《CUDDLE MY WRIST(Explicit)》歌词

[00:00:00] CUDDLE MY WRIST (Explicit) - Future (未来小子)
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] Zaytoven
[00:00:01] Zaytoven
[00:00:01] Zaytoven
[00:00:02] Zaytoven
[00:00:02] Cuddle my wrist
[00:00:02] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:00:02] Cu cu cuddle my wrist
[00:00:04] 拥 拥 拥抱我的手腕
[00:00:04] Cuddle my wrist
[00:00:05] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:00:05] Cuddle my wrist
[00:00:05] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:00:05] Cuddle my b**ch
[00:00:06] 拥抱我的女人
[00:00:06] Cu cu cuddle my bit'
[00:00:07] 拥 拥 拥抱我的女人
[00:00:07] Cu cu cuddle my bit'
[00:00:08] 拥 拥 拥抱我的女人
[00:00:08] Cuddle my b**ch
[00:00:13] 拥抱我的女人
[00:00:13] Cuddle my b**ch
[00:00:14] 拥抱我的女人
[00:00:14] Cuddle my b**ch
[00:00:14] 拥抱我的女人
[00:00:14] Cuddle my wrist
[00:00:15] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:00:15] Cuddle my wrist
[00:00:27] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:00:27] Cuddle my
[00:00:28] 拥抱我的
[00:00:28] Cu
[00:00:30] 拥抱我的
[00:00:30] Cuddle my
[00:00:30] 拥抱
[00:00:30] Cuddle
[00:00:31] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:00:31] Cuddle my wrist
[00:00:32] 拥抱我的
[00:00:32] Cuddle my
[00:00:32] 拥抱我的女人
[00:00:32] Cuddle my b**ch
[00:00:33] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:00:33] Cuddle my wrist
[00:00:34] 拥抱我的
[00:00:34] Cuddle my
[00:00:35] 拥抱我的女人
[00:00:35] Cuddle my b**ch
[00:00:36] 拥抱我的
[00:00:36] Cuddle my
[00:00:36] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:00:36] Cuddle my wrist
[00:00:37] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:00:37] Cuddle my wrist
[00:00:38] 我背上纹了一只猴子
[00:00:38] I got that monkey on my back
[00:00:40] 我随身带着五十万
[00:00:40] I walk around with 500 racks
[00:00:42] 我肩负着整个城市
[00:00:42] I keep the city on my shoulders
[00:00:44] 把它随身携带 就像背着一麻袋钞票
[00:00:44] Carry it 'round like a bag of stacks
[00:00:46] 我让孩子坐进宾利添越
[00:00:46] I put a kid on a Bentayga
[00:00:48] 迈阿密先生
[00:00:48] Dr Miami
[00:00:49] 那屁股好丰满
[00:00:49] The a** fat
[00:00:50] 小子想惹一群杀人犯吗
[00:00:50] N**ga wanna play with the murda squad
[00:00:51] 滚远点
[00:00:51] F**k around
[00:00:52] 我得召唤Scratch了
[00:00:52] I had to call up Scratch
[00:00:53] 戈雅的箱子都装满了
[00:00:53] Goyard as soon as the bag got packed
[00:00:55] 在六区做交易
[00:00:55] Zone 6 sure
[00:00:56] 我不留痕迹
[00:00:56] I ain't showing no slack
[00:00:57] 从来都不是会退缩的人
[00:00:57] Never been a quitter
[00:00:58] 我要卯足全力干
[00:00:58] I'ma turn it to the max
[00:00:59] 那些玩意儿伤我的肝
[00:00:59] Lean in my liver
[00:01:00] 我用的都是好东西
[00:01:00] I've been taking good batch
[00:01:01] 真正的生意人是不会和卑鄙小人做朋友的
[00:01:01] Real dooe dudes don't hang around rats
[00:01:03] Four by Four这种游戏之后 我依然坐得笔直 比凯迪拉克还要高
[00:01:03] Four by four sitting taller than a 'Lac
[00:01:05] 脚上穿着玛吉拉
[00:01:05] Margiela on my toes
[00:01:06] 坐在后座上
[00:01:06] Sittin' way in the back
[00:01:07] 鲜黄 黄 金黄
[00:01:07] Canary yellow gold
[00:01:08] 劳力士和Mac
[00:01:08] Rollie and a Mac
[00:01:09] 四零左轮
[00:01:09] Glock four oh
[00:01:10] 塑料手枪
[00:01:10] Plastic gat
[00:01:11] 我胸前挂着高纯度的钻石
[00:01:11] V V coated sitting on my chest
[00:01:13] 那些娘炮 都不是威胁
[00:01:13] P**sy a** n**gas don't call no threat
[00:01:14] 我是一只猎狗
[00:01:14] I'm a big dog
[00:01:15] 你不过是个宠物
[00:01:15] You ain't nothin' but a pet
[00:01:17] 没实力的家伙要没钱了
[00:01:17] Weak a** n**ga boutta run outta check
[00:01:18] 想要不落后
[00:01:18] Tryna keep up
[00:01:19] 最好卯足劲加油干
[00:01:19] Better step up your neck
[00:01:20] 当我超过别人的时候 他们就必须自食其果
[00:01:20] Had to eat it up when I caught up against
[00:01:22] 想捕杀我
[00:01:22] Snackin' on me
[00:01:23] 不是什么值得说的事
[00:01:23] It ain't nothin' to address
