

所属专辑: 听歌学英语 歌手: 安夏 时长: 14:31

[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成

[00:00:05] 黑虎山下安静的安夏天的霞

[00:00:08] 欢迎收听

[00:00:09] 听歌说英语he 你去学习如何开口说好英语

[00:00:15] 很多小伙伴都不知道为什么自己发音还不错

[00:00:18] 可是说出来的口语

[00:00:20] 总感觉没有那么地道

[00:00:22] 总感觉跟别人不一样

[00:00:24] 总感觉还是不够流畅呢

[00:00:28] 其实呢

[00:00:29] 你还缺那么一点点发音的小技巧发音的小规则

[00:00:35] 今天的听歌说英语和你一起来说一说one republic apologize

[00:00:43] 这首歌曲承载着很多人的回忆

[00:00:46] 如果你也喜欢这首歌曲可以在节目下方的留言板和我一起来分享一下你跟这首歌曲之间的小故事哦

[00:00:57] 在我们开始学习之前

[00:00:59] 不要忘了在微信公众号安夏说英语或者听歌说英语的后台回复发音或者发音规则获取相关的必备资料哦

[00:01:12] 好了

[00:01:12] 准备好的话

[00:01:13] 我们就开始学习咯

[00:01:15] Hang an annual got me Sen si off the bro

[00:01:23] And I hear what you say but just kept looking so lo m holding on your road

[00:01:32] Get me ten feet off the ground and I m hearing what you say but I just can make a sound

[00:01:42] 我抱着一线希望将一切托付给你我听到你的言语在半空回旋曲无礼回应

[00:01:50] 我们来分析一下里面的一些翻译知识点I m heading on Europe

[00:01:56] I m holding on your rope hold

[00:02:00] Him 这里的缩写缩读him holden

[00:02:05] 这个短语哈

[00:02:06] 一定要注意一下

[00:02:08] Got me ten feet off the ground

[00:02:12] Got me got 失去爆破ten feet ten feel

[00:02:17] 这里只是可以小小的连读

[00:02:20] And I m hearing what you say and 跟him 在歌曲当中没有连在一起唱好

[00:02:28] 但这里可以连读的anime anime hearing what you say what can you 童话aim on hearing what you say and I m hearing what you say

[00:02:41] 如果不连接的轻轻的but I just can make sense

[00:02:48] 本来想连读本来just 失去爆破

[00:02:53] 本来just can make a sandwich make 跟呃

[00:02:57] 小林读这里要提一下sand sand 这个词

[00:03:02] As 不要读成蛇

[00:03:04] 也不要吐舌头

[00:03:06] OK

[00:03:08] Tell me that an emotion you go come in dao Cheng me that sorry didi Cheng Ren Shi

[00:03:24] 我们继续往下走

[00:03:25] 看下一段歌词

[00:03:27] You tell me that you need me

[00:03:30] Then you go and cut me down that way you tell me that your sorry did not think I turn around and say

[00:03:42] 你说你如此难舍却毅然离去

[00:03:45] 盛平我坠入深渊

[00:03:47] 时过境迁

[00:03:49] 如今你亲生速求我的原谅我却只能无奈的转身离去

[00:03:55] 对你说can you tell me that you need me

[00:04:02] That you need me that

[00:04:04] 根据何曲童话跟前面的what you c 是一样的you need me you need me mid 可以失去爆破you ni you tell me that you ni then you go and cut me down the way go 跟end 有一个外加我小云朵den you can you go and then you go and cut me down cat 失去爆破WH 这个词也主要不要读down

[00:04:38] 也不要读down

[00:04:40] down

[00:04:41] down

[00:04:43] 祖安


[00:04:45] 读完之后把舌尖抵住上去

[00:04:47] 然后被

[00:04:49] Best way

[00:04:51] 可以失去爆破

[00:04:52] 或者说不抱都OK bent way way

[00:04:58] You tell me that your sorry that you sorry that your sorry that your sorry that

[00:05:09] Did I think I turn around and say did and 失去爆破think 跟爱小连读turn around 也是小连读and say and say end 失去爆破I said strike tar

[00:05:46] 接下来看一下副歌部分bet it too late to apologize it stool ate I said it stool ate to apologize it stool a tu lay 说抱歉已经太迟你的歉意

[00:06:03] 无力回天

[00:06:05] Benefit To Benefit benefit 小林读it stool ate to apologize

[00:06:14] Its 字母的翻译好主意

[00:06:17] Its too late to apologize

[00:06:20] Late late gen too he 2个T 叠词联古这道题一下apologize apologize

[00:06:30] Apologize

[00:06:32] 它是一个动词

[00:06:34] 而它的名词形式又是哪个呢

[00:06:36] 怎么样读呢

[00:06:38] 你可以回想一下哦

[00:06:40] 如果你不知道

[00:06:40] 不要王乐去查一下哦

[00:06:42] 还有这两个词的用法到底是什么

[00:06:46] 有一个固定的搭配自己去查一下

[00:06:49] OK

[00:06:50] Taken other chance take a fall sharp Li

[00:06:57] Any do you like hardly de bits I would take another chance take a fall take a shot for you and I need you like a heart needs a big but its nothing new

