
《The Beast Within(Hd Remastered Version)》歌词

The Beast Within(Hd Remastered Version)

[00:00:00] The Beast Within (Hd Remastered Version) - Madonna (麦当娜)

[00:00:02] Written by:Madonna

[00:00:27] Blessed is he who reads aloud the words of the prophecy

[00:00:31] And blessed are those who hear

[00:00:34] And who keep what is written therein

[00:00:37] For the time is near

[00:00:41] He is coming with the clouds

[00:00:44] And every eye will see him

[00:00:47] Everyone who pierced him

[00:00:49] And all the tribes of the earth will wail on account of him

[00:00:55] Those of you who have not learned

[00:00:57] What some call the deep things of Satan

[00:01:01] I know your works

[00:01:03] I know your toil

[00:01:04] And your patient endurance

[00:01:09] And how you cannot hear evil men

[00:01:12] But have tested those who call themselves

[00:01:15] Apostles

[00:01:17] But are not

[00:01:20] And found them to be false

[00:01:22] I know you are enduring patiently

[00:01:29] And you have not grown weary

[00:01:34] But I have this against you

[00:01:37] That you have abandoned

[00:01:38] The love you had

[00:01:40] Wanting

[00:01:42] Needing

[00:01:45] Waiting

[00:01:47] For you

[00:01:49] To justify my love

[00:01:52] Hoping

[00:01:55] Praying

[00:01:57] For you

[00:01:59] To justify my love

[00:01:59] And I saw a beast rising out of the sea

[00:02:02] With ten horns and seven heads

[00:02:04] And a blasphemous name upon its head

[00:02:07] And the beast that I saw was like a leopard

[00:02:10] Its feet were like a bear's

[00:02:12] And its mouth was like a lion's mouth

[00:02:15] And to it the dragon gave his power

[00:02:30] And the whole earth followed the beast with wonder

[00:02:37] Men worshipped the dragon

[00:02:39] For he had given his authority to the beast

[00:02:41] And they worshipped the beast saying

[00:02:43] Who is like the beast and who can fight against the beast

[00:02:46] And the beast was given a mouth

[00:02:47] Uttering haughty and blasphemous words

[00:02:54] It opened its mouth to utter blasphemous

[00:02:57] Words

[00:02:58] Against

[00:03:00] God

[00:03:07] If anyone has an ear let him hear

[00:03:12] If anyone is to be taken captive into captivity he will go

[00:03:17] If anyone who slays with the sword with the sword

[00:03:22] Wanting

[00:03:25] Needing

[00:03:27] Waiting

[00:03:30] For you

[00:03:31] To justify my love

[00:03:34] Hoping

[00:03:37] Praying

[00:03:40] For you

[00:03:41] To justify my love

[00:03:42] Then

[00:03:44] I saw a new heaven

[00:03:46] And a new earth

[00:03:48] And I heard a great voice from the throne saying

[00:03:52] Behold the dwelling of god is with men

[00:03:56] He will dwell with them

[00:03:58] And they shall be his people

[00:04:02] And god himself will be with them

[00:04:04] He will wipe away every tear from their eyes

[00:04:08] And death shall be no more

[00:04:10] Neither shall there be mourning

[00:04:12] Nor crying

[00:04:13] Nor pain

[00:04:14] Anymore

[00:04:17] For these things will have passed away

[00:04:22] To the thirsty I will give water without price

[00:04:27] From the fountain of the water of life

[00:04:32] He who conquers shall have this heritage

[00:04:34] And I will be his god and he shall be my son

[00:04:41] But as for the cowardly the faithless the polluted

[00:04:47] As for the murderers fornicators sorcerers idolaters

[00:04:52] And all liars

[00:04:56] Their lot shall be in the lake

[00:04:58] That burns with fire and brimstone

[00:05:06] And he said to me

[00:05:10] He said to me

[00:05:12] Do not seal up the words of the prophecy

[00:05:14] For the time is near

[00:05:17] Let the evildoers still do evil

[00:05:19] And the filthy still be filthy

[00:05:22] And the righteous still do right

[00:05:24] And the holy still be holy

[00:05:27] Behold

[00:05:29] I am coming soon

[00:05:32] I am the alpha

[00:05:33] And the omega

[00:05:34] The first

[00:05:36] And the last

[00:05:37] The beginning

[00:05:39] And the end

[00:05:42] Amen

[00:05:47] What are you gonna do