《Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line》歌词

[00:00:03] I just saw Kathy naked. 我刚撞见凯西光着身体
[00:00:06] It was like torture. 真是酷刑
[00:00:08] If we go to war and you're captured,you're in for a surprise. 要是你去打仗被俘 你就有福了
[00:00:13] It keeps getting worse. 事情越来越糟
[00:00:15] It bad enough that I'm in love with my roommate's girlfriend. 爱上室友的女朋友已经够糟了
[00:00:19] Every time we're in the same room,there's weird energy between us. 而且我觉得她知道 每次我们共处一室 气氛就很诡异紧张
[00:00:24] Call me crazy,but I think she likes me too. 就当我疯了 但我觉得她也喜欢我
[00:00:27] And now I have seen her naked. 现在我又看到她的裸体
[00:00:31] At least with her clothes on... 她穿着衣服
[00:00:33] ...I could imagine her body was covered in boils. 我还能想像她全身长满烂疮
[00:00:38] But there are no boils. She's smooth. 结果没有,她很光滑
[00:00:42] Smooth! 很光滑
[00:00:48] -Could everyone see up his robe? -Oh,my God! 他刚才那样坐都走光了
[00:00:53] The One Where Chandler Crosses the Line 本集播出:“三角习题”
[00:01:40] -Here you go. -I'll call you. 拿去 我待会打给你
[00:01:42] Great! 好
[00:01:45] Hey,hey. Who was that? 那是谁?
[00:01:47] Casey. We're going out tonight. 那是凯希,我们晚上要约会
[00:01:50] Going out? Wow! 约会?哇
[00:01:55] It didn't work out with Kathy? Bummer. 你跟凯西分手了?真可惜
[00:01:58] No,things are fine. 没有啊,我们很好
[00:02:00] I'm having a late meal with her after an early one with Casey. 我跟她吃饭之前要先跟凯希吃
[00:02:05] -What? -Yeah. 什么?
[00:02:06] The craziest thing is,I just ate a whole pizza myself. 最扯的是我刚吃完一整个披萨
[00:02:12] You're going out with Kathy! 慢着,你要跟凯西见面?
[00:02:14] Yeah. Why are you upset? 对,你干嘛这么冲?
[00:02:16] Well,I'm upset... 我是…
[00:02:18] ...for you. 为了你
[00:02:20] Sex with an endless line of beautiful women must be unfulfilling. 不断跟美女追求性爱 一定很空虚
[00:02:26] What's the big deal? It's not like we're exclusive. 那又怎样? 我们男未婚女未嫁
[00:02:30] Look,Joey. 乔伊
[00:02:32] Kathy's clearly not fulfilling your emotional needs. 凯西显然无法满足你的心灵
[00:02:36] But,Casey.... 但是凯希…
[00:02:37] Granted,I just saw the back of her head. 我只看到她的后脑勺
[00:02:40] But I got this sense that she's smart and funny... 但是我感觉得到她聪明风趣
[00:02:44] ...and gets you. 能捉到你的心
[00:02:48] You got all that from the back of her head? 光看后脑勺就知道这么多?
[00:02:50] I think it's time for you to settle down. 你该定下来了
[00:02:52] Make a choice. Pick a lane. 做个选择,爱你所爱
[00:02:55] Who's Elaine? 谁是妮索艾?
