《Friends S02E05 The One With Five Steaks And An Eggplant》歌词

[00:00:07] Man,I sure miss Julie. 我好想念茱莉
[00:00:09] Spanish midgets. 西班牙侏儒
[00:00:11] Spanish midgets wrestling.... 西班牙侏儒摔角…
[00:00:15] Julie! Okay,I see how you got there. 茱莉!我明白是怎么想到她的
[00:00:24] You ever figure out what that thing's for? 你有想过电话用来做什么吗?
[00:00:27] I'm trying this screening thing. 我在过滤电话
[00:00:29] If I always answer the phone, people will think I have no life. 我想如果我老是去接的话 大家会以为我没有生活
[00:00:33] My God! Rodrigo never gets pinned! 老天啊,罗里哥真是西方不败
[00:00:36] At the sound of the beep, you know what to do. 听到哔声后 知道该怎么做吧?
[00:00:38] Hello. I'm looking for Bob. 我要找小包
[00:00:40] This is Jade. 我是小洁
[00:00:42] I don 't know if you 're still at this number,but I was thinking... 我不知道你的电话改了没有 不过我不断在想…
[00:00:46] ...about how great it was. I know it's been three years... …我们过去那段美好的时光 我知道都已经三年了啦…
[00:00:50] ...but I was hoping we could hook up again. …可是我希望我们能够重修旧好
[00:00:52] I barely had the nerve to make this call... 我提不起勇气打电话…
[00:00:55] -...so you know what I did? -What? …你知道我怎么样吗? 怎么样?
[00:00:58] I got a little drunk... 我喝得茫茫的…
[00:01:00] ...and naked. …还一丝不挂
[00:01:01] Bob here! 我是小包
[00:01:12] 六人行 第2季 第05集 五块牛排和一根茄子
[00:01:51] So what have you been up to? 你近来都在干什么呢?
[00:01:54] Oh,you know,the usual. 跟平常一样啊
[00:01:56] Teaching aerobics... 教有气舞蹈…
[00:01:58] ...partying way too much. …玩得太疯狂
[00:02:02] ... those are my legs on the new James Bond poster. …新007电影海报上那双腿 是我的
[00:02:09] Can you hold on? I have another call. 你请等一下,我有插拨
[00:02:12] -I love her! -I know. 我爱她 我知道
[00:02:15] -I'm back. -So are we gonna get together? 我回来了 那我们到底要不要聚一聚啊?
[00:02:18] Absolutely. 当然要了
[00:02:20] How about tomorrow afternoon? 明天下午怎么样?
[00:02:22] Do you know Central Perk? Say,five-ish? 你知道格林威治村 中央公园咖啡吗?五点钟左右
[00:02:25] Great. I'll see you then. 太棒了,到时候见
[00:02:31] Having a phone has finally paid off. 我装上电话,终于物有所值了
[00:02:36] You do a good Bob impression... 就算你装小包装得很像…
[00:02:38] ... but when she sees you tomorrow... …等到她明天一看到你…
[00:02:40] ...she's gonna realize you're not Bob. …就会发现你不是小包了
[00:02:44] I'm hoping that when Bob doesn't show up... 我只希望当她知道 小包放她鸽子的时候…
[00:02:47] ...she'll seek comfort in the arms of the stranger at the next table. …她会投向邻桌的 陌生人的怀抱
[00:02:51] Oh,my God. You are pure evil. 老天,你真是邪恶到家
[00:02:55] Okay,pure evil... 邪恶到家…
[00:02:58] ... horny and alone. …饥渴兼孤单
[00:03:02] I've done this. 这我都试过了
[00:03:10] Yeah,everybody's here. 对,大家都在
[00:03:13] Hey,everybody! Say hi to Julie in New Mexico! 各位,跟新墨西哥的茱莉 打声招呼吧
[00:03:17] Hi,Julie. 茱莉…
[00:03:21] While Ross is on the phone... 趁罗斯在讲电话…
[00:03:23] ...everybody owes me 62 bucks for his birthday. …每人缴62块庆祝他的生日
[00:03:26] Is there any chance that you're rounding up from... 你可不可以将就一下…
[00:03:31] ...you know... …譬如说…
[00:03:32] ...from like 20? …每个人缴20块就好了
[00:03:35] Hey,we got the gift, the concert and the cake. 少来了 要有礼物,演唱会,还有蛋糕
[00:03:38] Do we need a cake? 蛋糕需要吗?
