《Friends S01E10》歌词

[00:00:05] All right! You guys, it's starting to snow. 各位,外面开始下雪了
[00:00:09] And look,Ugly Naked Guy is hanging candy canes. 快看啊,丑陋裸男在挂糖果藤
[00:00:14] Where? 哪里?
[00:00:16] Oh. Well. 哇. 不错
[00:00:19] That's festive. 真有节日气氛
[00:00:23] Guys,there's somebody I'd like you to meet. 各位我想介绍一个人给大家认识
[00:00:29] Wait,wait. What is that? 等等…这是怎么回事?
[00:00:31] -That's Marcel. Wanna say hi? -No,I don't. -他叫马修,想和他打声招呼? -不,我不要
[00:00:34] -He's cute! Where'd you get him? -My friend Bethel saved him from a lab. -他好可爱,哪里得到他的? -我朋友贝瑟把它从实验室救出来的
[00:00:39] That is so cruel. 真残忍
[00:00:41] Why would a parent name their child Bethel? 为何有父母会将孩子取名为圣地(贝瑟)?
[00:00:47] That monkey's got a Ross on his ass. 那猴子的屁股上长了个罗斯
[00:00:54] Is he gonna live with you in your apartment? 罗斯,它要和你同住吗?
[00:00:57] Yeah. It's been kind of quiet since Carol left. 对,卡萝离开後家里冷清清的
[00:01:01] Why not get a roommate? 为何不找个室友?
[00:01:03] You reach a certain age,having a roommate is just kind of pathet 人到一定的年纪后与室友同住是有点可悲(pathet)…
[00:01:11] That's " pathet. " Sanskrit for " really cool way to live. " 抱歉,是pathet 在梵语中代表很酷的生活方式
[00:01:16] The One With the Monkey 六人行 第1季 第10集 猴子
[00:02:04] I' m doing new material tonight. 各位,我今天将唱全新的曲目
[00:02:07] I have 1 2 songs about my mother's suicide and one about a snowman. 我写了12首关于我妈自杀的歌 及一首有关雪人的歌
[00:02:14] You might wanna open with the snowman. 你最好先唱雪人
[00:02:18] -Hi,Joey. -Hey,buddy. -乔伊 -老兄
[00:02:20] -So how'd it go? -I didn't get the job. -如何? -我没得到那份工作
[00:02:25] How could you not? You were Santa last year. 你怎可能会没得到?你是去年的圣诞老人
[00:02:29] Some fat guy's sleeping with the store manager. 不知道哪个胖子和店经理有一腿
[00:02:35] He's not even jolly. It's all political. 他根本无法逗人开心,这就是政治
[00:02:38] -What are you gonna be? -One of his helpers. -那么你扮演什么? -当他的助手
[00:02:41] It's just such a slap in the face, you know? 就像是脸上的一个巴掌,你明白的?(真是耻辱)
[00:02:44] Do you know what you' re doing for New Year's? 你们打算如何过新年?
[00:02:49] Hey,what? What is wrong with New Year's? 什么?新年有什么不对劲吗?
[00:02:52] You have Paolo. You don't have to face the pressure... 你有保罗.无须面对新年带来的压力
[00:02:56] ...of finding lips to kiss when the ball drops! 无须急着寻找有嘴唇的生物 便于在球落下那一刻有个亲嘴的对象
[00:03:01] Man,I'm talking loud! 哦,我说得太大声了!