[00:03:01] Little Tony Tarzan 小泰山东尼
[00:03:03] Swinging on a nose hair Swinging with the greatest of ease 用鼻毛荡来荡去 不费吹灰之力
[00:03:10] I don't know the next verse. 我不知道怎么接
[00:03:13] You could just go: 你可以唱
[00:03:15] Greatest of ease “不费吹灰之力”
[00:03:18] Then go right into it. 然后接下去
[00:03:20] I like that. 也对,我喜欢
[00:03:23] How do you know about...? 慢着,你怎么会那个…
[00:03:26] You know,I used to play. 我玩过音乐
[00:03:29] That's right. The keyboards? 也对,键盘嘛
[00:03:32] A little in high school. I got into it in college. 高中只是玩玩 大学才真正投入
[00:03:36] That's when I really found my sound. 那时我才找到我的声音
[00:03:42] Orange juice just came out of my nose,but it was worth it. 我把果汁喷出来了,但是值得
[00:03:48] Oh,my God! 天哪
[00:03:49] I completely forgot about your sound. 我都忘了你的声音
[00:03:53] He'd lock himself in the basement for hours. 他常把自己锁在地下室好久
[00:03:56] No one was ever allowed to hear the sound. 谁也不准听那个“声音”
[00:04:00] I want to hear the sound. 我想听那个“声音”
[00:04:03] No,I mean,I haven't played in so long. 不行,我很久没弹了
[00:04:08] Well,it's really personal stuff. 那是很私密的东西
[00:04:11] Play that funky music,white boy. 快嘛,稀奇古怪的就要秀
[00:04:15] -Yeah,come on. -No,you guys. 是啊 不行啦
[00:04:17] My keyboards are all the way Yeah,okay. 我的键盘在… 好吧
[00:04:24] Who wants to get dinner later? I wanna try that new ltalian restaurant. 谁待会要跟我吃饭 我想去那家意大利餐厅
[00:04:27] Supposed to be really good. Saw a lot of Chinese people eating in there. 应该很不错 我看到里面有很多中国人
[00:04:32] What are you talking about? 你在说什么?
[00:04:34] You said some restaurant must be good because Chinese people were eating there. 你常说某家餐厅一定很不错 里面有很多中国人
[00:04:39] That's because it was a Chinese restaurant. 因为那是中国餐厅
[00:04:44] I still wanna go. Who wants to come? 我还是想去,谁要跟?
[00:04:46] Oh,I can't. I got two dinner dates tonight,so I gotta get ready. 我不行 我晚上有两摊,所以… 我要去准备了
[00:04:51] All right,girls' night out. 好,就我们女生了
[00:04:53] Sorry,but we have to prep that catering thing for tomorrow. 对不起 我们得准备明天的外烩
[00:04:56] Oh,that's right. 也对
[00:04:58] I wish I could eat in restaurants alone. 我就是不习惯一个人吃饭
[00:05:01] You should try it. It's a really good thing to do. 你应该试试看,那样蛮好的
[00:05:04] I just think I'd feel really self-conscious. Like I was on display or something. 我会浑身不对劲 好像自己是展示品
[00:05:09] I was on display once. Nothing like eating alone. 我展示过 跟一个人吃饭最像了
[00:05:22] I just had a great time with myself. 我自己玩得很开心
[00:05:27] Well,this could be a good story. 听起来很香艳喔
[00:05:31] At dinner. It was so liberating. 我是说吃饭 感觉好自由
[00:05:34] You know,I don't need people to have fun. I'm fun. I'm a fun girl. 我不需要别人给我乐趣 我能自得其乐 我是个有趣的女孩
[00:05:38] Are you a naughty girl? 你是个坏女孩吗?
[00:05:44] No,just fun. Fun. Good. Fun. 有趣就好,有趣,很好
[00:05:47] -See,I told you you'd have fun. -I know. 我就说会很好玩吧 是啊
[00:05:49] Although I must say that I totally judge any woman I see eating alone. 但我对自己吃饭的女生有偏见
[00:05:52] -Why? -What's wrong with a woman eating alone? 为什么? 很抱歉,自己吃饭有什么不对
[00:05:55] Well,obviously something. She's eating alone. 当然有,她自己吃饭耶
[00:05:59] Okay,guys. 可以了
[00:06:00] All right! Bring it on,you! 帅
[00:06:06] Here we go. 来吧
[00:06:14] You know,I've never played my stuff for anyone before. 我的东西没有弹给别人听过
[00:06:19] So it's important that you understand... 希望你们能了解
[00:06:21] ...it's about communicating... 这是在传达…
[00:06:24] ...very private emotions. 很私密的情感
[00:06:34] You know.... 你们...