[00:03:41] I know it's a little steep. 各位,我知道这数目多了一点
[00:03:46] But it's Ross. 不过是罗斯的生日呀
[00:03:49] It's Ross. 不过是罗斯呀
[00:03:52] See you later. I gotta go... 好了,咱们待会儿见 我还得去…
[00:03:54] ...do a thing! …做一件事
[00:03:57] Okay,sweetheart, I'll call you later. 好了,甜心,我晚上再打给你
[00:03:59] You're not going through with this,are you? 你不是真的要那么做吧,老兄
[00:04:02] You know,I think I might just. 我非做不可
[00:04:07] What are you guys doing for dinner tonight? 你们晚上吃什么?
[00:04:11] Well,I gotta start saving up for Ross' birthday. 我想我要开始 为罗斯的生日存钱了
[00:04:15] I guess I'll just stay home and eat dust bunnies. 我的菜单是在家里吃西北风
[00:04:18] Can you believe how much this costs? 这个可要花很多钱啊
[00:04:21] Do you guys ever get the feeling that... 你们有时候会不会觉得…
[00:04:24] ... Chandler and those guys... …钱德,他们…
[00:04:26] ...don't get that we don't make that much money? …根本不明白 我们赚的钱没他们多
[00:04:30] They always say let's go here,let's go there. 他们总是说 “咱们去这儿,去那儿”
[00:04:33] Like we can afford to go here and there. 好像我们真的有那个闲钱一样
[00:04:37] Yes,and we always have to go to, you know,someplace nice. 而且我们总是得去“好地方” 你知道吗?
[00:04:41] And we can't say anything about it, because this is a birthday thing... 我们连反对的权利都没有 因为这是罗斯的生日…
[00:04:46] ...and it's "for Ross." …罗斯的
[00:04:48] For Ross. 罗斯的…
[00:04:52] Oh,my God! 老天
[00:04:55] I'm at work... 我在上班…
[00:04:57] ...just an ordinary day, chop,chop,saute,saute. …跟平常的一天一样 切切切,煎煎煎
[00:05:01] Suddenly,Leon,the manager, calls me into his office. 突然间呢,我们经理李昂 叫我去他的办公室
[00:05:04] They fired the lunch chef, and guess who got the job? 原来他们开除了午餐大厨 你们猜谁取代他的职位了?
[00:05:07] If it's not you, this is a horrible story. 如果不是你的话 这可是个糟透的故事
[00:05:11] Fortunately,it is me. 幸好,那个人是我
[00:05:14] And they made me head of purchasing, thank you! 他们还升我为采购主任 感激不尽
[00:05:16] That's so cool! 太棒了
[00:05:19] Anyway,I think we should go out and celebrate. 我认为我们该出去庆祝一下
[00:05:22] You know,someplace nice. 去个好地方
[00:05:29] Someplace nice. 去个好地方
[00:05:31] How much you think I can get for my kidney? 你们想我的肾能够卖多少钱?
[00:05:41] You can't do this. 说真的,你不能够这么做
[00:05:43] I can't get a girl like that with conventional methods. 少来了,拘泥于那种传统方法 我永远把不到那种尤物
[00:05:47] It doesn't matter. 那有什么关系呢?
