
《Mr. Jones》歌词

Mr. Jones

[00:00:00] Mr. Jones - Counting Crows

[00:00:06] //

[00:00:06] Sha la la la la la la - uh uh

[00:00:14] //

[00:00:14] I was down at the New Amsterdam

[00:00:18] 在新阿姆斯特丹,我情绪低落

[00:00:18] Staring at this yellow-haired girl

[00:00:20] 盯着这个黄头发的女孩

[00:00:20] Mr Jones strikes up a conversation

[00:00:24] 琼斯先生和一位男子搭讪

[00:00:24] With this black-haired flamenco dancer

[00:00:27] 一位有着黑头发的弗朗明哥舞者

[00:00:27] You look

[00:00:27] 她伴着父亲吉他的节奏跳着舞

[00:00:27] She dances while her father plays guitar

[00:00:32] 她如此美丽动人

[00:00:32] She's suddenly beautiful

[00:00:34] 我们都喜欢美好的事物

[00:00:34] We all want something beautiful

[00:00:38] 我希望我也是美丽漂亮的

[00:00:38] And I wish I was beautiful

[00:00:40] 失落的时候可以跳舞

[00:00:40] So come dance this silence down

[00:00:43] 跳整个上午

[00:00:43] Through the morning

[00:00:45] //

[00:00:45] Sha la la la la la la

[00:00:55] 玛利亚,切

[00:00:55] Cut up Maria

[00:00:58] 展示一些西班牙舞蹈

[00:00:58] Show me some of them Spanish dances

[00:01:02] 琼斯先生,递给我瓶酒

[00:01:02] Pass me a bottle Mr Jones

[00:01:09] 相信我

[00:01:09] Believe in me

[00:01:12] 帮助我相信一切

[00:01:12] Help me believe in anything

[00:01:14] 因为我想成为一个被信任的人

[00:01:14] Cause I I want to be someone who believes

[00:01:22] 琼斯先生和我互相讲着童话故事

[00:01:22] Mr Jones and me tell each other fairy tales

[00:01:28] 注视着这个漂亮的女孩

[00:01:28] Stare at the beautiful women

[00:01:31] 她在看着你

[00:01:31] "She's looking at you

[00:01:33] 不,她在看着我

[00:01:33] Ah no no she's looking at me "

[00:01:36] 在灯光下微微一笑

[00:01:36] Smiling in the bright lights

[00:01:39] //

[00:01:39] Coming through in stereo

[00:01:42] 当每个人都爱你的时候

[00:01:42] When everybody loves you

[00:01:46] 你永远不会感到孤单

[00:01:46] You can never be lonely

[00:01:48] 我要为自己画像

[00:01:48] Well I will paint my picture

[00:01:52] 为画像装饰色彩

[00:01:52] Paint myself in

[00:01:54] 蓝的,红的,黑的,灰的

[00:01:54] Blue and red and black and gray

[00:01:56] 所有美丽的衣服

[00:01:56] All of the beautiful colors

[00:01:58] 非常有意思

[00:01:58] Are very very meaningful

[00:02:01] 你知道的

[00:02:01] Yeah well you know

[00:02:02] 灰色是我的最爱

[00:02:02] Gray is my favorite color

[00:02:05] 昨日我感到如此有意义

[00:02:05] I felt so symbolic yesterday

[00:02:10] 如果我知道毕加索

[00:02:10] If I knew Picasso

[00:02:12] 我将给自己买一架灰色的吉他去弹奏

[00:02:12] I would buy myself a gray guitar and play

[00:02:17] 琼斯先生和我一起展望未来

[00:02:17] Mr Jones and me look into the future

[00:02:23] 注视着这个漂亮的女孩

[00:02:23] Stare at the beautiful women

[00:02:25] 她在看着你

[00:02:25] "She's looking at you

[00:02:27] 我不认为如此,她在看着我

[00:02:27] I don't think so She's looking at me "

[00:02:30] 在灯光下站立

[00:02:30] Standing in the spotlight

[00:02:33] 我将给自己买一架灰色的吉他

[00:02:33] I bought myself a gray guitar

[00:02:36] 当所有人都爱我的时候

[00:02:36] When everybody loves me

[00:02:40] 我永远不会感到孤单

[00:02:40] I will never be lonely

[00:02:45] 我永远不会感到孤单

[00:02:45] I will never be lonely

[00:02:48] 我永远不会感到孤单

[00:02:48] So I will never be lonely

[00:02:57] 我想成名

[00:02:57] I want to be a lion

[00:03:01] //

[00:03:01] Everybody wants to pass as cats

[00:03:04] 我们都想成为大明星

[00:03:04] We all want to be big big stars

[00:03:07] 我们有着不同的理由

[00:03:07] But we got different

[00:03:08] 为了成名有着不同的理由

[00:03:08] Reasons for that

[00:03:11] 相信我

[00:03:11] Believe in me

[00:03:13] 因为我什么都不相信

[00:03:13] Because I don't believe in anything

[00:03:16] 因为我想成为一个被信任的人

[00:03:16] And I I want to be someone to believe

[00:03:21] 被信任的人

[00:03:21] To believe

[00:03:22] 被信任的人

[00:03:22] To believe

[00:03:24] 琼斯先生和我磕磕绊绊

[00:03:24] Mr Jones and me stumbling

[00:03:28] 穿过行政区域

[00:03:28] Through the barrio

[00:03:30] 我们注视着这个漂亮的女孩

[00:03:30] Yeah we stare at the beautiful women

[00:03:33] 她对你来说是完美的

[00:03:33] "She's perfect for you

[00:03:35] //

[00:03:35] Man there's got to be

[00:03:36] //

[00:03:36] Somebody for me "

[00:03:38] 我想成为鲍勃·迪伦

[00:03:38] I want to be Bob Dylan

[00:03:40] 琼斯先生希望

[00:03:40] Mr Jones wishes

[00:03:42] 他是幸运的

[00:03:42] He was someone just a little more

[00:03:44] //

[00:03:44] Funky

[00:03:44] 当所有人都爱我的时候

[00:03:44] When everybody loves you son

[00:03:48] //

[00:03:48] That's just about as

[00:03:49] //

[00:03:49] Funky as you can be

[00:03:51] 琼斯先生和我听着广播

[00:03:51] Mr Jones and me staring at the video

[00:03:57] 当我盯着电视的时候

[00:03:57] When I look at the television

[00:04:00] 我想

[00:04:00] I want to see me staring

[00:04:03] 你能回到我身边

[00:04:03] Right back at me

[00:04:05] 我们都想成为大明星

[00:04:05] We all want to be big stars

[00:04:07] 我不知道原因

[00:04:07] But we don't know why

[00:04:09] 我不知道为什么

[00:04:09] And we don't know how

[00:04:10] 当所有人都爱我的时候

[00:04:10] But when everybody loves me

[00:04:14] 我只想成为

[00:04:14] I wanna be just

[00:04:15] 成为一个快乐的人

[00:04:15] About as happy as I can be

[00:04:18] 琼斯先生和我

[00:04:18] Mr Jones and me

[00:04:23] 我们都想成为大明星