[00:06:36] You should think of my work... 应该把我的作品...
[00:06:40] ...as wordless sound poems. 看做是无字音诗
[00:06:49] -That's what -Oh,my God,play. 所以… 你就弹吧
[00:07:26] Well,you know,that was... 这真是…
[00:07:30] ...terrific! 太棒了
[00:07:33] Really... 真是…
[00:07:35] ...bitchen. 吊啊
[00:07:38] Wow! It was so wow! 哇!我的天哪!
[00:07:42] Really? 真的吗?
[00:07:43] Yeah! I mean,you should play in public. 对,你实在应该去表演
[00:07:49] Wow,thanks,you guys. That's 谢谢你们,这真是…
[00:07:52] I want to play you another piece. 我想再弹另一首
[00:07:56] I left my helicopter sounds on another disk. I'll be right back,okay? 直升机音效在另一张磁片里 我马上回来
[00:08:03] This is so nice. I mean,I am so.... 太好了,我好…
[00:08:11] God bless my dad for soundproofing the basement. 幸好我爸替地下室隔音
[00:08:16] I can't believe I ever let him touch me with those fingers. 我居然让他用那些手指摸我
[00:08:21] What are you guys talking about? I loved it! 你们在说什么?我好喜欢
[00:08:25] It was so moving. 太动人了
[00:08:27] It's so different from the stuff you usually hear. 而且跟一般听到的东西都不同
[00:08:30] You mean,music? 你是说音乐吗?
[00:08:37] I know what you think. 我知道你在想什么
[00:08:39] Yes,yes,your breasts are just as firm and juicy. 好啦,你的胸部也很坚挺
[00:08:45] Come in. 请进
[00:08:49] Oh,God! Is that Baywatch? 天哪,那是“海滩游侠”吗?
[00:08:51] Yes,but I just watch it for the articles. 对,我只是要看它的文章
[00:08:56] -So is Joey around? -No,he's not back yet. 乔伊在吗? 他还没回来
[00:08:59] Come in,have a seat. Bow or stern? 进来坐,船头还是船尾?
[00:09:02] I don't have a preference. You? 我随便,你呢?
[00:09:04] I like it in the stern. 我喜欢后面
[00:09:09] Of the boat. 我是说船尾
[00:09:14] It's me. Casey and l had a little car trouble. 是我,听着 我们在回程时出了状况
[00:09:18] -What happened? -We broke down. 怎么了? 我们在路上抛锚了
[00:09:20] I have to get transmission fluid. 我得走回去找变速器油
[00:09:22] Tell Kathy that I'm sorry and I'll be there soon. 帮我跟凯西道歉 说我马上回去
[00:09:26] -Why can't you tell her? -I think my time is about to 你怎么不自己说? 我只有一枚硬币,时间快要…
[00:09:31] 乔伊?
[00:09:33] 怎样?
[00:09:37] I thought your time ran out. 时间不是到了?
[00:09:38] Me too,but I guess I do have 我也以为,看来还有一点…
[00:09:43] Joey's running a little late,and he says he's sorry. 乔伊会晚一点,他跟你道歉
[00:09:48] I guess it's just you and me,then. 就剩我们两个了
[00:09:52] -Okay. -Yeah,I think it is. 好 我想也是
[00:09:58] So,what'd you do today? 你今天做了什么?
[00:10:00] I had an appointment to cut my hair. 我约好要去剪头发
[00:10:02] -Looks great! -And then it got canceled. 很好看 然后取消了
[00:10:06] -I could cut it. -Really? Do you do that? 我可以帮你剪 真的吗?