[00:05:48] She wanted to call Bob. Bob could be who she was meant to be with. 她要找的是小包 小包一定是她理想的对象
[00:05:53] You may be destroying their chance for happiness. 你这么做 或许会毁了两个人快乐的机会
[00:05:56] We don't know Bob. 我们不认识小包
[00:05:59] We know me. We like me. Please let me be happy. 我们认识我,我们喜欢我 拜托,让我快乐起来
[00:06:03] Go over there and tell that woman the truth. 你过去告诉那个女人实话
[00:06:10] Go. 去啊
[00:06:22] Listen,I have to.... 小姐,我要…
[00:06:24] I have to confess something. 我要跟你招认一件事
[00:06:27] Yes? 什么事?
[00:06:30] Whoever stood you up is a jerk. 放你鸽子的人是混蛋
[00:06:38] I just had this weird sense. But that's me,I'm weird and sensitive. 我就是有这种怪怪的感应 我就这样,怪怪的又敏感
[00:06:45] Tissue? 面纸?
[00:06:47] Thanks. 谢谢
[00:06:50] No,you keep the pack. 不用,你整包留着吧
[00:06:52] I'm all cried out today. 我今天已经“哭”干了
[00:07:10] Here is to my sister, the newly appointed head lunch chef. 我敬我刚刚被升为 午餐大厨的老妹一杯
[00:07:13] Also in charge of purchasing. 而且她还接掌了采买大权
[00:07:16] Head lunch chef, also in charge of purchasing 恭贺她升为午餐大厨 并且接掌采买大权…
[00:07:19] Who has her own little desk when Roland's not there. 罗不在的时候 她有自己的小办公桌
[00:07:23] Lunch chef,purchasing,own little desk when Roland's not there... 午餐大厨,采购,罗不在时 有自己的小办公桌
[00:07:27] -... here's to my -Wait! And I got a beeper! 咱们敬我的老妹… 等等…我还有传呼器
[00:07:36] Sorry. 抱歉…
[00:07:39] Monica! 敬摩妮卡
[00:07:43] Are we ready to order? 各位可以点菜了吗?
[00:07:44] We haven't even looked yet. 对不起,我们还没看菜单
[00:07:46] When you do,let me know. 那你们看过之后再叫我
[00:07:48] I'll be over there on the edge of my seat. 我会在那边引颈企盼的
[00:07:56] Look at these prices! 你们看看这上面的价钱
[00:07:58] Yeah,these are pretty "cha-ching." 是呀,都是什么鸡的
[00:08:02] I know! What are these, famous chickens? 这什么?名牌鸡吗?
[00:08:06] Sorry I'm late. Congratulations,Mon. 抱歉,我迟到了 摩妮卡,恭喜你
[00:08:09] I'm not sorry I'm late. How incredible was my afternoon with Jade? 我不后悔我迟到,我跟小洁的 午后约会太不可思议了
[00:08:13] Pretty incredible,according to the message on my machine. 根据她在我答录机上 留给你的话的确很不可思议
[00:08:17] Why is this woman leaving a message for you on my machine? 钱德,这个女人为什么 会在我的答录机留话给你呢?
[00:08:22] I told her that my number was yours... 我必须要告诉她 我的号码是你的号码…
[00:08:24] ... because I couldn't tell her it was mine... …因为我不能告诉她 我的号码是我的号码…
[00:08:26] ... because she thinks my number is Bob's number. …因为她以为 我的号码是小包的号码
[00:08:30] Tell me again. What do I do when Mr. Roper calls? 你再告诉我一次 罗先生打来的时候我怎么办?
[00:08:35] Do I dare ask? 可以点菜了吗?
[00:08:37] I'll start with the carpaccio, and then the grilled prawns. 好,我要先来一份生牛肉 然后再来一份烤虾
[00:08:40] Great,same for me. 听起来不错,我也一样
[00:08:42] And for the gentleman? 那这位先生呢?
[00:08:44] I'll have the Thai chicken pizza. 我要泰国鸡肉披萨
[00:08:46] But if I get it without the nuts and leeks and stuff... 如果我的披萨少加干果,大蒜…
[00:08:49] ...is it cheaper? …会不会比较便宜啊?
