《Friends S01E15》歌词

[00:00:02] Coffee. 咖啡
[00:00:04] -Thank you. -Cappuccino. -谢谢 -卡布其诺
[00:00:07] And a nice,hot cider for Monica. 摩妮卡的热苹果酒
[00:00:10] Thank you. 谢谢
[00:00:13] Rach,why does my cinnamon stick have an eraser? 瑞秋,为何我的肉桂棒上有橡皮擦?
[00:00:20] That's why. 这就是原因,
[00:00:23] Sorry. 对不起
[00:00:27] The One With The Stoned Guy 六人行 第1季 第15集 大麻客
[00:01:21] Chandler? 钱德
[00:01:23] Miss Tedlock,you look lovely today. 泰洛克小姐,你今天真漂亮
[00:01:26] That is a very flattering sleeve length on you. 我能说这件衣服真好看吗?
[00:01:32] Mr. Costilick would like you to stop by his office today. 科斯特.力克先生希望你在下班后 能到他办公室去
[00:01:36] If it's about those prank memos, I wasn't involved. 如果他是为搞笑备忘录 不是我干的,
[00:01:40] Nothing at all. Really. 和我完全没有关系.真的.
[00:01:45] And frankly,those shenanigans have no place in an office environment. 弗兰克,办公室里没有地方容纳这些恶作剧.
[00:01:57] Hey,you guys! 各位,
[00:01:58] Chandler's coming and he has incredible news. 钱德说他有天大的好消息
[00:02:01] So when he gets here, let's all act,like,you know 所以他来的时候我们就……
[00:02:09] What's going on? 到底怎么了…
[00:02:11] So it's a typical day at work... 今天和平常没什么两样
[00:02:14] ...and Big Al tells me he wants to make me processing supervisor. 然后艾尔叫我到他办公室 说他要我当电脑处理的主管
[00:02:19] -That is great! -Congratulations! -真是太好了 -恭喜...
[00:02:21] So I quit. 所以我就辞职不干了
[00:02:24] Why? 为什么?
[00:02:26] Why? This was a temp job. 为什么?因为这只是暂时的工作
[00:02:28] Chandler,you've been there for five years. 钱德,你已在公司五年了
[00:02:31] I know,but if I took it,I'd be admitting that this is what I do. 我知道,但接受升职 不就承认这就是我的目的
[00:02:41] That was Joey Tribbiani with the big picture. Dan? 那是有大照片的乔伊.丹?
[00:02:45] Was it more money? 这那不是能赚更多钱?
[00:02:46] Doesn't matter. I just don't want to be a guy who sits in his office... 我不在乎,我不想成为 坐在办公室到午夜
[00:02:51] ...worrying about the WENUS. 担心"WEENUS"的人
[00:02:56] The "WENUS"? "WENUS"?
[00:02:57] Weekly estimated net usage system. It's a processing term. "每周估计净值使用系统" 这是电脑处理的术语
[00:03:02] Oh,that WENUS. 哦,那个是"WENUS"啊
[00:03:05] What will you do? 你有何打算?
[00:03:07] I don't know. But I won't figure it out working there. 我也不知道该怎么办 我只知道我不会再待在那儿工作了
[00:03:11] I have something you can do! 我有一份你可以做的工作
[00:03:14] I have this new massage client,Steve. 我的新按摩客户史蒂芬
[00:03:18] Anyway,he's opening up a restaurant... 他开了一家餐厅
[00:03:21] ...and he's looking for a head chef. 他正在寻找总厨师
[00:03:26] -Hi,there. -Hi. -你好 -你好.
[00:03:29] I know. You're a chef and I thought of you first. 我知道你是个厨师,而且我先想到你
[00:03:33] But Chandler's the one who needs a job right now,so.... 但钱德目前没有工作所以...
[00:03:38] I just don't have a lot of chef-ing experience. 我没有太多厨师的经验
[00:03:41] Unless it's an all-toast restaurant. 除非那是一家只卖土司的餐厅
[00:03:45] What is he looking for? 他想要什么菜色?