[00:10:09] Yeah,I learned at my aunt's dog-grooming shop. What do you say? 对 我是在姑妈的狗美容院学的 不过你要不要?
[00:10:14] Dog grooming? 狗美容?
[00:10:16] Don't make my tail too poofy. 好,别把尾巴剪得太蓬
[00:10:25] You have really great hair. 你的发质很好
[00:10:27] Oh,thanks. I grow it myself. 谢谢,我自己种的
[00:10:36] You know who also has great hair is Joey. 乔伊的发质也很好
[00:10:38] Yes,Joey has great hair. 对,乔伊的发质很好
[00:10:40] I'm basically done here. Let me get this hair off your neck. 差不多了,我帮你清一下
[00:10:58] What are you doing? 你在干什么?
[00:11:01] Checking to see if it's even. 看一下长度 好
[00:11:07] Looks good. 看来没问题
[00:11:11] The phone! The phone's making sounds! 电话!电话在发出声音
[00:11:16] Hey,dude,it's me. 老兄,是我
[00:11:18] Hey,it's Joey! 是乔伊
[00:11:20] It looks like we'll be stuck here. 对不起,我们会拖上一阵子
[00:11:23] I got the fluid. The transmission wasn't there. 我弄到机油了,但是发现变速器不在
[00:11:27] -What? -It fell out. 什么? 一定是掉在前面了
[00:11:29] I just figured we hit a dog. 我们撞到一只狗
[00:11:34] Could you put Kathy on? I want to apologize to her. 好 请凯西来听,我要跟她道歉
[00:11:38] It's Joey. 好…乔伊找你
[00:11:41] No,it's fine. Don't worry about it. 没关系,放心好了
[00:11:44] Yeah,no,stop apologizing. It's okay. 别再道歉了,没关系
[00:11:47] I'll talk to you tomorrow. 好,明天再联络
[00:11:52] I should probably go. 我该走了 对,好
[00:12:09] I forgot my purse. 我忘了带皮包
[00:12:19] I really did. I forgot my purse. 我是真的忘了带皮包 我知道
[00:12:28] -This is bad! It's bad! -Horrible! 这样很不好 太糟糕了
[00:12:31] Wait,the kiss or the situation? 你是说吻还是状况?
[00:12:35] The kiss was good. 不,那个吻很棒
[00:12:37] -But that's bad! -Here's what we do. 但这样很不好 对,好,这样吧
[00:12:39] -We forget it happened. -What? 我们忘了这件事 什么?
[00:12:41] We swallow our feelings,even if we're unhappy forever. Sound good? 我们压抑我们的感觉 即使这样会痛苦一辈子 不错吧?
[00:12:48] Can you really do that? 你真的做得到?
[00:12:50] I have to. He's my best friend. 我不得不 他是我最好的朋友
[00:12:53] And you're seeing him. 而你在跟他交往
[00:12:55] Chandler,I like Joey a lot. 钱德,我很喜欢乔伊
[00:12:58] -But with you -No,don't! Don't,see? 但是跟你… 不,别说了
[00:13:02] You're getting me confused. I'm starting to yearn. 你会把我搞乱 我已经开始渴望了
[00:13:08] I'm sorry. 对不起
[00:13:10] If you want to pretend that nothing happened,I can try. 要是你想假装没事 我可以试试看
[00:13:15] I think we have to. 我们非这么做不可
[00:13:19] 好
[00:13:22] 再见 再见
[00:13:35] Are you still out there? 你还在外面吗?
[00:13:37] 没有
[00:13:48] Electrifying 振奋人心
[00:13:53] Infinite time 无穷的时间
[00:13:57] There's a Starbucks about three blocks down. 三条街外有一家星巴克
[00:14:01] He's so inspired. Just look at him. Look at him go! 他的灵感好丰富,你们看他
[00:14:21] Thank you very much! 谢谢各位
[00:14:24] Hey,aren't you up next? 接着不是该你?
