
《听歌说英语:霉霉暗黑系回归单曲Look What You Made Me Do(上)》歌词

所属专辑: 听歌学英语 歌手: 安夏 时长: 15:41
听歌说英语:霉霉暗黑系回归单曲Look What You Made Me Do(上)

[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成

[00:00:05] 欢迎收听听歌说英语

[00:00:07] 我山下安静的安夏天的霞微信上搜索公众号安夏说英语可以找到我今天的节目和你一起来说一说Taylor Swift mm 的最新单曲look what you made me do

[00:00:24] 这首歌曲收录在全新的专辑reputation 当中

[00:00:28] 时隔三年MM 终于黑暗系风格霸气的回归

[00:00:33] 相信很多粉丝都已经狂欢起来了吧

[00:00:37] 印象当中听歌说英语只做过17 MM 的歌曲

[00:00:41] 平时也会收到很多小伙伴的翻牌

[00:00:43] 今天终于下定决心再来做一期MM 的歌曲在开始学习之前还是要刀一下我们听歌说英语的学习必备资料

[00:00:54] 发音规则的肝火

[00:00:56] 你可以在微信公众号按下说英语的后台回复发音规则自动获取哦

[00:01:02] 千万别在节目下方的留言板回复哦

[00:01:06] 接下来我们就来学习一下歌词大意以及相关的发音知识点吧

[00:01:12] I dont like your little games dont like your til ted stage the role you made me play the fool I dont like you I dont like your little games

[00:01:30] I dont like your Chu te stage the row you made me play off the fool no I dont like you

[00:01:42] 你那点伎俩还是别拿出来了

[00:01:44] 你那浮动舞台效果也逊爆了

[00:01:48] 也让我扮演小丑那愚蠢的角色

[00:01:52] 我真的完全不喜欢你

[00:01:55] 这一小段歌词当中要注意到的点哈

[00:01:58] 最基本的小连读like you like you like you

[00:02:02] 我们来分析一下I dont like your little games I dont like I dont like dont 失去爆破like in your 小林读I dont like you I dont like you I dont like a little games 不知道

[00:02:20] 还记不记得我们之前节目当中提到过的1234 叠加式的读书方法

[00:02:26] I I dont I dont like you I dont like your little games

[00:02:33] 来看下一句I dont like your t stage

[00:02:39] I dont like your TV stage 前面的都是一样的

[00:02:43] I I dont like I dont like you I dont let your tu t stage to t l TD

[00:02:54] 我们之前有讲到过动词原形加了的

[00:02:58] 加了一滴之后

[00:02:59] 他的一个读法清辅音结尾浊辅音结尾特殊情况的结尾

[00:03:06] 像这些我们都讲到过对吧

[00:03:08] 然后stages stages

[00:03:11] 这是一个浊化的现象

[00:03:13] 像我们讲到这些发音规则

[00:03:15] 比如失去爆破

[00:03:16] 连读

[00:03:18] 然后加了ed 之后读什么说话啊

[00:03:21] 怎么说话像这些东西哈

[00:03:24] 就是说他到底是怎么来的

[00:03:27] 就是在那份干货里边

[00:03:29] 如果说你听的时候完全听不懂

[00:03:31] 或者说你听的时候觉得啊云里雾里的那证明你对这部分的知识还是空白的

[00:03:38] 所以你要先去记一下

[00:03:42] 来看下一句the road you made me play a fool

[00:03:48] The the road the road you make me made 失去爆破

[00:03:54] 然后注意play 辅音连缀

[00:03:57] 不要读play 就比如说同类型的还有什么please

[00:04:02] 请不要读police

[00:04:05] 还有飞机plane

[00:04:07] 不要读plane play gen a play of players

[00:04:31] 父母LGWY 最后动作舌尖抵住上11 后背富fool I dont like you I dont like you I dont like you 轻轻的抱住I dont like you

[00:04:44] 这样就有一点点不够高大上

[00:04:48] 有点土like your perfect crime how you laugh when her ly u said black gun was mine school we Ren 好

[00:05:04] 我们来看下一段歌词大意

[00:05:07] I dont like your perfect crime

[00:05:10] How you love when you lie he said a gun was mine

[00:05:16] Is UN cool no I dont like you

[00:05:20] 我不喜欢你故作聪明

[00:05:22] 以为天衣无缝的犯罪

[00:05:25] 看看你自己说谎的时候大笑的模样

[00:05:28] 你指出我是商人的一方

[00:05:31] 你觉得这样有意思吗


[00:05:34] 我从头到脚都不喜欢你I dont like I dont like your I dont like your perfect crime

[00:05:43] I dont like her perfect crime I dont like I dont like you 跟地段哈一样的

[00:05:49] 然后perfect crime perfect crime perfect crime perfect 失去爆破I dont like I dont like you I dont like your perfect I dont like your perfect crime

[00:06:04] How you love when you lie

[00:06:07] 这里面哈

[00:06:08] 如果说真的要注意的就是wh and when

[00:06:14] W 05 嘴唇元素和上排牙齿没有碰到下唇you said the gun was mine you said the gun was mine you said you said 失去爆破you said the gun was mine mine is UN cool isnt 失去爆破I dont like you 跟第一段的最后一句是一样的哈

[00:06:45] Yes sir I got harder in 的good time and be I was from the dead Lu it all the time I got

