

所属专辑: 听歌学英语 歌手: 安夏 时长: 13:04

[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成

[00:00:05] 欢迎收听听歌说英语

[00:00:08] 我是安下安静的安夏天的霞

[00:00:12] 今天的节目和你一起来说一说Charlie puth attention

[00:00:17] 相信很多小伙伴已经期待这首歌曲很久了

[00:00:21] 那么今天我们就一起来说一说吧

[00:00:23] 如何说好英语

[00:00:25] 说好英语除了基础的翻译以外呢

[00:00:28] 还需要了解一些发音的规则和发音的技巧

[00:00:32] 那么就必须要拿到我们的学习必备资料可以在微信公众号按下说英语的后台回复发音规则获取相关的资料哦

[00:00:44] 千万不要在节目下方的留言板回复哦

[00:00:47] 因为留言版没有自动回复的功能也没有办法获取相关的资料


[00:00:53] 接下来我们一起来说一说attention 这首歌曲

[00:01:07] Go around go around go around every party in early as you knew that I knew that I knew that I be have you been running round running round running round throwing that dirt alone my name

[00:01:24] 你总在四处兜圈

[00:01:25] 到处撒野

[00:01:27] 还把所有污名都扣在我的头上

[00:01:31] Eve ng Eve 滨Eve 缩写缩读注意哈字母V 作为音标上排牙齿碰下唇iv iv been running around

[00:01:43] Throwing that dirt alone my name throwing throwing

[00:01:51] Th to 舌头好加上一个卷舌音throwing

[00:01:57] That 失去爆破throwing throwing that dirt

[00:02:03] Data

[00:02:04] 对跟哦小年读哦

[00:02:09] 跟on 又是小连读

[00:02:12] Throwing that dirt alone my name

[00:02:17] 所以读的时候慢点哈

[00:02:19] 像这些还是有点绕口的

[00:02:23] 可惜你dad I knew that I 可以我因为你我都知道这样的话我就会给你来点可是

[00:02:33] 可是

[00:02:34] 这里有一个童话的现象

[00:02:36] 可是near that I

[00:02:38] 可是near that I

[00:02:41] That gen er 心灵读

[00:02:43] 可是knew that I knew that I did call you up new dad I d call you up

[00:02:51] 这里要讲一下哈


[00:02:55] 这里的一撇的没办法报掉哈ID call you a call you up

[00:03:01] 英语跟up 有一个外加吻小琳独

[00:03:06] You ve been going around going around going around every party in elli

[00:03:13] 你总是混迹在洛杉矶的各个派对

[00:03:17] 就要讲一些every every 这个LV 上牌时跟夏淳刚刚讲过了

[00:03:23] 然后Ali Ali Ali

[00:03:26] 我san jealous 车里哈缩写

[00:03:29] 然后呢

[00:03:33] But she knew that I knew that I knew that I be at one

[00:03:39] 因为你我都明了

[00:03:40] 我也会同时出现

[00:03:44] 这句话的知识点呢

[00:03:45] 有很多是在前面重复的来讲

[00:03:48] 一个b at one be at one

[00:03:52] 这个后面跟折万五

[00:03:57] 所以呢

[00:03:58] 我这边有点特殊哈

[00:03:59] 你可以报可以不报at once 补报的时候轻轻的不要读at one

[00:04:05] 这样就不好了

[00:04:07] 我们接着往下走来看一下下一段歌词feel me cry or in o na Mol upon you would you expect should I know that dress is comma perfume regret

[00:04:36] You got me thinking about when you were mine

[00:04:40] And now I mall a Pony a what you expect

[00:04:44] But you are not coming home with me tonight

[00:04:49] 那身衣服是祸之源头er 香水引来罪恶欠酒

[00:04:54] 你总让我不断想起那些属于你我的时候

[00:04:58] 而现在我也是悉听尊便

[00:05:02] 随你所愿

[00:05:03] 反正今晚你也不愿意跟我回家

[00:05:08] I know that dress is comma perfume regret I know I know that that 失去爆破I know that dress com a dress that is 小林读perfume regret perfume perfume regret 注意一下