[00:14:27] -I'm not playing tonight. -Why not? 不,我今天不唱了 为什么?
[00:14:32] I can't follow Ross. 我不能接在罗斯后面
[00:14:34] It'd be like those poor bicycle-riding chimps... 那就像骑脚踏车的猩猩
[00:14:38] ...who had to follow the Beatles. No. 接在披头四后面一样,天哪
[00:14:42] Ross sucks. 罗斯很烂
[00:14:46] The place has emptied because of him. 他把客人都吓跑了
[00:14:49] Oh,my God,he's not even appreciated in his own time. 天哪,当世甚至没有人欣赏他
[00:14:54] I'd give anything to not be appreciated in my own time! 我巴不得能跟他一样寂寞
[00:15:01] 好,菲比…
[00:15:04] You suck too. 你也很烂
[00:15:10] You're awful. 没错,菲比,你…烂透了
[00:15:15] You guys! 真是的
[00:15:18] You suck too! 你们也很烂
[00:15:26] Man! I can't believe I locked myself out again! 天哪 我居然又把自己锁在外面了
[00:15:31] Hang on,buddy. 等一下
[00:15:37] Oh,my God! What happened? 天哪,出了什么事?
[00:15:39] -Did you do all this? Why? -I sure did. 这都是你买的? 就是我
[00:15:42] It made me feel good to do something nice for my friend. 为什么? 我喜欢为我的朋友尽一点心
[00:15:46] You're amazing. 你真好
[00:15:48] No,this is amazing. 不,这个才叫好
[00:15:53] A TV that appears as if from nowhere! 凭空冒出来的电视
[00:15:57] That's the dream! 这是我的梦想
[00:15:59] How did you afford all this? 你哪来这么多钱?
[00:16:01] I'm 29. I mean,who needs a savings account? 我都29了,还存什么钱?
[00:16:05] You're the best friend anyone has ever had. 你是世界上最棒的朋友
[00:16:08] I don't know. 我可不敢说
[00:16:10] No,you are. 你是
[00:16:12] You do this,you give me advice.... 你买这些东西,还给我忠告
[00:16:14] What you said about focusing on one woman? 对了,你不是要我定下来?
[00:16:19] I'll do that. 我决定照做
[00:16:20] With Casey? 跟凯希?
[00:16:21] I'll see how things go with Kathy. She's cool. 不,我要跟凯西继续,她很酷
[00:16:25] -Or Casey. -No,Kathy. 或者凯希 不,凯西
[00:16:28] -Could be Casey. -No,Kathy. 凯希也行 不,凯西
[00:16:30] Consider Casey. 考虑一下凯希
[00:16:33] I think somebody's got a little crush on Casey. 看来有人在喜欢凯希喔
[00:16:36] I'll fix you two up. What do you think? 要不要我帮你们牵线?
[00:16:39] That all the pieces of my life are falling right into place. 那我这一生将了无遗撼
[00:16:52] You were really great. You were really,really great. 你好厉害,真的真的好厉害
[00:16:57] Thanks. 谢谢
[00:17:00] Monica tells me you don't want to play anymore because of me... 摩妮卡说你不想再表演了 因为我...
[00:17:05] ...and,you know,my talent. ... 和我的才华
[00:17:08] Is that true? 是真的吗?
[00:17:11] Well,kind of,yeah. 算是吧
[00:17:13] I was trying to be really okay and upbeat about it... 我很想抱持无所谓乐观的态度
[00:17:17] ...but I just feel so dwarfed by your musical gift. 但是你的才华令我自惭形秽
[00:17:23] See,but.... 但是…
[00:17:24] Pheebs,that is the exact opposite intent of my music. 菲比,这跟我做音乐的用意 正好相反
[00:17:29] You know,my music is meant to inspire. 我做音乐是想要启发人心
[00:17:33] If it bothers you this much... 要是你这么困扰,那我…
[00:17:35] ...then I won't play anymore. 我就不弹了
[00:17:40] No,don't do that. 不,千万不要
[00:17:42] How could I live if I knew I was depriving the world of your music? 我怎么能让这个世界 失去你的音乐?
