《Friends S04E08 The One With Chandler In A Box》歌词

[00:00:05] It's me. I know you can 't stand to see me. 喂 是我 我知道你不想跟我共处一室
[00:00:08] I'm trying to apologize over the phone 我想用电话跟你道歉…
[00:00:19] I shouldn't have kissed your girlfriend 我不该亲你的女朋友…
[00:00:25] Stop calling! 别再打来了
[00:00:27] This is 92.3 WXRK,K-Rock... 这里是92.3摇滚广播电台
[00:00:31] ...calling with our $ 1000 daily challenge! 您是今天的千元挑战者
[00:00:34] All right! 漂亮
[00:00:35] What is the name of... 请问...
[00:00:37] ...your roommate who is very sorry and would do anything? 你那位非常抱歉 愿意尽全力…
[00:00:46] -Damn it,Chandler,stop calling. -Joey,it's Ross. 钱德,别再打来了 乔伊,我是罗斯
[00:00:50] -Sorry. -It's all right. 对不起 没关系
[00:00:51] What's up? 什么事?
[00:00:53] Not much. I got Chandler here and he's really,really sorry 也没什么 钱德在我这边,他非常非常…
[00:00:59] The One with Chandler in a Box 本集播出:闭关思过
[00:01:46] Oh,turkey! 火鸡…
[00:01:48] Giving thanks! 说谢谢
[00:01:51] Look,everyone. It's the spirit of Thanksgiving! 看,这就是感恩节的精神
[00:01:55] Are things with Joey better? 你跟乔伊好一点了吗?
[00:01:57] They couldn't be worse. I spent eight hours calling him... 糟到不能再糟 我昨晚打了8小时电话给他
[00:02:00] ...trying to get him to talk to me. 想让他跟我说上一句话
[00:02:04] Eight hours. 8小时
[00:02:05] You could probably use a plug-in telephone headset. 你应该用得上耳机吧?
[00:02:09] Should we all expect Christmas gifts that are stolen from your office? 我们会收到 你从公司偷来的圣诞礼物吗?
[00:02:16] You shouldn't. 你不会
[00:02:19] Speaking of Christmas.... 讲到圣诞节
[00:02:20] Since Monica and I are starting a new business and have no money... 摩妮卡和我刚开业,没有钱
[00:02:24] ...this year we could do Secret Santa and each only buy one gift. 今年就来抽签互送吧 这样只要买一份礼物
[00:02:29] And there's the added mystery of who gets who. 还可以猜猜看谁抽到谁
[00:02:34] Who gets whom. 谁抽到“哪个人”
[00:02:38] I don't know why I do that. 我是无意识的
[00:02:42] But it is correct. 但那样才合文法
[00:02:45] Hey,what's this? It's all of your names. 这是什么? 是你们的名字!
[00:02:48] Let's pick. 来抽吧
[00:02:51] Hey,what's going? 你们在…
[00:02:55] -No,Joey,stay. -We're picking names for Secret Santa. 乔伊,不要走 我们要抽签送礼
[00:03:00] Okay. 好啦
[00:03:02] I invented Secret Santa,you know. 这个做法是我发明的
[00:03:07] What are you laughing at? You're the one who said Die Hard was your idea. 你笑什么? 你也说“终极警探” 是你的构想
[00:03:10] It was. 本来就是
[00:03:13] Don't make me show you the napkin. 别逼我把纸巾拿出来
[00:03:23] I'm going to take a nap. Turkey makes me sleepy. 我要去睡个觉,火鸡让我爱睏
[00:03:27] We haven't eaten yet. 还没吃耶
[00:03:29] I know,but all that work you're doing to get it ready and.... 我知道,但你那堆准备过程…
[00:03:35] Did you pick Rachel for your Secret Santa? I'll trade for her. 你们有人抽到瑞秋吗?我要换
[00:03:39] I picked her. Thank God,you want her! 我抽到她,幸好你要她
[00:03:43] Why do you want to get rid of her so badly? 你为什么这么想换掉她?
