《Induction Speech》歌词

[00:00:00] Induction Speech - Young Money/Euro
[00:00:20] //
[00:00:20] This is my Hall of Fame Induction Speech
[00:00:26] 这是我的名人堂就职演讲
[00:00:26] You're far too kind
[00:00:29] 你太善良了
[00:00:29] Check
[00:00:31] 我们喝着当季的果汁
[00:00:31] We went from quarter Juices
[00:00:33] 从角落到酒杯里
[00:00:33] From the corner to wine glasses
[00:00:35] 我们经过充分思考
[00:00:35] We pass blunts thinking bout
[00:00:37] 过去的已经过去
[00:00:37] The past as the time passes
[00:00:39] 我在走廊徘徊
[00:00:39] I went from roaming hallways
[00:00:40] 背着背包找教室
[00:00:40] With a backpack trynna find classes
[00:00:42] 回避那些逃跑的女孩
[00:00:42] To ducking off of girls that snuck
[00:00:44] 从后台想要找到通过的人
[00:00:44] Backstage trynna find passes
[00:00:46] 通过破的鞋子可以看透
[00:00:46] Went from Ripped shoes looking through
[00:00:47] 旧衣服试图发现我的面容
[00:00:47] Hand-me-downs trying to find my look
[00:00:49] 此刻是眺望水景
[00:00:49] And now it's an overlook the water views
[00:00:51] 感谢我的童谣书
[00:00:51] Thanks to my Rhyme book
[00:00:52] 幸亏我的到来,你比原来
[00:00:52] Thanks to my flows now you'll be more
[00:00:54] 更好,如果你理会我的诗句
[00:00:54] Than good if you pay for my verses
[00:00:56] 和警句,你会被打倒
[00:00:56] With punchlines you'll be K O
[00:00:57] 如果你买我的钩子,你就会后退
[00:00:57] Backwards if you buy my hooks
[00:00:59] 好吧,也许你没听懂
[00:00:59] Okay you might not have got that
[00:01:01] 那意味着做得很好
[00:01:01] That means O K as in doing O K
[00:01:03] 我的意思是谁会想到
[00:01:03] I mean who would have thought that
[00:01:04] 在以前的日子我会那样做
[00:01:04] That I'd be doing this from back in the old days
[00:01:07] 我没有买到那些
[00:01:07] I couldn't have bought that
[00:01:08] 但我被梦想出卖,和它一起逃跑了
[00:01:08] But I was sold a dream I ran away with
[00:01:10] 现在看着我带回来的
[00:01:10] It now look what I brought back
[00:01:12] 我可能已经改变的就是那黑人
[00:01:12] I might have changed is what the niggas
[00:01:13] 我曾知道说
[00:01:13] That I used to know say
[00:01:15] 我可能已经改变的就是那黑人
[00:01:15] I've brought change is what the niggas
[00:01:17] 我的弟弟说
[00:01:17] That I call my bro's say
[00:01:18] 那就是我听到的,家就在这里
[00:01:18] That's all I hear the family's all right here
[00:01:21] 我发誓,那就是我听到的
[00:01:21] I swear that's all I hear Yeah
[00:01:23] 只要我在这里,家就在这里
[00:01:23] For as long as I'm here we all right here
[00:01:27] 我想我今天浪费了
[00:01:27] I think I'm getting wasted tonight
[00:01:31] 我意识到今晚我做到了
[00:01:31] I realised that I made it tonight
[00:01:34] 那你要听听我是怎么做到的
[00:01:34] You gotta hear just how I made it tonight
[00:01:37] 因为我的方式很疯狂
[00:01:37] Coz it's crazy how I made it
[00:01:39] 今晚就是那一晚
[00:01:39] And tonight is the night
[00:01:40] 我意识到今晚我做到了
[00:01:40] I think I've realised that I made it tonight
[00:01:43] 举起你的酒杯,让我们干了
[00:01:43] Raise your glass let's make a toast
[00:01:45] 在今晚庆祝
[00:01:45] And celebrate it tonight
[00:01:46] 你可能在世界的任何地方
[00:01:46] You could be anywhere in the world
[00:01:48] 你在这里和我在一起
[00:01:48] You're here with me
[00:01:49] 我知道走到这一步要付出什么