[00:17:50] Yeah,okay. 好吧
[00:17:57] -I'd love to,but I have plans on Sunday. -Well,maybe some other time. 我很想,但我星期天有事 那就改天吧
[00:18:01] -Sure. Just give me a call,I'm in the book. -Okay. Thanks a lot. See you. 好,打电话给我 好,谢了,再见
[00:18:09] What are you doing? He is cute,and he's a doctor. 你在干什么? 他很帅,又是医生
[00:18:13] -How do you know? -Honey,I eavesdrop because I care. 你怎么知道? 姐妹,这种事我最留心了
[00:18:18] -Well,I have plans on Sunday. -With who? 我星期天有约 跟谁?
[00:18:21] -Me. -Oh,God. 我自己 天哪
[00:18:24] You are the one who told me how important it is to spend time alone. 是你说独处很重要的
[00:18:28] I can't just go out with that guy when I have plans with myself. 我跟自己有约就不能跟他出去
[00:18:31] Wouldn't be fair to me. 那样对我不公平
[00:18:33] So basically you're saying you don't want to cheat on yourself. 你是说你不想对自己不忠
[00:18:37] Well,if you wanna make me sound crazy. 如果你要把我说成疯子的话
[00:18:42] Saw the new furniture. Very nice. 新家具很棒喔
[00:18:45] Joey has the best boyfriend ever! 乔伊有你这个男朋友真好
[00:18:50] I kissed Kathy. 我吻了凯西
[00:18:51] Are you serious? 真的还假的?
[00:18:53] -Does Joey know? -No. 乔伊知道吗? 不知道
[00:18:55] Is there any way you think he will understand this? 你们想他有可能谅解吗?
[00:18:59] You obviously haven't screwed over your friends. 你显然没有背叛过朋友
[00:19:03] Which we all appreciate. 我们都很感激
[00:19:06] If you'd told him how you felt before you kissed her... 要是你先坦承你的感觉再亲她
[00:19:10] ...knowing Joey,he'd have stepped aside. 乔伊一定会退让
[00:19:13] Don't say that! That's not true,is it? 别这么说!这不是真的吧?
[00:19:17] Yeah,he loves you. 真的啊 他爱你
[00:19:19] Then why didn't you tell me to do that? 那你们怎么不告诉我?
[00:19:22] I said something to Phoebe. 我跟菲比聊过
[00:19:24] And I thought it was a really good idea. 对,我觉得这是个好主意
[00:19:27] -Yeah,I remember. -Oh,my God! 天哪!
[00:19:31] What am I going to do? 我该怎么办?
[00:19:33] -You'll have to tell him. -Why do I have to tell him? 你得告诉他 为什么我要告诉他?
[00:19:37] -Because you do. -Yeah,I know. 你就是得说 我知道
[00:19:43] Would it be okay if I wrote a song about this? 我可以拿这件事写一首歌吗?
[00:19:50] I don't know if this is working out. I think.... 我不知道这样下去行不行 我觉得…
[00:19:55] I think I wanna see other people. 我想见其他人
[00:19:58] Wow. Didn't see that coming. 想不到会这样
[00:20:01] It's not that I don't enjoy this. I do. 不是我不喜欢这样,我喜欢
[00:20:04] I just wanna see what else is out there. 我只是想看看其他可能性
[00:20:09] Hey,Guy. What are you doing here? 嗨,你怎么会来这里?