[00:03:47] He wants to do something eclectic. 他想要菜色丰富多变
[00:03:50] He's looking for someone who can create the entire menu. 因此他在找一个能创造出整个菜单的人
[00:03:54] So,what do you think? 意下如何?
[00:03:58] Thanks. I just don't see myself in a big,white hat. 谢了.我大概没资格戴白色大帽吧(无法胜任)
[00:04:04] Oh,Monica! Guess what? 摩妮卡,考虑考虑?
[00:04:09] a perfect run-up and there he goes,a perfect.... 一个完美的积累,然后就自然而然出现了,完美的
[00:04:13] Watch stuff like this... 看看这个
[00:04:15] ...and you realize why evolution is just a theory. 你就知道为什么变革仅仅是理论上的事情了.
[00:04:23] Can you see my nipples through this shirt? 你能透过衬衫看见我的乳头吗?
[00:04:28] No,but don't worry. I'm sure they're still there. 看不见,但别担心,它们还在
[00:04:33] Where are you going? 你要上哪儿去,西装笔挺先生?
[00:04:34] I have an appointment with Dr. Robert Pilman,career counselor-a-go-go! 我和罗伯提曼博士有约,求职顾问阿哥哥
[00:04:41] -I added the "a-go-go." -Career counselor? -阿哥哥是我加的 -求职顾问?
[00:04:44] You guys all know what you want to do. 你们都已找到人生的方向
[00:04:49] You guys in the living room all know what you want to do. 在客厅里的各位 全都知道未来该怎么走
[00:04:53] You have goals. You have dreams. I don't have a dream! 你们有目标,有梦想, 但我却没有梦想
[00:04:57] The lesser-known "I Don't Have a Dream" speech. 少见的“我没有梦想”演说
[00:05:05] "Brian's Song"! 布莱恩的歌
[00:05:10] -The meeting went great? -So great! -见面的结果如何? -相当顺利
[00:05:13] He showed me where the restaurant's gonna be. 他告诉我未来餐厅的位置
[00:05:16] It's not too big or too small. It's just right. 就在第十街不太大也不太小, 大小适中
[00:05:20] Was it formerly owned by a blond woman and some bears? 前任老板是金发女人和几只熊吗?
[00:05:24] I'm cooking for him Monday, kind of an audition. 周一我们要煮一餐让他品尝 有点像是面试
[00:05:28] Phoebe,he wants you here. It's great. You can make yummy noises. 菲比,他也要你在场 这样对我有好处 因为你可以发出好吃的赞叹声
[00:05:33] -What are you gonna make? -Yummy noises. -你打算做什么? -好吃的声音.
[00:05:37] -And Monica,what are you gonna make? -I don't know. It's gotta be great. 摩妮卡,你要做什么菜? 我也不知道,但一定会很棒的
[00:05:42] I know what you can make! I know! 我知道你可以做什么了!
[00:05:45] You should make that thing with the stuff. 你应该用那些东西做这个.
[00:05:49] You know that thing with the stuff? 你知道用那些东西做的这个?
[00:05:54] Okay,I don't know. 好吧,我也不知道
[00:05:57] Anyone know a good date place in the neighborhood? 各位,谁知道附近有约会的绝佳地点?
[00:06:01] How about Tony's? If you finish a 32-ounce steak,it's free. 东尼餐厅如何?吃下32盎斯的牛排就免费
[00:06:09] Anyone know a good place if you're not dating a puma? 谁知道和美洲豹约会,哪儿是好地点?
[00:06:13] -Who are you going out with? -ls this the bug lady? -你要和谁约会? -是昆虫女?
[00:06:17] "I love you,Ross." 我爱你,罗斯
[00:06:21] Her name is Celia and she's insect curator at the museum. 她叫希莉亚,不是昆虫女 她是昆虫博物馆的主任
[00:06:27] -What are you gonna do? -Go out to dinner... -你们打算如何共渡? -出去吃晚餐
[00:06:31] ...then bring her back to my place and introduce her to my monkey. 然后带她回我的住处 介绍我的猴子给她认识
[00:06:37] And he's not speaking metaphorically. 他没用暗示
[00:06:42] So back to your place? You thinking maybe.... 回你的住处?你想...