[00:03:04] Paolo's gonna be in Rome this New Year's. 保罗新年时会在罗马
[00:03:08] -I'll be just as pathetic as you. -Yeah,you wish. -所以我将和各位一样可悲 -想得美
[00:03:13] I've got an idea. Dinner. 我有个主意,聚餐
[00:03:16] It's perfect. We'll put it between lunch and breakfast. 不错,我们可以把它放在午饭和早饭之间
[00:03:21] I'm sick of being a victim of this Dick Clark holiday. 我不想再听到迪克拉克的疲劳轰炸
[00:03:25] I say this year,we make a pact. Just the six of us. Dinner. 我说今年,我们约定.只有我们6个共进晚餐
[00:03:30] -Sure. -Fine. -当然 -好得
[00:03:31] I was hoping for more enthusiasm. 我希望大家能更开心点
[00:03:39] Hi. Ladies and gentlemen, back by popular demand... 各位,回应大家要求
[00:03:43] ... Miss Phoebe Buffay. 菲比布费小姐
[00:03:49] Hi. Thanks. Hi. hi.谢谢.hi
[00:03:52] I wanna start with a song that means a lot to me. 首先的这首歌在这种时节令我感慨万分
[00:04:01] I made a man with eyes of coal 我做了一个人,眼睛是煤炭做的
[00:04:05] And a smile so bewitching 他有谜样的微笑
[00:04:08] How was I supposed to know 我如何能承受
[00:04:11] That my mom was dead in the kitchen? 母亲死在厨房的事实
[00:04:21] My mother's ashes 母亲的骨灰
[00:04:24] Even her eyelashes 甚至是她的睫毛
[00:04:27] Are resting in a little yellow jar 都安放在一个黄色的小骨灰坛
[00:04:36] And sometimes when it's freezing 当有时天寒地冻
[00:04:39] I feel a little sneezy 我感觉有点想打啧涕
[00:04:42] And now I Excuse me? Excuse me? Yeah,noisy boys. 如今我…抱歉,吵闹的男人
[00:04:49] Is it something you'd like to share with the group? 有什么想和大家分享的吗?
[00:04:54] No. No,that's okay. 没.没,没事
[00:04:56] If it's important enough while I'm playing... 如果有事如此重要 你们非在我唱歌时谈论
[00:04:59] ...it's important enough for everyone else. 那就重要的足以与我们分享
[00:05:03] That guy's going home with a note. 那家伙铁定会带着一本注意事项回家去
[00:05:11] -I was just saying -Speak up. -我是告诉我朋友… -大声点行吗?
[00:05:16] I was saying you were the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. 我告诉我朋友:你是我见过最漂亮的女孩
[00:05:20] And he said that Daryl Hannah... 他说黛瑞汉娜…黛瑞汉娜
[00:05:23] ...was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. 是他见过最美的女人
[00:05:26] I said I liked her in Splash, but not Wall Street. 我说我喜欢“美人鱼”中的她 但“华尔街”就没那么喜欢了
[00:05:30] I thought she had a hard quality. 她没那种硬派气质
[00:05:34] While Daryl is beautiful in a conventional way... 黛瑞汉娜是传统的美
[00:05:37] ...you are luminous with a kind of delicate grace. 而你散发出高雅的气质
[00:05:43] Then that's when you started yelling. 然后你就叫我们了
[00:05:54] We're gonna take a short break. 休息片刻
[00:06:01] That guy's going home with more than a note. 那小伙得到得远不止注意事项了啊(抱得美人归)
[00:06:09] Come here,Marcel. Sit here. 过来,马修,坐这儿
[00:06:18] By my sixth date with Paolo, he'd already named both my breasts. 我第6次和保罗约会时 他就为我的双峰取了名字
[00:06:26] Did I just share too much? 我分享太多了吗?
[00:06:29] Just a smidge. 一点点
[00:06:32] David's,like,a scientist guy. He's very methodical. 大卫是个科学家,做事一丝不苟
[00:06:36] -I think it's romantic. -Me too! -我认为这很浪漫 -我也这么想!
[00:06:38] Did you ever see An Officer and a Gentleman? 你们看过军官与绅士吗?
[00:06:42] He's kind of like the guy I went to see that with. 他就是我心目中的白马王子
[00:06:50] Except he's smarter and gentler and sweeter. 除了他更聪明,温柔体贴
[00:06:55] I just wanna be with him all the time. 我只想整天和他厮守在一起
[00:06:58] You know,day and night. And night and day. 不管是白天或夜晚,还是夜晚或白天
[00:07:02] And special occasions. 还有特别的日子
[00:07:07] I see. You're gonna ask him to New Year's. 等等,我知道了 你邀他共渡新年,对不?
