

所属专辑: 坏蛋调频 歌手: 坏蛋调频 时长: 18:31

[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成

[00:00:20] Li ra tar ni ly Lao ni ori rab ly clap eyes Zhou Liu Lao Heng Hai he he 一起啊

[00:00:48] 最好的美女玩啊

[00:00:58] 啊啊啊啊

[00:01:13] Hello

[00:01:14] 各位听众大家好

[00:01:15] 这里是坏蛋留声机5355 数第一首歌呢

[00:01:19] 是来自纽约布鲁克林的一个四人乐队叫Charlie please

[00:01:24] 嗯呃

[00:01:25] 听着特别像查啦


[00:01:27] 就是或者他她的这个低音声部有点儿像cranberries

[00:01:32] 然后高音就特别日本了

[00:01:34] 他唱的

[00:01:35] 但其实是娱乐太多了

[00:01:38] 但其实是一个美国乐队啊

[00:01:40] 认真不开玩笑啊

[00:01:42] 这个乐队是刚出第一张专辑啊

[00:01:44] 在今年4 月刚刚发布了第一张全长专辑叫噶皮

[00:01:49] 什么叫GAP 呢

[00:01:50] 就是有尬舞友尬聊是夹对他们喜欢GAP 呃

[00:01:55] 这个GAP 的这个意思呢

[00:01:58] 就是家里养过这个热带鱼的人可能都知道有一种鱼的孔雀


[00:02:03] 知道就是GAP 指的就是这个孔雀呃

[00:02:06] 现在我们听到的是当中的一首歌名字叫朱莉亚

[00:02:11] 这期节目

[00:02:12] 我们就来听几首跟茱莉亚有关的歌

[00:02:17] 哦哦哦

[00:03:51] 嗯嗯

[00:03:57] 嗯啊

[00:04:09] 就是

[00:04:09] 听出放屁的感觉了吗



[00:04:18] 下面一首歌呢

[00:04:19] 虽然不叫茱莉亚

[00:04:21] 但是这首歌叫朱利安啊

[00:04:24] 这个以前我们说相声呢

[00:04:26] 有一个老老前辈叫丁广泉收过好多外国徒弟啊

[00:04:30] 其中有一个法国徒弟叫朱利安

[00:04:33] 后来她在这个大赌场旁边开了一个法国菜馆哦哦倒闭了

[00:04:38] 哈哈

[00:04:39] 呃这首歌叫朱利安来自前culture club 的主唱

[00:04:44] 英国人呃呃

[00:04:46] 她同同时是歌手也是一个呃

[00:04:50] 卖卖卖

[00:04:51] 卖衣服的是吧

[00:04:53] 这人就不会George 呃

[00:04:55] 出自他2002 年的一张专辑you can never be too straight 就是你不能太直了

[00:05:03] 对这个可以说是一张新曲加精选这首歌是当年呃

[00:05:08] 在这张唱片当中的一首新曲

[00:05:11] You never escape me o Julie 啊

[00:05:17] Dont tell me without you sly

[00:05:21] 郝经理啊

[00:05:24] Dont keep it all internal and

[00:05:29] OQ 厉害your just a small boy in a big mans

[00:05:39] 哒哒哒哒

[00:05:43] 的等

[00:05:46] 额啊

[00:05:51] I save them foolish sings but you took my voice away like an audience of one

[00:06:01] Subtle only get to play hey you will feel so much having nothing modern day except just leave me alone

[00:06:16] What type of laugh about these one day

[00:06:21] Dont tell me that what does changing your letter prove o power chart it can be the fact you hate yourself is her own worst enemy o julio a

[00:06:38] Was it anything for a

[00:06:42] 熬Julian wil let all again

[00:06:50] Hold julio the fear that is gone from your champagne

[00:06:58] I hope nothing back I give it all away

[00:07:04] I am founder three one seven blue as vulnerable seeking similar comeback in very seen him flaming him screaming looking for someone brave and how to love me