[00:08:51] You'd think,wouldn't you? 你是那么想吗?
[00:08:56] I will have the side salad. 好了,我想要点…伴碟沙拉
[00:09:00] And what would that be on the side of? 那要伴在什么菜旁边呢?
[00:09:03] I don't know. 我不知道
[00:09:04] Just put it right here next to my water. 你就帮我放在我的水旁边好了
[00:09:10] And for you? 那你呢?
[00:09:12] I'm gonna have a cup of the cucumber soup and... 我想我要来一碗黄瓜汤…
[00:09:19] ...take care. …保重了
[00:09:24] I will have the Cajun catfish. 我要一份纽奥良鲶鱼
[00:09:26] Anything else? 就这样吗?
[00:09:27] Yes,how about a verse of "Killing Me Softly"? 还有一首“情歌迷死人” 怎么样?
[00:09:32] You're gonna sneeze in my fish,aren't you? 你会朝我的鱼打喷嚏 对不对?
[00:09:40] Plus tip,divided by six.... 加上小费再除以六…
[00:09:44] Everyone owes 28 bucks. 好了,每个人给我28块钱
[00:09:48] Everyone? 每个人?
[00:09:50] Oh! You're right,I'm sorry. 你说得对,对不起
[00:09:52] Thank you. 谢谢
[00:09:58] So five of us is... 用五个人去除…
[00:10:00] ...33. 50 a piece. …每个人33.5元
[00:10:02] No. No way. Sorry,not gonna happen. 不行,抱歉 那是不可能的事
[00:10:06] Prom night flashback. 毕业舞会重演
[00:10:10] Sorry,Monica. I'm happy you got promoted... 对不起,摩妮卡 你升了职我替你高兴…
[00:10:13] ... but cold cucumber mush for 30-something bucks? …可是冷黄瓜糊要三十几块?
[00:10:16] No! 不行
[00:10:19] Rachel just had that little salad... 瑞秋只点了那盘小沙拉…
[00:10:22] ...and Joey with his teeny pizza! …乔伊只吃了那片小披萨
[00:10:25] Okay,Pheebs. 好吧,菲比
[00:10:28] How about we'll each pay for what we had? 那我们就各付各的,好吗?
[00:10:31] It's no big deal. 小事一桩嘛
[00:10:32] Not for you. 对你来讲就是
[00:10:40] I don't wanna get into this right now. 算了,各位 我现在真的不想谈这个
[00:10:42] It'll make everybody uncomfortable. 我觉得 这样只会让大家心里有疙瘩
[00:10:47] You can tell us. 拜托,说出来吧
[00:10:48] Yeah,hello? It's us. We'll be fine. 对啊,是我们,没关系的
[00:10:59] We three... 我们三个…
[00:11:00] ...feel like that... …觉得…
[00:11:03] ...sometimes you guys don't get that.... …你们有时候不太明白…
[00:11:13] We don't have as much money as you. 我们没你们那么有钱
[00:11:21] I hear you. 我懂了
[00:11:23] We can talk about that. 那我们可以谈啊
[00:11:26] Well,then... 那么…
[00:11:29] ...Iet's. …我们就
[00:11:34] I guess I just never think of money as an issue. 我猜我只是 从没想过钱是个问题
[00:11:37] -Because you have it. -Good point! 那是因为你有钱 你说得好
[00:11:42] So how come you guys haven't talked about this before? 你们以前为何提出来讨论呢?
[00:11:46] Because it's always something. Like with Monica's new job... 因为总是有特别的事情 像摩妮卡的新工作…
[00:11:50] ...or the whole Ross' birthday hoopla. …或是罗斯的什么啦…
[00:11:54] I don't want my birthday to be the source of any kind of negative.... 我可不希望我的生日 造成任何的不愉快…
[00:11:59] There's gonna be a hoopla? 你们要为我搞什么吗?