[00:07:10] -She's gonna break the pact. -No! No,no. -她想抛弃我们 -不!不,不
[00:07:14] No. Yeah,could I just? 不…对,我可以…
[00:07:19] -Yeah. I already asked Janice. -What? -好吧,因为我已约了珍妮丝 -什么?
[00:07:22] This was a pact! This was your pact! 这是一个约定!这是你们的约定!
[00:07:25] I couldn't handle the pressure. I snapped! 我耐不住寂寞,我毁约了
[00:07:28] But that was the worst breakup in history! 可是珍妮丝…你们的分手不是糟透了?
[00:07:31] I'm not saying it was a good idea. I snapped! 我没说这是个好主意,我毁约了
[00:07:36] Hi,sorry I'm late. 抱歉,我迟到了
[00:07:47] Too many jokes. 太滑稽了
[00:07:51] Must mock Joey. 快取笑乔伊
[00:07:55] Nice shoes,huh? 鞋子正点吧
[00:07:57] God,you're killing me! 我快笑死了
[00:08:01] Ross,he's playing with my spatulas again! 罗斯,它又玩我的铲子
[00:08:05] -He's not gonna hurt them,right? -Do you always have to bring him? -它又不会玩坏的 -你非得每次都带它来不可吗?
[00:08:11] I didn't wanna leave him alone. We had our first fight this morning. 我不想留下他一个人? 我们早上才吵了一架
[00:08:17] It has to do with my working late. I said some things that I didn't mean. 一定是我加班惹的祸 我说了不该说的话
[00:08:24] He threw some feces. 它就朝我扔一坨屎
[00:08:30] If you're working late, I can look in on him. 如果你必须加班,我可以替你照顾它
[00:08:33] That would be great! 这太好了
[00:08:35] But make sure it seems like you're there to see him. 如果你去照顾它, 要装成一付去找它的样子
[00:08:39] You're not doing it for me. 不能让它知道你是在帮我忙
[00:08:51] But you can't actually test this theory. 但我们仍无法测试这个理论
[00:08:54] T oday's particle accelerators aren't powerful enough... 因为今日粒子加速的速度
[00:08:58] -...to simulate these conditions. -I have a question then. -仍无法模拟出这样的情况 -好,我有个问题
[00:09:03] -Yeah? -Do you plan on kissing me ever? 你打算亲我吗?
[00:09:09] That's definitely a valid question, and the answer... 这是个正当而合理的问题 答案是…
[00:09:14] ...would be yes. Yes,I was. 答案是…是的.对,我曾想过
[00:09:22] But I wanted it to be this phenomenal kiss... 但我要让这非凡的吻…
[00:09:26] ...at a phenomenal moment because it's you. 发生在非凡的时刻,因为是你
[00:09:29] Sure. 当然
[00:09:35] Now,it's just gotta be one of those things where l... 而在此时此地,我想…
[00:09:39] ...sweep everything off the table. …扫去桌上的一切,将你丢在上面
[00:09:42] And I'm not really a sweeping sort of fella. 但我不是会扫去一切,那种猴急的男人
[00:09:45] David,I think you are a sweeping sort of fella. 大卫,我想你是
[00:09:50] I mean,you're a sweeper trapped inside a physicist's body. 你是被困在物理学家体内的猛男
[00:09:55] -Really? -I'm sure. -真的? -没错,我确定
[00:09:57] You should just do it. Just throw me. 你应该解放出来,把我丢上去吧
[00:10:03] -Now? -Yeah,right now. Just.... -现在? -对,现在
[00:10:05] Okay. Okay. Okay. 好.好.好
[00:10:10] You know what? This is really expensive. 这东西很贵的
[00:10:14] And this was a gift. 这个是人家送的
[00:10:17] -Now you' re just tidying up. -Okay. -你在清理场地? -好吧,管他的
[00:10:25] -You want me to throw you? -I can hop. -你想让我丢上去还是自己跳上去? -我自己跳好了
[00:10:44] T ell me something,what does " no-date pact" mean to you? 告诉我,“没有约会的约定”对你们有何意义?