[00:20:12] I work across the street. 我刚从对街过来
[00:20:14] -lt turns out I'm gonna be free Sunday. -I wish you had called me. 你知道吗?结果我星期天有空 你应该通知我
[00:20:18] I just told them I'd work this weekend. 我刚同意周末进医院
[00:20:21] Okay,well,maybe next weekend. 好吧,那就下个周末
[00:20:23] -Definitely. I'll see you. -Okay. 没问题,到时候见 好
[00:20:25] Yeah,you'll be talking to me never,because you're a freak who eats alone. 我不会再理你了 你是自己吃饭的怪胎
[00:20:38] Sambuca margarita? 茴香玛格丽特?
[00:20:40] It that a real thing? 是真的吗?
[00:20:42] Well,we only had sambuca,so it is now. 我们只有茴香酒,所以是
[00:20:47] Listen,Joe. I need to I need to talk to you about something. 听着,乔伊,我有事要说
[00:20:51] What's up? 什么事?
[00:20:54] It's about Kathy. 是凯西的事
[00:20:58] I like her. 我喜欢她
[00:21:00] I like her a lot,actually. 其实是非常喜欢
[00:21:03] -You do? -Yeah. 真的? 对
[00:21:06] Your timing couldn't be better. 那你的时机正好
[00:21:09] She's not my girlfriend anymore. 她不是我的女朋友了
[00:21:11] What? 什么?
[00:21:12] -Yeah,she broke up with me. -When? 她跟我分手了 什么时候?
[00:21:17] Just now,after acting class. 刚才上完表演课后
[00:21:19] I thought she was doing some scene,so I let people watch. 我以为她在演戏,还让别人看
[00:21:25] Man,I am so sorry. Are you okay? 太可惜了,你还好吗?
[00:21:28] I've been better,but I'm all right. So you like her? 好多了,我没事 你喜欢她?
[00:21:33] Yes,but I don't have to. 对,但我不一定要喜欢她
[00:21:36] No,it's okay. 不,没关系
[00:21:42] You know why? Because you came to me first. 你知道为什么? 因为你先来告诉我
[00:21:47] I thought that would be the best thing to do. 我觉得这么做最好
[00:21:52] You might have your work cut out for you. 你可能会很辛苦
[00:21:55] When I talked to her,I got the feeling she's into some other guy. 我跟她谈的时候 觉得她在喜欢别人
[00:22:01] See,that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. 这就是我要跟你谈的事
[00:22:06] I think I know who the other guy is. 我想我知道那个人是谁
[00:22:09] Who? 是谁?
[00:22:12] It's me. 是我
[00:22:13] I'm the other guy. 我就是那个别人
[00:22:16] What? 什么?
[00:22:18] When you were late last night,Kathy and I got to talking... 对,你昨天晚归 凯西和我聊了起来
[00:22:23] ...and one thing led to another,and.... 事情演变到后来就…
[00:22:26] And what? Did you sleep with her? 就什么?你跟她上床?
[00:22:29] -No,I just kissed her. -What? That's even worse! 没有,我只是吻了她 什么?那样更糟!
[00:22:34] -How is that worse? -It's the same! 怎么会更糟? 我不知道,反正都一样
[00:22:37] There's nothing I could do. I think I'm in love with her! 对不起,我也没办法 我爱上她了
[00:22:41] Who cares? 那又怎样?
[00:22:42] You went behind my back? I'd never do that to you! 你背着我乱来? 我绝不会那样对你
[00:22:46] I have no excuses. I was totally over the line. 你说得对,我无话可说 我太过份了
[00:22:49] You're so far past the line,that you can't even see the line! 过份?你根本就过份到 连过份都不算过份
[00:22:54] The line is a dot to you! 只能算正常
[00:22:58] Yes,right! And I feel horrible. You have to believe me. 没错,没错 我很自责,你要相信我
[00:23:02] Oh,my God. Is that why you bought all this stuff? 所以你买了这些东西?
[00:23:06] You know what? 你知道吗?
