歌手《Heavy Heavy Low Low》歌词列表:
- Please, That B**ch Will Outlive Us All
- Tell Shannon Her Crafts Are Ready
- Inhalent Abuse
- Eagle Mewnadria
- How Many Dad’s Must Eat Themselves?
- Rotten Church / Mall / Parking Lot
- Trot Line Beer Can
- Green Genes
- 3000, 100 Points, 100pts, Gummy Octopi
- Is This Your Homework?
- Supernova Ninja Surfers
- Tragic Tragic Track Jacket
- Pizza Party
- Texas Chainsaw Mascer-Uh(F**k It Version)
- Kids, Kids, Kids
- Eating The Porridge And Killing The Bears
- A, S, V, L, N
- Mall-Nutrition
- Are You Okay, Kiddo?