
《Like a Rolling Stone(Live)》歌词

Like a Rolling Stone(Live)

[00:00:00] Like A Rolling Stone (Live) –Bob Dylan

[00:00:23] //

[00:00:23] Once upon a time you dressed so fine

[00:00:27] 曾几何时你优裕富足衣着光鲜

[00:00:27] You threw the bums a dime in your prime didn't you

[00:00:35] 随手抛给路边潦倒不堪的叫花子几个小钱 有那么回事儿吧

[00:00:35] People'd call say Beware doll you're bound to fall

[00:00:39] 人们屡屡良言相劝:成熟点小丫头

[00:00:39] You thought they were all kiddin' you

[00:00:46] 你早晚得明白什么叫风水轮流转

[00:00:46] You used to laugh about

[00:00:52] 而你只当他们存心嘲弄视若不见

[00:00:52] Everybody that was hangin' out

[00:00:58] 每每看到那些落魄人儿游荡飘零在外

[00:00:58] Now you don't talk so loud now you don't seem so proud

[00:01:09] 你那些高谈阔论怎么收起来了 你那高贵的头颅怎么低下去了

[00:01:09] About havin' to be scrounging around for your next meal

[00:01:19] 只因今天的你已三餐不继,为寻生计迫不得已四处奔波

[00:01:19] How does it feel how does it feel

[00:01:30] 这滋味如何 这滋味如何

[00:01:30] To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone

[00:01:58] 你孑身独行 你孤立无援 颠沛流离一如滚石

[00:01:58] You've gone to the finest school all right

[00:02:00] 你考上了一所名牌校令人钦羡,真不错

[00:02:00] Miss Lonely

[00:02:01] 我孤傲的小姐

[00:02:01] But you know you only used to get juiced in it

[00:02:09] 可你也清楚你除了被榨干的灵魂外一无所获

[00:02:09] And nobody has ever taught you how to live out on the street

[00:02:13] 你从不曾想过真实的底层社会该是怎般图景

[00:02:13] And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it

[00:02:21] 如今你为了讨生活已不得不学着去直面污浊与残缺

[00:02:21] You said you'd never compromise

[00:02:27] 那时你自命清高说你绝不与那陌生浪客为伍

[00:02:27] With the mystery tramp but now you realize

[00:02:33] 现在又是什么让你如梦初醒

[00:02:33] He's not selling any alibis as you stare into the vacuum of his eyes

[00:02:43] 他可不会跟你卖关子故作姿态 你只得强忍厌恶望向他空洞无物的瞳眸

[00:02:43] And say Do you want to make a deal

[00:02:54] 用最卑下的口吻问他要不要做笔买卖

[00:02:54] How does it feel how does it feel

[00:03:05] 这滋味如何 这滋味如何

[00:03:05] To be on your own

[00:03:11] 你孑身独行

[00:03:11] With no direction home like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone

[00:03:32] 你孤立无援 颠沛流离一如滚石

[00:03:32] You never turned around to see the frowns

[00:03:34] 你从未注意过那些魔术师

[00:03:34] On the jugglers and the clowns

[00:03:36] 和小丑们笑容中藏着双眉紧蹙

[00:03:36] When they all come down and do tricks for you

[00:03:43] 他们都想尽办法逗你开心

[00:03:43] You never understood that it ain't no good

[00:03:46] 你到底明不明白什么叫善恶之分

[00:03:46] You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you

[00:03:55] 你让别人替你受苦受难你还颇以为乐

[00:03:55] Used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat

[00:04:00] 你那位跨着哈雷机车带你兜风的花花公子

[00:04:00] Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat

[00:04:06] 肩头还安伏着一只华贵的暹罗猫

[00:04:06] Ain't it hard when you discover that He really wasn't where it's at

[00:04:17] 而当你一朝醒悟他并非你心所渴求

[00:04:17] After he took from you everything he could steal

[00:04:28] 却发现他已携着你所有的一切飘然远遁 个中苦涩此时只能由你独自体味

[00:04:28] How does it feel how does it feel

[00:04:38] 这滋味如何 这滋味如何

[00:04:38] To be on your own

[00:04:43] 你孑身独行

[00:04:43] With no direction home like a complete unknown

[00:04:55] 你孤立无援 颠沛流离

[00:04:55] Like a rolling stone

[00:06:14] 一如滚石

[00:06:14] Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people

[00:06:16] 幽居高塔的公主和所有那些优雅体面的上层人士

[00:06:16] They're all drinkin' thinkin' that they got it made

[00:06:24] 整日里小口啜酒,以为他们找到了生活的答案

[00:06:24] Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts and things

[00:06:27] 世所罕见的各色珍稀玩物在一双双手中流转

[00:06:27] But you'd better lift your diamond ring you'd better pawn it babe

[00:06:36] 可那种日子不再属于你了宝贝儿,那漂亮的钻戒你还是摘下来当了它吧

[00:06:36] You used to be so amused

[00:06:42] 至于那满面风尘用语鄙俗的流浪汉

[00:06:42] At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used

[00:06:47] 从来就逃不过趾高气扬的你唇边讥讽的微笑

[00:06:47] Go to him now he calls you you can't refuse

[00:06:52] 而今召唤声中你向他走去这一切不由你自主

[00:06:52] When you got nothing you got nothing to lose

[00:06:58] 当你一无所有,你也就再没什么可失去

[00:06:58] You're invisible you got no secrets to conceal

[00:07:09] 现在你周身透明,再藏不住一丝秘密

[00:07:09] How does it feel how does it feel

[00:07:19] 这滋味如何 这滋味如何

[00:07:19] To be on your own

[00:07:25] 你孑身独行

[00:07:25] With no direction home like a complete unknown

[00:07:36] 你孤立无援 颠沛流离

[00:07:36] Like a rolling stone

[00:07:41] 一如滚石