


[00:00:00] High (高) (《十三个原因 第一季》电视剧插曲) - Sir Sly

[00:00:00] //

[00:00:00] Written by:Landon Jacobs/Jason Suwito/Hayden Coplen

[00:00:19] 我一直用和平烟斗吞云吐雾

[00:00:19] I've been smoking on the peace pipe

[00:00:23] 我想知道到底什么才是和平

[00:00:23] I've been wondering just what would peace be like

[00:00:27] 我紧紧盯着车灯

[00:00:27] I've been staring into headlights

[00:00:30] 完全将我吞噬 寻找内心的宁静

[00:00:30] Swallow me whole finding my peace of mind

[00:00:34] 我只想抓住这一刻

[00:00:34] I'm just trying to seize the moment

[00:00:38] 试着去爱一些小东西 即使这很不容易

[00:00:38] Trying to love the little things even if they're hard to love

[00:00:42] 一个不为人知的爱情纪念

[00:00:42] A monument to love unspoken

[00:00:45] 刻成石碑 不想让它消散

[00:00:45] Carved into stone unwilling to come undone

[00:00:50] 逃出魔掌的感觉真好啊

[00:00:50] It feels good to be running from the devil

[00:00:54] 再吸一口气 感觉更好了

[00:00:54] Another breath and I'm up another level

[00:00:57] 直上云端的感觉真好啊

[00:00:57] It feels good to be up above the clouds

[00:01:01] 很久没有这种感觉了

[00:01:01] It feels good for the first time in a long time now

[00:01:21] 我仿佛又回到了奥克兰

[00:01:21] I remember back in Oakland

[00:01:25] 我欣喜地躺在浴室的地板上

[00:01:25] I was lying there in rapture on the bathroom floor

[00:01:29] 从一个旅馆到另一个旅馆

[00:01:29] Moving hotel to hotel

[00:01:32] 路边的商店里面也不知道卖些什么

[00:01:32] Out on the road no idea really what's in store

[00:01:37] 打开一个手电之类的东西

[00:01:37] Light it up just like a flashlight

[00:01:41] 让它发光 就像太阳一样升起

[00:01:41] Let it shine let it rise just like a foreign sun

[00:01:45] 翻一下它就彻底倾覆了

[00:01:45] Turn it over and it's capsized

[00:01:48] 虽然最后的战斗失败了 但我觉得我赢了

[00:01:48] It's finally done the battle's lost yet I feel I've won

[00:01:52] 逃出魔掌的感觉真好啊

[00:01:52] It feels good to be running from the devil

[00:01:56] 再吸一口气 感觉更好了

[00:01:56] Another breath and I'm up another level

[00:02:00] 直上云端的感觉真好啊

[00:02:00] It feels good to be up above the clouds

[00:02:04] 很久没有这种感觉了

[00:02:04] It feels good for the first time in a long time now

[00:02:12] 很久没有这种感觉了

[00:02:12] It feels good for the first time in a long time now

[00:02:22] 做自己的感觉真好

[00:02:22] It feels good to be me

[00:02:24] 我盯着高高的天花板

[00:02:24] I'm high staring at the ceiling

[00:02:27] 传达自己的爱 是多么美好的感觉

[00:02:27] Sending my love what a wonderful feeling

[00:02:31] 紧接着我看见了一道光

[00:02:31] What comes next I see a light

[00:02:35] 我要坐飞机开始我的旅途了

[00:02:35] I'm along for the ride as I'm taking flight

[00:02:40] 我盯着高高的天花板

[00:02:40] I'm high staring at the ceiling

[00:02:43] 传达自己的爱 是多么美好的感觉

[00:02:43] Sending my love what a wonderful feeling

[00:02:47] 紧接着我看见了一道光

[00:02:47] What comes next I see a light

[00:02:51] 我要坐飞机开始我的旅途了

[00:02:51] I'm along for the ride as I'm taking flight

[00:02:55] 逃出魔掌的感觉真好啊

[00:02:55] It feels good to be running from the devil

[00:02:58] 再吸一口气 感觉更好了

[00:02:58] Another breath and I'm up another level

[00:03:03] 直上云端的感觉真好啊

[00:03:03] It feels good to be up above the clouds

[00:03:06] 很久没有这种感觉了

[00:03:06] It feels good for the first time in a long time now

[00:03:14] 很久以来 第一次做自己的感觉真好

[00:03:14] It feels good for the first time in a long time to be me

[00:03:22] 很久以来 第一次获得自由的感觉真好

[00:03:22] It feels good for the first time in a while I'm free

[00:03:26] 我盯着高高的天花板

[00:03:26] I'm high staring at the ceiling

[00:03:30] 传达自己的爱 是多么美好的感觉

[00:03:30] Sending my love what a wonderful feeling

[00:03:34] 紧接着我看见了一道光

[00:03:34] What comes next I see a light

[00:03:39] 我要坐飞机开始我的旅途了