
《Almost Easy》歌词

所属专辑: 单曲-Almost Easy 歌手: Avenged Sevenfold 时长: 03:53
Almost Easy

[00:00:00] Almost Easy - Avenged Sevenfold

[00:00:17] //

[00:00:17] GO

[00:00:27] 我每一个孤独时刻都感到了疯狂,我必须妥协

[00:00:27] I feel insane every single time I'm asked to compromise

[00:00:31] 因为我恐惧,我固步不前

[00:00:31] Cause I'm afraid I'm stuck in my ways

[00:00:35] 而一切毫无改变

[00:00:35] And that's the way it stays

[00:00:39] 那么我期待我们的爱已经被我们无视多久了

[00:00:39] So how long did I expect love to out weigh ignorance

[00:00:44] 现在看着你的脸我可能已经让天平倾斜了吧

[00:00:44] Now that look on your face I may have forced the scale to tip

[00:00:49] 我不疯狂,一点也不疯狂

[00:00:49] I'm not insane I'm not insane

[00:00:55] 我不疯狂,一点也不疯狂

[00:00:55] I'm not insane I'm not – not insane

[00:01:00] 我不

[00:01:00] (I'm not)

[00:01:01] 回到我身边吧,这几乎如此容易

[00:01:01] Come back to me it's almost easy

[00:01:05] 我不再悲伤了

[00:01:05] (Sad at all)

[00:01:07] 再次回来,这几乎如此容易

[00:01:07] Come back again it's almost easy

[00:01:11] 羞愧在我的心中跳到

[00:01:11] Shame pulses through my heart

[00:01:13] 它来自我对你犯的错

[00:01:13] From the things I've done to you

[00:01:17] 这很难面对,但事实仍在那里

[00:01:17] It's hard to face but the fact remains

[00:01:19] 这并不是什么新鲜事

[00:01:19] That this is nothing new

[00:01:21] 我将你捆绑在自杀的记忆中

[00:01:21] I left you bound and tied with suicidal memories

[00:01:28] 自私紧靠在皮肤底下

[00:01:28] Selfish beneath the skin

[00:01:30] 但内心深处我并不疯狂

[00:01:30] But deep inside I'm not insane

[00:01:33] 我不疯狂,一点也不疯狂

[00:01:33] I'm not insane I'm not insane

[00:01:39] 我不疯狂,一点也不疯狂

[00:01:39] I'm not insane I'm not – not insane

[00:01:43] 我不

[00:01:43] (I'm not)

[00:01:45] 回到我身边吧,这几乎如此容易

[00:01:45] Come back to me it's almost easy

[00:01:49] 我不再悲伤了

[00:01:49] (Sad at all)

[00:01:51] 再次回来,这几乎如此容易

[00:01:51] Come back again it's almost easy

[00:01:54] 你已得到教训

[00:01:54] (You've learnt your lesson)

[00:01:56] 回到我身边吧,这几乎如此容易

[00:01:56] Come back to me it's almost easy

[00:02:00] 但你会首先堕落

[00:02:00] (But first you'll fall)

[00:02:02] 再次回来,这几乎如此容易

[00:02:02] Come back again it's almost easy

[00:02:45] 现在我失去了你我痛苦万分的说出

[00:02:45] Now that I've lost you it kills me to say

[00:02:48] 痛苦地说出

[00:02:48] (Hurts to say)

[00:02:49] 当你慢慢远去时我试着去抓紧你

[00:02:49] I try to hold on as you slowly slip away

[00:02:54] 我正在输掉这场战斗

[00:02:54] I'm losing the fight

[00:02:57] 我对待你的方式如此错误,现在让我来把一切做好吧

[00:02:57] I treated you so wrong now let me make it right

[00:03:05] 把一切做好

[00:03:05] (Make it all right)

[00:03:07] 我不疯狂,一点也不疯狂

[00:03:07] I'm not insane I'm not insane

[00:03:13] 我不疯狂,一点也不疯狂

[00:03:13] I'm not insane I'm not – not insane

[00:03:18] 我不

[00:03:18] (I'm not)

[00:03:19] 回到我身边吧,这几乎如此容易

[00:03:19] Come back to me it's almost easy

[00:03:24] 我不再悲伤了

[00:03:24] (Sad at all)

[00:03:25] 再次回来,这几乎如此容易

[00:03:25] Come back again it's almost easy

[00:03:28] 你已得到教训

[00:03:28] (You've learnt your lesson)

[00:03:30] 回到我身边吧,这几乎如此容易

[00:03:30] Come back to me it's almost easy

[00:03:34] 但你会首先堕落

[00:03:34] (But first you'll fall)

[00:03:39] 再次回来,这几乎如此容易