[00:01:49] I know what it takes to get here
[00:01:51] 我很高兴你今晚做到了
[00:01:51] And I'm glad that you could make it tonight
[00:01:53] 那么开心
[00:01:53] So cheers
[00:01:54] 我上午起飞,下午就到了
[00:01:54] I flew afternoon and made it by night
[00:01:57] 我降落了,航班很美好
[00:01:57] I landed the flight was amazing
[00:01:59] 我熬夜写着
[00:01:59] I just stayed up and write
[00:02:00] 司机在等着一个标志,除了
[00:02:00] Chauffeur was waiting with a sign except
[00:02:02] 我的名字不对
[00:02:02] My name wasn't right
[00:02:03] 窗外满是风景,夜是那么黑
[00:02:03] The drive was scenic the night was dark
[00:02:06] 走廊泛着白光
[00:02:06] And the lobby was white
[00:02:07] 我想起 忘了给老兄发短信
[00:02:07] I'm reminded Forgot to text mack
[00:02:09] 我打好字
[00:02:09] That I made it I typed that I made it
[00:02:11] 他回复了我
[00:02:11] He hit me back like check in
[00:02:12] 我跟他说我很欣赏它
[00:02:12] I told him I appreciate it like twice
[00:02:15] 挖掘我的灵魂
[00:02:15] Scoop me up in the ghost
[00:02:16] 并前往滑板运动场地
[00:02:16] And headed to the skatepark
[00:02:18] 撞击一些老式的说唱
[00:02:18] Bumping some old Jigga
[00:02:19] 我想那是我演奏过两次的歌
[00:02:19] The same song I think it played like twice
[00:02:21] 在迈阿密的灯光下
[00:02:21] Under the street lights in Miami
[00:02:23] 这就是生活
[00:02:23] Thinking damn this is life
[00:02:25] 没有了欢乐,无从唱歌
[00:02:25] With no hype never dropped a song
[00:02:27] 我只是说我很友好
[00:02:27] I'm just saying I'm nice
[00:02:28] 试图证明缺憾美
[00:02:28] Trying to prove Scanty right
[00:02:30] 唯一一个人说我很好
[00:02:30] The only one that kept saying I'm nice
[00:02:32] 他一直很相信我
[00:02:32] And all along he believed in me all along
[00:02:34] 我为了证明谁说错了
[00:02:34] I'm out to prove wrong whoever said
[00:02:36] 我让做错的滚蛋
[00:02:36] I would do wrong motherf**ker
[00:02:38] 从捕鸟者那里来到这里
[00:02:38] And stunna went from Birdman
[00:02:39] 到斯丹兰到斯丹兰叔叔家
[00:02:39] To Stunna to Uncle Stunna
[00:02:41] 音乐从里尔卫兰处传来
[00:02:41] And Tune went from Lil Wayne
[00:02:43] 唱给我的哥哥听
[00:02:43] To Tune to my big brother
[00:02:45] 人们弹着歌告诉我轮到我了
[00:02:45] Man slim just told me it's my time
[00:02:47] 我要给妈妈打电话
[00:02:47] I gotta call my mother
[00:02:48] 告诉她
[00:02:48] And tell her
[00:02:50] 我想我今天浪费了
[00:02:50] I think I'm getting wasted tonight
[00:02:53] 我意识到今晚我做到了
[00:02:53] I realised that I made it tonight
[00:02:56] 那你要听听我是怎么做到的
[00:02:56] You gotta hear just how I made it tonight
[00:02:59] 因为我的方式很疯狂
[00:02:59] Coz it's crazy how I made it
[00:03:01] 今晚就是那一晚
[00:03:01] And tonight is the night
[00:03:03] 我意识到今晚我做到了
[00:03:03] I think I've realised that I made it tonight
[00:03:05] 举起你的酒杯,让我们干了
[00:03:05] Raise your glass let's make a toast
[00:03:07] 在今晚庆祝
[00:03:07] And celebrate it tonight
[00:03:09] 你可能在世界的任何地方
[00:03:09] You could be anywhere in the world
[00:03:10] 你在这里和我在一起
[00:03:10] You're here with me
[00:03:11] 我知道走到这一步要付出什么
[00:03:11] I know what it takes to get here
[00:03:13] 我很高兴你可以做到
[00:03:13] And I'm glad that you could make it tonight
[00:03:16] 那么开心
[00:03:16] So cheers