[00:23:08] I will not watch your TV. 我不看你的电视
[00:23:10] I won't listen to your stereo. 我不听你的音响
[00:23:12] And there's a loaf in the new bread maker I won't eat. Know why? 烤面包机里有一个面包我不吃 你知道为什么?
[00:23:17] -Probably because -It's all tainted with your betrayal! 因为… 因为它被你的背叛弄脏了
[00:23:22] This apartment is empty to me! I'm not happy about you either. 今后这间房子对我而言是空的 我对你也很不爽
[00:23:33] And just so you know... 跟你说一声
[00:23:36] ...I made that bread for you. 那个面包是为你烤的
[00:23:52] Oh,my God! He's lost it. He's totally lost it. 天哪,他完全不行了
[00:23:57] What? 什么?
[00:24:00] This cannot get any worse. 菲比 他的音乐本来就烂到最高点
[00:24:02] Rats in the basement are hanging themselves. 地下室的老鼠都去上吊了
[00:24:15] Thank you. Thanks. 谢谢
[00:24:21] I lost it. 我不行了
[00:24:24] I won't play anymore. 我再也不玩音乐了,
[00:24:30] After that? Yeah. 接着上台?可以
[00:24:34] No,I mean,if I can help. 我是说我愿意尽力
[00:24:41] Yeah,like I could lose it. 我怎么可能不行了
[00:24:45] What? 什么?
[00:24:47] I played bad on purpose,guys. 我是故意弹得很烂
[00:24:52] Okay,you were trying to play bad this whole time. 原来你一直都在故意
[00:24:54] No. Just that last song. 不,只有刚才那首
- Friends S01E08
- Friends S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
- Friends S04E14 The One With Joeys Dirty Day
- Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos
- Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus
- Friends S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
- Friends S04E09 The One Where They’re Going To Party
- Friends S01E07
- Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
- Friends S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
- The Man with the Magpie [Ronderlin]
- 空想絵本 [VOCALOID]
- You Still Remain [Secret Sphere]
- 有一群孩子 [宋孟君]
- Primetime [Cold Fronts]
- Cielito Lindo [Sones Huastecos]
- 西门吹雪 [洛天依]
- 偶像进行时 [言和&Creuzer]
- Flirtin’ With Disaster [Molly Hatchet]
- En runda i baren(feat. Flemming Bamse Jrgensen) [Lasse Stefanz&Flemming Ba]
- Little Girl Blue(Remastered 2016) [John Lewis]
- She Moves(Acoustic Guitar Version) [Alle Farben&Graham Candy]
- New Week [4Lyn]
- Sweet Home Chicago [Chicago Blues Jam]
- Blues In The Night [Jazz Band Music]
- Loco-Motion [The Ventures]
- Superhero [Chris August]
- Runnin’ Back To Saskatoon [The Guess Who]
- Wicked Games(Tribute to Parra for Cuva and Anna Naklab) [Billboard Shakers]
- Su Virginidad [Cuca]
- 大海边跑来一个小姑娘 [苏小明]
- 6666 [暴风骑士]
- Todo O Amor Que Houver Nessa Vida(Ao Vivo) [Cazuza]
- Itsi Bitsi Petit Bikini [Dalida]
- Triste [Tania Maria]
- Menina [Carlos Lyra]
- La mamma [Charles Aznavour]
- Man In The Fog [The Flying Burrito Brothe]
- 爱 [莫文蔚]
- Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar [Sofia]
- We’ll Gather Lilacs [Jack Payne&JANE LEE]
- Underwater Love [D.J. Chill]
- Silent Night [Chet Atkins]
- Georgia on My Mind [Ray Charles]
- Big Girls Don’t Cry [The Four Seasons]
- Keep Your Day Job(Live at Richmond Coliseum, Richmond, VA, November 1, 1985) [Grateful Dead]
- Sonhos Roubados [Aline Muniz]
- 坎坷的情路 [詹曼铃]
- Out Of This World [June Christy]
- Blue Light [Ultravox]