
《Friends S01E05》歌词

所属专辑: 老友记 歌手: 英语广播 时长: 23:39
Friends S01E05

[00:00:01] Let it go. It's not a big deal. 别再争好吗? 这又没什么大不了的

[00:00:04] Not a big deal? It's amazing. You reach in,there's one maneuver and bam! 没什么大不了?这简直是太神奇了 你太妄下断语了,用点小技巧

[00:00:09] A bra. Right out the sleeve. 钮盖胸罩从袖子出来

[00:00:11] As far as I know,guys don't do anything that comes close. Right? 就我而言男生简单没得比 我说得对不对?

[00:00:16] Come on! You guys can pee standing up. 拜托,男生可以站着尿

[00:00:20] We can? Okay,I'm trying that. 我们行吗?我倒要试试看

[00:00:24] Know what blows my mind? 知道什么最令我嫉妒?

[00:00:25] Women can see breasts anytime they want. 女人随时都可以看自己的胸部

[00:00:31] You look down, and there they are. 低头一看…它就在那里

[00:00:33] How you get any work done is beyond me. 真搞不懂你们怎么会有心工作

[00:00:37] I don't get how guys can do so many mean things... 知道我搞不懂什么吗? 男人可以做许多下流的事…

[00:00:41] ...and not even care. …却能毫不在乎

[00:00:49] -Multiple orgasms! -There you go. 多重高潮

[00:00:57] The One With the East German Laundry Detergent 六人行 第1季 第05集 洗衣服

[00:01:45] Saturday night. The big night! 了不起,周末夜,重要的夜晚

[00:01:47] Date night! Saturday night. Saturday night! 约会的夜晚…周末夜…

[00:01:52] -No plans,huh? -Not a one! - 没有计划是吗? - 一个都没有

[00:01:56] Not even breaking up with Janice? 连和珍妮丝分手的打算都没有?

[00:01:58] Right,right. Shut up. 对…闭嘴

[00:02:02] Chandler,nobody likes breaking up with someone. 钱德,没有人喜欢分手

[00:02:05] Except for Kevin Millmore, may he rot in hell. 凯文.米勒除外,愿他在地狱里烂掉

[00:02:09] -You just gotta do it. -I know. But it's just so hard. -你明白的 -我知道,但是这确实太难了

[00:02:13] You're sitting there with her. She has no idea. 你坐在她身旁…而她却一无所知

[00:02:16] You finally get up the courage to do it. 最后你鼓起勇气

[00:02:19] There's that awkward moment when you've handed her the note. 在这实在尴尬的时刻 当你将纸条拿给她·

[00:02:26] You try to run out of the restaurant before she's finished the note. 在她看完纸条之前,你尝试着跑出饭店

[00:02:31] Why do you have to break up with her? Be a man. Just stop calling. 干嘛分手?…争气点,不再打电话就行了

[00:02:38] If you want,I'll do it with you. 如果愿意,我和你一起做

[00:02:44] You dump Janice, I'll dump T ony. 你和珍妮丝分手 我和东尼分手

[00:02:47] -You're breaking up with T ony? -He's sweet,but it's not fun anymore. -东尼?你要和东尼分手? -他人很好.但是我对他再没新鲜感了

[00:02:52] I don't know if it's me or his hunger strike,I don't know. 我不知道问题是在于我 还是他的绝食抗议

[00:02:57] Do you want anything else? 还有人需要什么吗?

[00:02:59] You had a nutty,chocolate-y, kind of cake-y,pie thing that 你做了有核果,巧克力之类的派…

[00:03:05] Nothing. I' m fine. 没事,我还好

[00:03:09] What's wrong? Why so scrunchie? 怎么啦,怪怪的

[00:03:12] My father wants to give me a Mercedes convertible. 是我爸…他要买奔驰敞篷车给我

[00:03:16] That guy,he burns me up. 那家伙真叫我生气

[00:03:20] Yeah,it's a Mercedes if I move back home. 如果想要奔驰我就得搬回家了

[00:03:23] It was horrible! He called me "young lady. " 太可恶了…他称我为“年轻的女士”