[00:03:45] She exchanges every gift she gets. 因为她收到什么都拿去换
[00:03:48] It's impossible to get her something she likes. 要让她满意根本不可能
[00:03:50] Come on,let's trade! 来换吧
[00:03:52] I got her that backpack and she loved it. 哪有这回事 她很喜欢我送她的背包
[00:03:55] I remember she cried when that big dog ran off with 有只大狗把它叼走时 她哭得好…
[00:04:01] There was no big dog. 没有什么大狗
[00:04:04] This sucks! I already got her a briefcase with "R.G." put on it. 真是的,我已经买了个公事包 还拿去烫了RG
[00:04:09] Her initials. 她的姓名缩写
[00:04:12] Okay,I'm really bad at initials. 我很不会认缩写
[00:04:17] You got your shopping done early. 你今年礼物买得真早
[00:04:19] Yeah,well,my Camel Cash was about to expire. 我的礼券快过期了
[00:04:23] Maybe you can give it to somebody else. Like Ross Geller! 也许你可以送给别人 像罗斯盖勒(缩写亦为RG)
[00:04:27] You know what? It's a girlie briefcase. 那是个女用公事包
[00:04:29] Who cares! He works in a museum. 那又怎样,他在博物馆上班
[00:04:34] The big game's about to start! 现在几点?球赛要开始了
[00:04:36] Ross and Joey aren't here. You can watch the parade if you want. 罗斯乔伊不在,你可以看游行
[00:04:40] Thanks. 谢了
[00:04:42] What is wrong with this freezer? 这个冷冻库怎么搞的
[00:04:46] -What happened? -lce just got in my eye! 怎么了? 我的眼睛被冰扎到
[00:04:49] People are trying to sleep in here! 这里有人要睡觉
[00:04:53] Monica got ice in her eye and it hurts! 摩妮卡的眼睛被冰扎到很痛
[00:04:55] -Open it up. Let me see. -I can't. It really kills. 张开让我看看 不行,真的很痛
[00:04:58] Maybe you should put some ice on it. 也许你应该冰敷
[00:05:02] -lt looks bad. -We should take you to a doctor. 好像很严重 去看医生好了
[00:05:05] No,my eye doctor is Richard! 不行,我的眼科医生是理查
[00:05:07] I can't go to him when I don't have a boyfriend. 我没有男朋友不能去见他
[00:05:11] He's really picky about his patients. 他对病患还真挑剔
[00:05:14] You've got to go. What's his office number? 你非去不可 他的诊所电话几号?
[00:05:17] Like I remember his office number! 我哪会记得
[00:05:19] Speed dial seven. 速拨键七
[00:05:23] I'm calling on behalf of Monica Geller's eye. 喂,我代表摩妮卡盖勒的眼睛
[00:05:28] Is Richard Burke in today? 理查柏克今天在吗?
[00:05:31] He's not in. Will she see the on-call doctor? 他不在,她愿意看候诊医师吗
[00:05:34] -Yes. -She's very excited about that! 愿意! 愿意!她非常兴奋
[00:05:38] Okay,we'll be right in. 好,我们马上过去
[00:05:40] Okay,so who's gonna take her in? 谁要带她去?
[00:05:42] I'll go,you can watch your parade. 我来,你去看游行
[00:05:49] It's so cool. Till Monica gets back,I'm head chef. 酷毙了 摩妮卡回来之前,我是主厨
[00:05:53] And I get to make all the decisions. 我可以做决定
[00:05:57] She told you to follow the recipe exactly. 她叫你完全照食谱来
[00:06:00] Get out of my kitchen. 滚出我的厨房
[00:06:03] I think I'm making some progress with Joey. 好,我跟乔伊有进展了
[00:06:07] When I walked in, he went to his bedroom... 我进门时,他走进他的房间
[00:06:09] ...but he only slammed the door once. 但只摔了一次门
[00:06:13] Yeah,he gave me the finger while doing it. 不过摔的时候有比中指
[00:06:16] I've got to call my mom and ask her a left-handed cooking question. 我得问我妈左手烹饪的问题
[00:06:24] I'm gonna be in there. 我要进房里去
[00:06:26] While I'm gone.... 我不在的时候…
[00:06:31] Chandler,you're in charge. 钱德,你负责
[00:06:36] I picked Monica for Secret Santa,but I'm getting her something for Hanukkah. 我抽到摩妮卡 但我已经替她买了光明节礼物
[00:06:40] You want to switch? 你想换吗?
[00:06:42] I was trying to trade... 其实我想换成...
