- Vozes No Mar (Voices On The Sea)
- Um Raio De Luz Ardente (A Ray Of Burning Light)
- A Vida Boa (The Good Life)
- A Quimera (The Chimera)
- O Segredo Do Futuro (The Secret Of The Future)
- A Lira - Solido No Oceano (The Lyre - Loneliness On The Ocean)
- O Olhar (The Look)
- O Labirinto Parado (The Still Labyrinth)
- Afinal - A Minha Cano (After All - My Song)
- Ecos Na Catedral (Echoes In The Cathedral)
- Anseio (Fuga Apressada) Anxiety (Rushing Fugue)
- A Capa Negra (Mano A Mano) The Black Cape (Face To Face)
- Ergue-Te Ao Sol (Rise At The Sun)
- Tarde, Por Favor (Late, Please)