

所属专辑: The Covers, Vol. 2. 歌手: Jason Chen&Verseatile 时长: 03:35

[00:00:00] Lighters - Jason Chen (陈以桐)/Verseatile

[00:00:00] //

[00:00:00] This one's for you and me living out our dreams

[00:00:05] 这首歌是送给你和我的,让我们跳出梦境让梦想成真

[00:00:06] 我们该在哪里?我们就在那里

[00:00:06] We're all right where we should be

[00:00:11] 敞开双臂,我睁开双眼

[00:00:11] Lift my arms out wide I open my eyes

[00:00:17] 现在我想看见的

[00:00:17] And now all I wanna see

[00:00:21] 是布满火光的夜空

[00:00:21] Is a sky full of lighters

[00:00:27] 一个布满火光的夜空

[00:00:27] A sky full of lighters

[00:00:34] 你听到这首歌的时候我已盘旋上升

[00:00:34] By the time you hear this song

[00:00:36] 我将会远走高飞,留下传说,为我那未出世的儿子

[00:00:36] I'll be long gone leave a legacy for my unborn son

[00:00:39] 他可以继续从事音乐虽然你不是我的老大

[00:00:39] He can carry on music ain't my master

[00:00:41] 不论从哪里取材

[00:00:41] Doesn't matter where i take it from

[00:00:43] 只要我每首歌传递某种信息

[00:00:43] Long as I provide some kind of message into every song

[00:00:45] 难以忘记街道的那通电话

[00:00:45] Can't forget when I got that phone call

[00:00:47] 听到妈说不出话

[00:00:47] Heard my momma couldn't speak a word

[00:00:49] 逼到墙角也不明白这个问题

[00:00:49] Put up stone walls didn't understand the problem

[00:00:51] 不能继续

[00:00:51] Couldn't go on

[00:00:53] 讨厌任何人,耶,我的愤怒持续这么久

[00:00:53] Hated everybody else yeah my anger lasted so long

[00:00:56] 但在通道的尽头我看到了一丝亮光

[00:00:56] But at the end of the tunnel I saw a shining light

[00:00:58] 他抓紧我的心当我

[00:00:58] It gripped me by the heart as I grumbled

[00:01:00] 我看到生活的模样

[00:01:00] I saw what life was like

[00:01:01] 我努力控制自己

[00:01:01] I tried to take control myself

[00:01:02] 但双眼已被遮蔽

[00:01:02] But I had blinded eyes

[00:01:04] 想着真相存于世上

[00:01:04] Thought the truth was found in the world

[00:01:05] 但我知道的都是谎言

[00:01:05] But I was finding lies

[00:01:07] 我感谢上天拯救我的方式

[00:01:07] I thank the Lord for the way that he had rescued me

[00:01:09] 他从不丢我一旁,妈妈终于开口说

[00:01:09] He never left my side and my momma spoke eventually

[00:01:12] 他是我内心记忆中的一个

[00:01:12] It's one of many memories that I have inside

[00:01:14] 你能感觉得到我所说的,燃起你的火光照亮天空

[00:01:14] You feeling what I'm saying put your lighters in the sky

[00:01:17] 这首歌是送给你和我的,跳出梦境让梦想成真

[00:01:17] This one's for you and me living out our dreams

[00:01:21] 我们该在哪里?我们就在那里

[00:01:21] We're all right where we should be

[00:01:26] 敞开双臂,我睁开双眼

[00:01:26] Lift my arms out wide I open my eyes

[00:01:31] 现在我想看见的

[00:01:31] And now all I wanna see

[00:01:36] 是布满火光的夜空

[00:01:36] Is a sky full of lighters

[00:01:42] 一个布满火光的夜空

[00:01:42] A sky full of lighters

[00:01:49] 当还是孩子的时候,有个梦想,唤醒

[00:01:49] As a child growing had a dream of blowing up

[00:01:52] 铭记音乐是唱给自己让未醒的人们睡去

[00:01:52] Memorizing music sing myself to sleep when no one's up

[00:01:55] 这是我的印象 当我醒来发泄时

[00:01:55] This is my expression when I'm venting as I open up

[00:01:57] 追求最好的当我没有收入倍感压力时

[00:01:57] Hoping for the best when I stress having no income

[00:02:00] 在我能分辨,表现得更成熟之前,太多的时光已经匆匆流过

[00:02:00] Too much time passing over I can tell I'm acting older

[00:02:03] 没有快乐,再见了亲爱的

[00:02:03] No more fun and games sayonara Casanova

[00:02:05] 过去热爱的夜生活--穿着夹克喝着可乐

[00:02:05] Used to love the nightlife sipping on my Jack and cola

[00:02:08] 现在我想要贤惠的妻子让生活重回正轨

[00:02:08] Now I want a nice wife get my life back in order

[00:02:10] 但是曾经我不是很满意这种生活的吗?

[00:02:10] But am I ever satisfied in this life of mine

[00:02:13] 以前我认为自己应该是可以散发光芒的人

[00:02:13] Thought I was supposed to be somebody with a light to shine

[00:02:16] 我没有思绪,告诉我吧,上天你到底在想什么

[00:02:16] I have no clue tell me God what you have in mind

[00:02:18] 当你给盲人指路时

[00:02:18] Help me surrender like a vessel as you lead the blind

[00:02:21] 你说的每一句话都是事实

[00:02:21] One of a kind every line that you speak is truth

[00:02:24] 唯一的原因,为何你让我在这个亭子说话

[00:02:24] The only reason why you got me speaking in this booth

[00:02:26] 永远心怀愧疚,为了走到更高

[00:02:26] Forever grateful and I do this for the most high

[00:02:29] 感觉得到我所说的,燃起你的火光照亮天空

[00:02:29] Feeling what I'm saying put your lighters in the sky

[00:02:31] 你我都知被打败的感觉

[00:02:31] You and I know what it's like to be kicked down

[00:02:39] 被迫战斗

[00:02:39] Forced to fight

[00:02:41] 但今晚我们都安然无恙

[00:02:41] But tonight we're alright

[00:02:46] 所以请高举你的火光

[00:02:46] So hold up your light

[00:02:49] 让它闪耀发光

[00:02:49] Let it shine

[00:02:55] 因为这首歌是送给你和我的,跳出梦境让梦想成真

[00:02:55] 'Cause this one's for you and me living out our dreams

[00:03:02] 我们该在哪里?我们就在那里

[00:03:02] We're all right where we should be

[00:03:07] 敞开双臂,我睁开双眼

[00:03:07] Lift my arms out wide I open my eyes

[00:03:13] 现在我想看见的

[00:03:13] And now all I wanna see

[00:03:17] 是布满火光的夜空

[00:03:17] Is a sky full of lighters

[00:03:27] 一个布满火光的夜空