[00:10:48] It's just that Chandler and Phoebe have somebody. 钱德有对象,菲比也有对象
[00:10:52] I thought I'd ask Fun Bobby. 所以我约了搞笑巴比
[00:10:57] -You know more than one Fun Bobby? -I happen to know a Fun Bob. -你还认识其他的搞笑巴比? -我认识搞笑巴伯
[00:11:03] -Okay. Here we go. -There's no room for milk. -来了 -太满了,我没法加牛奶了
[00:11:13] There. Now there is. 好了,这下可以了
[00:11:16] So on our no-date evening, three of you now have dates. 所以在这个没有约会的晚上,三人另有节目
[00:11:21] -Four. -Five. -四人 -五人
[00:11:24] Sorry. Paolo's catching an earlier flight. 抱歉,保罗提早搭飞机回来
[00:11:27] And I met this really hot single mom at the store. 而我在商场遇上—个火辣辣的单亲妈妈
[00:11:31] What's an elf to do? 我这个小精灵怎能抗拒?
[00:11:33] So I'll be the only one alone when the ball drops? 这么说球落下那一刻 我是唯一一个孤零零的家伙?
[00:11:38] We'll have a big party, and no one will know who's with who. 我们将举行盛大的派对 而且没人知道到底知道谁和谁
[00:11:42] I'll know. This is so not what I needed right now. 我知道,而且这不是我现在需要知道的
[00:11:46] -What's the matter? -Oh,it's Marcel. -你怎么了? -都是马修
[00:11:51] He's angry with me. I have no idea why. He keeps shutting me out. 它生我的气了 我不知道为什么 它一直不让我进门
[00:11:56] He's walking around all the time, dragging his hands. 它拖着双手不断绕圈子
[00:12:01] That's weird. I had a blast with him. 真是诡异 我前几天晚上还跟它相处愉快
[00:12:04] -Really? -We played,watched TV. -真的? -我们一起玩,看电视
[00:12:06] That juggling thing is amazing. 杂耍那一部份真是太精彩了
[00:12:12] What juggling thing? 什么杂耍?
[00:12:14] With the socks? I figured you taught him that. 拿袜子当球耍,我以为是你教它的
[00:12:18] No. 我没有
[00:12:21] It wasn't that big a deal. Just socks. And a melon. 这也不算什么,只是拿袜子罢了 还有一颗香瓜
[00:12:29] -Phoebe! -Max. Do you know everybody? -菲比 -马克斯,认识大家吗?
[00:12:32] No. Have you seen David? 不认识,你看见大卫吗?
[00:12:35] He hasn't been around. 没有,他没在这儿
[00:12:41] -Minsk? -Minsk. It's in Russia. -明斯克? -在苏联
[00:12:44] I know where Minsk is. 我知道明斯克在哪儿
[00:12:48] We got the grant. Three years,all expenses paid. 我们已申请到奖助金 全额赞助我们三年
[00:12:52] And if you're gonna do Minsk, that's the way to go. 如果你们去明斯克就是这样去的
[00:12:56] -So when do you leave? -January 1 st. -你们何时去明斯克 -元旦(新年第一天)
[00:13:07] -Hello? -What? Hey. Hi. -有人吗?
[00:13:12] -What are you doing here? -Max told me about Minsk. -你来这儿干什么? -马克斯告诉我明克斯的事了
[00:13:20] It'd be even more exciting if we were going. 能去的话会更叫人兴奋
[00:13:23] Oh,you're not going? Oh,why? 你不去了?为什么?
[00:13:27] T ell her. " I don't wanna go... 告诉她,“我不打算去…”
[00:13:29] ...to work with Lipson, Yamaguchi and Flank. …去和李本斯亚马古基与法朗克共事
[00:13:32] I wanna stay and make out with my girlfriend! " 我要留下来和我的女友培养感情
[00:13:36] Okay,thank you,Max. Thank you. 够了,马克斯,谢谢
[00:13:40] So you're really not going? 你真的不去?