[00:06:56] 我们来继续往下走but I got smarter I got harder in de Nick of time honey I Rose up from the dead I do it all de time ive got a list of names and your sis in de red under lie

[00:07:16] 但我在世时反应比你们更加机智回击比你们更加有利

[00:07:22] 亲爱的你知道我一向喜欢玩复活

[00:07:26] 我手里有一长串黑名单

[00:07:29] 恭喜你被我划到了红线but I got smarter I got harder in the Nick of time better better 小林读好god

[00:07:40] 失去爆破smarter baby got smarter I got harder got 也是巨爆破I got harder in the Nick of time in the Nick of time in de Nick of Indonesia 小林读honey I Rose up I Rose up I Rose up from DJ I Rose up from the dead

[00:08:19] And do it all the time and do it all the time

[00:08:24] 你可以轻轻的time 也可以跟哦

[00:08:28] 轻轻的脸and old time I 缩写缩读和注意一下上排牙齿碰下唇就别松开了

[00:08:36] 不要ever ever 别这么读哈

[00:08:39] 很奇怪

[00:08:40] Ive got ive got 小林读alicia wished 也是小林读ive got a list of names

[00:08:50] And your cigarette and ally end 虽然说呃他符合了童话的规则

[00:08:59] 但是轻轻的end your sister read your sister your sister your sun de red under lie your son your son 也可以轻轻的连或者说你要是觉得复杂不练也OK

[00:09:14] 所以我说一句话当中有非常多的那种翻译规则的话

[00:09:19] 你可以选择性的做一两个就好OK

[00:09:23] 因为有的时候太多的话

[00:09:24] 我觉得啊

[00:09:25] 有点搞不过来

[00:09:26] 所以不要做到那种很勉强

[00:09:29] 然后做那种适得其反的效果

[00:09:31] 这样就不好了

[00:09:44] 好继续来看

[00:09:45] 下一段歌词大意I check it once again I check it twice look what you made me do

[00:09:54] 我扫了一遍又反复看你的名字瞧一瞧你们都让我做了些什么

[00:10:01] I check it once check it check it 小林读jacket

[00:10:06] 这个跟他们这个one 我们之前说过我这个音他有点特殊哈

[00:10:11] 你可以把它归类成福音或者办园都OK

[00:10:14] 所以这个可以报或者不报哈deny deny check it twice check it deny deny deny 小林读tricky tricky 也是小林读

[00:10:26] 然后eat 跟twice 2个叠词连读好

[00:10:31] 接下来这句呢是歌名点题的句子look what you made me do

[00:10:37] 我们正儿八经读词

[00:10:39] Work what you made mea do

[00:10:46] Look 失去爆破

[00:10:48] 然后what can you 童话诗what you you made 失去爆破look what you made me do look what you made me do look what you made me do

[00:11:03] 不要读成look what you made me do

[00:11:08] 如果你也是这么读的话就是一些细节上的东西修饰一下哈

[00:11:13] 给人听上去的感觉就很不一样了

[00:11:15] What you made me do 后面还有一句是在中间插了一个just

[00:11:20] Look what you just let me do just 失去爆破look what you just made me do

[00:11:27] 瞧瞧你都让我做了些什么

[00:11:31] 而且以上就是今天的听歌说英语跟你喜欢学习到mm Taylor Swift 最新的单曲look what you made me do look what you made me do 好了

[00:11:45] 五音不全的安夏老师真的没有办法在节目当中给你们唱歌只能够是教你们如何开口说好英语OK

[00:11:53] 但如果说你想要说好英语的话呢

[00:11:55] 一些发音规则一些发音技巧

[00:11:57] 该掌握的还是得掌握在我们运用这些规则之前呢

[00:12:01] 你还是得去看一下去学习一下去理解去消化

[00:12:06] 然后呢

[00:12:06] 记在脑子里边儿

[00:12:08] 这样你在说的时候才能够找到一点点的路要不然的话呢云里雾里的OK

[00:12:16] 好的那份资料在节目一开始我就说过了如何获取哈

[00:12:20] 如果你觉得今天的节目听得不够过瘾

[00:12:23] 想要把MM 界首look what you made me do 剩下的歌词大意以及相关的发音知识点

[00:12:30] 继续来学完的话呢

[00:12:32] 可以在节目地下方或者说可以在微信公众号按下说英语的后台留言告诉我

[00:12:40] 我会根据大家的反应来决定到底下一期节目要不要接着把剩下的歌词学习完呢

[00:12:47] 说到底决定权在你们的手上

[00:12:50] 那我们就下期节目不见不散咯

[00:12:52] 拜拜

[00:12:56] I was on the dead and all that time I got in yours in bed under line what you me to do what u mea do what you do to me do what you do what you move me do what you move me do what you do to me to look

[00:13:21] You just made me I dont like your king down c once belongs to you to ask me for place to sleep like me out and threw off his son other day another drama drama mia mia baby I got what you need to do what u mea do what you did mea do what u mea do what you ni do what you immediately

[00:14:21] You just make me I dont trust nobody and nobody just me will be de actress starring in your bad dreams I dont trust nobody and nobody trust ni UBI Li actress an in your body dream just nobody and nobody just be up to sign in your trust nobody and nobody will be d f


[00:14:57] Sorry you feel right now why is dad what you me too what you need me to do what you just need me to look what you just missed what you need to do what you need to do what you do 咪咪咪咪咪豆