[00:12:03] Basically there's the thing, and then the stuff after the thing 基本上有这件事啦 然后又是那件事…
[00:12:09] If it makes anybody feel better, forget the thing... 如果大家觉得好过一点的话 我们可以忘了那件事…
[00:12:12] ...and we'll just do the gift. …只送礼物就好了
[00:12:14] Gift? The thing's not the gift? 礼物?礼物不就是那件事吗?
[00:12:18] No,we were gonna go see Hootie and the Blowfish. 不,那件事就是我们要去看 “混混与自大狂”
[00:12:21] Hootie and the “混混与自大狂”…
[00:12:22] I can catch them on the radio. 我可以听收音机就好了
[00:12:26] No. Now I feel bad. You wanna go to the concert. 不,现在我愧疚了 你想去听那场演唱会的?
[00:12:29] No,look. It's my birthday... 不,听着,那是我的生日…
[00:12:32] ...and the important thing is that we're all together. …最重要的 是我们大家一起过
[00:12:35] -All of us. -Together. 全部 一起过
[00:12:36] Not at the concert. 不是去演唱会
[00:12:41] Thank you. 谢谢
[00:12:58] Gee,Monica. What's in the bag? 摩妮卡,袋子里有什么?
[00:13:00] I don't know,Chandler. Let's take a look. 不知道,钱德 咱们看一下吧
[00:13:02] Oh,it's like a skit. 像在演短剧
[00:13:06] Why,it's dinner for six. Five steaks... 是六个人的晚餐 五块牛排…
[00:13:09] ...and an eggplant for Phoebe. …跟菲比的茄子
[00:13:13] We switched suppliers at work,and they gave me the steaks as a thank-you. 我们餐厅换了肉食供应商 新供应商送了我这些牛排谢我
[00:13:17] But wait,there's more. Chandler,what is in that envelope? 等等,还有啊… 钱德,那信封里头还有什么?
[00:13:24] By the way,this didn't seem so dorky out in the hall. 对了,刚才在外面排演 那没么驴的
[00:13:28] Why,it's six tickets to Hootie and the Blowfish! 是六张去看 “混混与自大狂”的票
[00:13:34] The Blowfish! 是“自大狂”呀
[00:13:37] It's on us. So don't worry. This is... 是我们付钱的,所以别担心 我们…
[00:13:40] ...our treat. …请客
[00:13:43] Thank you. 谢了
[00:13:47] Could you be less enthused? 你们能不能更不起劲儿啊
[00:13:49] Look,it's a nice gesture. It is. 各位,你们一番好意
[00:13:52] But it just feels like.... 可是我们觉得这像…
[00:13:54] Like? 像…
[00:13:56] Charity. 施舍
[00:13:57] Charity? 施舍?
[00:13:58] We're just trying to do a nice thing here. 我们只是想让大家高兴
[00:14:01] But you have to understand,your "nice thing" makes us feel about this big. 对,罗斯但是你这么做 让我们觉得我们很渺小
[00:14:05] Actually,it makes us feel that big. 事实上,我们是这么小
[00:14:11] I don't understand. We can't win with you guys. 我不懂 我是说,我们怎样做都不对
[00:14:14] If you guys feel this big, maybe that's not our fault. 若你们觉得那么渺小的话 那或许不是我们的错
[00:14:17] Maybe that's just how you feel. 或许…那只是你们的感觉
[00:14:22] Now you're telling us how we feel. 你要告诉我们有什么感受
[00:14:25] We never should have talked about this. 你看嘛,我们根本就不该提的
[00:14:27] I'm gonna pass on the concert. 我想我不去演唱会了
[00:14:35] -Me neither. -Me too. 我也是 我也是
[00:14:38] Guys,we bought the tickets. 各位,我们票都已经买好了
[00:14:40] Then you'll have extra seats for all your tiaras and stuff. 那你们就有座位 可以放头冠啊什么的
[00:14:45] Why did you look at me when you said that? 你说的时候干嘛瞪着我看?
