《Drug Ballad》歌词

[00:00:00] Drug Ballad - Eminem (埃米纳姆)
[00:00:10] ///
[00:00:10] Written by:Marshall Mathers/Jeff Bass/Mark Bass
[00:00:20] 猜猜看发生了什么
[00:00:20] Guess what
[00:00:22] 我还没有进去
[00:00:22] I ain't coming in yet
[00:00:24] 过一会儿再进去
[00:00:24] I'll come in in a minute
[00:00:27] 这是我的一首情歌
[00:00:27] Ah-yo this is my love song
[00:00:31] 就像这样
[00:00:31] It goes like this
[00:00:32] 回到马克·沃尔伯格还被叫作马基·马克的时候
[00:00:32] Back when Mark Wahlberg was Marky Mark
[00:00:34] 那时我们通常这样开始一场派对
[00:00:34] This is how we used to make the party start
[00:00:36] 常常把轩尼诗和百加得黑朗姆酒混合
[00:00:36] We used to mix hen' with Bacardi Dark
[00:00:38] 等劲儿上来 你连话都说不清楚
[00:00:38] And when it kicks in you can hardly talk
[00:00:41] 大概喝到第六杯你就断片儿了
[00:00:41] And by the sixth gin you gon' probably crawl
[00:00:43] 你会觉得恶心 也许还会吐
[00:00:43] And you'll be sick then and you'll probably barf
[00:00:45] 我猜你会栽个大跟头
[00:00:45] And my prediction is you gon' probably fall
[00:00:48] 不是在大厅就是在过道里
[00:00:48] Either somewhere in the lobby or the hallway wall
[00:00:50] 天旋地转
[00:00:50] And everything's spinnin'
[00:00:51] 你开始幻想美眉们在粉色的床单上翻滚
[00:00:51] You're beginning to think women are swimmin' in pink linen
[00:00:53] 然后你又去水槽吐了
[00:00:53] Again in the sink
[00:00:54] 没一会儿 一瓶黑啤就喝光了
[00:00:54] Then in a couple of minutes that bottle of Guinness is finished
[00:00:57] 现在你可以扇别人耳光了
[00:00:57] You are now allowed to officially slap b**ches
[00:00:59] 你可以施展暴力 凶恶狂野
[00:00:59] You have the right to remain violent and start wildin'
[00:01:01] 和那个瞟你一眼的小子干一架
[00:01:01] Start a fight with the same guy that was smart eyein' you
[00:01:04] 跳进车里 开车走人
[00:01:04] Get in the car and start it and start drivin'
[00:01:06] 在岛上撞翻了42辆车
[00:01:06] Over the island and cause a 42 car pile up
[00:01:09] 地球飞行员呼叫 呼叫
[00:01:09] Earth calling pilot to co-pilot
[00:01:11] 正在搜寻该星球的生命迹象 报告长官 没有生命迹象
[00:01:11] Looking for life on this planet sir no sign of it
[00:01:13] 我只看见一片浓烟
[00:01:13] All I could see is a bunch of smoke flyin'
[00:01:15] 我飞得很高 如果穿过这片烟雾的话可能会有生命危险
[00:01:15] And I'm so high that I might die if I go by it
[00:01:18] 让我离开这里 我得出去
[00:01:18] Let me out of this place I'm outta place
[00:01:20] 我去到外太空 消失得无影无踪
[00:01:20] I'm in in outter space I've just vanished without a trace
[00:01:22] 我要去到一个鲜花遍地的美丽的地方
[00:01:22] I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow
[00:01:25] 大约一个小时后返航
[00:01:25] I'll be back in an hour or so
[00:01:27] 每次我试图离开
[00:01:27] 'Cause every time I go to try to leave (Whoa)
[00:01:29] 总有些东西会阻碍我
[00:01:29] Somethin' keeps pullin' on my sleeve (Whoa)
[00:01:31] 我不想 却不得不留下来
[00:01:31] I don't want to but I gotta stay (Whoa)
[00:01:33] 这些**完全掌控了我
[00:01:33] These drugs really gotta hold on me (Whoa)
[00:01:36] 每次我试图拒绝
[00:01:36] 'Cause every time I try ta tell 'em no (No)
[00:01:38] 它们都不会放过我
[00:01:38] They won't let me ever let 'em go (Go)
[00:01:40] 我是个*** 我只能说
[00:01:40] I'm a sucker all I gotta say (Whoa)
[00:01:42] 这些**完全掌控了我
[00:01:42] Is drug's really gotta hold on me
[00:01:46] 三年级的时候
[00:01:46] In third grade all I used to do