[00:03:26] I hate when my father calls me that. 我最受不了我爸这样叫我

[00:03:30] Did he say "You' re not up to this" again? 他是不是又说你年纪太轻之类

[00:03:33] I got the extended version with choruses of... 对,他在这次加长版中说了三次…

[00:03:36] ... "You'll Never Make it on Your Own. " …“你不可能独立”

[00:03:43] Hi,Joey. 嘿,乔伊

[00:03:46] Oh,my God! Angela! 天呀,安吉拉

[00:03:47] Wow! Being dumped by you agrees with her. 被你甩掉对她大有好处

[00:03:51] -Are you gonna go over there? -No. Yeah. No. -你想过去吗? -不,我不

[00:03:56] Okay,but not yet. I don't wanna seem too eager. 不,我不.我不想显得太想过去了

[00:04:02] One Mississippi,two Mississippi... 一个密西西比,两个密西西比

[00:04:05] ...three Mississippi. That seems pretty cool. …三个密西西比.那看起来真酷

[00:04:12] -Hey,Angela. -Joey. -安吉拉 -乔伊

[00:04:14] You look good. 你看起来不错

[00:04:16] That's because l' m wearing a dress that accents my boobs. 因为我的衣服突显出我的胸部

[00:04:27] You don't say. 看得出来

[00:04:30] So,Rachel,what are you doing tonight? 瑞秋,你今晚有何节目?

[00:04:33] Big glamour night. Me and Monica at Launderama. 精彩丰富,我要和摩妮卡去洗衣店

[00:04:38] You wanna hear a freakish coincidence? Guess who's doing laundry there too? 想知道有个巧合吗? 猜猜谁也要去洗衣店?

[00:04:44] -Who? -Me! -谁? -我

[00:04:46] Was that not clear? 难道还不够清楚?

[00:04:51] Why don't...? 何不…

[00:04:53] Why don't I just join you both there? 何不让我加入你们?

[00:04:56] Don't you have a laundry room in your building? 你的公寓没有洗衣间吗?

[00:05:00] Yes. 是的

[00:05:03] I do have a laundry room in my building. 有,我的公寓有洗衣间

[00:05:08] But there's a rat problem. 但是现在有老鼠了

[00:05:10] Apparently,they're attracted to dryer sheets. 它们显然对烘干机里的香香纸感兴趣

[00:05:14] They're going in fine, but they're coming out all fluffy. 进入时还好 出来是却毛绒绒的

[00:05:21] -Anyway,7-ish? -Sure. -7点左右见? -好的

[00:05:27] -Forget it. I' m with Bob now. -Bob? Who the hell's Bob? -免了,我现在和鲍伯交往 -鲍伯?谁是鲍伯?

[00:05:32] Bob is great. He's smart, sophisticated,and he has a real job. 鲍伯简直是棒透了 聪明,成熟,又有真正的工作

[00:05:37] You go on three auditions a month and you' re an actor. Bob 你每个月面试三次就称自己是演员 但是鲍伯

[00:05:41] Come on! We were great together. 我们在一起时很开心

[00:05:52] Sorry,Joey. You said, " Let's be friends. " So guess what? 抱歉,乔伊 你曾说我们当朋友就好,那么

[00:05:57] -What? -We' re just friends. -什么? -我们只是朋友

[00:06:00] Fine. Fine. 行

[00:06:01] Why don't the four of us have dinner tonight? As friends. 我们四个何不一起出去吃晚饭? 就像朋友一样

[00:06:05] What "four of us"? 哪四个?

[00:06:07] You and Bob, and me and my girlfriend... 你和鲍伯,我和我的女友…

[00:06:12] ... Monica. …摩妮卡

[00:06:13] I' m telling you, this guy's perfect for you. 要我说,这小伙绝对适合你

[00:06:16] Forget it! Not after your cousin who could belch the alphabet. 算了吧,从你那会啧出字母块的表兄后 我再也不敢领教了

[00:06:21] Come on,this guy's great. His name's Bob. He's Angela's... 没骗你,他真的很棒 他叫鲍伯,安琪拉的…

[00:06:25] ... brother. He's smart, he's sophisticated... …哥哥.鲍伯简直是太棒了 聪明,成熟

[00:06:29] ...and he has a real job. …又有真正的工作

[00:06:31] I go on three auditions a month and say l' m an actor,but he's 我呢?我每个月面试三次就称自己是演员

[00:06:35] -God help us. -What? -愿神帮助我们 -什么?