[00:14:51] So I guess now we can't go. 这下子我们都不能去了
[00:14:53] Do what you want. Do we always have to do everything together? 你们去做你们要做的事啊 我们非得集体行动不可吗?
[00:14:59] You know what? You're right. 知道吗?你说得对耶
[00:15:01] Fine. 很好
[00:15:06] All right. 好吧
[00:15:08] We're gonna go. 我们就去
[00:15:15] It's not for another six hours. We're gonna go then. 不过还有六个小时 我们到时候再去
[00:15:30] Are you ready? 天啊,你准备好了吗?
[00:15:31] Just let me grab my jacket and tell you I had sex today. 好了,等我先拿个外套 还有我今天上床了
[00:15:37] What? You had sex today? 什么?你今天上床了?
[00:15:40] It sounds even cooler when somebody else says it! 从别人嘴里说出来更酷耶
[00:15:44] I was awesome. She was biting her lip to stop from screaming. 我棒透了,我害得她必须要 咬住嘴唇忍住尖叫
[00:15:50] I know it's been a while, but I took that as a good sign. 我知道我很久没有这样了 但我认为那是个好现象
[00:15:58] Still doing the screening? 你还在过滤电话吗?
[00:16:00] I had sex today. 我今天上床了
[00:16:03] I never have to answer that phone again. 我再也不用去接那个电话
[00:16:06] At the sound of the beep, you know what to do. 哔一声过后,你知道怎么做
[00:16:09] Hey,Bob. It's Jade. 小包,我是小洁,听着
[00:16:11] I wanted to tell you I was really hurt when you didn 't show up yesterday. 你那天放我鸽子 我心里难过极了
[00:16:15] And just so you know, I ended up meeting a guy. 结果你知道吗? 我认识了另一个人
[00:16:20] Bob here. 我是小包
[00:16:23] So you met someone,huh? 你认识了别人?
[00:16:25] Yes,I did. 没错
[00:16:27] In fact,I had sex with him two hours ago. 事实上 我两小时前跟他上床了
[00:16:34] So how was he? 他怎么样呢?
[00:16:46] Oh,Bob,he was nothing compared to you. 小包,跟你比他算什么
[00:16:53] I bit my lip to keep from screaming your name. 我得咬住嘴唇 才能不叫出你的名字
[00:16:59] Well,that makes me feel so good. 很高兴听你这么讲
[00:17:02] It was just so awkward and bumpy. 我是觉得他好没技巧
[00:17:07] Maybe he had some kind of new style that you're not familiar with. 或许是因为他采取了一些 你不熟悉的新的酷姿势
[00:17:12] You have to get used to it. 你应该要习惯他的做法呀
[00:17:13] There wasn 't much time to get used to it... 根本没多少时间可以让我习惯…
[00:17:16] ...if you know what I mean. …懂我的意思吗?
[00:17:28] You know what? I'm not gonna be able to enjoy this. 知道吗? 我想我根本没有心情听这个
[00:17:31] I know. It's my birthday. We all should be here. 我知道,这是我的生日 我们应该全部在一起的
[00:17:35] So let's go. 那么走吧
[00:17:43] Well,maybe we should stay for one song. 或许我们应该听一首再走
[00:17:46] It would be rude to them for us to leave now. 对呀,反正现在离开 对他们有点不敬
[00:17:49] The guys are probably having a great time. 说不定 他们现在正玩得很开心呢
[00:17:55] Come on,you guys. One more time. 来吧,再来一次嘛
[00:17:59] One. —
[00:18:11] -Amazing! -Excellent! 不可思议 棒透了
[00:18:13] I can't believe the guys missed it! 真不能相信他们错过这个
[00:18:18] Excuse me. Aren't you Monica Geller? 请问,你是盖勒摩妮卡,对吧?