[00:01:47] 在那个玩魔方的年纪 我就成天吸便宜的**了
[00:01:47] Was sniff glue through a tube and play rubix cube
[00:01:49] 17年后 我变得和朱德一样粗鲁
[00:01:49] Seventeen years later I'm as rude as you
[00:01:52] 想着那个*脯丰满的小妞
[00:01:52] Schemein' on the first chick with the hugest boobs
[00:01:54] 我没有甜言蜜语 每个妞看上去都差不多
[00:01:54] I got no game and every face looks the same
[00:01:56] 我并不需要花言巧语 她们就会主动扑过来
[00:01:56] They got no name so I don't need game to play
[00:01:59] 我想说什么就说什么 想跟谁说就跟谁说
[00:01:59] I just say whatever I want to whoever I want
[00:02:01] 想什么时候就什么时候 想在哪里就在哪里 想怎样就怎样
[00:02:01] Whenever I want wherever I want however I want
[00:02:03] 但我仍会尊重一些人
[00:02:03] However I do show some respect to few
[00:02:06] 我吃了这粒** 站在你身旁
[00:02:06] This ecstasy has got me standin' next to you
[00:02:08] 竟然有点伤感 向你倾诉起我的烦恼
[00:02:08] Gettin' sentimental as f**k spillin' guts to you
[00:02:10] 我们才刚认识 但我想我喜欢上你了
[00:02:10] We just met but I think I'm in love with you
[00:02:12] 你也有些迷醉了 对我说 你也爱我
[00:02:12] But you're on it too so you tell me you love me too
[00:02:14] 清早醒来 大叫着 我们干了什么
[00:02:14] Wake up in the morning like "Yo what the f**k we do "
[00:02:17] 我得走了 ** 你知道 我还有事要做
[00:02:17] I gotta go b**ch you know I got stuff to do
[00:02:19] 万一我被抓个现行 我就摆脱不了你了
[00:02:19] 'Cause if I get caught cheatin' then I'm stuck with you
[00:02:22] 可终究
[00:02:22] But in the long run these drugs
[00:02:23] 这些**迟早会害了我
[00:02:23] Are probably gonna catch up sooner or later
[00:02:25] 管它的呢 我就要及时行乐
[00:02:25] But f**k it I'm on one so let's enjoy
[00:02:27] 就让这**摧毁你的神经
[00:02:27] Let the X destroy your spinal chord
[00:02:29] 我们站不稳了
[00:02:29] So it's not a straight line no more
[00:02:31] 我们摇摇晃晃地走着 像个发条娃娃
[00:02:31] So we walk around lookin' like some windup dolls
[00:02:33] 就像恐龙一样 仿佛有什么东西压在我们背上
[00:02:33] Sh*t stickin' out of our backs like a dinosaur
[00:02:35] 六片已无法满足我了
[00:02:35] Sh*t six hits won't even get me high no more
[00:02:37] 那么再见吧 我要再去找些来
[00:02:37] So bye for now I'm gonna try to find some more
[00:02:40] 每次我试图离开
[00:02:40] Cause every time I go to try to leave (Whoa)
[00:02:42] 总有些东西会阻碍我
[00:02:42] Somethin' keeps pullin' on my sleeve (Whoa)
[00:02:44] 我不想 却不得不留下来
[00:02:44] I don't want to but I gotta stay (Whoa)
[00:02:47] 这些**完全掌控了我
[00:02:47] These drugs really gotta hold on me (Whoa)
[00:02:49] 每次我试图拒绝
[00:02:49] 'Cause every time I try ta tell 'em no (No)
[00:02:51] 它们都不会放过我
[00:02:51] They won't let me ever let 'em go (Go)
[00:02:54] 我是个*** 我只能说
[00:02:54] I'm a sucker all I gotta say (Whoa)
[00:02:56] 这些**完全掌控了我
[00:02:56] Is drug's really gotta hold on me
[00:02:59] 那是空瓶发出的声响
[00:02:59] That's the sound of a bottle when it's hollow
[00:03:00] 你把一整瓶药片都吞了
[00:03:00] When you swallow it all
[00:03:01] 沉浸在悔恨当中
[00:03:01] Wallow and drown in your sorrow
[00:03:03] 明天你可能还会重蹈覆辙
[00:03:03] And tomorrow your probably gonna want to do it again
[00:03:05] 什么破坏脑脊液啦
[00:03:05] What's a little spinal fluid between you and a friend screw it
[00:03:08] 什么酒精毒药啦
[00:03:08] And what's a little bit of alcohol poisoning
[00:03:10] 什么打架斗殴啦
[00:03:10] And what's a little fight
