
《bL∞dy f8 -eUC-》歌词

bL∞dy f8 -eUC-

[00:00:00] 作曲 : 澤野弘之

[00:00:00] 在你的面具之后

[00:00:00] 作词 : cAnON

[00:00:30] 你贪婪地用那疯狂的眼神,对着我微笑

[00:00:30] Behind your mask

[00:00:31] 我讨厌这样,但我无法抗拒

[00:00:31] You smile,smile me with the greed and the frantic eyes

[00:00:38] 我不想变得和你一样

[00:00:38] I hate it,but I can't deny it

[00:00:41] 我们之间的仇恨更深了

[00:00:41] I don't wanna be like you

[00:00:45] 成了无法挽回的悲剧

[00:00:45] The feud between us escalates

[00:00:48] 我无法忍受,但是我却从未反抗

[00:00:48] deeper into tons of tragic wages

[00:00:53] 即使我没有做好防备

[00:00:53] Can't stand it,but I never fight it

[00:00:56] 被你的魅力所迷恋

[00:00:56] Though I haven't proofed enough

[00:00:59] 从未意识到你不会是真实的存在

[00:00:59] Hypnotized by your charismata

[00:01:03] 但是如果我站在你这一边我会认为你是对的

[00:01:03] None realized,you won't be true

[00:01:06] So confused... 好困惑...

[00:01:06] But I know you are right if I were on your side

[00:01:14] 上帝,如此残酷的裁决!

[00:01:14] God,what a judgement!

[00:01:15] 是对我的惩罚吗?

[00:01:15] Is my punishment?

[00:01:17] 难道我不无法逃避我残酷的宿命吗?

[00:01:17] Can't I escape from my sole bloody fate?

[00:01:21] 何处是我记忆的碎片?

[00:01:21] Where is my fragment?

[00:01:23] 迷失在这一刻

[00:01:23] Lost in the moment

[00:01:25] 需要回顾下我们究竟做了什么

[00:01:25] Need to look back what we'd done with

[00:01:28] 他们依然在哭泣

[00:01:28] They are still crying

[00:01:30] 谁能阻止这场残忍的杀戮?

[00:01:30] Who can hold back this war of slaughter?

[00:01:33] 没人不拒绝

[00:01:33] Ain't no one gotta refuse

[00:01:36] 这并不重要

[00:01:36] It doesn't really matter

[00:01:37] 出卖自身只为去拯救别人的灵魂

[00:01:37] Betray myself to save the others'soul

[00:01:41] 虽然我想逃离这里

[00:01:41] Although I wanna get out of here

[00:01:44] 我们将会继续奔跑

[00:01:44] We will keep running

[00:01:46] 我们将会继续奔跑

[00:01:46] We will keep running

[00:01:48] 我们将会继续奔跑 重现这唯一的自由

[00:01:48] We will keep running to replay the One-way Freedom

[00:01:52] 我们将会继续辗转

[00:01:52] We will keep rolling

[00:01:54] 我们将会继续辗转

[00:01:54] We will keep rolling

[00:01:56] 我们将会继续辗转 重现这唯一的自由

[00:01:56] We will keep rolling to replay the One-way Freedom

[00:02:15] 藏在你背后的

[00:02:15] Behind your back

[00:02:16] 已被黑暗所笼罩的你的一言一行

[00:02:16] So dark,something dark has ruled your words and deeds

[00:02:23] 我看在眼里,而我却无能为力

[00:02:23] I found it,but I couldn't prove it

[00:02:26] 我并不认同你所做的事情

[00:02:26] I don't wanna feel for you

[00:02:30] 显而易见,我们已失去了一切

[00:02:30] We clearly missed out

[00:02:31] 而我们却还要因这令人作呕的信条,去重复同样的罪恶

[00:02:31] Furthermore we'll repeat the same guilt with the sick creeds

[00:02:38] 不可避免,不过我会努力改变

[00:02:38] Can't avoid it,but I'll try to fix it

[00:02:41] 我们已力挽狂澜

[00:02:41] And we've gotta turn the tide

[00:02:44] 被你的魅力所催眠

[00:02:44] Hypnotized by your charismata

[00:02:48] 从未意识到你不会是真实的存在

[00:02:48] None realized,you won't be true

[00:02:51] 但是如果我站在你这一边我会认为你是对的

[00:02:51] But I know you are right if I were on yourside

[00:02:55] 好困惑...

[00:02:55] So confused...

[00:02:59] 上帝,如此残酷的裁决!

[00:02:59] God,what a judgement!

[00:03:01] 是对我的惩罚吗?

[00:03:01] Is my punishment?

[00:03:02] 难道我不无法逃避我残酷的宿命吗?

[00:03:02] Can't I escape from my sole bloody fate?

[00:03:06] 何处是我记忆的碎片?

[00:03:06] Where is my fragment?

[00:03:08] 迷失在这一刻

[00:03:08] Lost in the moment

[00:03:10] 需要回顾下我们究竟做了什么

[00:03:10] Need to look back what we'd done with

[00:03:13] 他们依然在哭泣

[00:03:13] They are still crying

[00:03:15] 谁能阻止这场残忍的杀戮?

[00:03:15] Who can hold back this war of slaughter?

[00:03:18] 没人不拒绝

[00:03:18] Ain't no one gotta refuse

[00:03:21] 这并不重要

[00:03:21] It doesn't really matter

[00:03:22] 出卖自身只为去拯救别人的灵魂

[00:03:22] Betray myself to save the others'soul

[00:03:26] 虽然我想逃离这里

[00:03:26] Although I wanna get out of here

[00:03:46] 留下的只有悔恨和痛苦

[00:03:46] No more pain remained to regret with the stains

[00:03:50] 忘怀和你之间的矛盾与冲突

[00:03:50] Wash all them off to forget my damn conflicts with you

[00:03:54] 别再让我因你的投降而酩酊大醉了

[00:03:54] Don't let me be off my nuts cuz of your surrender

[00:03:58] 你为什么不出卖我?

[00:03:58] Why don't you sell me out?

[00:04:00] 你为什么不全盘托出?

[00:04:00] Why don't you take it out?

[00:04:02] 我几乎失去了所有我为之生存的事物

[00:04:02] Almost I lose what I'm living for

[00:04:05] 捶打着地板,愤怒地呐喊,因仇恨所带来愤怒

[00:04:05] Knock on the floor to spit out the anger from hatred

[00:04:09] 别再让我因你的投降而酩酊大醉了

[00:04:09] Don't let me be off my nuts cuz of your surrender

[00:04:13] 你为什么不出卖我?

[00:04:13] Why don't you sell me out?

[00:04:15] 你为什么不伤害我?

[00:04:15] Why don't you beat me?

[00:04:16] 我们将会继续奔跑

[00:04:16] We will keep running

[00:04:18] 我们将会继续奔跑

[00:04:18] We will keep running

[00:04:20] 我们将会继续奔跑 重现这唯一的自由

[00:04:20] We will keep running to replay the One-way Freedom

[00:04:24] 我们将会继续辗转

[00:04:24] We will keep rolling

[00:04:26] 我们将会继续辗转

[00:04:26] We will keep rolling

[00:04:31] 我们将会继续辗转 重现这唯一的自由