[00:06:45] ...for you. ...你
[00:06:48] Really? That's so nice. What are you getting me? 真的?真好,你要送我什么?
[00:06:51] I don't know,R.G. I was thinking something girlie for your office. 不晓得,RG 某种女性化的上班用品吧
[00:06:57] Maybe Phoebe will switch with me. 也许菲比会跟我换
[00:07:00] Then you'll get stuck with Rachel, and she exchanges every gift. 最好不要,那你会抽到瑞秋 她什么礼物都拿去换
[00:07:05] No,I got her lots of stuff she never took back. 乱讲 我送她很多东西她都没退
[00:07:08] Like? 比如?
[00:07:09] Like that gold necklace I got her last year. 像我去年送她的金项链
[00:07:12] When did she wear it last? 她上次戴是哪时?
[00:07:14] She wore it all Christmas day and then.... 她圣诞节整天都戴着,然后…
[00:07:19] Big dog? 大狗?
[00:07:27] What are you doing? 你在干什么?
[00:07:28] Sending back this stuff Chandler bought. 把钱德因内疚买的东西退回去
[00:07:32] -Even the TV? -No,I'll put that in my room. 全部?包括电视? 不,电视要搬进房里
[00:07:37] Listen,Joey. I know what he did was wrong. 乔伊,我知道他做错了
[00:07:41] But can't you hear him out? 但你就不能听他解释吗?
[00:07:44] If Chandler had kissed Rachel, would you hear him out? 你和瑞秋在一起的时候, 如果钱德吻了瑞秋,你会听他解释么
[00:07:48] That's a good point. 说得好
[00:07:51] How long you going to punish him? 那你要罚他多久?
[00:07:53] Five years. 5年
[00:07:56] You've sentenced him? 你还判了刑?
[00:07:57] Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. 不敢当就不要做
[00:08:01] The guy's your best friend. 他是你最要好的朋友
[00:08:03] Was my best friend. 曾经是我最好的朋友
[00:08:05] I don't know why you're pushing for him. 你干嘛拼命替他说情?
[00:08:07] With him out of the way as my best friend,there's a spot open. 少了他碍事 我就没有最要好的朋友了
[00:08:13] -Who,me? -Yeah. 我吗? 对
[00:08:16] I'm honored. You know what I'm going to do as your best friend? 我真荣幸 你知道我首先要做什么?
[00:08:21] I'm going to get you to talk to Chandler. 拉你去跟钱德说话
[00:08:25] All right. 好啦
[00:08:27] But if you weren't my best friend.... 若非你是我最好的朋友…
[00:08:32] Oh,my God. Is it really that bad? 天哪,真的那么严重?
[00:08:34] I walk in the room, and he won't talk to me. 我进了门,他根本不理我
[00:08:37] He just mumbles something in ltalian. 只念了几句意大利文
[00:08:41] And I know he only knows the bad words. 我知道他只会脏话
[00:08:45] I'm so,so sorry. I feel responsible. 真对不起,都是我不好
[00:08:49] It's not your fault. 不是你的错
[00:08:54] -Gunther,have you seen Chandler? -I thought you were Chandler. 阿甘,你有看见钱德吗? 我以为你才是钱德
[00:09:01] But one of you is over there. 你们其中一个在那边
[00:09:12] Hey,Joe. 乔伊
[00:09:15] (意大利文)
[00:09:23] I'll be right with you. Thanks for coming in. 我马上就好 谢谢你
[00:09:27] Oh,my God! How cute is the on-call doctor? 天哪,这个候诊医生真帅
[00:09:32] So cute that I'm thinking about jamming this pen in my eye. 帅到我想拿笔插我的眼睛
[00:09:45] -You have the best luck with eye doctors. -I know. 你的眼科医生缘真好 我知道
[00:09:51] Dr. Burke will see you now. 柏克医生可以见你了
[00:09:53] Not Dr. Burke. The on-call doctor will see me now. 不是柏克医生,柏克医生不在 是候诊医生要帮我看
[00:09:57] Dr. Richard Burke is out. 理查柏克医生不在
[00:09:58] Dr. Timothy Burke,his son, will see you now. 他儿子提摩西柏克医生帮你看
[00:10:03] Ready? 准备好了吗?
