
[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成
[00:00:11] 嗯
[00:00:15] 千淘万漉虽辛苦
[00:00:17] 吹尽狂沙始到金
[00:00:19] 我们不分享网络神曲
[00:00:21] 我们只分享最经典的音乐
[00:00:25] 这里是桃鹿电台
[00:00:26] 火势主播有小Li
[00:00:29] 我们准备了好音乐
[00:00:31] 你准备好小耳朵了吗
[00:01:08] YESD
[00:01:11] Oh my troubles is ow farther a I ut te sol Li be rat us de or I bi Li yesterday 呗Sally
[00:01:29] I wanna have a man I use bi
[00:01:35] There is a shadow hanging over mi or yesterday Sally y eye she he Cho I dont know the woods a I c si mp ra hello for yes Lei yes do 很多英文歌一听前奏就会中毒
[00:02:12] 更让人惊喜的是
[00:02:15] 他们居然有那么多堪称经典的翻唱版本
[00:02:19] 每一个版本
[00:02:20] 都有它自己的味道
[00:02:22] 每个歌手都在唱自己的故事
[00:02:26] 地铁公交
[00:02:28] 上班途中
[00:02:30] 回家路上
[00:02:32] 猜一首歌里找心情
[00:02:50] Love is such an easy game to play now a needle a Xu re k or I bi Li yesterday 呗
[00:03:09] 嗯
[00:03:15] 披头士乐队毫无疑问是流行音乐界历史上最伟大、最有影响力、拥有最多歌迷作为成功的乐队
[00:03:26] 在英国
[00:03:27] 披头士乐队几乎影响了60 年代至今几乎每一支乐队的形成和发展
[00:03:34] 创作者卖卡丹尼说
[00:03:37] 伊斯特的旋律灵感来自梦中
[00:03:40] 一觉醒来后
[00:03:42] 她立即走到钢琴前弹奏起来
[00:03:45] 并以录音机记录下来
[00:03:47] 引他询问
[00:03:48] 音乐界人士确定旋律是原创的
[00:03:52] 并非他不经意抄袭了他人
[00:03:54] 之后
[00:03:55] 他便着手填词
[00:03:57] 歌曲一经发行
[00:03:59] 就引起了强烈的反应
[00:04:01] 优美的旋律
[00:04:03] 隽永的歌词
[00:04:04] 刻画出每个人心灵深处
[00:04:07] 那种失落在时间中的影子
[00:04:09] 无论文化背景、社会地位、审美取向
[00:04:14] 甚至是否爱好音乐
[00:04:17] 几乎人人都会被这首歌打动
[00:04:20] 他真正做到了雅俗共赏
[00:04:23] yesterday 是20世纪被改编演奏播放最多的一支乐曲
[00:04:29] 在滚石杂志评选的500首有史以来最伟大的歌曲中
[00:04:35] Yesterday 名列第13
[00:04:38] 还有一次仍然是在滚石杂志评选的100首自1963年以来最伟大的英文歌曲中高居榜首
[00:04:47] 足以见这首歌
[00:04:49] 它的影响力以及受欢迎的程度
[00:04:53] 根据吉尼斯世界纪录大全
[00:04:56] Yesterday 是有史以来翻唱次数最多的歌曲
[00:05:01] Er d m
[00:05:01] 唱片公司则声称
[00:05:04] 光是在20 世纪
[00:05:06] 这首歌曲已经表演超过了700万字
[00:05:12] Love such an easy game to play
[00:05:18] I need a place till har k ow I ib lived in yesterday 杯
[00:05:30] 无
[00:05:47] Hello
[00:05:50] Its me
[00:05:52] I was wondering if f the road is usually lie Che mi Cho go over
[00:06:02] Everything
[00:06:04] C c that IM supposed to heal you are and um ut ki Li hello can you hear any
[00:06:17] A m be careful in your dreaming about who we used tobe when we were younger
[00:06:26] And ri I forgot and how we failed before the world ly r f e there such a difference
[00:06:38] Be twenty years re Sen de mail in my a
[00:06:48] Hello from 的ers are Le Le Le thousands are the har ve sting and when I call you ever seen Cho bi ho hello from years are ad mi nist ra c X 5 the har Le aching your har har ri Li el par ne mor
[00:07:41] Hello 是阿黛尔演唱的一首流行歌曲
[00:07:44] 被收录在阿黛尔2015年11月20日发行的第三张录音室专辑25