[00:06:37] Ugly Naked Guy is laying kitchen tile. 丑陋的裸男在铺厨房磁砖

[00:06:43] Look,l' m asking a favor here. 我在求你帮忙

[00:06:46] If I do this for her brother, maybe Angela will come back to me. 如果我能为她哥哥做点事 或许她会回到我身旁

[00:06:51] What's going on? You go out with tons of girls. 你是怎么了? 你和千百个女人约会

[00:06:54] I know,but Angela's different. 我知道,但是安吉拉很不一样

[00:06:57] She's like one of a kind, like a snowflake or.... 她就像那一种…那种雪花

[00:07:05] -Something else like a snowflake? -Yeah,yeah. -其他像雪花的东西 -是的,是的

[00:07:08] Look,I made a huge mistake. I never should've broke up with her. 我犯了天大的错误 我不该和她分手

[00:07:13] Will you help me? Please? 愿意帮我吗?求求你

[00:07:23] Hold on a sec. You need to not touch any of those. 等等…你能不能不要碰其他的东西

[00:07:28] Okay,bye. 没问题,再见

[00:07:30] Monica's not coming. It's just gonna be me and Rachel. 摩妮卡不能去了 现在只剩我和瑞秋

[00:07:36] Hold on,camper. You've thought this through? 等等,老兄你确定自己仔细想过

[00:07:39] It's laundry. The thinking-through is minimal. 只是去洗店没仔细想过

[00:07:44] Just you and Rachel? Just you two? 你是说只有你和瑞秋? 只有你们两个?

[00:07:46] This is a date. You're going on a date. 这叫约会 你们要去约会

[00:07:50] -Uh-uh. -Uh-huh.

[00:07:56] -I haven't done that in a while. -ls it a date if she doesn't know? -我有一阵子没干这个了啊 -她都不知道能算是约会吗?

[00:08:01] Yes,absolutely. Saturday night,all rules apply. 当然是的 星期六晚上,什么规则都可以用

[00:08:06] What are you saying? I should shave again? Pick up some wine? 你在说些什么呢? 该再刮刮胡子或挑瓶美酒?

[00:08:10] Well,you may wanna rethink the dirty underwear. 或许你该再考虑你那肮脏的内衣裤

[00:08:15] It's the first time she'll see your underwear. You want it dirty? 因为将她首度见到你的内衣裤 想让她看见你那肮脏的内衣裤吗?

[00:08:23] No. 不想

[00:08:26] And the fabric softener? 还有衣物柔顺剂

[00:08:29] Okay,now what is wrong with my Snuggles? 我的熊宝贝又怎么了?

[00:08:33] What? It says I'm a sensitive, warm kind of guy. 这代表我敏感贴心

[00:08:37] You know,like a little fuzzy bear. 就像一只毛绒绒的熊宝贝

[00:08:41] -I'll pick something else up. -There you go. -好吧,我在路上买就是了 -这才上道

[00:08:49] Thank you. 谢谢

[00:08:50] What does Bob look like? Is he tall,short? 鲍伯长什么样? 到底是高还是矮?

[00:08:54] Yep.

[00:08:56] -Which? -Which what? -什么? -什么?

[00:09:00] -You've never met Bob,have you? -No,but -你没和鲍伯见过面,对不? -对,可是…

[00:09:04] -For all we know,he's horribly -Hey,Joey! -拜托,这家伙可能相当… 嘿,乔伊

[00:09:08] Horribly attractive. I'll be shutting up now. 非常的吸引人. 我闭嘴就是了

[00:09:17] Where are they? Where are they? 他们在哪儿?他们在哪儿?