[00:10:12] Hey,I'm sorry. That 对不起,刚才…
[00:10:15] -Where you going? -My folks'. 你要去哪里? 我爸妈家
[00:10:20] When you coming back? 什么时候回来?
[00:10:22] I don't know. I might stay there while I look for an apartment. 不知道 可能会住几天顺便找房子
[00:10:27] What? 什么?
[00:10:29] I thought we could talk about this. Work it out. 原先我以为我们可以谈开来
[00:10:33] Seeing you two together,I don't.... 但是看到你们在一起…
[00:10:36] What do you want me to say? Should I stop seeing her? 你要我说什么? 说我不见她吗?
[00:10:39] It's not about her. Okay? 跟她无关,好吗?
[00:10:42] But seeing you together reminds me of what you did. 但看到你们在一起 就让我想起你做的事
[00:10:45] I won't live with someone who doesn't know what it is to be a friend. 我不跟一个不懂朋友道义的人 住在一起
[00:10:50] I know what it is to be a friend. I screwed up. 我懂朋友道义,只是我搞砸了
[00:10:55] Yeah,you did. 对,没错
[00:10:57] And that's why I'm leaving. 所以我要离开
[00:11:00] If you're not going to stay for me, then at least stay for them. 你不为我留下来 至少为它们留下来
[00:11:06] They had a very difficult year. What with the robbery and all. 它们这1年很不顺,还被抢
[00:11:10] And that chick used to be very cute. 小鸡本来很可爱的
[00:11:13] When that guy was robbing us... 当那个人抢了我们
[00:11:15] ...and I was locked in the entertainment unit for six hours... 我在柜子里关了6小时
[00:11:18] ...do you know what I was doing? 你知道我在做什么?
[00:11:20] I was thinking about how I let you down. 我在想我太让你失望了
[00:11:24] If I knew what kind of friend you'd be,I wouldn't have worried. 对,早知道你会见色忘友 我根本不会担心
[00:11:30] Wait one second! There has to be something that I can do. 等一下…一定有什么我能做的
[00:11:34] If we still had that unit... 如果柜子还在
[00:11:36] ...I'd get in it for six hours and think about how I let you down. 我会关6小时 检讨我有多让你失望
[00:11:45] What?
[00:11:47] We got a box. 我们有一个箱子
[00:11:52] I remember the last time I saw you. 我记得上次见到你
[00:11:55] It was the morning I left for college. 是去外地念书的早上
[00:11:58] You were standing outside the Dairy Queen. 你站在乳品店外面
[00:12:02] Just probably waiting for it to open. 八成是在等它开店
[00:12:05] -You look great now. -You look great too. 你现在好漂亮 你也很帅
[00:12:09] You're an excellent patient. 你真是个好病人
[00:12:12] How does it look? 情况如何?
[00:12:13] You have a scratch on your cornea. You have to wear a patch. 你的角膜有刮伤 得戴几天眼罩
[00:12:18] Like a pirate? 像海盗那样?
[00:12:20] If that helps you. 你懂就好
[00:12:26] How long have you been working with your dad? 你跟着你爸多久了?
[00:12:30] Come on,one of us had to mention him. 总得有人提到他
[00:12:33] I moved back here a couple months ago. 我是2个月前搬回来的
[00:12:37] Big family dinner tonight? 晚上要家庭聚餐?
[00:12:41] No way! 不会吧
[00:12:42] I was gonna have Thanksgiving at my girlfriend's. 我本来要去女朋友家吃饭
[00:12:45] But we broke up. 但我们分手了
[00:12:49] She wasn't ready for a serious commitment. 她还不想定下来
[00:12:55] So you made her walk the plank, aye,matey? 所以你让她跳海吃自己?
[00:12:59] You're not wearing the patch yet. 你还没戴眼罩呢
[00:13:04] I know. 我知道
[00:13:11] -He's coming here for Thanksgiving? -I know. It's sick. 他要来过感恩节? 对啊,好变态喔
[00:13:15] -Why is it sick? -It's Richard's son! 为什么变态? 因为他是理查的儿子
[00:13:17] It's like inviting a Greek tragedy over for dinner. 这跟找希腊悲剧来吃饭一样
[00:13:22] If it were Greek, I'd be blind in both eyes. 希腊人会把两只眼睛都蒙住
[00:13:26] I like him because he's handsome and he's nice and smart and handsome. 我喜欢他的英俊、体帖 聪明和…英俊
[00:13:32] Phoebe,you understand,don't you? 菲比,你了解吧?