[00:01:24] 不值得说
[00:01:24] Nothin' to adress
[00:01:25] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:01:25] Cuddle my wrist
[00:01:26] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:01:26] Cuddle my wrist
[00:01:26] 拥抱我的女人
[00:01:26] Cuddle my b**ch
[00:01:27] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:01:27] Cuddle my wrist
[00:01:28] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:01:28] Cuddle my wrist
[00:01:29] 拥抱我的女人
[00:01:29] Cuddle my b**ch
[00:01:29] 拥抱我的
[00:01:29] Cuddle my
[00:01:30] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:01:30] Cuddle my wrist
[00:01:31] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:01:31] Cuddle my wrist
[00:01:32] 我的钻石就值几千万
[00:01:32] Fifty five mil' on my carats
[00:01:34] 这还不算我金库里的钱
[00:01:34] I never had to go in the vault
[00:01:36] 说到我的身份 简直高贵得要命
[00:01:36] Fishscale when you speak my status
[00:01:38] Future都已经不用亲自接电话了
[00:01:38] Future already done picked up the phone
[00:01:39] 我们做着定期航班
[00:01:39] We on a regular line
[00:01:41] 哥们
[00:01:41] N**ga
[00:01:41] 我不能和你谈论货物的事情
[00:01:41] I can't talk to you nothin' 'bout the raw
[00:01:43] 我听说你见过死人
[00:01:43] I heard you seen a n**ga get flatline
[00:01:45] 你最好别跟别人说起你见过什么
[00:01:45] You better not tell them none what you saw
[00:01:47] 我一发专辑
[00:01:47] Soon as I drop
[00:01:48] 我就被捧上天
[00:01:48] I got flexed up
[00:01:49] 绝对没有意外
[00:01:49] F**k all that drama
[00:01:50] 把那狂热收起来
[00:01:50] Got the heat tuck
[00:01:51] 融化这些家伙
[00:01:51] Ice out the hittas
[00:01:52] 我的厉害
[00:01:52] My cuts up
[00:01:53] 黄 金黄
[00:01:53] Yellow gold presi
[00:01:54] 破裂了
[00:01:54] It bust up
[00:01:55] 哥们我年纪轻轻就有了法拉利
[00:01:55] Young n**ga already pushed the ferrari
[00:01:57] 我出场的时候车上没有蓬
[00:01:57] I came in with the head off
[00:01:59] 百达翡丽会毁了你的职业生涯
[00:01:59] Jumbo Patek gon' crush your career
[00:02:01] 这些车轮子
[00:02:01] All these wheels
[00:02:01] 车轮上都是泥
[00:02:01] Got dust on the wheel
[00:02:02] 好多外国货
[00:02:02] So many foreigns
[00:02:03] 汽车经销商
[00:02:03] A car dealership
[00:02:04] 当我坐上车 他们就给我端茶倒水
[00:02:04] Poured up my cup when I hopped on the Lear
[00:02:06] 酷炫得不行
[00:02:06] Drippin' severe
[00:02:07] 神明在此
[00:02:07] The God is here
[00:02:08] Dic也在此
[00:02:08] Dic's in here
[00:02:09] 我把这里包下来了
[00:02:09] I got chartered here
[00:02:10] 我背上纹了一只猴子
[00:02:10] I got that monkey on my back
[00:02:12] 我随身带着五十万
[00:02:12] I walk around with 500 racks
[00:02:14] 我肩负着整个城市
[00:02:14] I keep the city on my shoulders
[00:02:16] 把它随身携带 就像背着一麻袋钞票
[00:02:16] Carry it 'round like a bag of stacks
[00:02:18] 我让孩子坐进宾利添越
[00:02:18] I put a kid on a Bentayga
[00:02:20] 迈阿密先生
[00:02:20] Dr Miami
[00:02:21] 那屁股好丰满
[00:02:21] The a** fat
[00:02:22] 小子想惹一群杀人犯吗
[00:02:22] N**ga wanna play with the murda squad
[00:02:24] 滚远点
[00:02:24] F**k around
[00:02:24] 我得召唤Scratch了
[00:02:24] I had to call up Scratch
[00:02:25] 召唤Scratch
[00:02:25] Call up Scratch
[00:02:26] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:02:26] Cuddle my wrist
[00:02:27] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:02:27] Cuddle my wrist
[00:02:28] 拥抱我的女人
[00:02:28] Cuddle my b**ch
[00:02:28] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:02:28] Cuddle my wrist
[00:02:29] 拥抱我的女人
[00:02:29] Cuddle my b**ch
[00:02:30] 拥抱我的女人
[00:02:30] Cuddle my b**ch
[00:02:31] 拥抱我的
[00:02:31] Cuddle my
[00:02:31] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:02:31] Cuddle my wrist
[00:02:32] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:02:32] Cuddle my wrist
[00:02:33] 拥抱我的手腕
[00:02:33] Cuddle my wrist
[00:02:38] 拥抱我的手腕
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