[00:09:19] This is nice. We never do anything,just the two of us. 感觉真好,我们俩从未独处过

[00:09:23] Great. Maybe tomorrow we can rent a car,run over some puppies. 对,或许明天 我们可以租辆车撞几只小狗

[00:09:28] I don't wanna do that. 我不想那样

[00:09:32] -Here we go. -Have a good breakup. -她来了 -祝你有个愉快的分手

[00:09:36] -Hey,Janice. -My God,I am so glad you called me. -珍妮丝 -真高兴你打电话给我

[00:09:40] I had the most supremely awful day. 我从来没这么悲惨的一天

[00:09:45] That's not good. 不妙

[00:09:47] Can I get an espresso and a latte over here? 能端杯浓缩咖啡和拿铁来吗?

[00:09:51] We got the proofs from the shoot with the vegetables. They sucked. 我们刚在有蔬菜的那个摄影小站拍了照 但那些蔬菜烂透了

[00:09:55] I blew off the afternoon. I went shopping. 我的整个下午就这样毁了 我去逛街购物

[00:09:58] And I got you.... 然后就为你买…

[00:10:05] I' m looking. 我为你…

[00:10:08] -I got you -What? -我为你… -什么?

[00:10:09] -What? -What did you get me there? -什么? -你帮我买什么?

[00:10:13] I got you... 我帮你买…

[00:10:16] ...these. …这个

[00:10:18] Bullwinkle socks. 布文哥袜

[00:10:23] You can wear Bullwinkle and Bullwinkle or Rocky and Rocky,or you can mix. 所以我想你可以穿一双布文哥 或穿一双洛基,或混着穿

[00:10:29] Moose and squirrel. Whatever you want. 随你高兴

[00:10:37] I'm gonna get another espresso. More latte? 我再去叫一杯浓缩咖啡 想再来一杯拿铁吗?

[00:10:43] No,l' m still working on mine. 不用了,我的还没喝完

[00:10:50] -That's it? -Yeah,it was really hard. -这样就搞定了 -是的,你知道这样做很难

[00:10:53] -Yeah,the hug looked pretty brutal. -You weren't there. -没错,那个拥抱真惨烈 -你不在场

[00:11:01] -Sorry. -How are things going? -对不起 -事情处理的怎样?

[00:11:04] Going? Things are not going. She got me socks. 这样?分手的事情就这样了. 她给我买了袜子

[00:11:08] These go with your Rockys. She really cares about you l' m sorry. 现在你有洛基袜子了啊! 她真的很关心你,对不起

[00:11:26] Coming through. Move. Move! 借过,让开…

[00:11:33] Excuse me! I was kind of using that machine. 抱歉,我用这台洗衣机

[00:11:37] Yeah,well,now you' re kind of not. 是吗?不过现在不是了

[00:11:41] But I saved it. I put my basket on top. 但是我占位置了, 我放了篮子在上面

[00:11:44] I'm sorry. Is that your basket? 抱歉,这是你的篮子吗?

[00:11:46] It's pretty. Unfortunately,I don't see suds! 真漂亮, 但是我没看到洗衣水

[00:11:52] What? 什么?

[00:11:54] No suds,no save,okay? 没肥皂水就不算保留,行吗?

[00:12:00] What's going on? 怎么了?

[00:12:02] Nothing. This horrible woman just took my machine. 没什么 这位凶婆娘抢了我的洗衣机

[00:12:06] Was your basket on top? 你有把篮子放上面吗?

[00:12:08] -Yeah,but there were no suds. -So? -有,但是没有肥皂水? -然后呢?

[00:12:10] -You know,no suds,no save. -No suds,no Excuse me. -没肥皂水就不算保留 -没肥皂水,抱歉

[00:12:14] Hold on a second! This is my friend's machine. 等等 这是我朋友用的机器

[00:12:18] Hey,hey,hey! Her stuff wasn't in it! 她的东西没在里面

[00:12:21] Hey,hey,hey! That's not the rule,and you know it! 你明知规矩不是这样的

[00:12:35] All right. Show's over. 表演结束

[00:12:40] Nothing to see here. 没什么好看的

[00:12:44] Okay. Let's do laundry. 洗衣服吧

[00:12:47] That was amazing! I can't even send back soup. 这简直是太神奇了 我连汤都不敢退

[00:12:51] Well,that's because you' re such a sweet,gentle.... 因为你是个温柔可爱的

[00:12:58] Do you? Do you? Oh,hey. You must need detergent. 你?你? 你得用洗衣粉

[00:13:05] -What's that? -Uberweiss. -那是什么? 乌伯怀斯

[00:13:08] It's new. It's German. It's extra tough! 来自德国的新产品 洗净力超强

[00:13:14] Rach,are you gonna separate those? 瑞秋,你准备分开洗吗?