[00:18:21] -Do I know you? -You were my baby-sitter! 我认识你吗? 你以前当过我的褓姆呀
[00:18:27] How have you been? 近来好不好啊?
[00:18:29] Good. I'm a lawyer now. 很好,我现在是律师了
[00:18:31] You can't be a lawyer. You're 8. 你不可能是律师,你才八岁
[00:18:34] It was nice to see you. I gotta run backstage. 听着,很高兴见到你 我要去后台了
[00:18:36] Wait,backstage? 等等,后台?
[00:18:38] My firm represents the band. 他们是我公司代理的
[00:18:43] You guys wanna meet the group? 你们想认识他们吗?
[00:18:46] Come on. 那走吧
[00:18:47] Are you one of the ones that fooled around with my Dad? 对了 你以前也有跟我爸乱搞吗?
[00:18:56] Hey,you guys! 各位
[00:18:57] Happy birthday! 生日快乐
[00:18:58] Oh,thank you. 谢谢
[00:19:03] How was your night last night? 你们昨天晚上过得怎么样?
[00:19:05] Oh,well,it pretty much sucked. How was yours? 昨晚真是烂得可以了 你们呢?
[00:19:09] Ours pretty much sucked too. 我们也是烂得可以啊
[00:19:11] But I ran into Stevie Fisher. Remember him? 但是我碰到了小费史提 你记得吗?
[00:19:14] Oh,yeah! I used to baby-sit him. 记得,我以前当过他的褓姆
[00:19:16] Hey,how's his dad? 他爸好吗?
[00:19:20] Good. 很好
[00:19:21] Aside from that,the evening was pretty much a bust. 除此之外 我们昨天整个晚上都满凄惨的
[00:19:25] Yeah,we really missed you guys. 对,我们很想念你们
[00:19:28] Yeah,we were just saying, this whole thing is so stupid. 对呀,我们刚才还说 这件事太愚蠢了
[00:19:32] We just have to really,really not let stuff like money,get like 我们必须真的真的 不让钱这种事情介入…
[00:19:37] Is that a hickey? 那是个吻痕吗?
[00:19:41] Oh,no,I just.... 不,我只是…
[00:19:43] I fell down. 我跌倒了
[00:19:46] On someone's lips? 跌在别人嘴上?
[00:19:50] Where'd you get the hickey? 你那吻痕哪儿来的?
[00:19:52] You know,a party or 你知道,派对啊…
[00:19:53] What party? 什么派对?
[00:19:54] It wasn't a party so much as a... 那不算是派对…
[00:19:57] ...a gathering of people. …只能说是一群人聚在一起
[00:20:00] With food and music and... 有吃的,有音乐,还有…
[00:20:03] ...and the band. …乐团
[00:20:06] You partied with Hootie and the Blowfish? 你们跟“混混与自大狂”混?
[00:20:08] Yes. Apparently,Stevie and Hootie are like this. 对,很显然史提跟混混是死党
[00:20:12] Who gave you that hickey? 那吻痕是谁给的?
[00:20:15] That would be the work of a Blowfish. 是其中一个自大狂弄的
[00:20:20] I can't believe it! I can't believe this! 我真不敢相信
[00:20:23] We're just sitting at home, trying to guess Joey's fingers... 我们只是坐在家里头 猜乔伊的手指头…
[00:20:30] ...and you're partying and having fun and all: 而你们却跑出去疯狂作乐说:
[00:20:33] "Hey,Blowfish,suck on my neck!" “自大狂吸我脖子”
[00:20:39] Don't blame us. You could've been there. 不要怪我们 本来你们也可以去的
[00:20:42] What? As part of your "poor friends outreach program"? 什么?当被你们施舍的 穷朋友,是不是?
