:23:55] And I want to tell you soma

[00:24:01] I love you




[00:24:17] I want ze that sunlight in your fear

[00:24:24] And tell you time and time again

[00:24:29] Hao much I can

[00:24:32] Sometimes I feel 卖Hart will over 喽

[00:24:39] Hello

[00:24:43] I m just gotta let you know

[00:24:47] Thus I wonder where you are ours

[00:24:51] I wonder what you do

[00:24:55] Are you somewhere feeling lonely and someone love you tel me harder when your Hart well I have a shot 如

[00:25:11] Let s na bi c

[00:25:16] I love

[00:25:20] 欢迎收听

[00:25:21] 请另另外

[00:25:30] One tu a 呦呦呦吼

[00:25:40] 千言万语

[00:25:42] 尽上心头

[00:25:45] 来一首Lisa Lisa a due waiting for my favourite song Ye lo 另一个喽

[00:26:06] 每年违规玩得来