专辑《Seduction: Sinatra Sings Of Love》歌曲列表:
- Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Secret Love [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Talk To Me Baby [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Witchcraft [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- That’s All [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- The Look Of Love [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- I’ve Got You Under My Skin [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- For Once In My Life [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- At Long Last Love [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- The Second Time Around [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- This Happy Madness [Estrada Branca] [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- It Had To Be You [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- All The Way [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Young At Heart [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- All Of You [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- I Had The Craziest Dream [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Teach Me Tonight [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- My Funny Valentine [The Frank Sinatra Collection] [Alternate Version]
- Some Enchanted Evening [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- All The Way Home [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- I Get A Kick Out Of You [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Misty [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Then Suddenly Love [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Prisoner Of Love [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- They Can’t Take That Away From Me [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- I Concentrate On You] [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- More [Theme From Mondo Cane] [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- I Like To Lead When I Dance [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- [How Little It Matters] How Little We Know [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Secret Love [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Talk To Me Baby [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Witchcraft [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- That’s All [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- The Look Of Love [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- I’ve Got You Under My Skin [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- For Once In My Life [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- At Long Last Love [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- The Second Time Around [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- This Happy Madness [Estrada Branca] [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- It Had To Be You [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- All The Way [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Young At Heart [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- All Of You [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- I Had The Craziest Dream [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Teach Me Tonight [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- My Funny Valentine [The Frank Sinatra Collection] [Alternate Version]
- Some Enchanted Evening [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- All The Way Home [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Stay With Me [Theme From The Cardinal] [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- I Get A Kick Out Of You [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Misty [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Then Suddenly Love [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- Prisoner Of Love [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- They Can’t Take That Away From Me [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- I Concentrate On You] [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- More [Theme From Mondo Cane] [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- I Like To Lead When I Dance [The Frank Sinatra Collection]
- [How Little It Matters] How Little We Know [The Frank Sinatra Collection]