[00:13:17] Oh,God. Am I being a total laundry spaz? 天哪,我像个洗衣大白痴

[00:13:22] Am I supposed to use one machine for shirts and another for pants? 我得用一台洗衬衣 用另一台洗裤子吗?

[00:13:30] Have you never done this before? 你没洗过衣服?

[00:13:33] Well,not myself. But I know other people that have. 没有,但我认识这样洗过的人

[00:13:38] Okay. You caught me. I'm a laundry virgin. 好吧,被你逮到了 我没洗过衣服

[00:13:43] Don't worry. I'll use the gentle cycle. 别担心,我会用慢水循环

[00:13:50] Basically,you wanna use one machine for all your whites. 你得用一台洗你全部的白衣白衣

[00:13:55] A whole other machine for your colors. 另一台洗其他颜色的衣服

[00:13:58] And a third for your... 第三台洗…

[00:14:03] ...delicates. That would be your bras... …贴身.胸罩和…

[00:14:11] These are white cotton panties. 这些棉质的白色内裤呢?

[00:14:14] Would they go with whites or with delicates? 与白衣还是贴身衣物一起洗?

[00:14:17] That would be a judgment call. 随便你罗

[00:14:25] He's so cute! 他好帅

[00:14:28] Where did you grow up? 你们在哪儿长大?

[00:14:30] -Brooklyn Heights. -Cleveland. -布鲁克林 -克里佛兰

[00:14:34] -How'd that happen? -My God! -怎么会这样? -天哪!

[00:14:36] What? 哎哟

[00:14:38] I suddenly had the feeling I was falling. 我突然感到一阵晕眩

[00:14:44] But I'm not. 但是没有

[00:14:53] So,you and Angela,huh? 你和安琪拉在一起?

[00:14:56] -Yep. Pretty much. -You' re a lucky man. -差不多 -你真幸运

[00:15:01] Know what I miss most about her? 知道我最想念她什么?

[00:15:03] That cute nibbly noise she makes when she eats. 她轻啃东西的声音

[00:15:07] Like a happy little squirrel... 好像是快乐的小松鼠…

[00:15:10] ...or a weasel. …或是鼬

[00:15:13] -I never really noticed. -Oh,yeah,yeah. Listen for it. -我倒是没注意过 -以后注意听

[00:15:18] Monica. Monica is great. 摩妮卡,摩妮卡很好

[00:15:20] Yeah,she is. 没错

[00:15:23] But it's not gonna last. 不过不会维持很久

[00:15:27] She's too much for me in bed. 我心有余而力不足…在床上

[00:15:30] Sexually. 两性之间地

[00:15:35] I've gotta tell you,Bob is terrific. 我得告诉你,鲍伯简直是太棒了

[00:15:38] Yeah,isn't he? 可不是吗

[00:15:40] It's great to meet a smart,funny guy who's emotionally older than 8. 能遇上聪明幽默 心智年龄超过八岁的人真棒

[00:15:53] My brother never even told me when he lost his virginity. 我哥从未告诉我 他何时失去童贞

[00:15:59] That's nice. 真好

[00:16:06] You can. It's like pulling off a Band-Aid. 你能办到的 这就像是拔绷带一样

[00:16:09] Just do it really fast, and then the wound is exposed. 快速拔起…露出伤口

[00:16:13] Go! Go! 快走

[00:16:28] Hi,Janice. 珍妮丝…

[00:16:30] Here we go. I don't think we should go out anymore. 管他的,我想我们不该再交往下去了

[00:16:41] All right.

[00:16:48] Well,there you go. 我知道了…

[00:16:50] Stop it,stop it,stop it. 停下来,停下来….