[00:20:47] Oh,great. It's work. 帅,是公司
[00:20:48] I don't know what to say. I'm sorry we make more than you. 我不晓得该说什么 很抱歉我们赚的钱比你们多
[00:20:52] But we're not gonna feel guilty. We work really hard. 可是我们不想因此有罪恶感 我们很努力的赚钱啊
[00:20:57] It's Monica. I got a page. 我是摩妮卡 刚刚有人CALL我
[00:20:59] It's just that sometimes we like to do stuff that costs a little more. 有时候我们会想做 比较花钱的事情嘛
[00:21:03] And you feel like we hold you back. 是我们拖住你了
[00:21:11] Leon,wait. 等等
[00:21:13] Guys! 各位!
[00:21:14] I don't understand. 我不明白
[00:21:16] The steaks were a gift from the meat vendor. 那些牛排只是肉商送来的礼物
[00:21:18] That was not a kickback. 可不是回扣啊
[00:21:20] I'll just replace them, and we can forget the whole thing. 那我买回去还他们 我们把这件事忘掉好了
[00:21:27] What corporate policy? 什么公司政策啊?
[00:21:42] I just got fired. 我被开除了
[00:21:50] Here's your check. That'll be $4. 1 2. 你们的帐单,一共四块两毛
[00:21:52] Let me get that. 我来付
[00:21:57] You got 5 bucks? 你有没有五块啊?
[00:22:08] Here comes the beep. You know what to do. 哔一声过后,你知道怎么做
[00:22:12] Hi,it's me. 是我
[00:22:17] Listen,Bob. I'm probably way out of line here. 小包 也许我不该做这样的要求
[00:22:20] It's been three years,and you 're probably seeing someone else now... 我是说都过三年了 说不定你另外有女朋友了…
[00:22:24] ...but if we could have one night together,for old time 's sake.... …我们如果能在一起一个晚上 看在往日的份上…
[00:22:28] One hot,steamy,wild night.... 干柴烈火的一晚…
- Friends S01E08
- Friends S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
- Friends S04E14 The One With Joeys Dirty Day
- Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos
- Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus
- Friends S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
- Friends S04E09 The One Where They’re Going To Party
- Friends S01E07
- Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
- Friends S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
- It’s Raining [Rain]
- 梦的徽章 [陈玮儒]
- 1 Thing [Ameriie]
- 逢いたくてしかたない [郷ひろみ]
- 一知半解 [谭咏麟]
- 谁在夜里想起我 (DJ阿先) [王键]
- Reunion(Mylo Remix) [M83]
- 早操 快乐的一天开始了 [网络歌手]
- Spiders [The Vapors]
- Bless You [Barry Mann]
- I Need You So [Elvis Presley]
- Enemies [Motor Ace]
- I Just Don’t Like This Kind Of Livin’ [George Jones]
- The Look of Love [Acoustic Classics]
- World in Your Hands(Not Normal Mix) [Culture Beat]
- I Am the Only Sexy Lady [Shivranjani Singh]
- I Didn’t Fall In Love With Your Hair [Brett Kissel&carolyn dawn]
- Tonight [Empire Of The Sun]
- Kizomba [Kaysha]
- 野草还 [张三弥]
- Long Tall Sally [Little Richard]
- ふらりふられて [由紀さおり]
- 一生有你 [丁晓红]
- 七月二十二 [苏皓轩]
- 得到重生 [吴秀可]
- 我们就要毕业了 [马一]
- Exactly Like You [Aretha Franklin]
- 厚厚的壳 [阿佳组合]
- I Need Your Love Tonight [Elvis Presley]
- When the Work’s All Done [Johnny Bond]
- Santa Claus Is Back In Town [Elvis Presley]
- 久久不见久久见(Live) [王丽达&汤子星]
- Warm Leatherette(Original Mix) [Club 69]
- Claveles [Imperio Argentina]
- Mother [Audio Idols]
- Cagando En Arguelles(Explicit) [Moigo]
- La tierra de los sueos [La Dama Se Esconde]
- 守候 [伊人家乡&童心致远]
- Cradle of Love [Johnny Preston]
- 阿依图兰 [艾图兰]
- 第四部 第227章 这是谎言吗?! [曲衡]