[00:13:35] I could see where I'd be your best shot,but no. 我知道你为什么指望我 但是不行
[00:13:39] Sorry,honey. I think it's twisted. 对不起,我觉得很畸形
[00:13:42] -What's twisted? -Me going out with Richard's son. 什么事畸形? 我跟理查的儿子交往
[00:13:45] 好恶!
[00:13:48] 恶恶恶
[00:13:51] It sounds like a really bad idea to me. 我觉得实在不太好
[00:13:56] -ls he okay in there? -He's fine! 他这样可以吗? 他好得很
[00:14:00] If things work out between you and Richard's son... 要是你跟理查的儿子有结果
[00:14:03] ...you can tell your kids... 你就可以告诉孩子
[00:14:05] ...that you slept with their grandfather. 你跟他们的爷爷上过床
[00:14:09] Judge all you want to. 随你们怎么批评
[00:14:11] Married a lesbian, left a man at the altar... 娶到女同志,临阵逃婚
[00:14:13] ...Ioved a gay ice dancer... 爱上同性恋冰上舞者
[00:14:15] ...threw a girl's wooden leg in the fire,live in a box! 把女生的木腿丢进火里 睡在箱子里
[00:14:25] What exactly is the point of the box? 睡箱子的用意到底何在? 钱德
[00:14:31] The meaning of the box is threefold. 有三重意义
[00:14:34] One,it gives me the time to think about what I did. 第一,让我有时间反省
[00:14:39] Two,it proves how much I care about my friendship with Joey. 第二,证明我有多重视 跟乔伊的友谊
[00:14:44] And three... 第三…
[00:14:47] ...it hurts. 会痛
[00:14:50] And if he stays in the box you guys will be friends again? 他关在里面,你们就能和好?
[00:14:53] Let's just say it's a start. 这是个开始
[00:14:56] Remember that necklace I gave you last year? 记得我去年送你的项链吗?
[00:15:00] Can I see it? 可以给我看吗?
[00:15:03] Why? 为什么?
[00:15:04] I just want to check something. 我只是想看一下
[00:15:07] Okay. 好
[00:15:12] Now we'll see. 等着瞧吧
[00:15:13] Air hole! Air hole! 没气了!没气了
[00:15:18] Here it is. I love it. I wear it all the time. 在这里,我很喜欢,我常戴
[00:15:24] The necklace I got you was gold. This is silver. 我送的是金项链,这是银的
[00:15:30] Well,maybe... 也许它…
[00:15:33] ...it changed. 变色了
[00:15:35] Oh,my God! You actually exchanged it. 天哪,你真的拿去换
[00:15:38] Isn't it better to exchange it for something I enjoy... 换一个我喜欢又常用的东西
[00:15:42] ...and can use a lot? 不是比较好?
[00:15:43] What did you get? 你换了什么?
[00:15:45] Credit. 换购金额
[00:15:49] I'll get it. I'll get it. I'll get it. I'll get it. I'll get it. 我来开我来开…
[00:15:57] Hi,Tim. 提姆
[00:15:58] Thank you. Come meet my friends. 谢谢,来见我的朋友
[00:16:03] Phoebe. 这是菲比 幸会
[00:16:05] And Joey. 乔伊 你好
[00:16:06] My brother,Ross. 我哥哥罗斯 你好
[00:16:08] And Rachel. 还有瑞秋
[00:16:13] That's Chandler. 那是钱德
[00:16:14] How do you do? 你好
[00:16:18] -What's? -Well,he's.... 这是… 他在…
[00:16:20] He's doing some thinking. 他在反省
[00:16:28] -What happened? -You kissed my girlfriend! 怎么了? 你亲了我的女朋友
[00:16:36] I like those sunglasses. 我喜欢那个墨镜
[00:16:37] "Like them" like them? Or "I'd like to get store credit" like them? 是喜欢的喜欢 还是可以换成换购金额的喜欢
[00:16:44] (意大利文)
[00:16:49] This turkey is ready. 各位,火鸡上桌了
[00:16:52] Where can I wash up? 哪里可以洗手?