[00:13:42] I don't know what I'm gonna do. I just.... 我也不知道,我只是…
[00:13:45] How can I leave you? I just found you. 我怎么能离开你?我才刚刚遇到你
[00:13:48] Oh,David. But what are you gonna do? 大卫.你决定怎么办?
[00:13:54] I don't know. You decide. 我不知道.你决定
[00:13:57] -Don't do that. -But l' m asking you. -别这样 -我是在求你
[00:14:00] -I can't make a decision. Just -Okay. Stay. -我不能那么做 -好吧,留下来
[00:14:06] -Stay. -Stay. -留下来 -留下来
[00:14:15] Getting so good at that! 你进步神速啊!
[00:14:19] It was Max's stuff. 这是麦克斯的东西
[00:14:29] I love this artichoke thing. 我喜欢菊芋
[00:14:32] Don't tell me what's in it. The diet starts tomorrow. 别告诉我里面是什么 我明天才开始节食
[00:14:40] You remember Janice. 记得珍妮丝?
[00:14:43] Vividly. 历历在目
[00:14:45] -How are you? -I am fantastic. -感觉怎么样? -我现在感觉…
[00:14:49] Now. …太奇妙了!
[00:14:52] It's amazing. We've been back together for what... 真的很奇妙.我们又一起回到了…
[00:14:56] -...Iike 1 0 minutes,and -ls that all? -…就像还有十分钟 -就这些?
[00:15:00] It's like we were never apart. 就好像我俩从来没有分开过一样
[00:15:06] Well,forget. 好的,忘记
[00:15:19] -Hi. -Hi,l' m Sandy. -Hi -Hi,我是珊蒂
[00:15:21] Sandy,hi. Come on in. 珊蒂,请进
[00:15:33] -You brought your kids. -Yeah. That's okay,right? -你把孩子都带来了 -对,可以吗?
[00:15:40] -Party! -That thing is not coming in here! -我来了! -这东西不可以进来
[00:15:44] This is how you greet guests? 东西?你都这样招呼客人吗?
[00:15:47] If I showed up with my new girlfriend, she wouldn't be welcome? 我问你,如果我带着新女友来 你也不欢迎她进来?
[00:15:52] Your new girlfriend wouldn't urinate on my coffee table. 你的新女友不会尿在我的咖啡桌上
[00:15:56] He was more embarrassed about that than anyone. 它已经够难为情了,行吗?
[00:16:02] And for him to have the courage to walk back in here... 它已鼓足勇气回到这里
[00:16:06] ...Iike nothing happened 就当一切都没发生过一样
[00:16:09] All right. All right. Just keep him away from me. 好,叫它离我远点就是了
[00:16:12] Thank you. Come on,Marcel. 谢谢.来,马修
[00:16:15] What do you say you and I mingle? 咱们去交际一下吧
[00:16:18] All right,I'll catch up with you later. 好吧,待会儿见
[00:16:28] Oh,my gosh! Rachel,honey,are you okay? 天啊,瑞秋,你没事吧?
[00:16:33] -Where's Paolo? -Rome. Jerk missed his flight. -保罗在哪儿? -罗马.那混蛋没赶上飞机
[00:16:39] And then your face exploded? 然后你的脸就爆炸了?
[00:16:42] No. 不是
[00:16:44] Okay. I was at the airport getting into a cab... 我在机场要进入计程车时
[00:16:48] ...when this woman,this blond planet with a pocketbook... 一个带着一本书的金发女人
[00:16:53] ...starts yelling. Something about how it was her cab first. 开始对我大叫,说是她先拦到的
[00:16:58] The next thing,she just starts pulling me out by my hair! 然后她就开始扯我的头发
[00:17:02] And I was blowing my attack whistle thingy... 我拿出口哨猛吹
[00:17:05] ...and three more cabs show up. 结果又来了三辆计程车
[00:17:08] So as I'm going to get into a cab, she tackles me! 我要进入车时,她又展开攻击
[00:17:13] And I hit my head on the curb and cut my lip on my whistle. 结果我撞上了马路牙子 嘴唇被口中的哨子弄伤
[00:17:22] Everybody having fun at the party? 大家玩得还愉快吧?