[00:03:11] 明天你将重回少年时代
[00:03:11] Tomorrow you'll be boys again
[00:03:12] 这是你自己的生活 你想怎么活就怎么活
[00:03:12] It's your life live it however you want to
[00:03:15] 你成长的地方**随处可见
[00:03:15] Marijuana is everywhere where was you brought up
[00:03:17] 这些都不重要 只要你清楚自己的方向
[00:03:17] It don't matter as long as you get where you're goin'
[00:03:19] 因为这些都无法定义我们的梦想
[00:03:19] 'Cause none of this sh*t's gonna mean sh*t where we're goin'
[00:03:21] 人们劝你停下 但你无视他们 仍然坚持自我
[00:03:21] They tell you to stop but you just sit there ignorin'
[00:03:24] 即便你每天早晨醒来都疲惫不堪
[00:03:24] Even though you wake up feelin' like sh*t every morning
[00:03:26] 但你年轻气盛 就要造作
[00:03:26] But your young you got a lot of drugs to do
[00:03:28] 要追求女孩 要参加派对 你可真差劲
[00:03:28] Girls to screw parties to crash sucks to be you
[00:03:30] 如果我能让时光倒流 我不会变好
[00:03:30] If I could take it all back now I wouldn't
[00:03:32] 他们不让我做的 我只会变本加厉
[00:03:32] I would've did more sh*t that people said that I shouldn't
[00:03:35] 但现在我已长大
[00:03:35] But I'm all grown up now and upgraded
[00:03:37] 尝过更好更新的**
[00:03:37] And graduated to better drugs and updated
[00:03:39] 但我仍有很多教训要受
[00:03:39] But I still gotta a lot of growin' up to do
[00:03:42] 我胃中还有许多食物要吐
[00:03:42] I still gotta whole lot of throwin' up to spew
[00:03:45] 当我完成这一切 在我明白之前
[00:03:45] But when it's all said and done before I know it
[00:03:46] 我就40了 和另一个40岁的人坐在门廊上聊天
[00:03:46] I'll be forty with a forty on the porch tellin' stories
[00:03:49] 抱着一瓶酒 抱着两个孙儿坐在我的腿上
[00:03:49] With a bottle of Jack two grand kids on my lap
[00:03:51] 给海莉照看孩子 而海莉在外面醉生梦死
[00:03:51] Babysitting for Hailey while Hailey's out gettin' shmashed
[00:03:53] 每次我试图离开
[00:03:53] 'Cause every time I go to try to leave (Whoa)
[00:03:56] 总有些东西会阻碍我
[00:03:56] Somethin' keeps pullin' on my sleeve (Whoa)
[00:03:58] 我不想 却不得不留下来
[00:03:58] I don't want to but I gotta stay (Whoa)
[00:04:00] 这些**完全掌控了我
[00:04:00] These drugs really gotta hold on me (Whoa)
[00:04:02] 每次我试图拒绝
[00:04:02] 'Cause every time I try ta tell 'em no (No)
[00:04:05] 它们都不会放过我
[00:04:05] They won't let me ever let 'em go (Go)
[00:04:07] 我是个*** 我只能说
[00:04:07] I'm a sucker all I gotta say (Whoa)
[00:04:09] 这些**完全掌控了我
[00:04:09] Is drug's really gotta hold on me
[00:04:12] 每次我试图离开
[00:04:12] 'Cause every time I go to try to leave (Whoa)
[00:04:14] 总有些东西会阻碍我
[00:04:14] Somethin' keeps pullin' on my sleeve (Whoa)
[00:04:16] 我不想 却不得不留下来
[00:04:16] I don't want to but I gotta stay (Whoa)
[00:04:18] 这些**完全掌控了我
[00:04:18] These drugs really gotta hold on me (Whoa)
[00:04:21] 每次我试图拒绝
[00:04:21] 'Cause every time I try ta tell 'em no (No)
[00:04:23] 它们都不会放过我
[00:04:23] They won't let me ever let 'em go (Go)
[00:04:25] 我是个*** 我只能说
[00:04:25] I'm a sucker all I gotta say (Whoa)
[00:04:27] 这些**完全掌控了我
[00:04:27] Is drug's really gotta hold on me
[00:04:30] 这些**完全掌控了我
[00:04:30] Drugs really got a hold on me
[00:04:32] 完全掌控了我
[00:04:32] Really got a hold on me
[00:04:35] 它们完全掌控了我
[00:04:35] They really got a hold on me
[00:04:40] 它们完全掌控了我
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