[00:16:54] Let me show you. 来…我带你去
[00:16:56] The towels are hanging next to the sink. 毛巾挂在洗手台旁边
[00:16:58] -And you can use the fancy soap. -Thank you. 你可以用高级香皂 谢谢
[00:17:02] Fancy soap? I thought we were saving that for the pope. 高级香皂? 我以为要留给教宗用
[00:17:07] See. He's nice,right? 他人很好吧?
[00:17:09] Do you want a relationship where you can actually say: 但你真的想在谈恋爱时说
[00:17:13] "That's not how your dad used to do it"? “你爸的做法不同”?
[00:17:20] Everything looks great. Where should I sit? 看起来好好吃,我坐哪里?
[00:17:23] Saved you a seat. 我帮你留了
[00:17:25] Sick,sick,sick,sick. 变态变态变态变态
[00:17:29] I'll get it. 我去开
[00:17:31] Got you! 被我骗了
[00:17:35] That doesn't sound like thinking to me. 这听起来不像是反省
[00:17:38] -Sorry! -You shouldn't be talking at all. 对不起 你不应该说话
[00:17:42] You've got too much thinking to do to be talking and joking. 你要想的太多了 不该说话开玩笑
[00:17:45] Okay,you got it! 好,没问题
[00:17:47] Ross,pass me the yams? 罗斯,把蕃薯给我
[00:17:50] Joey's got the mashed potatoes if you want to exchange them. 好,你想换的话 乔伊那里有马铃薯泥
[00:17:57] Will you stop! What's the matter with you? 够了,你是怎么搞的?
[00:18:00] We've got company. 有客人喔
[00:18:04] Nothing's the matter with me. 我没怎么搞的
[00:18:06] I'm not completely devoid of sentiment. I have feelings. 我不是麻木不仁的人 我也有感觉
[00:18:11] Okay,fine. 好,很好
[00:18:19] You can't tell,but I'm breaking the tension by mooning you guys. 你们看不到 但我正在露屁股打圆场
[00:18:29] All right,look! 听着
[00:18:31] If this is a big joke to you, forget about it. 如果你把它当成笑话 那就算了
[00:18:34] This means something to me. 这对我很重要
[00:18:36] If it doesn't mean anything to you, then get out of there. 要是对你不重要,你就死出来
[00:18:39] Otherwise,you're just an idiot in a box. 否则就太白痴了
[00:18:42] You're right. I'm sorry. This means a lot to me. 你说得对,对不起 这对我非常重要
[00:18:45] I want to be friends again. I swear I won't say another word. 我想跟你和解 我发誓不会再说话了
[00:18:50] -So you'll take this seriously? -Absolutely! 你会当一回事? 绝对会
[00:18:53] That sounds like another word to me. 你又说话罗
[00:18:57] Are you going to take this seriously? 你会当一回事吗?
[00:19:03] Okay! 很好
[00:19:07] Don't say that I have no sentiment. 别说我麻木不仁
[00:19:10] This is a movie stub from our first date. 这是第一次约会的电影票根
[00:19:14] This eggshell is from the first time you made me breakfast in bed. 这是你第一次 为我做床上早餐的蛋壳
[00:19:18] This is from the museum, the first time we... 这是博物馆的,我们第一次…
[00:19:22] ...were together. 在一起
[00:19:25] Maybe I exchange gifts sometimes, but I keep the things that matter. 我有时会换礼物 但重要的东西我会留
[00:19:31] I don't know what to say. I'm sorry. 我不知道该说什么,对不起
[00:19:34] Though you're not supposed to take these. 但是…这个不能拿
[00:19:42] It's,like,a million years old. 它有百万年的历史
[00:19:45] We actually have people looking for that. 我们还得派专人去挖
[00:19:55] -Mind if I smoke? -Care if I die? 我可以抽烟吗? 想害死我吗?
[00:19:59] No,I'm just kidding,I'm just kidding. Go ahead,smoke. 开玩笑的,你抽吧
[00:20:03] This always happens. 老是会卡住
[00:20:05] Here,let me. 让我来
[00:20:07] Thank you. 谢谢
[00:20:12] You have very beautiful... 你有很漂亮的...
[00:20:15] ...eye. ..眼睛
[00:20:18] My friends think this is weird. 我朋友都觉得这样很怪
[00:20:20] Even the one in the box? 包括箱子里那个?