[00:06:52] I'm hoping.... 我希望…
[00:06:58] She'll take one look at his cute, little face and it'll seal the deal. 她看见它那毛绒绒可爱的小脸 然后一切就搞定
[00:07:05] Celia,don't worry. He's not gonna hurt you! 希莉亚,别担心,它不会伤害你的
[00:07:09] Soothing tones. 用安抚的语调
[00:07:12] -Here,Marcel. -I can't stand this. -过来,马修 -我受不了了.
[00:07:16] -He's got his claws on my -Yeah,all right. -它的爪子在我的 -乖..
[00:07:27] Okay,try this salmon mousse. 试试这鲑鱼慕斯
[00:07:31] Good. 好吃
[00:07:33] Is it better than the other salmon mousse? 比其他的鲑鱼慕斯好吃?
[00:07:36] -It's creamier. -Yeah? Well,is that better? -更滑更柔 -是吗?这样更好?
[00:07:40] I don't know. We're talking about whipped fish. 我不知道.我们在谈一条搅成泡沫的鱼
[00:07:44] I'm just happy I'm keeping it down. 我能不吐出来就已经不错了
[00:07:53] God,what happened to you? 天啊,你怎么了?
[00:07:58] ...intelligence tests,personality tests,and what do I learn? 智力测验,个性测验,我了解了什么?
[00:08:03] "You're suited for data processing for a large multinational corporation." 你适合在大型跨国公司 资料处理部门方面发展
[00:08:09] That's so great! You already know how to do that. 这太好了 因为你已知道该如何做
[00:08:13] Can you believe it? 你们能相信吗?
[00:08:15] Don't I seem like I should be doing something cool? 我不像是做那种酷工作的人吗?
[00:08:18] I just always pictured myself doing something.... 我总是想像自己能做点事情
[00:08:23] Something! 事情!
[00:08:24] Chandler,I know,I know. 钱德,我知道
[00:08:28] Hey,you can see your nipples through this shirt. 嗨,你可以透过你的衬衫 看自己的乳头
[00:08:35] Maybe this will cheer you up. 这个或许能让你开心点
[00:08:38] I had a grape about five hours ago, so I better split this with you. 5小时前我吃了一颗葡萄 所以我最好该和你平分
[00:08:44] It's supposed to be small. It's a pre-appetizer. 它本来就应该那么小 这是餐前开胃菜
[00:08:47] The French call it an amuse-bouche. 法国人称它为“阿姆兹布许”
[00:08:53] Well,it is amusing. 这简直是太神奇了
[00:09:03] Hi,Wendy. Yeah,8:00. 温蒂,对,八点
[00:09:07] What did we say,$10 an hour? 我们不是说过吗?每小时十块
[00:09:10] Okay,great. All right,I'll see you then. 很好,再见了
[00:09:14] -$10 an hour for what? -A waitress from work is helping me. -什么每小时十块? -我请餐厅里的女服务生帮忙
[00:09:19] Waitressing? 服务生?
[00:09:24] Of course I thought of you. But.... 当然我考虑过你.但...
[00:09:28] -But.... -But,but.... -但是… -但是什么?
[00:09:32] But it's just this night has to go just perfect,you know? 但是这今晚一定要做到完美,你知道吗?
[00:09:37] Wendy's more of a professional waitress. 温蒂的经验丰富,是个职业服务生
[00:09:52] I don't mean to brag,but I waited tables at lnnsbruck in '76. 我不想自吹自擂 但我在76年的因斯布鲁克当过服务生
[00:09:59] Took home a bronze. 带回家一块铜牌.
[00:10:04] Amuse-bouche? 阿姆兹-布许?
[00:10:23] Talk to me. 和我说话
[00:10:29] A weird thing happened on the train this morning 早上我坐地铁时 发生了一件诡异的事
[00:10:33] Talk dirty. 说猥亵的话
[00:10:39] -Here? -Come on. Come on. -这里? -对.
[00:10:43] Say something hot. 说点火辣的
[00:10:48] What? What? 什么?什么?
