- 数鸭子
- 春天在哪里
- 找朋友
- 我爱我的幼儿园
- 娃哈哈
- 小燕子
- 刷牙歌
- 数鸭子
- 春天在哪里
- 找朋友
- 我爱我的幼儿园
- 娃哈哈
- 小燕子
- 小老鼠上灯台
- 小手拍拍
- 我真的很不错
- Old Macdonald
- Follow me touch your head
- Touch your eye ear
- I’m going to the market
- Walking Running Hop
- Look a cow horse
- They are slippers shoes
- I see a panda
- I can walk run
- I want cherres
- Rain go away
- I like summer
- I like autumn
- I have a schoolbag
- Pass me a bowl dish
- What time is it
- I am from Mars
- 20 30 dollars
- I have a tangram
- It’s brown
- 1 2 3 go Come on
- 60 70 dollars
- Good Morning
- Let’s pull up a turnip carrot
- 小猪数数
- I am a girl
- I like piano violin
- 12 14 dollars
- Two little blackbirds
- Take off your hat
- I see a frog fish tortoise
- This is a bird worm
- I want watermelons
- I like rice soup
- I like bananas
- hey are socks
- I like spring
- Follow me touch your mouth nose
- Touch your hair face
- Little bee ladybird
- Follow me move your fingers toes
- Look a chick duck
- Follow me clap your hands
- Wave your arms legs
- Look my shirt skirt
- I am Mary Tom
- I like monkeys elephants
- That’s a swan dove peacock
- Smell taste
- Pear peach please
- I want a cookie water
- Little bear what can you see
- Peekaboo
- I love you
- Apple round apple red
- Put on your shorts
- I want noodles meat
- I am sister brother
- It’s Children’s Day
- It’s black
- Put on your Vest T-shirt
- Look a kitty rabbit
- Hello grandma grandpa
- Head shoulders knees and toes
- That’s a swallow parrot
- I can jump hop
- Baby is wearing a red hat
- I want grapes dates
- I see a wolf
- Q for queen
- I like doggies
- Bread egg please
- The cup of life
- Let’s play a game
- I like coconuts mangos
- Candy jelly please
- I see a tiger lion
- Apple pineapple please
- I can read draw write
- I like winter
- I like chicken juice
- Cake milk please
- I was born in September
- It’s sunny in Beijing
- Ten little Indian boys
- I miss you
- Bye-bye auntie
- I see a butterfly
- Hello Mummy Daddy
- Who was born in March
- I can sing dance
- Happy New Year
- We Wish You a Merry Christmas
- Who was born in January
- It is rainy in Hong Kong
- I was born in May
- Mummy buy me a toy doll
- 40 50 dollars
- Clean the sofa table chair
- Botton your coat jacket
- May I help you
- I like basketball
- I for Ice cream
- I was born in July
- It’s red yellow blue
- A for apple
- Good morning
- ABC Song
- Are you eating
- 80 90 100 dollars
- Open the door
- I was born in November
- It’s a rectangle
- It’s green purple orange
- How many apples
- The number is 13 14 15
- I want to learn how to run
- It’s a circle
- It is foggy in Chongqing
- It’s Thursday
- How many pears
- The mouse runs to the east
- It’s Sunday
- My grandpa is a worker
- The mouse is on the table
- They are skiing skating
- I have many pencils
- It’s Tuesday
- I want to slide
- Let’s play with the blocks
- I want to learn how to swim
- May I play with your ball
- Who is wearing red today
- I’m going to the market
- Look a taxi carriage
- Wake up Get up
- The number is 19 20
- My auntie is a doctor
- My daddy is an artist
- The mouse runs to the south
- It’s beside the sofa
- Can you drive a truck motorbike
- I can play Ping-Pong tennis badminton
- It’s in out of the box
- I am cold hot
- I am angry scared
- This is a compass
- Look at the plane glider
- Beans are delicious I like peanuts
- Daddy goes to work
- Get on the train ship
- Can you ride a bike trike
- What a big tree so many flowers
- M for monkey
- The mouse is on the left
- The number is 16 17 18
- Let’s skip
- I can use a knife fork
- Row row row you boat
- How old are you
- Clap your Hands
- E for egg
- I see a small crab big shrimp
- How are you
- Ten Little Indians
- Turn on the TV
- See you tomorrow
- Let’s clean the sitting room bathroom
- The number is 11 12
- The door is wide
- I am hungry thirsty
- How many candies do you have
- Turn on the computer
- Red light stop
- ABC song
- Are you happy
- Pass me a glass cup
- 洋娃娃和小熊跳舞
- I can use chopsticks spoon
- The pig is fat
- I’m going to the park zoo
- Three little monkeys
- Tidy the bed cabinet
- The tortoise runs slowly
- One cake two dolls
- I Can Dress Myself
- The rabbits live in a new house
- Look a bus car
- I’m going to the shop hospital
- I’m going to kindergarten school
- The mouse is light
- The wheel on the bus
- The pig is dirty
- What’s your name
- 像什么
- 洗手歌
- Clean the bedroom kitchen
- This is my building house
- Come in sit down
- The elephant is big
- The giraffe is tall
- Mary Had a Little Lamb
- 祝你生日快乐
- Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
- 两只老虎
- 睡吧小宝贝
- 小白船
- Jingle Bells
- 不奇怪
- 颠倒歌
- 过家家
- 吵醒了猎人快快逃
- 种太阳
- 人人叫我好儿童
- 对不起,没关系
- 布谷报春
- 拔萝卜
- 新年好
- 大树妈妈
- 柳树姑娘
- 坐飞机
- 滑滑梯
- 不再麻烦妈妈
- 做个好娃娃
- 我的好妈妈
- 拨浪鼓
- 小伞花
- 蜗牛和黄鹂鸟
- 小毛驴
- 小螺号
- 火车快飞
- 一只小鹿
- 谁饿了
- 小星星
- 蹦蹦跳跳
- 两只小象
- 蓝蓝天青青草
- 红蜻蜓
- 劳动最光荣
- 幸福拍手歌
- 小乌鸦爱妈妈
- 走路
- 雪绒花
- 小兔和狼
- 我们的小动物
- 小木马
- 丢手绢
- 好孩子要诚实
- 我心爱的小马车
- 小兔子乖乖
- 一个小老鼠
- 猜一猜
- 茉莉花
- 好娃娃
- 雪花和雨滴
- 小麻雀
- 请你跟我这样做
- 家庭称呼歌
- 刷牙歌
- 数鸭子
- 春天在哪里
- 找朋友
- 我爱我的幼儿园
- 娃哈哈
- 小燕子
- 小老鼠上灯台
- 小手拍拍
- 我真的很不错
- 家族歌
- 我上幼儿园
- 小鸭子
- Happy birthday
- 打电话