[00:07:51] 他是在发布首周凭借百万销量拿下该榜的第一名
[00:07:56] 打破了美国首周最高单曲销量纪录
[00:07:59] 并连续夺得了十周的冠军
[00:08:02] 歌曲的开头是一阵短暂的沉默
[00:08:06] 渐渐舒缓的钢琴声随之响起
[00:08:10] 一个富有磁性与穿透力的声音唱出了第一句
[00:08:15] 你好
[00:08:16] 是我
[00:08:18] 伴随这钱缓而有力的节奏
[00:08:21] 阿黛尔大颗粒质感的嗓音如冬日暖阳一般
[00:08:25] 温暖而不失力量的歌唱着
[00:08:29] 时而低沉
[00:08:30] 时而高亢
[00:08:32] 时而缠绵
[00:08:33] 时而奔放
[00:08:35] 配上极其精简的乐器钢琴和鼓
[00:08:40] 阿黛尔倾注了自己全部的真情实感
[00:08:44] 已然成熟的过来人用打电话一般的口吻诉说着以前
[00:08:49] 嗨
[00:08:51] 你还好吗
[00:08:53] 也该学会放下雨佳在伤痛中的自己
[00:08:57] 告别
[00:08:59] 这首歌抓住了每位听众内心深处所拥有的记忆握柄
[00:09:04] 让人忍不住想打一个电话再说起从前
[00:09:14] 啊啊啊
[00:09:32] Hang Xing f Le Xing
[00:09:54] 猪鼻痛
[00:10:00] I lis te d X 5
[00:10:11] The ark u har Li que el harmony Mori
[00:10:33] Peter Paul and Mary
[00:10:35] 这支美国最杰出的民谣三重唱组合
[00:10:39] 他们早在上世纪60 年代就已经享誉世界了
[00:10:43] 他们唱自己的歌
[00:10:45] 也唱鲍勃迪伦等民谣大师的作品
[00:10:48] 他们组建于家中
[00:10:50] 纯净的歌声和典雅的和声
[00:10:53] 使民谣的魅力更加广泛的让听众意识和接受
[00:10:58] 他们经常翻唱著名民谣歌手的作品
[00:11:01] 使得那些歌曲让更多的人们所熟悉
[00:11:06] 起初一直走着翻唱路线的他们
[00:11:09] 其实也有着相当强大的作曲实力
[00:11:13] 从1962年出版发行了第一张同名专辑以后
[00:11:16] 几乎每年都有新专辑发表
[00:11:19] 直到1971年解散
[00:11:22] 他们由于想要追求不一样的生活
[00:11:25] 选择在事业高峰期拆伙
[00:11:28] 直到八年后
[00:11:29] 在一次聚会中
[00:11:31] 三个人发绝对音乐
[00:11:33] 仍然充满了热爱
[00:11:35] 所以决定重新组建
[00:11:38] 继续开启音乐之旅
[00:11:40] 直到今日
[00:11:42] 这三位好拍档仍在努力中
[00:11:45] 不幸的是
[00:11:46] Mary 在2009年9月16日患白血病去世
[00:11:54] A hundred miles five hundred miles five hundred miles five hundred miles hundred miles my na 的尸体
[00:12:17] Num I nodded a Li go my Le I 餐喽
[00:12:30] He a the way the way the way the way lor re 参抠搜
[00:12:54] If you missed the train I mon you will know that iam gone you can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles
[00:13:31] Hao many roads must ra man well formed a calling it Hao many seas must er y t ox en for he sleeps in the us an Hao many times that the kind in both by their for ever and 的answer my friend is blowing in de when he an sir lo in the wind
[00:16:05] Bi on Sen is blowing in low
[00:16:21] Some c Lu ze river
[00:16:29] The crown the tender reed
[00:16:36] Some say love it says a res
[00:16:43] Li de r sou to leave some c lo Lu rid the hunger
[00:16:57] An endless aching Li
[00:17:05] The Rose 是一首传唱了几十年的经典老歌
[00:17:09] 不知不觉飘进了你我心里
[00:17:13] 它是由亚曼达麦克布鲁姆创作于1978年
[00:17:17] 由贝特迈德尔在他领衔主演的歌声泪痕中
[00:17:21] 作为片尾曲首倡
[00:17:24] 阿曼达还特别为她配了和声
[00:17:26] 影片推出后获得了很高的评价
[00:17:29] 也让贝特迈德尔夺得了该年度最佳流行乐女歌手的格莱美奖
[00:17:35] 另外
[00:17:36] 由于演技精湛
[00:17:38] 他不仅被提名角逐奥斯卡
[00:17:41] 更是夺得了最佳女演员和年度最佳新人等两座金球奖
[00:17:47] 那么在这些英文歌里