[00:16:55] This isn't about you. 这和你无关

[00:16:57] I know! It's about your fear of commitment. 我知道,只是你害怕承诺

[00:17:01] I' m not afraid. 我一点也不怕

[00:17:03] -Please. -I don't! -拜托. -我不怕

[00:17:04] -I don't! I' m ready to commit anytime. -Really? -我不怕!我准备好了随时都可以 -真的吗?

[00:17:09] I know this is gonna sound stupid... 我知道这听起来很傻…

[00:17:12] ... but I feel that if I can do this... …但是我觉得如果我可以做这些

[00:17:14] ...if I can actually do my own laundry... …我想如果我可以自己洗衣服的话

[00:17:18] ...there isn't anything I can't do. …我就没有办不到的事

[00:17:21] That does not sound stupid to me. 我一点都不觉得可笑

[00:17:29] I'm sorry,that's all the time we have. Next on Ross.... 抱歉,时间到 接下来到我了

[00:17:34] -Uh-oh. -What? 怎么了?

[00:17:36] Uh-oh.... Uh-oh, 衣服洗好了

[00:17:37] Uh-oh,the laundry's done.

[00:17:41] It's a song. 这是一首歌

[00:17:44] The laundry song we sing. 我们唱的一首洗衣歌

[00:17:47] Uh-oh! The laundry's done Uh-oh!衣服洗好了

[00:17:51] -What's the matter? -Nothing. -到底怎么了? -没事

[00:17:53] The laundry's done 衣服洗好了…

[00:17:55] Come on,show me. 罗斯,快给我看…

[00:17:56] It's just that you left a red sock with your whites,and now... 好吧,白衣中有一只红袜 所以白衣全变成…

[00:18:03] ...everything's kind of pink. …全变成粉红色

[00:18:07] Everything's pink? 全变成粉红色?

[00:18:08] Except for the red sock, which is still red. 对,但红袜还是红袜

[00:18:11] Don't be upset. It can happen to anyone. 抱歉,千万别伤心

[00:18:14] But it happened to me. 任何人都可能发生这种事

[00:18:16] God,I'm gonna look like a big Marshmallow Peep! 我穿这些看来会像一只粉红猪

[00:18:20] What am I doing? 我到底是怎么哪?

[00:18:22] My father's right! I can't live on my own. 我爸说得对,我无法独立生活

[00:18:26] I can't even do laundry! 我连洗衣服都不会

[00:18:40] Something went wrong with Underdog and they couldn't inflate his head. 狗气球出了意外 他的头无法膨胀

[00:18:45] So anyway... 于是…

[00:18:48] ...his head is flopping down Broadway,right? …于是他的头就落在百老汇

[00:18:52] And I'm thinking how inappropriate this is. 我心想这实在太不像话了

[00:18:58] Something's in my eye. Could we check it in the light,please? 有东西跑进我眼睛 能到灯下帮我看看吗?

[00:19:05] -Oh,my God! -What? -我的天呀! -怎么啦?

[00:19:07] Were we at the same table? It's like... 我们是坐在同一桌吗? 这就像是…

[00:19:10] ...cocktails in Appalachia. …阿巴拉契亚的鸡尾酒(太离谱了)

[00:19:16] -They' re close. -Close? Her tongue's in his ear. -他们感情很好 -感情很好?她舌头都伸进了他的耳朵

[00:19:21] Like you've never got a little rambunctious with Ross. 你和罗斯就不会有小动作?

[00:19:26] Joey,this is sick. It's disgusting. It's... 乔伊,这令人难受了,让人恶心

[00:19:31] ... not really true' is it? 这不是真的,对不?

[00:19:33] Who's to say what's true? 谁说是真的?