[00:10:56] Vulva. 外阴.
[00:11:11] Vulva? 外阴?
[00:11:14] I panicked,all right? She took me by surprise. 我当时好害怕,她吓了我一跳
[00:11:19] But it wasn't a total loss. We ended up cuddling. 但并未完全失去自我.我们以爱抚收场
[00:11:23] You cuddled? How many times? 爱抚?几次?
[00:11:27] Shut up. It was nice. 闭嘴,那种感觉好好
[00:11:30] I don't think I'm a dirty-talking kind of guy. 我不是那种讲猥亵话的人
[00:11:33] Just say what you wanna do to her. Or what you want her to do to you. 你只要说出你想对她如何 或是你想她对你如何
[00:11:38] Or what other people might be doing to each other. 或是别人想对彼此如何
[00:11:41] I'll tell you what. Try something on me. 这样吧,对我说吧
[00:11:47] Please be kidding. 开什么玩笑
[00:11:51] Why not? 有何不可,
[00:11:53] Just close your eyes and tell me what you'd like to be doing right now. 只要闭上眼睛告诉我 现在你想干什么
[00:12:04] I'm in my apartment.... 好吧…我在我的住处
[00:12:07] -Yeah,what else? -You're not there. -然后呢? -你不在那里.
[00:12:10] -We're not having this conversation. -All right,I'll start. Ready? -我们在进行这样的谈话 -好的,我要开始了,准备好了吗?
[00:12:16] Oh,Ross... 噢,罗斯
[00:12:20] ...you get me so hot. I want your lips on me now. 你让我欲火焚身, 我要你舔我
[00:12:29] -Now you say something. -I really don't think so. -该你了 -我看还是算了吧
[00:12:33] You like this woman,right? You wanna see her again,right? 你喜欢她吧?想再见到她吗?
[00:12:38] If you can't talk dirty to me, how will you talk dirty to her? 如果你无法对我说出狠亵的话 你如何对她说呢?
[00:12:42] Now tell me you wanna caress my butt! 说你想爱抚我的屁股
[00:12:48] Okay,turn around. 好吧,转过去
[00:12:51] I don't want you staring at me. 我不想你盯著我看
[00:12:54] All right,I'm not looking. Go ahead. 好吧,我不看,说吧
[00:12:57] Okay. Ok.
[00:13:05] ...to feel your hot,soft skin with my lips. 用我的双唇感觉你那光滑的皮肤
[00:13:10] There you go. IKeep going,keep going. 这就对了,继续
[00:13:19] I want to take my tongue and 我要用我的舌头…
[00:13:31] Say it. 快说啊
[00:13:36] Say it! 快说
[00:13:38] run it all over your body... 舔遍你的全身
[00:13:43] ... until you're trembling with 直到你颤抖…
[00:14:05] With? 然后呢?
[00:14:08] -Funny story. -You're not gonna believe this. -真好笑 -你不会相信的
[00:14:12] I was always rooting for you two kids to get together. 我一向赞成你们两个小子交往
[00:14:19] -The trembling thing was nice. -Shut up! -颤抖那一段不错 -闭嘴!
[00:14:22] That guy from your old job called again. 你睡觉时老东家又打电话来
[00:14:26] -Again? -And again and again and again. -又打来? -一遍又一遍.
[00:14:35] And again. 又打来了
[00:14:37] Hey,Mr. Costilick. How's life on the 1 5th floor? 科先生,15楼的情况如何?
[00:14:42] Yeah,I miss you too. 我也想念你.
[00:14:44] It's a lot less satisfying to steal pens from your own home. 对,偷家里的笔不够刺激
[00:14:50] That's very generous. But this isn't about the money. 你真慷慨,但这不是钱的问题
[00:14:54] I need more than a job. I need something I really care ab 我需要的不只是一份工作 我要的是我真正想要的
[00:14:59] That's on top of the year-end bonus? 这是你稍早提过的年终红利之外的津贴?