[00:17:49] 你是不是也听见了自己的心情呢
[00:17:54] A 眼
[00:17:57] Who can not ze
[00:18:01] 身体
[00:18:04] And sew
[00:18:07] Afraid of Di
[00:18:11] Never ever learn stuff here
[00:18:21] Well that has been to long years the Lu has been Lowe you Lu Lu and just remember
[00:18:54] Le Han Han snow
[00:19:04] Re si si 的
[00:19:09] 讨论音乐
[00:19:10] 甄选金曲
[00:19:11] 今天的音乐就分享到这儿
[00:19:13] 喜欢我们的节目
[00:19:14] 欢迎关注微信公众账号
[00:19:16] 讨论音乐以及新浪微博讨论音乐
[00:19:20] 我们会分享更多精彩内容给大家
[00:19:22] 好了
[00:19:23] 今天的节目就到这里
[00:19:25] 下期节目再见咯
[00:19:27] 我是由小藜
[00:19:28] 拜拜
[00:19:45] Something love
[00:19:49] It rev er
[00:20:00] Sen si lo
[00:20:04] It isa razor that mi Ms your cell tu Li
[00:20:15] Some c know it isa hunger an akin ori I c Lu Li tis a flour
[00:20:39] And you its only CC
[00:20:50] The har or breaking than ever learns to dance
[00:21:04] Its de a dream or re la Wei qi
[00:21:12] Never ever takes the chance
[00:21:18] Its de tr Hu Hu Hu can cannot seem to hear
[00:21:33] And the soul or re la re the for
[00:21:44] 蓝色
[00:21:51] And the night has been too lonely and there are and has been to love
[00:22:05] And you c that love is on Li Qu er Lu qi and the ra he just remember in the winter og ne 着消耗
[00:22:33] Re si si Lu mi the sun s love in Dis rain becomes red 啊
- 有一天 [灵感]
- Midnight Hour [Nicholas Gunn]
- 终身大事 [蔡琴]
- 光(Live) [光良]
- 无缘再会 [林久登]
- Los habitantes [Bunbury]
- It’s All In The Game [Tommy Edwards]
- 心挂挂 [王菀之]
- 大丈夫なの? (オリジナルサウンドトラック集) [福原遥]
- 分手了 [郭小俊]
- We Will Rock You + 将军令 (Live) [吴克群]
- 匆匆那年 [王菲]
- Some Days I’m Golden All Night [Josh Rouse]
- 卑鄙Baby [吴文喆]
- Precious Memories(Homecoming Album Version) [Gaither Vocal Band]
- Sexy Ida (Part 2) [Ike & Tina Turner]
- Shining / STREAM [うさ]
- Shelter from the Storm(Album Version) [Rodney Crowell&Emmylou Ha]
- HERO SAMURAI [Alphatown 2000]
- Lost Puppies [VeggieTales]
- say no [牙牙乐]
- How Come U Don’t Call Me Anymore? [R&B Chart Divas]
- Blow [Cardio Workout Crew]
- Why Can’t We Live Together [Timmy Thomas]
- I Am A Roving Gambler [The Brothers Four]
- Blueberry Hill [Cliff Richard]
- White Noise(R3hab Remix) [R3HAB&Ella Vos]
- This Time [4Werke]
- Have You Heard(Original Take) [The Moody Blues]
- Like Someone in Love [Blossom Dearie]
- Masters Of War [Bob Dylan]
- Porque Me Olhas Assim(Live) [Luis Represas]
- JK [I Am Echo]
- 【深夜读书】214.卡波特《别的声音 别的房间》 [侧写师李昂]
- Fever For The Flava [影视原声]
- 听 [毕夏]
- You Are My Sunshine [The Hit Crew]
- Candy [太陽族]
- If I Never Knew Yuo [One Little Choir]
- Boyfriend [Lili & Susie]
- Tired Old Man(Remaster) [Godhead]