[00:17:26] -Are people eating my dip? -Yes. -有人吃我的泡菜吗 -有的
[00:17:34] There. 那里
[00:17:36] -That looks okay,right? -You went a bit wide on the lipstick. -这看起来还行,对不? -你唇膏涂的有点厚了
[00:17:41] -Oh,I did? -Yeah. -是吗? -有点
[00:17:43] It's hard for me to tell. My eye's closing up. 我很难看清楚,我眼睛肿起来了
[00:17:47] Let me get it for you. 我来给你画吧
[00:17:52] You know what? It looks fine. 你们觉得怎么样?看起来不错
[00:17:55] Okay,here we go. 好吧,我们出去吧
[00:17:58] Screw Paolo, screw the psycho cab lady. 去他的保罗,去他的心理变态计程车女人
[00:18:02] It's New Year's Eve. Let's have a good time. 这是新年前夜,我们过得开心点
[00:18:05] -Okay,here we go. -Okay. -ok,我们走吧 -ok
[00:18:07] All right,there you go. This way. 好吧,来,这边走
[00:18:11] Here you go. 这边走
[00:18:16] When I saw you at the store last week... 我上周在商场看见你时
[00:18:19] ...it was the first time I ever mentally undressed an elf. 那或许是我第一次想像裸体的小精灵
[00:18:26] -Wow,that's dirty. -Yeah. -真淫荡 -是的
[00:18:32] 孩子
[00:18:37] He doesn't have to spend the whole evening with me... 我没说他得整晚和我待在一起
[00:18:44] There you are! 原来你在这儿
[00:18:47] You got away from me. 你从我身边逃跑了
[00:18:50] -But you found me. -Here,Ross,take our picture. -但又被你逮到了 -罗斯,帮我们照一张
[00:18:54] Smile. You' re on Janice Camera. 笑一个,你在珍妮丝的相机中了
[00:19:05] Hi,l' m Rachel. hi,我叫瑞秋
[00:19:08] So whose friend are you? 你是谁的朋友啊?
[00:19:14] Look at me,spilling everywhere. 看看我,洒的到处都是
[00:19:19] Everybody,it's Fun Bobby! 各位,搞笑巴比来了
[00:19:25] Hey,sorry I'm late. But my grandfather... 抱歉,我迟到了.我祖父他
[00:19:28] ...died about two hours ago. 他在两小时前过世了
[00:19:30] But I couldn't get a flight out till tomorrow,so here I am. 明天才有飞机,所以我来了
[00:19:36] Hey,Fun Bobby! How's it going,man? Whoa! Who died? 搞笑巴比,近来可好?谁死了?
[00:19:46] It's gonna be an open casket, you know? 他棺材将暂时不盖上
[00:19:50] So at least I'll get to see him again. 所以我至少可以再见他最后一面
[00:19:57] Bobby? Fun Bobby? 巴比?搞笑巴比?
[00:20:04] I recently lost a grandparent myself... 我最近奶奶也刚刚去世了…
[00:20:07] ...so I really know exactly how you feel. 所以我很能体会你现在的感受
[00:20:10] But you' re really bringing the party down. 但是你确实把聚会的气氛弄得很糟
[00:20:18] There you go. There you go. 这就行了.这就行了
[00:20:21] I' m gonna blow this one up and write " Reunited " in glitter. 我要在上面哈口气,然后写上“破镜重圆”
[00:20:29] Janice. Janice. 珍妮丝…珍妮丝…
[00:20:31] Hey,Janice,when I invited you, I didn't think it meant 珍妮丝,我邀你来并不代表我们…
[00:20:36] Oh,no! 哦,不…
[00:20:43] I' m sorry you misunderstood. 抱歉,让你误会了
[00:20:46] You listen to me! You listen to me! 你听我说…你听我说…
[00:20:48] One of these times,it's just gonna be your last chance with me! 这可能是你我最后一次共处了
[00:20:55] Will you give me the thing? 那东西可以给我吗?