[00:15:02] Your dream! 你的梦想…
[00:15:04] Look,Al,I'm not playing hardball here,okay? 艾尔,我不是在故意为难你
[00:15:07] This is not a negotiation. This is a rejection! 这不是交涉,这叫拒绝
[00:15:13] Stop saying numbers! 不,别再讲数字了
[00:15:14] I'm telling you, you've got the wrong guy! 告诉你,你看错人了
[00:15:18] I'll see you Monday! 星期一见
[00:15:39] This is a cube! 这是一个格间!
[00:15:42] Look at this. 看这里.
[00:15:47] You have a window! 你有窗户!
[00:15:50] Yes,indeed-y. With a beautiful view of 没错,还有美丽的风…
[00:15:53] Look! That guy's peeing! 看,有人在小便
[00:15:57] That's enough of the view. Check this out. 风景看够了,看这个
[00:16:01] Okay,sit down here. 坐下
[00:16:03] This is great. 这个最酷,
[00:16:06] -You ready? -Yeah. -准备好没? -好了
[00:16:09] Helen,could you come in here? 海伦,能进来一下吗?
[00:16:17] Thank you,Helen. That'll be all. 谢谢你,海伦,没事了
[00:16:20] Last time I do that. I promise. 最后一次了,我保证
[00:16:28] -She doesn't seem very warm. -I know. She has no personality. -她看起来不怎么热情 -我知道.她没有个性.
[00:16:37] Wendy,don't do this to me. 温蒂,不要这样对我.
[00:16:40] We had a deal. Yeah,you promised. 我们约好的.你答应过我
[00:16:51] -Who was that? -Wendy bailed. -那是谁? -叛徒温蒂
[00:16:56] I have no waitress. 我没服务生了
[00:16:59] That's too bad. Bye-bye. 真是太糟糕了.再见
[00:17:04] Ten dollars an hour! Twelve dollars an hour! 一小时十元!一小时十二元!
[00:17:08] I wish I could,but I've made plans to walk around. 我希望可以 但我已经计划好去走走
[00:17:13] When you ran out on your wedding, I was there. 你逃婚之后我一直关心你
[00:17:16] I put a roof over your head! If that means nothing.... 我让你有地方住 如果这样对你仍毫无意义…
[00:17:21] Twenty dollars an hour. 一小时二十元
[00:17:24] Done. 成交
[00:17:32] Hello. Welcome to Monica's. May I take your coat? 欢迎光临摩尼卡的厨房 我能拿你的外套吗?
[00:17:39] -Hi,Steve. -Hello,Monica. -史帝夫 -摩妮卡
[00:17:41] Hello,greeter girl. 招待小姐
[00:17:44] -This is Rachel. -Yeah,okay. -她叫瑞秋 -好的,
[00:17:51] I can't remember ever smelling such a delicious combination of 我早已忘记这种…
[00:17:55] Okay,smells. 香味
[00:17:58] -It's a lovely apartment. -Thank you. Would you like a tour? -这房子真漂亮 -谢谢,想参观一下吗?
[00:18:03] I was just being polite, but all right. 我只是客套一下,但,好吧
[00:18:09] -What's up? -ln the cab on the way over... -怎么了? -他坐计程车来时
[00:18:12] ...Steve blazed up a doobie. 燃了一根草
[00:18:16] What? 什么?
[00:18:17] Smoked a joint,you know? Lit a bone. Weed,hemp,ganja 抽了一根大麻… 好了,我懂
[00:18:23] I'm with you,Cheech. 我和你在一起,cheech.
[00:18:27] -Do you think he's gonna be cool? -ls it dry in here? -你认为他会冷静吗? -这里很干燥吗?
[00:18:34] Let me get you some wine. 我来为你倒杯酒
[00:18:37] I think we're ready for our first course too. 我们可以上第一道菜了
[00:18:42] These are rock shrimp ravioli in a cilantro ponzu sauce... 这些是石虾小方饺
[00:18:47] ...with just a touch of minced... 芫萎调味酱加上一点点…
[00:18:55] ...ginger. 碎姜
[00:18:57] Well,smack my ass and call me Judy! 打我屁股叫我朱蒂
[00:19:03] -These are fantastic! -Gosh! I'm so glad you liked them. -真是太好吃了 -我真高兴你喜欢
[00:19:08] Like them? I could eat 100 of them! 喜欢?我可以吃下上百个
[00:19:13] That's all there is of these... 只有这一些
[00:19:19] "Tartlets"? 馅饼...