[00:20:24] It's not weird,is it? 这样不会很怪吧?
[00:20:26] I thought it would be. I almost canceled,but it really isn't. 我原先也觉得会,还差点取消 但其实不会
[00:20:30] I know. Me and your dad, that's totally separate. 我知道 我跟你爸完全是两回事
[00:20:34] I totally agree. 我完全同意
[00:20:36] We're two people who find each other... 我们只是两个…
[00:20:39] ...very attractive. ...互相吸引的人
[00:20:42] Right? 对吧?
[00:20:54] -What? -Nothing,nothing. 怎么了? 没事
[00:20:57] No,really. Was that not okay? 那个吻不好吗?
[00:21:00] No,that was good. 不,很好
[00:21:02] That was a good kiss. 那个吻很好
[00:21:05] -lt reminded you of -Don't say it! 天哪!它让你想到… 别说
[00:21:09] -lt did,didn't it? -Yes! 但是有,对吧? 对!
[00:21:13] I know! 天哪! 我知道
[00:21:17] God,I am sorry. I am so sorry. 对不起,我真的很抱歉
[00:21:21] It's okay. It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without a little emotional scarring. 没关系 少了感情疮疤就不叫感恩节
[00:21:27] You know what's even worse? 更糟的是...
[00:21:29] My friends were right. 我朋友说得对
[00:21:30] You know what's worst for me is you remind me of a younger version of my mom. 最糟的是 我觉得你就像年轻的我妈
[00:21:59] -I want you to know how sorry I am -It's okay. 听着,我真的很抱歉… 没关系
[00:22:03] -Chandler's the one I'm mad at. -Well,I'm still sorry. 我气的是钱德 我还是很抱歉
[00:22:08] -ls he here? -ln the box. 他在吗? 在箱子里
[00:22:20] He can't talk right now. 钱德? 他现在不能说话
[00:22:23] Why not? What's going on? 为什么?怎么了?
[00:22:25] He's trying to show Joey how much he means to him. 他想表示他很重视乔伊
[00:22:29] -By being in a box? -Joey had reasons. 所以窝在箱子里? 乔伊有他的理由
[00:22:34] They were threefold. 有三重意义
[00:22:41] You not being able to talk might make this easier. 你不能说话反而让事情好办
[00:22:45] Listen.... 听我说…
[00:22:57] I don't want to be someone who comes between two best friends. 听我说 我不想介入两个最要好的朋友
[00:23:04] I can't stand seeing what this is doing to you guys. 我不忍心看着这件事影响你们
[00:23:08] And I don't want to be the cause of that. 我不想成为罪魁祸首
[00:23:12] I don't think we can see each other anymore. 所以我们不该再见面了
[00:23:15] I'm going to my mom's in Chicago. 我要去芝加哥找我妈
[00:23:18] I'm going to stay there for a while. 我会住一阵子
[00:23:26] I think this could have been something really amazing. 这段感情本来会很美好
[00:23:29] But,you know,this is probably for the best. 但这么做最好
[00:23:34] You know? 你懂吗?
[00:23:41] I'm going to miss you. 我会想你的
[00:23:46] Goodbye,Chandler. 别了,钱德
[00:23:57] Open the box! 把箱子打开啦
[00:24:00] What? 什么?
[00:24:01] He can still catch her. Get out of there! Get out of there! 他还追得上她,快出来啦
[00:24:08] We're going to be fine. Get out! 所以… 我们没事啦,出来啦
[00:24:13] You did some real good thinking in there. 真的? 对,你好好反省过了
[00:24:17] I mean,this is.... 这真是…
[00:24:23] You could still catch her! 快,你还追得上她
[00:24:25] And merry Christmas from your Secret Santa! 神秘圣诞老人祝你圣诞快乐
[00:24:32] All right,who got Chandler? Because I need to trade. 谁抽到钱德?我要换
[00:24:41] He sees her! 他看到她了
[00:24:43] He's catching up to her. 他在追她
[00:24:47] She sees him! 她看到他了
[00:24:49] They're hugging! 他们拥抱了
[00:24:53] He's taking her purse. 他在抢她的皮包
[00:24:56] That's not them. 那不是他们
[00:24:58] I'll go call the police. 我去报警
[00:25:03] There they are! 他们在那里
[00:25:11] All right,get a room. 快去开房间吧
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