[00:21:00] -Hi,Max. -Yoko. -马克斯 -小野洋子
[00:21:08] I've decided to go to Minsk without you. 我决定自己去明斯克了
[00:21:12] -Wow. -lt won't be the same... -喔 -少了你将不太一样…
[00:21:16] ... but it will still be Minsk. Happy New Year. …但明斯克还是明斯克 新年快乐
[00:21:21] -Are you all right? -Yeah,l' m fine. I' m fine. -你还好吧? -没事,我没事,我没事
[00:21:30] Come on. 来
[00:21:34] -You' re going to Minsk. -No,l' m not going to Minsk. -你去明克斯吧 -不,我不去了
[00:21:38] You are so going to Minsk. 你一定要去明斯克
[00:21:40] You belong in Minsk. You can't stay here just for me. 你属于明斯克 你不能因为我而留下来
[00:21:44] If I go,I have to break up with you. 如果我走,就代表我必须与你分手
[00:21:47] -And I can't break up with you. -Yes,you can. -但我不能和你分手. -是的,你可以的
[00:21:50] Just say," Phoebe,I love you, but my work is my life. 只用说,“菲比,我爱你, 但是工作是我的生命”
[00:21:55] That's what I have to do. " “这是我必须做的.”
[00:21:57] And I say,"Your work? How can you say that? " 然后我说,“你的工作?你竟说出这种话?”
[00:22:02] Then you say," I have no choice. Can't you understand that? " 接着你说,“我没有选择. 难道你不了解吗?”
[00:22:07] And I say," No! No! I can't understand that! " 我说,“不!不!我不了解!”
[00:22:12] -Ow. -Sorry. -喔 -对不起
[00:22:15] And then you put your arms around me. 然后你抱住我…
[00:22:18] -Then you put your arms around me. -Oh,sorry. -然后你抱住我… -哦,对不起
[00:22:22] And then you tell me you love me and you'll never forget me. 然后你对我说你爱我 你永远不会忘记我
[00:22:27] I'll never forget you. 我永远不会忘记你
[00:22:31] Then you say that you have to go... 你又说现在已接近午夜,你必须走了
[00:22:45] I' m gonna miss you, you scientist guy. 我会想你的,科学家
[00:22:51] Hi,Dick Clark in Times Square. 我是迪克拉克 在时代广场为你做实况报导
[00:22:53] We're in a virtual snowstorm of confetti here in Times Square. 时代广场这儿的五彩纸片纷纷落下
[00:22:58] It gets better every.... 一年比一年进步
[00:23:00] Here you go,kids. 好好睡吧,孩子
[00:23:02] And then the peacock bit me. 然后孔雀就咬了我
[00:23:06] Please kiss me at midnight! 请在午夜吻我
[00:23:13] -You seen Sandy? -I don't know how to tell you this... -看见珊蒂没? -我不知该如何告诉你
[00:23:17] ... but she's in the bedroom getting it on with Max. 她和马克斯在摩妮卡的房里
[00:23:21] Oh,I did know how to tell you. 酷,你看我还是告诉你了
[00:23:25] -Hey,everybody,the ball is dropping. -What? -各位,大球要掉了 -什么?