[00:19:35] -What were you thinking? -l' m not proud of this,okay? -你到底在想什么? -好吧,我也不喜欢这样

[00:19:39] Well,maybe I am a little. 或许有一点

[00:19:45] You like him. I want her. He likes you. 你喜欢他,我要她,他喜欢你

[00:19:49] -Really? -Yeah. -Really? -Yeah. -真的? -没错

[00:19:51] If we put our heads together, between the two of us... 我想只要我们一起想办法

[00:19:55] ...we can break them up. 就能让他们分开

[00:20:00] I' m sorry. I can't believe I did this. 真是抱歉没想到我会这样

[00:20:03] I couldn't stop laughing at your Norman Mailer story. 你的故事让我笑得嘴巴合不拢

[00:20:12] Waiter? One more plate of chicken wings over here. 服务生,再来一盘鸡翅

[00:20:22] Here's the thing. We're different. 我们是不同类型的人

[00:20:24] I'm bing,bing,bing. You' re boom,boom,boom. 我就好像丁丁丁 你就好像梆梆梆

[00:20:28] Oh,my God! I' m so sorry! 糟了,抱歉

[00:20:31] Are you okay? 你没事吧

[00:20:34] It's just my lens. It's my lens. 没事,只是我的隐形眼镜

[00:20:36] I'll be right back. 我马上回来

[00:20:40] I hit her in the eye! In the eye! 我打中她的眼睛,眼睛

[00:20:43] This is the worst breakup in the history of the world! 这是有史以来世上最糟糕的分手

[00:20:47] Oh,my God! 我的天

[00:20:51] -How many have you had? -I don't know. A million! -你到底喝了几杯? -我也不知道,一百万杯?

[00:20:55] Chandler,easy,easy. Go to your happy place. 钱德,放轻松 快回到你的快乐天堂

[00:21:02] -l' m fine,l' m fine. -All right. -我没事的… -好吧

[00:21:05] -l' m not fine. Here she is. -Wait here,okay? Breathe. -不妙,她回来了 -在这儿等着,深呼吸

[00:21:28] -How do you do that? -It's like a gift. -你是怎么办到的? -我有天赋

[00:21:34] We should always break up together. 我每次分手都该找你

[00:21:36] I'd like that! 我乐意之至

[00:21:40] The clothes are clean. That's the important part. 你已把衣服洗净 现在是重要部份

[00:21:43] I guess. Except everything looks like jammies now. 大概吧…只是衣服都成了睡衣

[00:21:52] I'm sorry. Excuse me. We had this cart. 抱歉,推车是我们的

[00:21:57] I had a 24-inch waist. You lose things. 我的腰围也曾是24寸 你丢东西了吗

[00:22:00] Now,come on. Get out of my way. 让开,别挡道

[00:22:02] I' m sorry. Maybe I wasn't being clear. This was our cart. 抱歉,或许我没说清楚 这车是我的

[00:22:06] There weren't clothes in it! 这上面没有衣服

[00:22:08] Hey,hey,hey,hey! Quit making up rules! 你又再乱编规定了

[00:22:11] Let go! Come on,it's my cart. 放手,车是我的

[00:22:15] Listen,Mitzi,if you want it... 好吧,想用这辆车

[00:22:17] ...you' re gonna have to take me with it! 你就得推着我一起走

[00:22:27] -Yes! Did you see that? -You were incredible. -我赢了,看见没? -你真是太神奇了

[00:22:31] A brand-new woman, ladies and gentlemen. 各位,一位脱胎换骨的新女性

[00:22:45] More clothes in the dryer? 烘乾机里还有衣服?

[00:22:49] -I'm fine. I'm fine. -Are you sure? -我没事,我没事 -你确定

[00:22:55] -Are you sure you' re okay? -Yeah. -你确定你没事 -是的

[00:23:02] What a neat idea! All your clothes match. I' m gonna do this. 真是聪明,衣服颜色都一样 我也要这么做

[00:23:09] -How'd it go? -Excellent! -嘿,怎么样啦? -很好!

[00:23:11] We ripped that couple apart and kept the pieces for ourselves. 我们拆散那一对 并将他们占为已有

[00:23:17] What a beautiful story. 真是美丽动人的故事

[00:23:21] -I'm fine,by the way. -I'm sorry. -我已经没事了. -对不起

[00:23:24] -Where's Chandler? -He needed time to grieve. -钱德在哪儿? -他需要一点时间疗伤

[00:23:27] I' m free! I' m free! 我自由了…我自由了…

[00:23:32] That ought to do it. 他应该复原了