[00:19:21] "Tartlets." 馅饼...
[00:19:24] "Tartlets." 馅饼...
[00:19:27] Word has lost all meaning. 文字都已失去意义
[00:19:36] Excuse me. Can I help you with anything? 请问需要任何帮忙吗?
[00:19:39] You know,I don't know what I'm looking for. 你看,我也不知道自己在找什么
[00:19:58] Cool! Taco shells! 酷,墨西哥馅饼
[00:20:02] They're like a little corn envelope,you know? 这个就像是玉米卷
[00:20:11] You know,if you just wait another 6 1 /2 minutes 再等6分钟半
[00:20:14] Macaroni and cheese! We gotta make this! 乾酪通心面!我们要做这个
[00:20:22] -No,we don't. -Oh,okay. -不,我们不做 -哦,好吧.
[00:20:27] Sorry. 抱歉
[00:20:32] Why don't you just have a seat here? 我们何不坐这儿
[00:20:40] -Give me the gummy bears. -No. -小熊软糖给我 -不
[00:20:46] -Give them to me. -We'll share. -把他给我 -好吧,分你一半
[00:20:49] -No. Give me the bears. -You can't have any. -小熊给我 -你不能全部抢走
[00:20:52] It's not worth it! 这样不值得!
[00:20:55] Bears overboard! They're drowning! 小熊落水了,他们快淹死了
[00:20:59] Don't just stand there. Call 9-1 -1. 不要站在那里.打9-1-1.
[00:21:03] Hey,fellas,grab onto a Sugar-O! Save yourselves! 嗨,伙计们,抓住糖欧逃命啊!
[00:21:07] Help! Help,I'm drowning! 救命啊....我淹水了
[00:21:12] -That's it! Dinner is over! -What! Why? -我受够了,晚餐结束 -什么?为什么?
[00:21:16] Why? What if I came into your office and I started...? 什么?试想一下我到你的办公室然后开始...?
[00:21:21] I can't think of an example. 我想不出一个合适的例子.
[00:21:23] I've waited seven years for an opportunity like this... 这机会我已等了七年
[00:21:27] ...and you can't wait 4 1 /2 minutes for a tartlet? 而你却等不了四分半钟之后 再吃洋葱馅饼
[00:21:39] So I told him, "I'm sorry. That's how I feel." 所以我跟他说, "对不起.这就是我的感受."
[00:21:42] And he told me I harsh-ed his buzz. 他居然说我声音太刺耳搞得他耳朵嗡嗡叫
[00:21:47] Then I said,"Don't eat that. It's a kitchen magnet." 然后我说,"别吃这个,这是厨房磁铁"
[00:21:52] And he didn't listen, so we left him in the emergency room. 结果他不听,我们只好把他留在急救室了.
[00:21:57] -Mon,I'm sorry. -What a tool. -摩尼卡,对不起 -真是个王八蛋
[00:22:02] -You did the right thing. -You don't wanna work for that guy. -你做的很对 -你不会想为那种人工作的
[00:22:07] I just thought that this was it. 我以为我的机会来了
[00:22:10] -Don't worry. You're an amazing chef. -Those yummy noises? I wasn't faking. -不要担心.你是个了不起的厨师 -记得那些赞美的声音?我不是装的
[00:22:17] Am I gonna get paid for the full three hours? 我能拿到全时三小时工资吗?
[00:22:20] Just a question. We'll talk about it later. 只是一个问题而已.我们以后再说.
[00:22:28] So,how did it go with Celia? 和希莉亚的状况如何?
[00:22:31] -I was unbelievable. -All right,Ross! -我简直是太神了 -干得好,罗斯!