[00:05:28] 不要regret regret 寻连最好切记不要在两个人中间加一个呃

[00:05:35] 音可以

[00:05:37] You got me thinking about when you were mine

[00:05:41] You got 失去爆破thinking about about 前面的呃

[00:05:47] 省掉了you got me thinking about when you were mine but 失去爆破and now are more upon you what you expect and now end 的数据

[00:06:01] 包括and now are more upon you

[00:06:04] 阿嬷阿嬷小玲读m ul upon a more upon 哦

[00:06:11] 跟al upon amal upon you open up alla alla up on all upon you 也是小凌渡and now I mall a Pony a what you expect

[00:06:28] What can you 童话what you expect expect

[00:06:33] 这里有个求换号expect

[00:06:37] But you were not coming home with me tonight but your 同化现象哈

[00:06:44] But your 跟前面那个what you what you what you expect 童话是一样的not

[00:06:51] 失去爆破baby you just ignore me with morning and you just wanna tension I re for mers are you just making sure and 接下来来看一下副歌部分you just want attention you dont want my heart maybe you just hate the thought of me with someone new

[00:07:21] Yeah you just want attention and knew from de starch

[00:07:27] You were just making sure and never get ing of you

[00:07:32] 你只是想引人注意并不是真想俘获我心

[00:07:37] 你只是不愿意想到我和别人会在一起

[00:07:42] 你只是想引起我的注意

[00:07:44] 一开始我便心知肚明

[00:07:48] 你只是想确信我还是依然忘不掉你

[00:07:54] You just want attention

[00:07:56] 车里面just 失去爆破

[00:08:00] 然后want

[00:08:01] 这里面都是wanna wanna tension is one attention you dont want my heart you dont 失去爆破want 也失去爆破

[00:08:15] Maybe you just hate the thought of me with someone you 这句话当中的just

[00:08:21] Hate 2个都失去爆破

[00:08:40] 小林读

[00:08:42] Yeah you just want attention I knew from these chart

[00:08:48] Yeah you just want attention 跟前面那句是一样的哈

[00:08:53] I knew from dust arch I knew from the start new no 一个圆形的过去式哈

[00:09:01] Starch starch 图画

[00:09:07] You were just making sure and never getting over you

[00:09:12] Liver liver 外加稳跟弱读you were you were just making you were just making just 失去包括you were just making sure make sure trouble

[00:09:26] I m never getting over you

[00:09:29] I m never getting over you

[00:09:33] Never never 上班还是放下纯er get over get over

[00:09:39] 这个短语一定要注意哈getting over getting over you

[00:09:46] 好了

[00:09:46] 以上就是今天的听歌说英语和你一起来学习到Charlie Charlie Charlie proof attention

[00:09:54] 今天的节目到这里已经接近尾声了

[00:09:57] 如果说你想关注到安下的更多

[00:09:59] 其它不同类型的节目

[00:10:01] 欢迎在微信公众号上搜索安夏说英语添加关注就可以了

[00:10:08] 你的每一个点赞

[00:10:09] 每一个分享我都会记在心里

[00:10:13] 如果你想在节目当中跟大家一起来分享并学习你喜欢的歌曲

[00:10:18] 可以在微信公众号安夏说英语的后台留言翻牌歌曲哦

[00:10:24] 那我就期待你的翻牌哦

[00:10:26] 下期节目不见不散

[00:10:28] 拜拜you just making sure ever and ever you Hao 啊

[00:10:47] Everywhere everywhere everywhere I sn t nobody nobody nobody but you know 不要啊锁了崭新的monday baby you just wannabe with 什么女孩也意味着说了起来

[00:11:30] 随便说啊

[00:11:54] I know that dress is karma you may cry you got me thinking about when you were here

[00:12:04] Na wa Guan tan amo

[00:12:14] You know my har Mae be 的学生

[00:12:44] 我的学生啊