[00:03:18] 是的,我说的是真的
[00:03:18] Yeah that's some real sh*t
[00:03:26] 但我不觉得事情结束了
[00:03:26] But I don't think I'm done yet
[00:03:29] 我等了一天又一天
[00:03:29] Check
[00:03:29] 我一天天长大
[00:03:29] I've waited days after days
[00:03:31] 我撕下来一页又一页
[00:03:31] I've grown age after age
[00:03:33] 我现在逃跑,一站又一站
[00:03:33] I've ripped page after page
[00:03:34] 带着故事,吃着晚餐
[00:03:34] Now I'm running stage after stage
[00:03:36] 带着疯狂的故事在房子里
[00:03:36] With a story coming form nothing to dinner
[00:03:38] 现在每个夜晚都很刺激
[00:03:38] In a house with mad stories
[00:03:40] 我们带着疯狂的故事离开了俱乐部
[00:03:40] Now every night's trill
[00:03:42] 现在坏女人喜欢我
[00:03:42] We leave the club with mad stories
[00:03:44] 好女孩为我变坏
[00:03:44] Now bad b**ches love me
[00:03:45] 我这一晚过得很开心
[00:03:45] And good girls go bad for me
[00:03:47] 喝着所有的酒
[00:03:47] I'm having a good night
[00:03:48] 我所有这一切,都是因为我能有几分说唱
[00:03:48] Drinking everything that's bad for me
[00:03:50] 我的意思是可以说是这一切
[00:03:50] I'm on all of that all because I can sorta rap
[00:03:53] 我想要拥有一切,命令吧
[00:03:53] I mean kinda sorta I'm all that
[00:03:55] 让我们干杯
[00:03:55] I want it all so order that
[00:03:57] 我想我今天浪费了
[00:03:57] And let's toast
[00:03:58] 我意识到今晚我做到了
[00:03:58] I think I'm getting wasted tonight
[00:04:02] 那你要听听我是怎么做到的
[00:04:02] I realized that I made it tonight
[00:04:05] 因为我的方式很疯狂
[00:04:05] You gotta hear just how I made it tonight
[00:04:08] 今晚就是那一晚
[00:04:08] Coz it's crazy how I made it
[00:04:10] 我意识到今晚我做到了
[00:04:10] And tonight is the night
[00:04:11] 举起你的酒杯,让我们干了
[00:04:11] I think I've realized that I made it tonight
[00:04:14] 在今晚庆祝
[00:04:14] So Raise your glass let's make a toast
[00:04:16] 你可能在世界的任何地方
[00:04:16] And celebrate it tonight
[00:04:17] 你在这里和我在一起
[00:04:17] You could be anywhere in the world
[00:04:19] 我知道走到这一步要付出什么
[00:04:19] You're here with me
[00:04:20] 我很高兴你可以做到
[00:04:20] I know what it takes to get here
[00:04:22] 坚持下去
[00:04:22] So I'm glad that you could make it
[00:04:24] 我想我今天浪费了
[00:04:24] Hold up bring it back
[00:04:25] 我意识到今晚我做到了
[00:04:25] I think I'm getting wasted tonight
[00:04:29] 那你要听听我是怎么做到的
[00:04:29] I said I've realized that I've made it tonight
[00:04:32] 因为我的方式很疯狂
[00:04:32] Yeah you gotta hear just how I made it tonight
[00:04:35] 今晚就是那一晚
[00:04:35] Coz it's crazy how I made it
[00:04:37] 我意识到今晚我做到了
[00:04:37] And tonight is the night
[00:04:39] 举起你的酒杯,让我们干了
[00:04:39] I think I've realized that I've made it tonight
[00:04:41] 在今晚庆祝
[00:04:41] So raise your glass let's make a toast
[00:04:43] 你可能在世界的任何地方
[00:04:43] We're celebrating tonight
[00:04:45] 你在这里和我在一起
[00:04:45] You could be anywhere in the world
[00:04:46] 我知道走到这一步要付出什么
[00:04:46] You're here with me
[00:04:47] 我很高兴你今晚做到了
[00:04:47] I know what it takes to get here
[00:04:49] 那么开心
[00:04:49] And I'm glad that you could make it tonight
[00:04:54] //
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