专辑《50 Childrens Animal Songs》歌曲列表:
- Five Little Ducks
- Froggy Went a Courting
- Gee Up Neddy
- My Little Pony
- Six Little Ducks
- Three Little Kittens
- The Teddy Bear’s Picnic
- The Yellow Elephant
- There Once Was an Ugly Duckling
- Ride a Cock Horse
- Puff the Magic Dragon
- The Farmer’s in the Dell
- Two Little Kittens
- Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat
- This Little Piggy
- Baa Baa Black Sheep
- Going to the Zoo
- Never Smile At a Crocodile
- Little Bo Peep
- The Animals Went in Two By Two
- Three Blind Mice
- Nellie the Elephant
- Old Macdonald Had a Farm
- Where, Oh Where’s My Teddy Bear?
- Goosey Goosey Gander
- How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?
- Incey Wincey Spider
- Two Little Dickie Birds
- Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
- Bought Me a Cat
- Pop Goes the Weasel