[00:07:19] 我希望一切重新来过

[00:07:22] 能够再次为你跌倒为你受伤依然视你为我生命的全部

[00:07:28] 但一切都已灰飞烟灭

[00:07:32] I would take another chance take a fall

[00:07:37] Taken other chance taken other chance 小林读take you for 也是重要讲一下for 的岛

[00:07:48] 字母L 作为一个音标的时候

[00:07:50] 舌尖抵住上齿龈后背呃呃

[00:07:54] 她不是呃

[00:07:55] 注意哈呃呃

[00:07:57] 试一下把舌尖抵到上群后背

[00:08:00] 然后呢

[00:08:01] 发音你会觉得喉咙有一种非常嘶哑的感觉

[00:08:05] For sake for

[00:08:08] 很多人把字母L 读成卷舌好

[00:08:11] 他不是卷舌OK

[00:08:13] 跟他相关的就最基本的字母LL

[00:08:19] 还有w l well well

[00:08:23] 你的舌头有没有到尚勤后背呢

[00:08:27] 来看下一句take a shot for you

[00:08:30] Take a shot for you take a shot take a shot

[00:08:36] 这个小灵毒shirt for 哈

[00:08:39] 两个爆破音take a short for short 失去爆破and I need you like a heart needs a big

[00:09:05] 字母DS 组合的发音啊

[00:09:07] 不要读needs needs a bitch needs a bitch

[00:09:12] It is nothing new but its 小领土it is nothing new nothing nothing th 吐舌投降这一行

[00:09:23] 那个银行nothing nothing the fire it was your name no sorry like angels have to let me think 继续往下走I love you with a fire red now its turning blue

[00:09:51] And this is sorry like de angel have an let me think that washing

[00:09:57] 我曾经对你如烈焰般的激情和执着

[00:10:01] 现已逐渐冷却

[00:10:03] 而此刻你唇齿间流露出的遗憾

[00:10:06] 仿佛一对来自坚固的翅膀带我重温那早已失去的美好

[00:10:12] 但是恐怕

[00:10:14] 遗憾终究未能改写历史

[00:10:17] 一切都命中注定

[00:10:21] I love you with a fire red

[00:10:24] And now its turning blue lo v 到家了的动词原形加了的读出来的是什么呢

[00:10:34] 根据它的音标来决定哈清辅音结尾读什么浊辅音结尾读什么清辅音结尾辅音结尾读特殊情况的结尾哈不说的是ade 注意一下

[00:10:49] Loved the new 童话剧I love you I love you with a fire with a fire red

[00:10:57] 小林读

[00:10:59] Now which turning blue

[00:11:01] Now 跟its 外加五小连读

[00:11:06] And you see sorry like de angel a new he 童话城址

[00:11:12] And you see sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry and you see sorry like de angel like 失去爆破TH 1 在这里读的

[00:11:24] 因为后面的angel

[00:11:26] 是元音音素开头

[00:11:29] 同时呢

[00:11:29] 有一个外加以小凌度d angel

[00:11:42] Heaven let it sink wash you heaven 字母B 和上排牙齿碰下唇let me in let me let 失去爆破think 失去爆破have an let me sing wash you

[00:11:59] But I m afraid but I bet when I am 连读I am gonna frame 也是连读m a fried banana for them a fried

[00:12:10] 其实有的时候就是这样

[00:12:12] 你听别人读的时候感觉好像是好像又不像感觉总跟你的有那么一点点差别

[00:12:19] 那是因为别人做了一些规则做了一些相关的技巧

[00:12:24] 听上去更加地道

[00:12:26] 然后听上去更加自然流畅

[00:12:28] 给人非常不一样的感觉

[00:12:30] OK

[00:12:31] 以上就是今天的听歌说英语和你一起来说一说apologize 来自one republic

[00:12:40] 最后要提一下one republic one 跟republic 2个单词首字母大写

[00:12:47] 但是呢

[00:12:49] 这两个单词之间没有空格one republic

[00:12:55] 好了

[00:12:55] 今天的节目

[00:12:56] 到时候也就已经结束了

[00:12:58] 如果您想在节目当中跟大家一起来分享并学习你喜欢的歌曲

[00:13:02] 可以在微信公众号安夏说英语

[00:13:06] 或者在公众号听歌说英语的后台留言翻牌歌曲哦

[00:13:12] 那我就期待着你们的翻牌哦

[00:13:14] 下期节目不见不散

[00:13:16] 拜拜



[00:13:37] 其实我只怕的债啊

[00:13:48] 爱死了

[00:13:50] 啊啊

[00:14:04] I mon na ni ro ga h 铅芯奥