专辑《TVアニメ『櫻子さんの足下には死体が埋まっている』ORIGINAL SOUNDTACK「music beneath the cherry blossom」》歌曲列表:
- Dear Answer(VOCAL SIDE:|TV Size)
- Mirrors
- For The Reverberation Of Oblivion That Was Washed Upon... Reimix
- A Corpse is Buried Under The Feet(ISHIKAWA SIDE:)
- Dear Answer-(环绕版)
- Mirrors
- For The Reverberation Of Oblivion That Was Washed Upon... Reimix
- A Corpse is Buried Under The Feet(ISHIKAWA SIDE:)
- Dear Answer-(环绕版)
- DOKURO ~恍骨礼讃歌 第1章~
- Mirrors
- For The Reverberation Of Oblivion That Was Washed Upon... Reimix
- A Corpse is Buried Under The Feet(ISHIKAWA SIDE:)
- Dear Answer-(环绕版)