[00:07:27] O Julie 啊

[00:07:30] Dont tell me it was out last

[00:07:34] O Julia dont keep it all intern ally

[00:07:41] O Julie 啊

[00:07:44] Your just a small boy in a big man the worlds

[00:07:52] [ 正在播放:Julian's Eyes - Brett Anderson

[00:08:34] 安徒生对安徒生这个人的声音一出来


[00:08:39] 立马就炸了一身鸡皮疙瘩


[00:08:41] 这个是Brett Anderson

[00:08:43] 他个人的在2009 年出版的一张专辑叫slow attack 呃当中的一首Julie s eyes 呃朱利安的眼睛呃

[00:08:54] 我记得零九年bright Anderson 是以个人的名义来到北京

[00:09:00] 好像在摩登天空音乐节上呃

[00:09:02] 做了一个表演


[00:09:04] 有他

[00:09:05] 还有我记得第二天压轴是九寸钉好像呃

[00:09:10] 好像是嗯

[00:09:11] 那个是朝阳公园音乐节啊

[00:09:14] 朝阳公园公园音乐节就是安徒生安徒生推保安吗

[00:09:17] 对不起

[00:09:18] 哎对对滚蛋

[00:09:20] 玩蛋去吧啊

[00:09:21] 然后台下一片欢呼是吧

[00:09:23] 现在其实回过头来想想可能不对

[00:09:25] 因为人家保安做的也是自己的工作嘛

[00:09:28] 对吧

[00:09:29] 然后可能这个安徒生他甩的那一下

[00:09:31] 可能也是表演的一部分

[00:09:32] 嗯嗯但是大家就很


[00:09:35] [ 正在播放:Julian's Eyes - Brett Anderson

[00:09:35] [ 正在播放:Julian's Eyes - Brett Anderson

[00:09:35] [ 正在播放:Julian's Eyes - Brett Anderson

[00:09:35] [ 正在播放:Julian's Eyes - Brett Anderson

[00:09:35] [ 正在播放:Julian's Eyes - Brett Anderson

[00:11:37] City shoes one re si den green for Du val es are not good for St and let the show swim with the singing c she died on a live and let the ball into my coffee

[00:11:53] I will see that so small a child you cannot understand


[00:12:12] 特别絮絮叨叨的

[00:12:13] 然后唱的

[00:12:14] 有点儿

[00:12:15] 像比约克

[00:12:15] 嗯呃

[00:12:16] 这首歌名字叫英语成法语的a in Du green wild


[00:12:22] 在绿野中

[00:12:23] 嗯呃

[00:12:24] 大家问了

[00:12:24] 就是说这个歌儿这里边没有茱莉亚啊


[00:12:28] 这个歌手叫茱莉亚啊啊啊这个人叫茱莉亚hotel 啊


[00:12:39] 这个是来自美国洛杉矶的一个叫呃叫art pop 艺术流行


[00:12:46] 歌手

[00:12:46] 这是他在2017 年新出版的一张现场专辑啊

[00:12:51] 叫in de same room 当中的一首歌


[00:12:57] 这个歌还是挺耐听的啊

[00:12:59] 大家来听一下

[00:13:04] In the green mile dial on my hands to shoulder score the shoes my feet have worn story

[00:13:12] I want to see the play will do the sound of walking on the moon

[00:13:33] 啊啊


[00:13:49] There is a human one way day even a flower

[00:13:56] Does an Le ne

[00:14:04] Just

[00:14:10] 哈哈哈哈


[00:14:19] Ac ti um we re even for the fairy

[00:14:29] 嗯嗯

[00:14:32] Boss just r SCO in san Shi

[00:14:40] 哈哈哈哈啊

[00:14:48] No way we were weigh well in the green while there is a huge very UN wind a walk in the flower

[00:15:03] Does a Le ni

[00:15:11] Just are strong the


[00:15:21] 这期主题是茱莉亚茱莉亚本来是一个源于拉丁语的一个女人的名字


[00:15:27] 她也是约翰列侬他母亲的名字


[00:15:31] 在195 8年呢

[00:15:32] 这个约翰列侬的母亲茱莉亚列侬在约翰列侬目睹下然后被一辆车撞了

[00:15:40] 然后飞了出去

[00:15:41] 然后就死了44 岁

[00:15:43] 后来呢

[00:15:45] 约翰列侬写出了这首歌在1968 年披头士的

[00:15:49] [ 正在播放:Julia - The Beatles

[00:15:49] [ 正在播放:Julia - The Beatles

[00:15:49] [ 正在播放:Julia - The Beatles

[00:15:49] [ 正在播放:Julia - The Beatles

[00:15:49] [ 正在播放:Julia - The Beatles