[00:22:36] I was the James Michener of dirty talk. 我就像是詹姆斯密奇尼一样满口狠亵的话
[00:22:39] It was the most elaborate filth ever heard. 天下最具巧思的猥亵话
[00:22:42] I mean,there were characters, plot lines,themes,a motif. 有人物,剧情,主题
[00:22:47] At one point,there were villagers. 其中一段的主角是村夫与村姑
[00:22:52] And? 然后呢?
[00:22:54] By the time we finished all the dirty talk... 猥亵话讲完后已经很晚了
[00:22:58] ...it was late and we were exhausted 而且我们也已精疲力竭所以…
[00:23:01] -You cuddled. -Yeah,which was nice. -你们爱抚? -那种感觉好好
[00:23:04] Do you guys want to try to catch a late movie? 你们想看晚场电影吗?
[00:23:08] -Shouldn't we wait for Chandler? -Where the hell is he? -或许吧,但我们不是该等钱德? -他到底跑哪儿去了?
[00:23:12] I know what time it is... 我知道现在几点
[00:23:14] ...but I'm looking at the WENUS and I'm not happy! 但我看着WENUS而且我相当不高兴
[00:23:18] Let me tell you something. 真的?告诉你吧
[00:23:20] You will care about it because I care about it. Got it? Good! 你会在乎是因为我在乎,明白了吗?很好!
[00:23:42] Sorry. How about over here? 不好意思,这边那?
[00:23:45] That means it's working. 这就说明有效果了.
[00:23:47] -Does this hurt? -No. -痛不痛? -不痛.
[00:23:52] There you go! 爽啦!
[00:24:01] I'm gonna throw up! 爽呆了!!
- Friends S01E08
- Friends S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
- Friends S04E14 The One With Joeys Dirty Day
- Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos
- Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus
- Friends S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
- Friends S04E09 The One Where They’re Going To Party
- Friends S01E07
- Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
- Friends S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
- 士兵的桂冠 [蔡国庆]
- Barbra Streisand Vs Marylin Monroe Club Mix [Boney M.]
- Ran For Miles [Gemma Hayes]
- Breathless [Jimmy Page]
- Mean Old World [Sam Cooke]
- ツマビクヒトリ [Nano.RIPE]
- Et Ess, Wie’t Ess(Plugged Version; Radio Edit) [BAP]
- A Flor De Piel Y Alma [Sergio Dalma]
- My Love For You [Smokey Robinson and the M]
- Chandelier [Sia]
- 第九夜 [CoCo李玟]
- You & Me [Wahlstedt]
- 激情另类连麦 [歌者小天&子祥]
- 夜空(修复版) [叶瑷菱]
- 雪の别れ(ジャイアントステップスヴァージョン) [大江千里]
- Quelque part dans la nuit [Charles Aznavour]
- Out Tonight [Musical Cast Recording&Or]
- Over [All-Star Workout Buddy]
- Lílian [Nilton Cesar]
- Delirium(Album Version) [Lena Philipsson]
- Prophets Of Rage(Explicit) [Prophets Of Rage]
- Scars On This Guitar(Live From The London Palladium) [Bon Jovi]
- Gotta Have Me Go With You [So What!]
- Here Comes That Rainy Day Fee [The Fortunes]
- We Got the Party(Karaoke Version In the Style of Miley Cyrus) [Charttraxx Karaoke]
- 爱のTWILIGHT TIME [山口百恵]
- 情到深处 [红蔷薇]
- L’Ultima Risposta [Subsonica]
- You Gimme Love(Corrado Cori From Co & Gio Remix) [Joan Beck]
- êm Lnh [Cao Thai Son]
- Farfalle [Domenico Modugno]
- Begin Again [Aggerbk]
- 后来才知道,我的印尼爸爸度过了怎样的一生 [故事FM]
- L’eau à la bouche(Remastered) [Serge Gainsbourg]
- 勇者无惧 [郑少秋]
- dj(超重低音迪斯科 aa) [纯音乐]
- 我是真的爱你 [张信哲]
- 最幸福的人 (Dj Sally华 Remix) [DJ Sally华]
- Alright [Megan Nicole]
- 酒杯里都是泪 [蔡俊涛]