[00:23:29] The ball is dropping! 大球要掉了
[00:23:34] In 20 seconds,it'll be midnight. 再过20秒钟就是午夜
[00:23:36] And the moment of joy is upon us. 兴奋的时刻即将到来
[00:23:40] Looks like that no-date pact worked out. 看起来没有约会的约定奏效了啊
[00:23:43] Everybody looks so happy. I hate that! 大家好像都很开心,我不喜欢
[00:23:46] Not everybody is happy. Hey,Bobby! 不是大家都开心,嘿,巴比
[00:23:48] four,three,two... 4…3…2…
[00:23:51] ...one! Happy New Year! …1!新年快乐
[00:23:56] I thought I'd throw this out. I' m no math whiz... 我这么说好了,我不是数学大师
[00:24:06] I don't feel like kissing anyone tonight. 今晚我不想亲任何人
[00:24:09] -I can't kiss anyone. -So,I'm kissing everyone? -我无法亲任何人 -我就该亲大家?
[00:24:13] No,you can't kiss Ross. That's your brother. 不,你不能亲罗斯,他是你哥
[00:24:17] So now everybody's getting kissed but me. 太好了,大家都亲,除我之外
[00:24:20] Somebody kiss me. 谁来亲我…
[00:24:21] Somebody kiss me! It's midnight! Somebody kiss me! 谁来亲我…现在是午夜… 谁来亲我…
[00:24:25] All right! All right! 好吧,来吧
[00:24:28] There! 这里!
[00:24:35] I wanted this to work so much. 我真的希望这样能够奏效
[00:24:39] I'm still in there. 我还在那里
[00:24:41] Changing his diapers. Picking his fleas. 替它换尿布,替它抓跳蚤
[00:24:44] But he's just phoning it in. 但它却视为理所当然
[00:24:48] It's hard that something you love so much doesn't love you back. 深爱某人却得不到回报 真是令人难过
[00:24:54] I think that bitch cracked my tooth. 我想那个贱人打断了我的牙齿
- Friends S01E08
- Friends S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
- Friends S04E14 The One With Joeys Dirty Day
- Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos
- Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus
- Friends S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
- Friends S04E09 The One Where They’re Going To Party
- Friends S01E07
- Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
- Friends S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
- 相信无限 [林俊杰]
- Renunciar A Ti [Yahir]
- Skyscrapers [Deodato]
- 我们的美好时代 [王丽达]
- Landslide(Lonely For The First Time Album Version) [Seven Places]
- Solitude [Pat Boone]
- Dor De Cotovelo [Elis Regina]
- Let That Jukebox Keep on Playing(Remaster) [Carl Perkins]
- Everything You Did [Steely Dan]
- Real Love [Tom Odell]
- I Wish You Love [Al Martino]
- Somebody to Love (Originally Performed by Justin Bieber) [Karaoke Version] [Super Mega Songsters]
- Break Your Heart [Superstars of Summer]
- Think I’ll Go Somewhere And Cry Myself To Sleep [Al Martino]
- Summer Girls [Lyte Funkie Ones]
- Stevenson: The Last Rose of Summer [Joan Sutherland&London Sy]
- Gershwin: Porgy and Bess / Act 1 - My man’s gone now [John Mauceri&Nashville Sy]
- 熏衣草 [Ashia]
- Heut’ ist mein Tag(Radio Mix) [Blumchen]
- Voce E Eu [Joao Gilberto]
- The Last Thing I Do(Explicit) [Omar Kadir]
- 带着情歌去流浪 [龙梅子]
- 凉凉-钢琴版(原唱:杨宗纬/张碧晨) [Ciky]
- Words Of Love [Buddy Holly]
- Crown [Grey&Camila Cabello]
- Speak Low [The Elegants]
- 魔 [MC杨小浪]
- Chegou O Verao (Reggaeton Beat) [Motiro]
- Love(伴奏) [LeeJungWoo]
- 南海姑娘 [佚名]
- I’m Putting All My Eggs In One Basket [Louis Armstrong]
- Sleigh Ride [Carole King]
- Hustle Hard [张千C.Jam]
- Night [Jackie Wilson]
- Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams [Gogi Grant]
- Moon And I [Jessye Norman]
- Put It On Me [DJ Quik]
- Cotton Eye Joe [90s PlayaZ]
- 去飞 [郭峰]
- Don’t Turn Me Away [Gladys Knight and The Pip]
- 相信梦想(合唱版) [章子怡&张笑颜&李根]