
《Civil War》歌词

所属专辑: Use Your Illusion II 歌手: Guns N’ Roses 时长: 07:42
Civil War

[00:00:00] "What we''ve got here is failure to

[00:00:11] 我们在这里的交流以失败告终传达

[00:00:11] communicate.

[00:00:11] 一些人你不会明白

[00:00:11] Some men you just can''t reach...

[00:00:17] 所以我们保留了我们上周的记忆

[00:00:17] So, you get what we had here last week,

[00:00:20] 同时也是他想得到的

[00:00:20] which is the way he wants it!

[00:00:21] 哦他得到了

[00:00:21] Well, he gets it!

[00:00:27] 而且我并不比你们喜欢这种方式

[00:00:27] N'' I don''t like it any more than you men." *

[00:00:39] 目睹年轻人在战场征战

[00:00:39] Look at your young men fighting

[00:00:41] 目睹他们的爱人哭泣

[00:00:41] Look at your women crying

[00:00:45] 目睹战士们牺牲

[00:00:45] Look at your young men dying

[00:00:48] 我们也曾这样做过

[00:00:48] The way they''ve always done before

[00:00:59] 看着仇恨的种子在我们内心滋生

[00:00:59] Look at the hate we''re breeding

[00:01:09] 看着恐惧在我们内心孕育

[00:01:09] Look at the fear we''re feeding

[00:01:12] 看着我们导致我们过者这样的生活

[00:01:12] Look at the lives we''re leading

[00:01:16] 我们也曾这样做过

[00:01:16] The way we''ve always done before

[00:01:25] 我的双手被束缚

[00:01:25] My hands are tied

[00:01:29] 数以万计的人们流离失所

[00:01:29] The billions shift from side to side

[00:01:32] 战争继续洗礼荣誉

[00:01:32] And the wars go on with brainwashed pride

[00:01:36] 对于上帝的爱和我们的人权

[00:01:36] For the love of God and our human rights

[00:01:39] 所有的一切都被血淋淋的双手冲刷

[00:01:39] And all these things are swept aside

[00:01:42] 时间也不能否认

[00:01:42] By bloody hands time can''t deny

[00:01:46] 所有的一切被你们的屠杀冲洗

[00:01:46] And are washed away by your genocide

[00:01:49] 历史掩盖了战争的谎言

[00:01:49] And history hides the lies of our civil wars

[00:02:27] 你带过黑色的袖标吗

[00:02:27] D''you wear a black armband

[00:02:29] 当他们象一个喊着

[00:02:29] When they shot the man

[00:02:30] 和平永存的人开枪时

[00:02:30] Who said "Peace could last forever"

[00:02:34] 这是我最初的记忆

[00:02:34] And in my first memories

[00:02:35] 他们枪杀肯尼迪

[00:02:35] They shot Kennedy

[00:02:37] 当明白着一切的时候我变的麻木了

[00:02:37] I went numb when I learned to see

[00:02:41] 所以我不再信任越南

[00:02:41] So I never fell for Vietnam

[00:02:44] 我们建筑了着栋墙来让人们记住

[00:02:44] We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all

[00:02:48] 你们不相信的自由

[00:02:48] That you can''t trust freedom

[00:02:50] 当他们不在你掌握之中的时候

[00:02:50] When it''s not in your hands

[00:02:52] 当每个人战争的时

[00:02:52] When everybody''s fightin''

[00:02:53] 为了自己的希望之地

[00:02:53] For their promised land

[00:02:54] 但是

[00:02:54] And

[00:02:56] 我不需要你战争

[00:02:56] I don''t need your civil war

[00:03:03] 它袒护富有埋葬了贫穷

[00:03:03] It feeds the rich while it buries the poor

[00:03:10] 你们饥渴的欲望

[00:03:10] Your power hungry sellin'' soldiers

[00:03:14] 让我们的士兵在人类的杂货谱被贩卖

[00:03:14] In a human grocery store

[00:03:15] 那些已不新鲜

[00:03:15] Ain''t that fresh

[00:03:18] 我不需要你战争

[00:03:18] I don''t need your civil war

[00:03:52] 看着狼籍战场

[00:03:52] Look at the shoes your filling

[00:03:55] 看着我们溅洒的鲜血

[00:03:55] Look at the blood we''re spilling

[00:03:58] 看着这个充满残杀的世界

[00:03:58] Look at the world we''re killing

[00:04:02] 我们也曾这样做过

[00:04:02] The way we''ve always done before

[00:04:06] 看着我们在疑惑中挣扎

[00:04:06] Look in the doubt we''ve wallowed

[00:04:09] 看着曾引领过我们的领袖

[00:04:09] Look at the leaders we''ve followed

[00:04:13] 看着我们曾掩盖的谎言

[00:04:13] Look at the lies we''ve swallowed

[00:04:16] 我不想再听到

[00:04:16] And I don''t want to hear no more

[00:04:26] 我的双手别束缚

[00:04:26] My hands are tied

[00:04:30] 我看到的一切改变了我的思想

[00:04:30] For all I''ve seen has changed my mind

[00:04:33] 但是战争仍然在持续

[00:04:33] But still the wars go on as the years go by

[00:04:37] 没有了上帝的爱怜和人权

[00:04:37] With no love of God or human rights

[00:04:40] 因为那些血淋淋的双手

[00:04:40] ''Cause all these dreams are swept aside

[00:04:43] 抹去我们所有的梦想

[00:04:43] By bloody hands of the hypnotized

[00:04:46] 谁携带着杀人的标记

[00:04:46] Who carry the cross of homicide

[00:04:51] 历史在忍受着战争带来的痛苦

[00:04:51] And history bears the scars of our civil wars

[00:05:29] 我们选择性的裁减一些市长


[00:05:32] 和政府官员


[00:05:35] 例如建立一个空缺


[00:05:36] 然后我们


[00:05:37] 普遍的发展战争

[00:05:37] PEACE IS CLOSER" **

[00:05:40] 和平就要接近了

[00:05:40] I don''t need your civil war

[00:05:46] 我不需要你战争

[00:05:46] It feeds the rich while it buries the poor

[00:05:53] 它袒护富有埋葬了贫穷

[00:05:53] Your power hungry sellin'' soldiers

[00:05:56] 你们饥渴的欲望

[00:05:56] In a human grocery store

[00:05:58] 让我们的士兵在人类的杂货谱被贩卖

[00:05:58] Ain''t that fresh

[00:06:00] 那些已不新鲜

[00:06:00] And I don''t need your civil war

[00:06:04] 我不需要你战争

[00:06:04] I don''t need your civil war

[00:06:14] 我不需要你战争

[00:06:14] I don''t need your civil war

[00:06:21] 我不需要你战争

[00:06:21] Your power hungry sellin'' soldiers

[00:06:23] 你们饥渴的欲望

[00:06:23] In a human grocery store

[00:06:25] 让我们的士兵在人类的

[00:06:25] Ain''t that fresh

[00:06:27] 杂货铺被贩卖

[00:06:27] I don''t need your civil war

[00:06:34] 那些已不新鲜

[00:06:34] I don''t need one more war

[00:06:54] 我不需要你战争

[00:06:54] I don''t need one more war

[00:07:14] 我不再需要任何一场战争

[00:07:14] Whaz so civil ''bout war anyway

[00:07:30] 我不再需要任何一场战争